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Yesterday I had the blues
Frame, Jean Ashford
A family explores the various emotions they face each day. Through the use of colors, the main character realizes that even with all the ups and downs of emotions, one color really matters- LOVE of family.

Freedman, Deborah
Emma and Lucie are sisters and they both love to draw. They don't always like each other's drawings, but Lucie learns through a fantastic adventure that drawings don't always agree with their artists and they sometimes decide that they like each other.

The volcano
Gantschev, Ivan
On a beautiful island, one cranky crab seeks revenge on a powerful volcano and meets his match.

Christina katerina and the time she quit the family
Gauch, Patricia Lee
Christina becomes intolerant of her annoying family and decides to change her name to Agnes. She disowns her family. After days of doing what she wants, she decides her family needs her and rejoins the family.

Adoption is for always
Girard, Linda Walvoord
Upon learning that she is adopted, Celia experiences feelings of insecurity about her birth-parents. Through openly talking with her parents, Celia learns that she is loved by her birth-parents and her parents, and accepts her feelings about adoption.

William and the good old days
Greenfield, Eloise
William remembers how wonderful things were before his grandmother got sick. However, he slowly finds ways to make some good new days and is hopeful for the future.

Grandpa's face
Greenfield, Eloise
Tamika loves spending time with her Grandfather. They enjoy walking, talking, and going to theatre together. One day, Tamika gets afraid while watching her Grandfather rehearse for a play. Tamika learns about different emotions, and especially that her Grandfather will always love her.

Roger loses his marbles!
Gretz, Susanna
Roger's aunt comes for a birthday party and stays in his room. He cannot find his marbles and gets angry at his aunt, who later finds them. They play after everyone is asleep.

Oh, brother!
Grimes, Nikki
Xavier feels sad, angry, and jealous towards his new step brother, Chris. Xavier soon realizes that Chris is coping with loneliness and resentment too. The pain over losing a parent to divorce forms a special band between Xavier and Chris so they promise each other, that no one will ever leave. Through short vignettes, the story ends with Our family is a song we sing, and we can add new notes anytime we like.

Luka's quilt
Guback, Gloria
Luka and Tutu are best friends. Tutu decides to make a quilt for Luka but she doesn't like it. For a while they aren't friends anymore, but then they are again.

Amy unbounded: Belondweg blossoming
Hartman, Rachel
Through comic book style illustrations, Amy of Eddybrook Lodge encounters many exciting adventures with her best friend. During the summer between her ninth and tenth birthday, Amy and her friend learn many lessons about life. The most important ones are that love does not solve everything and even heroines sometimes need help.

A to z do you ever feel like me?
Hausman, Bonnie
How are you feeling today?Join the children in this book to find out if they are feeling the same way. Learn the letters of the alphabet while you solve the puzzles of emotions. Have fun!

It's a shame about the rain
Hazen, Barbara Shook
A little boy and his family have plans to go camping, but they are cancelled because of the rain. The little boy gets angry and disappointed, but has a fun day at home after all.

Seven brave women
Hearne, Betsy
A young girl tells the story of her family's history. She explains how each of her female ancestors played a very important role in the shaping of this family's history.

Katie Morag delivers the mail
Hedderwick, Mairi
Wednesdays are very hectic at the post office on the Isle of Struay, especially today with baby Liam teething. Katie Morag decides to help out by delivering the mail until she runs into some deep water. With her confidence and the help of her grandmother, Katie successfully solves her dilema.

Katie Morag and the two grandmothers
Hedderwick, Mairi
Katie Morag eagerly waits for the arrival of her Grandma Mainland who lives in the big city. Upon her arrival, Grannie Island, Katie's other grandmother tries to get Alecina, the prize sheep out of the murkey pool. Likewise the judging for the best ewe and fleece trophy is about to begin when Katie Morag saves the day.

Seven wild pigs
Heine, Helme
An artist paints a forest for seven wild pigs to roam. They ruined the painting by splashing colors everywhere. Then he gets rid of the pigs and he realizes what he had done. Finally, decides to never paint pigs again.

Lilly's purple plastic purse
Henkes, Kevin
Lilly wants to be a teacher like Mr. Slinger. She always says wonderful things about him until one day he takes her purple plastic purse away. For revenge, Lilly draws a nasty picture of Mr. Slinger which makes her feel worse than before. This teaches Lilly that revenge is the wrong way to resolve conflict.

