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Open me...i'm a dog
Spielgelman, Art
The dog narrating this story explains the wizard's curse and many other adventures that turn him into this book. He longs for the curse to be broken and for someone to save him from being the pages of a book. He wants someone to give him a loving home.

Harry and lulu
Yorinks, Arthur
Just like any other little girl, Lulu wants a dog. Her parents give her a stuffed poodle named Harry instead of a real pet. At first, Lulu doesn't like Harry at all!But when he comes to life and they have an adventure together, Lulu discovers what a good friend he is.

Duck in the truck
Alborough, Jez
As duck drives home in his truck, he hits a rock which leaves him stuck in the muck. Frog first tries to help, then sheep and finally goat. Working together the four animals are able to get the truck out.

Sometimes i feel like a mouse: A book about feelings
Modesitt, Jeanne
Feelings such as happiness, sadness, anger, shame, excitement, and pride are compared to different animals to help children understand what feelings are like. For example, sometimes I feel like a lion roaring mad. It is alright to have different feelings.

My many colored days
Suess, Dr.
Dr. Suess uses bright colors, fun rhymes, and active animals to discuss the different moods a person feels. Some days you feel yellow, like a buzzy bee, while other days you feel brown, low, low down. Despite all the different moods you feel, you're still you!

Seven wild pigs
Heine, Helme
An artist paints a forest for seven wild pigs to roam. They ruined the painting by splashing colors everywhere. Then he gets rid of the pigs and he realizes what he had done. Finally, decides to never paint pigs again.

Benny's had enough!
Lindgren, Barbro
Benny the pig is tired of rules. After refusing to take a bath and pick up his toys, Benny decides he would like to live somewhere else. He soon discovers the problems of being away from home.

Grunter: A pig with an attitude
Jolley, Mike
Grunter is a pig with an attitude. He thinks he rules the little green farm. All of the other animals are sick of it! On his birthday, Grunter thinks everyone forgot him but they have decided to get their revenge. Before Grunter knows what's going on, he's blasted into outer space. Where will he end up now?

Wait! No paint!
Whatley, Bruce
The three little pigs move out to build their own homes. But when the big, bad wolf comes, the first two pigs escape to the brick house. Throughout the ordeal, the pigs hear a mysterious voice that turns out to be the illustrator. The illustrator runs out of paint while finishing the story and finally saves the pigs by changing them and the wolf into Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Rabbit makes a monkey out of a lion
Aardema, Verna
Rabbit and his friends have crossed lion by eating his honey. Lion chases Rabbit two days in a row, but does not catch him. Both times Rabbit outsmarts him. However, Rabbit learns his lesson to stop stealing Lion's honey.

The peddler's gift
Schur, Maxine Rose
Shnook the peddler arrives in the town of Korovenko with his assortment of beautiful, hand-carved dreidels. Leibush notices on that is left behind and makes excuses for keeping it. He soon realizes that the peddlers ways may be a cover for wisdom and forgiveness. As Hanukkah approaches, Shnook leaves Leibush a gift that will last a lifetime.

Balarin's goat
Berson, Harold
A husband treats his goat better than his own wife. However, the wife gets angry and decides to act like a goat. This begins to worry the husband who starts having nightmares. As a result, he realizes who is more important and begins to fix his mistakes.

Picasso and the girl with the ponytail
Anholt, Laurence
Sylvette is a shy young girl, until she meets Picasso. He has moved to France for the summer to work on his art. Seeing Sylvette through his window, he decides to use her as his new model. All summer they work together and become good friends. Picasso helps Sylvette unlock her secrets and artistic talent.

The sleeping lady
Dixon, Ann
Nekatla and Susitha are a young couple preparing to wed. THe wedding is put on hold when war breaks out, and Nekatla must travel to another village to try to restore peace. Susitha waits on a grassy hill for Nekatla to return, and she falls asleep. Nekatla is killed in war, and Susitha never awakens and is now known as the sleeping lady.

Babbit, Natalie
A baby born with the destiny of marrying a princess is brought by the King and thrown into the river to prevent a possible marriage with his newborn daughter. Rescued by a loving couple, the boy grows up and meets the King once again. The Kings plan to kill the young man backfires again and the young man marries the princess. As a test, the King sends the new prince to steal the golden hairs off the devil's head. In a surprise ending, the prince prevails, but the King is not so lucky.

