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There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight
Quackenbush, Robert
New verses are added to an old song describing the Chicago Fire of 1871 The story blames a cow for starting the fire.

A regular rolling noah
Lyon, George Ella
A young boy is hired to be a helping hand with the farm animals during a move. On a train, he tells of his travels from Kentucky to Canada.

Hattie and the fox
Fox, Mem
Hattie the hen sees a fox approaching her and the other animals. The fox attacks, and the cow scares the fox away with a loud moo. Then, the animals are silent for a long time.

Lionni, Leo
While the other mice are gathering corn, nuts, wheat and straw for the winter, Frederick gathers sun rays, colors, and words. The other mice think that Frederick is lazy, but during the long winter days, his words warm the other mice.

Conrad's castle
Shecter, Ben
Conrad builds a castle even though his friends are trying to do other things. The castle collapses so Conrad decides to rebuild it. Again, his friends try to get him to do other things, but Conrad completes his castle which stands this time.

Mouse soup
Lobel, Arnold
A mouse tricks a weasel into getting some ingredients he needs from other stories to make a delicious mouse soup.

I want a dog
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
When her parents refuse to get her a dog, May creates an imaginary dog out of a roller skate.

If i ran the zoo
Seuss, Dr.
Young Gerald McGraw goes through the different changes he would make if her ran the zoo. He would add many new kinds of animals. Then everyone would think that he is the best zookeeper ever.

Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
A young girl will not go to sleep. She knows that people sleep other places and proceeds to go through them all. By the time she finishes, she is asleep herself.

Do not open
Turkle, Brinton
Miss Moody lives by the sea with her cat, Captain Kidd. She loves to collect objects left on the beach after a storm. One day she finds a bottle that says do not open. She opens it up and finds a terrible monster. She defeats the monster through quick thinking.

Tillie and the wall
Lionni, Leo
Unlike the other mice, Tillie has always been curious about the wall they live next to. She imagines what could be on the other side of the wall and is determined to find out .

George and martha back in town
Marshall, James
A series of stories about seven hippos who are best friends. The story depicts the trials and tribulations of their friendship.

Curious george
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, an African monkey, becomes quite adventurous as he travels on boats, to zoos, and many other places. After taking in the sights and getting into mischief, George is captured and must live at the zoo.

Fox in love
Marshall, Edward
Fox falls in love with many girls. He goes to the fair with each of them, but pretty soon they all find out he has other girlfriends. Because all of the girls are upset, he has to enter the dance contest with his sister and they win second place.

Eeny meeny miney mole
Yolen, Jane
Eeny, Meeny, and Miney Mole live life underground and they have no idea what life up above is like. One day, Eeny burrows up above ground and discovers day, night, light, darkness, and the four seasons.

The lorax
Seuss, Dr.
Trees are being destroyed in a small town and the lorax tries to stop the business that uses the trees to make clothes. Finally, all the trees are gone and the animals are dying, so a young boy decides to plant trees all over town.

Little runner of the longhouse
Baker, Betty
Little Runner pretends that he is grown up like the other men of the tribe. He pretends to hunt and trade like his elders.

Beneath the ghost moon
Yolen, Jane
A colony of mice take revenge on the creepy-crawlers who tear up their Halloween costumes. They scare these mean creatures out of the farmyard so that they can live together in peace.

Ormondroyd, Edward
Broderick, the mouse, is determined to be famous, so he goes against his friends advice and becomes a famous surfer.

The diary of a church mouse
Oakley, Graham
Humphrey, a church mouse, makes a New Year's Resolution to write the story of his life. Instead he keeps a journal because he would not know what happens in the last chapter.

Where can elephant hide?
McPhail, David
The elephant hates hide and seek because he can never find a place to hide. All of his animal friends try and try to find him a hiding place just in time to dodge the hunters.

Just another ordinary day
Clement, Rod
Amanda does not have ordinary days!She straps on wings to fly downstairs to breakfast and is driven to school by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Once at school, she eats a gourmet lunch served by a butler. After school, Amanda's mom picks her up on an elephant and takes her home to her pet lion. In the end, Amanda needs a lot of sleep because it has been just another ordinary day.

Oma and baba
Schwartz, Amy
It is Alice's birthday and her mom promises her a dog. She choses one dog, but the dog refuses to listen. They put the dog in obedience school. Another dog teaches Baba how to howl.

Juan and the asuangs
Aruego, Jose
Juan lives in a jungle. One day while Juan is napping, his carabao wanders into the jungle. In the jungle, Juan comes across many Asuangs.

Where's spot?
Hill, Eric
Spot has not come to dinner so Spot's mom is on the look out for him. When searching for her son, she meets an array of other animals. Likewise she finds Spot and they enjoy their meal. (Flip Book)

Story in the sand
Myrus, Donald//Squillace, Albert
Jeff and his mother go to the beach for a day. Jeff runs around collecting things and drawing pictures in the sand. He meets a little girl, Jenny, and spends the day teaching her about art in the sand.

Angus and the cat
Flack, Marjorie
Angus, the dog, explored many things. One day he finds a cat in the house. He does not like the cat, until it is gone - then he misses it.