Sheila rae the brave
Henkes, Kevin
When brave Sheila Rae becomes lost and scared, her younger sister Louise comes to her rescue.

The monster behind the wall
Herbert, Barbara N.
Danny moves to a new house and discovers a monster on the other side of their garden wall. The monster throws Dannyメs soccer ball back to him, talks, plays, and eats candy with Danny. At school the next day, Danny plays soccer and gets tripped. Both boys yell nasty names at each other. Then, Danny goes home to talk to the monster, Fred, but he wasnメt there. Later, a huge thunderstorm tears down the wall, and Danny sees that モFredヤ is the child that tripped him during soccer. They become fast friends, tear the wall down, and play soccer together

The magic rocks
Herbert, Barbara N.
An African woman struggles to find firewood so that she can cook for her family. While cooking porridge, an old weak man came along asking for food. Because she felt sorry for him, she gave him the porridge. In return, he gave her some magic rocks that would turn to gold. However, the woman couldnï¾’t get them to change. When her family came home to realize they had nothing to eat, her husband was angry and threw the rocks in the fading fire. The family fell asleep hungry and cold. In the morning, they woke to a burning fire and porridge cooking. The family found more rocks and called them coal.

Robert lives with his grandparents
Hickman, Martha Whitmore
After his parents divorce, Robert goes to live with his grandparents. Robert's father moves away and his mother goes into drug rehabilitation. Even though Robert loves his grandparents, he is embarrassed to bring them to Parent's Day at school.

Arthur's funny money
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to earn enough money to buy a t-shirt and matching cap so he decides, with the help of his sister, to have a bike wash. He must use his math skills to figure out when he has reached his goal. However, he must first decide how to overcome a few obstacles.

The great gum drop robbery
Hoban, Russell
Three boys imagined that they were deep sea diving. The oldest boy wants a gum drop, but the middle boy would not share. While they were fighting, the other boy took all the gumdrops and ate them. Finally on the way back home, they all made up and had dinner with their parents.

And to think that we thought we'd never be friends
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Arguments erupt everywhere. For a brother and sister, conflicts end as quickly as they begin. When a fight almost starts with their neighbors next door, music erupts until the whole town marches into the ocean. Even the whales join in the rhythmic fun!

Angelina and alice
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina and Alice were very good friends and they did everything together. One day when Angelina tried to do a handstand on the playground and fell, everyone laughed including Alice. Angelina was very mad at Alice for laughing. But when Angelina needed a partner in gymnastics class, Alice volunteered and they had a great performance.

Be boy buzz
hooks, bell
bell hooks poetically describes the pleasures of being a boy. Boys are beautiful. Sometimes, they are all boy. Sometimes, they like to laugh and talk, and sometimes they like the quietness of being alone. Boys have many moods, actions, and emotions.

Baron brady's boots
Hughes, Peter
Baron Brady spends each day angrily collecting taxes from his poor tenants. A lesson from a new shoe maker teaches the Baron that it is fun to be good tempered, rather than always be angry.

Annie Rose is my little sister
Hughes, Shirley
A little boy and his baby sister do everything together. They each have friends of their own, but spend time doing things mostly with one another.

Alicia has a bad day
Jahn-Clough, Lisa
Since Alicia is typically a very happy little girl that likes to be silly, she does not like the miserable feeling she experiences one morning. Alicia first handles her emotions by sitting and moping. Later she goes outside to write about her dark and dreary feelings in her notebook, only to be interrupted by a storm. After some alone time under her bed and a lick from her dog, Alizie realizes the world is not so lugubrious and goes outside to play.

Grunter: A pig with an attitude
Jolley, Mike
Grunter is a pig with an attitude. He thinks he rules the little green farm. All of the other animals are sick of it! On his birthday, Grunter thinks everyone forgot him but they have decided to get their revenge. Before Grunter knows what's going on, he's blasted into outer space. Where will he end up now?

Mommy go away
Jonell, Lynne//Mathers, Petra
Christopher is tired of his mommy telling him what to do. Christopher tells his mommy to go away. Suddenly, mommy shrinks to the size of a toy and he sends her away on a toy boat in his bathtub. After Mommy's scary adventure, she realizes that it is rough being little.

Matthew and tilly
Jones, Rebecca C.
Matthew and Tilly are best friends. Sometimes they get in fights and do not play together. However, playing alone is not much fun, so they make up and are best friends again.