Dealing with feelings: I'm furious
Crary, Elizabeth
When Matt sees his Reggie Jackson baseball card floating in the toilet, his jaw drops. He is furious that his little brother did that. One thing that will solve his problem is to hit his little brother, right?Wrong!His mother presents him with six ways to successfully handle his anger. After resolving his problems, Matt makes peace with his brother.

Bang, Molly
Dawn's father tells her the story of his shipbuilding days, and how he met her mother. Her mother would weave the sails, and she makes her father promise to never look at her while she weaves.

My life with the wave
Cowan, Catherine
When a little boy brings an ocean wave home with him, he finds himself in trouble. He soon realizes that he has to take the wave back to the ocean where it belongs.

Katie Morag delivers the mail
Hedderwick, Mairi
Wednesdays are very hectic at the post office on the Isle of Struay, especially today with baby Liam teething. Katie Morag decides to help out by delivering the mail until she runs into some deep water. With her confidence and the help of her grandmother, Katie successfully solves her dilema.

How to lose all your friends
Carlson, Nancy
There are six ways to lose all your friends. Don't smile, never share, be a bully, be a poor sport, tattle, and whine. Can you be a better friend by the end of this story?

When eric's mom fought cancer
Vigna, Judith
A young boy copes with his mother's cancer. Going through a range of emotions, he finally comes to more of an understanding about her illness.

Saying goodbye to daddy
Vigna, Judith
A young girl copes with the death of her father. Her mother and grandfather help her through the painful grieving after the car accident.

Alexander, who's not (do you hear me?I mean it!) going to move
Viorst, Judith
Alexander loves his home, friends, and his life the way it is. Faced with a move to another town, Alexander becomes agitated and upset. In time he finds a way to adjust.

Thomas' snowsuit
Munsch, Robert
Thomas is a stubborn boy. One day when his mother buys him a new snowsuit, Thomas refuses to wear it. Eventually, Thomas wears the snowsuit and gets angry. This occurs at school, which leads to a humorous situation.

Sam and the tigers: A new telling of little black sambo
Lester, Julius
A boy named Sam picks out bright clothes for his first day of school. On his way to school he runs into some tigers who want to eat him but he trades his bright clothes for his life. His bright clothes cause such a ruckus among the tigers that they fight each other and Sam gets his clothes back.

The colors that i am
Sheehan, Cilla
Using colors to express feelings, children learn to understand emotions. The reader is also asked how to express each emotion.

Lulu goes to witch school
O'Connor, Jane
Lulu is nervous about starting witch school and really wants to do well. But, there is one little witch named Sandy that always does things better. Lulu realizes there are some things that she can do better!

Seven brave women
Hearne, Betsy
A young girl tells the story of her family's history. She explains how each of her female ancestors played a very important role in the shaping of this family's history.

Growing time
Warburg, Sandol Stoddard
Jamie has to deal with the death of a King. We see the healing process is long and slow, but healthy.

Someone special died
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl deals with the death of someone close to her. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She finds a way to feel better, though, when she makes a scrapbook to remember everything about this special person. She learns that everything dies.

Pamela camel
Peet, Bill
Pamela is fed up with everyone calling her dumb, so she escapes from the circus. That night she finds a break in the train tracks, and she saves a train. Now everyone loves her.

Just the two of us
Smith, Will
A father talks of ongoing love for his son from the moment he is born. As his child grows, the father tries to teach him how to be a man and also tells him how he will always be there for him. Having this child is the father's proof that his dreams have come true.

Something good
Munsch, Robert
Tyya is grocery shopping with Daddy, but when she tries to buy something good he makes her wait in one place until he is done. Several people try to buy her because she looks like a pretty doll. Because Daddy loves her, he pays for Tyya and takes her home.

Bravo, zan angelo!
Daly, Niki
Angelo Polo is a young boy who passionately wants to be a clown like his grandfather Zan Polo. His grandfather tells him that the theater is no place for a little boy. Finally, Zan Polo tells Angelo that he can be the little red rooster who crows in the last act. So, Angelo scurries and runs all over the city to prepare for his performance during the carnival. It turns out that Angelo is an excellent rooster and his grandfather agrees that the theater can be a place for a little boy.