Mattie's little possum pet
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie takes in a possum for a new pet. She thinks that the possum is a sweet, innocent little pet, but her cat and dog know otherwise.

Spot's first walk
Hill, Eric
Curious Spot goes on a journey and meets some interesting animals that live above and below the earth. In the end, he finds his golden treat and ventures on back home. Along the way, you can lift a flap to find his friends.

Good dog, carl
Day, Alexandra
A wordless book depiction of how Carl, the family dog, takes care of the baby while the mother is out.

Martha speaks
Meddaugh, Susan
Martha, a dog, eats alphabet soup and learns to talk. Her talking becomes annoying until it saves their home from a robbery.

Something queer is going on
Levy, Elizabeth
Jill's dog Fletcher is not on the front steps when Jill arrives home from school, so Jill and her friend Gwen search the neighborhood for Fletcher. They believe Mr. Fernbach has Fletcher and convince Jill's mother to follow Mr. Fernbach to his studios. Fletcher is found in the studios where he is being used in a dog food commercial.

The cloud eater
Reeves, Katherine
Henry and his dog, Laura, live and travel with the circus. When a problem occurs with their newest member, a giraffe, Henry has to do some critical thinking to solve the problem. Henry becomes friends with the cloud eater in the process.

Emily and the klunky baby and the next-door dog
Lexau, Joan M.
Emily tries to run away when her mother shows more interest in taxes than in her. Emily is not able to cross the street alone so she, her baby brother, and the next-door dog end up running around the block. Emily fears she is lost and wants to go home when she realizes she is in front of her house.

The poodle who barked at the wind
Zolotow, C.
A little black poodle barks at everything to keep his family safe.

Angus lost
Flack, Marjorie
Angus, the dog, becomes bored with all his familiar surroundings. One day, he leaves the yard in search for something different. Realizing he cannot communicate with many things, he is happy to return home.

Higglety pigglety pop
Sendak, Maurice
Jennie is a dog who has a great master. She receives lots of love and gives a lot of love. Unfortunately, Jennie is not satisfied and runs away to find her fortune.

The blues of flats brown
Myers, Walter Dean
Flats the dog loved to play the blues on his guitar, but his master, A.J. Grubbs had another idea. He wanted Flats, and his friend Caleb, to become fighting dogs. Finally tired of Grubbs' abuse, Flats and Caleb run away. They decide to pursue Flats' musical career, but everywhere they go Grubbs finds them. In the end, their owner has a change of heart about Flats playing the blues.

The outside dog
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Marisol lives on the hills in Puerto Rico with her grandpa. After wanting a dog of her own for so long, her grandfather consents, as long as he is an outside dog.

Henry and mudge
Rylant, Cynthia
Henry is upset because he does not have any brothers or sister to play with. His parents decide to buy him a dog. He names the dog Mudge and they have many adventures together.

Nate the great goes undercover
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Nate the great attempts to solve the mystery of who is raiding Oliver's garbage. Nate encounters a skunk and a telephone pole, but it is not until he goes under the cover (lid) of the garbage that he narrows the suspects down to one - his dog, Sludge.

Fiona's flea
Keller, Beverly
Fiona finds a stray dog with fleas. Although her parents will not let her keep the dog, she manages to keep one of its fleas. This leads her on a search to find a home for the flea - a flea circus.

The day Gogo went to vote
Sisulu, Elinor Batezat
Thembi's grandmother is very old and almost never leaves the house. When she learns that black people in South Africa can vote for the first time in the next election, Gogo decides that she will go out and vote too!

Tucker flips
McGuirk, Leslie
After Tucker and his brothers are born, they do everything together. The puppies eat, sleep, play, and watch T.V., but Tucker likes adventures. He especially loves the snow, and his ability to flip comes in handy when he goes for a ride on some children's sled.

Grandfather's christmas camp
McCutcheon, Marc
Mr. Biggins, a three-legged dog, is lost in the mountain on Christmas Eve. Grandfather and Lizzie dress warmly, pack a small bag, and head up the mountain to find their dog. They camp overnight in an igloo and find two surprises on Christmas Day.

Gramatky, Hardie
Bolivar, is a clumsy donkey who dilligently tries to live up to his namesake, the famous hero of South America. At the city's fiesta, Bolivar proves himself worthy of his name when he saves his owner Pepito and others from a raging bull.

Sometimes i dream horses
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse
A little girl dreams of riding horses. While on her grandmother's farm, she finally gets to ride a horse.

Flip and the morning
Dennis, Wesley
Flip, a young horse, always wakes the other animals. Willie the goat tells Flip about a wooden duck that lives in a swamp and that anyone who comes into contact with the duck receives wisdom. Willie made oup the story so Flip would leave. Flip does leave to search for the duck and actually finds one. He races back and wakes up Willie to show him the duck.

Easter parade
Chalmers, Mary
The Easter animals gather for a springtime parade and everyone receives an Easter basket.

The elephant in duck's garden
Delton, Judy
Duck had an elephant in his garden that smashed his chair and lettuce. Duck and Bear tried everything possible to make the elelphant leave. Finally, Rabbit Junior suggested they ask him to leave. The elephant kindly left the garden.