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  • Tags: happiness
Milo and the magical stones
Pfister, Marcus
Milo lives in a cave on a small island. One cold winter day, he discovers a glowing rock to keep his cave warm. When he tells the other mice about it, do they become greedy and take all of the rocks, or do they take only what they need?You choose the ending and decide what the mice will do.

The happy owls
Piatti, Celestina
The birds alway fights, so they go to see the owls, who are always peaceful. The birds do not like the answer from the owls as to why they are always happy, so they go back to fighting.

The paperboy
Pilkey, Dav
While everyone else is still asleep, the paperboy is up making his rounds. He has to get up very early and get dressed, eat breakfast, and fold his papers. When he is finally done delivering his papers, he goes back to bed just when everyone else is getting up.

God bless the gargoyles
Pilkey, Dav
Over time the gargoyles have become feared and unloved, but at night angels come down and make them feel blessed again.

Pizza man
Pillar, Marjorie
The Pizza Man explains his daily duties and the procedure of making a pizza, from making the dough to assembling the pie to cleaning up at the end of the day.

The sunday outing
Pinkney, Gloria Jean
Ernestine and her great-aunt spent Sunday afternoons at the train station watching the passengers, and Ernestine always dreamed of being one of them. Finally Ernestine's family saves enough money so she can ride the train herself.

It's a perfect day
Pizer, Abigail
All of the animals in the farm partake in their perfect day by making their sounds of happiness. For example, a cow goes moo-moo.

Mrs. mack
Polacco, Patricia
Patricia has waited ten years to learn to ride a horse. Her father takes her to a stable where she will spend most of her summer learning to ride with Mrs. Mack who knows all about horses. Patricia meets the horse of her dreams named Penny and works hard all summer so that she can ride her. Patricia's summer is complete!

Uncle vova's tree
Polacco, Patricia
A Russian family gathers together to celebrate Christmas in the Russian tradition.

The butterfly
Polacco, Patricia
When a little girls meets a ghost which turns out to be a girl that is hiding in the cellar with the rest of her family from the Nazi's. They form a friendship that is strong. But the friendship is broken up by the sudden movement of her and her family. But butterflies show that everything is fine even though they are apart.

Hooray for diffendoofer day!
Prelutsky, Jack
Everyday the students at Diffendoofer School learn many new things. They become worried though, when they discover that they must pass a special test. They pass with no problems and Diffendoofer Day is declared!

Sometimes i feel awful
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl has a day full of different moods. Although she starts out happy, she begins to feel different throughout the day. She does not want to share with her friend and gets upset when he plays with her toys. She learns what she should have said to make her family and friends understand.

Lottie's dream
Pryor, Bonnie
Lottie moves with her family away from the ocean she loves. She dreams of returning when she is old enough to move back to begin her own life with her family.

Least of all
Purdy, Carol
Little Raven Hannah feels sad when she is not big enough to do anything on the farm. Then she teaches herself to read (something no one else in her family can do) and she becomes very happy.

Peter penny's dance
Quin, Janet
Peter Penny goes around the world dancing. As he travels, everyone wants him to stay, but he must move on. He returns home after his great voyage to marry a beautiful girl.

Tiger flowers
Quinlan, Patricia
Joel's uncle, Michael, dies of AIDS. Joel remembers the fun times he and Michael spent together. These happy memories help to comfort Joel.

Yucka drucka droni
Radunsky, Vladimir//Radunsky, Eugenia
Three brothers, Yuck, Yucka-Druck, and Yucka-Drucka-Droni, are very different but get along just fine. They meet three sisters, Zippa, Zippa Drippa, and Zippa-Drippa-Limpomponi who make the brothers very happy. The brothers each marry one of the sisters and they then each have one child. The families live together in a big house with a cat, a dog, a pig, and a frog.

What zeesie saw on delancey street
Rael, Wlsa Okon
On her 7th birthday, Zeesie goes with Mama and Papa to her first party where suprise packages are auctioned off to raise money. While there she explores a secret money room, and learns a lesson about money, generosity, and the importance of community.