Home on the bayou: A cowboy's story
Karas, G. Brian
Ned, a cowboy, and his mom leave their home in the West to move to the swamp. Ned hates the swamp and mean Big Head Ed at school. Big Head Ed picks on Ned because he is a cowboy. One day Ned becomes a hero at school when he uses his lasso to quiet Big Head Ed.

Louie's search
Keats, Ezra Jack
Louie goes out to search for a father and sees all kinds of people. Finally, he finds a music box. A man thinks he stole it so he chases Louie and takes him home. Louie's mom and the man end up getting married.

Goodbye, max
Keller, Holly
Ben's dog dies, and he's mad at his parents for not letting him stay home with Max. His parents get a new a puppy but Max rejects it until the end.

Best friends
Kellogg, Steven
Kathy and Louise are best friends but Louise goes to the mountains for the summer. Kathy is mad because Louise is having a great summer without her. When Louise comes back, they both get a puppy to raise together.

Armadilly chili
Ketteman, Helen
Billie decides to make armadilly chili. She asks her friends to help her but they are all busy and do not want to help. After Billie makes the chili, all of her friends knock on her door. Billie will not let them eat because they wouldn't help. She soon realizes her chili is missing something: her friends!

Big red lollipop
Khan, Rukhsana
Rubina is excited to get her first invite to a birthday party! However when she asks Ami whether she can go, Ami tells her she has to take her younger sister, Sana. After Sana ruins the party, Rubina has to learn how to overcome her anger and forgive her little sister.

Grandpa's hammer
Kidd, Ronald
Grandpa always say that it take two things to make dreams come true: faith and a hammer. After Grandma passes away, Grandpa sets aside his hammer and nearly loses his faith. His granddaughter tries everything she can think of to bring back his faith but nothing seems to work. One day, Grandpa visits a Habitat for Humanity worksite with a neighbor and realizes that he can made dreams come true for others.

River friendly river wild
Kurtz, Jane
A little girl remembers how her family survived a flood. The once friendly river that she loved turned wild and drove the community to evacuation. The little girl thought she would only be gone a couple of days. Days turned into weeks. When she returns, her family starts over, but where is the cat, Kiwi, that she left behind?

Sam and the tigers: A new telling of little black sambo
Lester, Julius
A boy named Sam picks out bright clothes for his first day of school. On his way to school he runs into some tigers who want to eat him but he trades his bright clothes for his life. His bright clothes cause such a ruckus among the tigers that they fight each other and Sam gets his clothes back.

Don't be my valentine
Lexau, Joan M.
Sam makes a mean valentine for his classmate Mary Lou but loses it. It ends up going to the teacher. After arguing about how the teacher got the valentine, they decide to be friends.

Benny's had enough!
Lindgren, Barbro
Benny the pig is tired of rules. After refusing to take a bath and pick up his toys, Benny decides he would like to live somewhere else. He soon discovers the problems of being away from home.

Nicolas, where have you been?
Lionni, Leo
The field mice and birds compete for the bright red berries. The birds usually get the berries first and this angers the mice, especially Nicolas. One day, Nicolas is swooped up by a big, mean bird and dropped into a nest of nice birds that bring him berries and they share stories. He returns to tell the other mice that not all birds are bad.

Words in our hands
Litchfield, Ada B.
Gina, Diane, and Michael's parents are all deaf. Communication isn't easy, especially when they move to a new town. Soon the family finds some new friends at a school where people know sign language.

Freedom school, yes!
Littlesugar, Amy
Jolie shows courage in her community by protecting the school that will educate her and others. Jolie is afraid others will burn down the school. Jolie never gives up hope, and learns about famous African Americans who were brave and made a difference in their community, just like Jolie.

The great blueness and other predicaments
Lobel, Arnold
The world is all grey so the wizzard creates colors. He first makes blue and people paint the whole world this color. Everyone, becomes sad. So then he creates yellow and then red. People aren't happy until they realize that they can use many colors to paint the world.

The lunch box surprise
Maccarone, Grace
Sam's mother forgets to pack his lunch for school. So Sam's first grade friends come to the rescue.

Buzzy bear in the garden
Marino, Dorothy
Buzzy bear helps his father work on their garden. After making so many mistakes, Buzzy finally catches on and turns out to be a good gardener.