I was so mad
Simon, Norma
What makes you mad?Children are faced with emotions of anger, jealousy, and frustration. They must learn to control their feelings and work them out in ways that are acceptable to themselves and others. We need to understand and respect a person's feelings whatever they might be.

Good-bye, daddy!
Weninger, Briggitte
Tom gets very upset when he must say goodbye to his father, who no longer lives with him and his mother. He gets so upset that he hides and cries, and then misses out on a hug. But his mother tells him a story of a young bear in the same situation who learns how to resolve the problem.

Lottie's princess dress
Dorrie, Doris
Lottie wakes up from a dream of castles and gold and realizes that it is a very special day. She cannot wear her usual outfit to school, she must wear her special princess dress. Although her mother says that it is too cold outside, Lottie tries to explain that it is a very special day and everyone should be dressed up. Eventually, Lottie's mother agrees and they both wear princess dresses all day.

Dark day, light night
Carr, Jan
Manda curls up on her bed, mad because Bobby took the basketball right out of her hands. Aunt Ruby sits down and talks with Amanda, trying to cheer her up. With Manda in the crook of her arm, Aunt Ruby shares her list of favorite things causing Manda's frown to turn into a smile.

Emma's rug
Say, Allen
Emma is a talented child artist who always finds her inspiration in an old rug. After her mother ruins the rug by washing it, Emma must discover that she can still draw without it.

Voices in the park
Browne, Anthony
A typical day's walk through the park is seen through the eyes of a grouchy woman, an unhappy man, a lonely boy, and a happy young girl. An intriguing look at how friendships are made and torn apart.

The good-bye book
Viorst, Judith
A little boy is angry when he finds out that his parents are going to a French restaurant without him. He tries to convince his parents to either stay home or take him along. The little boy finally says good bye to his parents when his favorite babysitter arrives.

The hundred penny box
Mathis, Sharon B.
Michael greatly admires his great-great Aunt Dew. He likes to sit with her while she sleeps or sings her long song. She dances with him and helps him count her hundred pennies in a special box. When Michael's mother attempts to take the special box and other belongings of Aunt Drew, Michael takes a stand and defends his aging Aunt.

We are moving
Biale, Rachel
Make a scrapbook on how do you feel before we move. Draw several pictures of how you feel. What does your house look like now?What will our new house look like?What is special to you before we move?

Wilson, Christopher
Two brothers, Hob and Nob, live next door to each other and share everything. One day they have a disagreement over material things and they stop speaking. They finally realize it is not materials that are important, so their brotherly friendship is restored.

The blushful hippopotamus
Raschka, Chris
Roosevelt's sister teases him when he makes mistakes and blushes, calling him a blushful hippopotamus. This makes him angry and sad, but his best friend helps him realize how special he really is.

Arthur's funny money
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to earn enough money to buy a t-shirt and matching cap so he decides, with the help of his sister, to have a bike wash. He must use his math skills to figure out when he has reached his goal. However, he must first decide how to overcome a few obstacles.

Now I will never leave the dinner table
Martin, Jane Read//Marx, Patricia
Patty Jane's older sister Joy is perfect in everyway. She even likes to prepare and eat spinach. Patty Jane, however, refuses to eat spinach. Joy will not let Patty Jane leave the table until she eats a bite of spinach. In protest, Patty Jane plots how to make Joy leave the house.

Raschka, Chris
Two boys are talking on the telephone. They get into an argument about their other peers. By the end, both sides of the conversation are known.

When sophie gets angry--Really, really angry...
Bang, Molly
What do you do when you're angry?Sophie feels bad when she's angry. She wants to yell and kick and scream, but she runs outside to her special place instead. When she comes home, everyone is glad to see her and she feels much better.

Dealing with feelings: I'm scared
Crary, Elizabeth
Tracy can not wait to meet her new neighbors. Her smile disappears when she sees that her new neighbors own her worst fear, a big dog!What will Tracy do?Is she going to watch from her window, sing a happy song, or ask someone to hold her hand when she meets her new neighbors?No matter what Tracy decides, she will soon overcome her fears by getting a puppy of her own!