Ruth and the green book
Ramsey, Calvin Alexander
Ruth and her parents drive from Chicago to Alabama to visit her grandma. Along the way, they saw signs that said "White Only" where they couldn't eat in the restaurants or use the bathroom inside. Ruth's mother had food packed for the trip, and they sang songs along the way to stay happy. They also visited a friend, Eddy, in Tennessee where Eddy and Ruth's daddy played music together. When the family drove into Georgia, a man explained "The Negro Motorist Green Book" which would list places in different states that would welcome black people who were traveling. Ruth and her family learns how to use the Green Book to find places to sleep, eat, shop, and get a haircut on their travels because Jim Crow laws were unfair and discriminatory against black people. When a 'tourist home' welcomes them for free, Ruth learns that it is important to help each other and treat others like a big family. After this lesson, she gives her Brown Bear to a little boy who was traveling away from home with his mother for the very first time. Ruth said that she no longer needed Brown Bear because she was too old now, then she told his mother about buying a Green Book for her travels.

Little flower
Rand, Gloria
Miss Pearl loves her pet pig Little Flower. The pig can play dead and loves the attention this trick gets her. One day Miss Pearl has an accident and can't go get help. Little Flower finds a unique way to communicate Miss Pearl's need for help.

Freedom river
Rappaort, Doreen
John Ripley shows courage and perseverence in Southern Ohio through his actions. John crosses the Ohio River into the slave state of Kentucky to help other African Americans escape to freedom. John listens to nature as he rows a slave family across the Ohio River to freedom along the Underground Railroad.

But she's still my grandma!
Rappaport, Doreen
Jessica convinces her hestiant parents to take her to visit her grandma in the nursing home. She is alarmed and hurt by how much her grandma has changed. The visit helps Jessica begin to accept her grandma's loss of memory and failing health.

Oregon's journey
A dwarf, Duke, listens to a bear, Oregon, and releases him into the forest. They have a long journey there together but eventually make it.

Like likes like
Raschka, Chris
Like is lonely. Like wonders around seeing flowers and seas. Like finds a friend. Like likes Like.

The blushful hippopotamus
Raschka, Chris
Roosevelt's sister teases him when he makes mistakes and blushes, calling him a blushful hippopotamus. This makes him angry and sad, but his best friend helps him realize how special he really is.

Raschka, Chris
Two boys are talking on the telephone. They get into an argument about their other peers. By the end, both sides of the conversation are known.

If you were a parrot
Rawson, Katherine
Join the parrot as it goes through its daily routine of climbing, chewing, eating, bathing, and finally, snuggling down for the night after a long day of parrot fun. Did you know that a parrotメs special feet allow it to climb curtains, bookshelves, and plants? And it's hooked beak lets the parrot chew all kinds of great food: seeds, nuts, chair legs, popsicles, sticks, and a telephone directory!

My daddy was a soldier: A world war II story
Ray, Deborah Kogan
While Jeannie's daddy is away fighting in the Pacific, Jeannie plants a Victory garden, collects scraps to help the war effort, and sends her daddy letters. She awaits his safe return.

Pumpkins: A story for a field
Ray, Mary Lyn
A man is sad to see a beautiful field become a residential development, so he raises money to buy the field by growing pumpkins and selling them all over the world.

Curious George rides a bike (Georges fait du velo)
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, a monkey from Africa, receives a new bicycle from a man who wears a yellow hat. He has many interesting adventures on his new bike, including riding into a rock when he watches boats travel down the river.

Curious george goes to the hospital
Rey, Margret//Rey, H.A.
Curious George needs to go to the hospital. While he is there, he succeeds in making a sad girl very happy and creates a lot of mischief.

Come to my party
Richardson, Judith Benet
All the animals of the jungle are sleeping when a loud roar comes from a leopard who is having a birthday party. As a team, the animals of the jungle work together to create a present to bring to the party.

Mouse mess
Riley, Linnea
A little mouse wakes up after a family goes to bed. He tries everything from crackers to peanut butter and makes a big mess while he is at it!

