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Where is gah-ning?
Munsch, Robert
A little girl is determined to go shopping in a place called Kapuskasing. Her father stops her from going several times, but Gah-ning doesn't give up. Finally she ends up getting there by balloons.

Where is the bear?
Nims, Bonnie
A young bear travels through kitchens, parks, and grocery stores to view the city.

Where's spot?
Hill, Eric
Spot has not come to dinner so Spot's mom is on the look out for him. When searching for her son, she meets an array of other animals. Likewise she finds Spot and they enjoy their meal. (Flip Book)

Where's waldo?
Handford, Martin
The reader follows Waldo as he hikes around the world. The reader must try to find him in the illustrations as Waldo is lost in the crowded places he visits.

While the moon shines bright
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse
This story is a bedtime chant about a little boy who is too excited to sleep. His grandfather tells him to clean the house, get ready for bed, drink some milk, rock on his lap, listen to stories and finally kiss him goodnight.

White dynamite and curly kidd
Martin, Bill Jr.
A young child, Curly Kidd, wants to grow up to be just like Dad. Dad is a bronco rider, and together they ride the toughest bulls in all the country. In the end, the reader learns that Curly Kidd is a girl.

Who bop?
London, Jonathon
Join this celebration of dance and jazz music!A cat named Jazz-Bo leads a band that plays at the sock hop. All the animals gather together for a fun time of dance and rhyme.

Who said red?
Serfozo, Mary
This book depicts two speakers discussing colors. One speaker insists that everything is red.

Who wants to be a poodle I don't
Child, Lauren
Trixie Twinkle toes, a poodle, lives a very pampered life with Mademoiselle Verity Brulee. She has a maid, a cook, and a butler! No one understands that Trixie Twinkle Toes doesn't like any of the pampering and special treatment; she wanted to be like other dogs. She decides to act out, but every time she does Mademoiselle Brulee calls the vet, the pet psychic, or the pooch psychiatrist. no one can understand Trixie, until finally one rainy day, Trixie sees a dog drowning in a puddle and jumps in to save her. When Mademoiselle saw how daring her poodle was, she let her run with the other dogs. Trixie was finally happy, except for one small thing...

Who, said Sue, said whoo?
Raskin, Ellen
Even though animals cannot speak, they can make all kinds of noises. Words are not everything!

Whose garden is it?
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Whose garden is it? A garden belongs to everyone because many contribbuted to its growth.

Whose mouse are you?
Kraus, Robert
A young mouse loses his mother, father and sister and becomes very lonely. However, he finds his family and ends up with a new brother.

Why did we have to move here?
Davies, Sally J.K.
A little boy is having problems adjusting to his new home. He compares his new school to his old school which makes him feel sad and frustrated. The boy decides to go ice skating with other kids even though he isn't invited. He helps to solve a problem when the ice isn't safe.

Why do grown ups have all the fun?
Russo, Marisabina
Hannah could not fall asleep one night because she thought her parents were having lots of fun without her. She sneeks out to watch them, only to discover that they were not eating ice cream or making popcorn, but reading, mending socks, and folding clothes. Hannah returns to bed and falls asleep.

Why does it always rain on sukkot?
Youdoin, S.S.
Each of the Jewish holidays are explained through a story. The chief angel gives each holiday a gift which explains its meaning.

Wilbur waits
Sherrow, Victoria
Wilbur is waiting for his birthday. When it finally arrives, he gets exciting presents like a kite, a sail boat and a sled. Unfortunately, the weather is not suitable for playing with any of his new toys. Instead of using his new toys, Wilbur finds other things to occupy his time until the weather improves.

William's shadow
Austin, Margot
William the woodchuck wakes up after hibernation and is starving. William's friends bring him his meals in bed one day because they do not want him to see his shadow.

Willie's adventures
Brown, Margaret Wise
A trilogy of stories about a small boy named Willies. The reader follows Willie through his adventures of getting a new pet, having a new suit, and visiting Grandma by himself for the first time.

Willie's not the hugging kind
Barrett, Joyce Durham
Willie's friend, Jo-Jo, told him that hugging was silly. Willie enjoyed and missed being hugged, so every night he would sneak a hug from a bath towel. He realized that he needed someone to hug, so he decided to start hugging his family again.