Jazzy Miz Mozetta
Roberts, Brenda C.
One night Miz Mozetta decided that she felt like dancing. Her friends outside made excuses not to dance and the children across the street would not let her. Miz Mozetta sulks to her room, but soon enough her friends and the children show up in her memories ready to dance the jitterbug all night long.

The egg
Robertson, M.P.
George finds what he thinks to be a giant chicken egg. However, when it hatches, a dragon comes out. He cares for it and teaches it necessary skills but the dragon longs to be with his family. Before going to his home with the other dragons, the dragon takes George for an adventure and thanks him for his kindness and caring.

The useful moose:  A truthful, moose-full tale
Robinson, Fiona
Molly loves moose so much that her family vacationed in Alaska, so that she could see them up close; except when they got there the moose had left for a vacation in the city. Once in the city, she saw moose everywhere and befriended three young moose who were tired and needed rest. She invited the moose to stay with them when they cooked, cleaned, and became part of the family. The moose became homesick for their own family, so they went back to Alaska. Molly was sad when she invited the moose to her birthday party and they didnメt respond, but they surprised her by jumping out of an airplane at her party and promised to come back often.

What we like
Rockwell, Anne
Children really like snowmen, fish, bubble bath, goodnight kisses, lullabies, and many other things that excite the five senses. Each page is filled with the things children like to do, wear, feel, eat, and play.

Only passing through: The story of Sojourner Truth
Rockwell, Anne
A young woman named Isabella leads a strong and courageous life after being sold three times as a slave girl in the northeastern United States. After she is given a freedom day by a couple living nearby who knew of the 1827 New York law to set adults free, Isabella felt the "power of a nation" in court to win back her son who was unlawfully sold out of state. Isabella later heard God calling her to be a sojourner and spread her message about the value of freedom and what it had been like to be a slave. She would ask people "Is this any way to treat a human being"? Sojourner told her truth so well that she took the name Sojourner Truth and carried a white silk banner with the words "Proclaim Liberty" wherever she went.

Hello baby!
Rockwell, Lizzy
It is such a special time when there's a new baby on the way. This little boy has been involved in his new sister's life since the beginning. He went to the doctor with his mommy and helped unpack baby clothes. When his baby sister is born, he is the happiest boy in the world!

New shoes, red shoes
Rollings, Susan
The little girl's shoes are too small so her mom takes her to get new shoes. On their way she observes different kinds of shoes different people are wearing. She wears her new shoes to a party and is very proud of them.

Aunt nancy and old man trouble
Root, Phyllis
Aunt Nancy won't be bothered by Old Man Trouble and his mean tricks. Instead, she turns every bad situation into a good one, ruining his fun so he'll leave her alone.

How does a czar eat potatoes?
Rose, Anne
The life of a peasant farmer and the czar are compared and contrasted by the peasant's child.

The tiger-skin rug
Rose, Gerald
A really skinny tiger does not feel part of the jungle, so he leaves home to live with a human family as a rug. He protects the family when robbers come into the house.

Rosen, Michael
The family pet, a cat, is greatly disturbed when the family moves. The old familiar corners and hiding spots are gone and the new house is bare. After finding a hiding place, the cat stays in hiding to punish his family. Eventually, he is drawn to the smell of food. Soon, the new house feels like home.

Rosenberg, Liz
A young girl goes out moonbathing at night when her cousin comes to visit. They search along the coast looking for different treasures.

Vera's first day of school
Rosenberry, Vera
It's Vera's first day of school!She is so excited that she is up before the sun. But when she finally gets to the school yard, it is full of older children who scare Vera. When she finally gets to her classroom, with a little help from her mother, it is everything she hoped it would be.

The greedy little cobbler
Ross, Tony
After trying to work for the rich, a little cobbler realizes that having money is not everything. He decides that he enjoys life much more when he works for the town for food and supplies.

Lots of moms
Rotner, Shelley
Take a look at mothers and the many ways they are involved in their children's lives. They teach you, play with you, protect you, and love you.

Rabbit moon
Rowe, John
Albert, an old rabbit, does not sleep well so he finds nightly comfort in gazing at the moon. One night, Albert does not see the moon, so he takes full responsibility for putting the moon back into the sky, once he finds it. Can Albert really do this?