Willy the wimp
Browne, Anthony
Willy is called Willy the Wimp by the local gorilla gang. One day he sees an ad in his comic book on how to stop being a wimp. He starts exercising, eating healthy, and lifting weights to the point where the gorilla gang becomes afraid of Willy.

Wingfin and topple
Valens, Evans
Topple, the long-finned herring, learns that his difference is actually a blessing. He learns from another long-finned herring that he can fly, and in turn his seemingly unlucky fins save his life.

Winter fox
Brutschy, Jennifer
A little girl gets a pet rabbit and discovers that a fox has eaten her pet. She goes with her father to hunt the fox, but feels sorry for it when she sees its hungry eyes. Then she asks her father not to kill it.

Witch hazel
Schertle, Alice
A boy makes a scarecrow out of a witch hazel branch. The scarecrow, Hazel, has special powers only the boy knows of. Hazel saves a pumpkin to make a large harvest moon with it.

X marks the spot
Felder, Eleanor
The letter X is very versatile and is seen in several situations as well as in the alphabet. This book sights examples of different places in every day life where X is seen and used.

Yertle the turtle
Seuss, Dr.
Yertle the turtle is the king of all turtles and everything that he can see. In order to see more things, therefore becoming more powerful, he would stack turtles to stand on. Finally, the stack of turtles got so high that Yertle came crashing down and set all the other turtles free.

Yonie wondernose
De Angeli, Marguerite
Jonathon is such a curious little boy that his father calls him Yonie Wondernose. His parents go away and leave him in charge of the farm. The barn catches on fire and it is up to Yonie to save the animals.

Yoshi's feast
Kijikawa, Kimiko
Yoshi is a fan maker in the city of Yedo. His favorite food in the whole world is broiled eels. Every night, his neighbor Sabu goes off to catch eels, broils them on his hibachi, and waits for customers, but they never come. Yoshi thinks that Sabu should share the leftover eels with him, but he is too greedy to give Sabu any of his money. Yoshi continues to sit day after day smelling Sabu's eels, but never buying any of them. Finally, Sabu presents Yoshi with a bill for smelling his eels. Yoshi dances around the town shaking his money box and tells Sabu that he will charge his for listening to his money. After all this nonsense, the tow finally agree to share what both of them have and sit down for a friendly meal of broiled eels.

You bet your britches, claude
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Tom is adopted by Shirley and Claude, and he hopes that they will adopt his sister, Bessie. Bessie and Shirley make a great team of catching crooks. Bessie spots them, and Shirley stops them. Bessie makes a great deputy and new daughter.

You cheat!
Gilson, Jamie
Two brothers are always putting each other up to things. These two boys begin their day inside playing the game at which the older brother is winning. They end up outside fishing where the younger boy is most comfortable.

Young larry
Pinkwater, Daniel
As polar bear cubs, Larry and Roy know they will be sent off on their own someday. When their mother sends the cubs away, Larry finds himself in New Jersey. Here he must get a job to pay for the muffins he loves to eat. Larry encounters trouble as people realize he is a polar bear, but a kind old man comes to Larry's rescue and gives him a job and a place to live.

Your own best secret place
Baylor, Byrd//Parnall, Peter
A young girl finds a secret hiding place that a boy found before her. She respects that it is his special place. Her friends are willing to share their hiding places with her as long as the boy finds them too.

Marshall, James
Emily, the pig, decides she needs to lose weight. She takes a walk then eats everything in sight. Eugene Turtle suggests that walking is a good way for losing weight.

Zamani goes to market
Feelings, Murial L.
Zamani goes on his first trip to the city with his father. He is to take the cow into the market and sell it. His father allows him to buy something in the market with the profits from their day. He decides to buy his mother a necklace, instead of the white shirt he wanted for himself. While he is not looking his father buys him the shirt.

Zany zoo
Bridwell, Norman
Timmy has a job at the zoo helping out Mr.Penny. When Mr. Penny goes out of town, his wife takes over and tries to change everything in the zoo. When Timmy tells Mr. Penny, things turn around quickly.

Zelda and ivy and the boy next door
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
A new boy named Eugene has moved in next door to Zelda and Ivy. the three quickly become friends. A romance blooms, they play imaginary games, and go camping. Like all friends, they don't always get along, but they work out their differences.

Zen shorts
Muth, Jon
One day, three young children meet a panda after his umbrella lands in their yard. The children become friends with the panda, whose name is Stillwater. He passes on folktales to them to help them solve problems they are having.