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  • Tags: friendship
The magic school bus gets baked in a cake
Beech, Linda
It is Ms. Frizzle's birthday so the kids plan a party, but something is missing -- a cake!For a field trip, they go to the bakery and bake a cake and accidentally get baked inside the magic school bus.

Good driving, amelia bedelia
Parish, Herman
Amelia Bedelia is a maid who is not quite together. She misunderstands everything she is told to do, always with hysterical results. What will happen if Mr. Rogers lets her test drive his car?

One short week
Eriksson, Eva
Rosalie is bored because she has no one to play with. She calls her friend, Victor. Victor invites Rosalie to his birthday party, a whole week away. She turns one week into one day and ends up playing with Victor for a hundred hours.

Going up!
Sis, Peter
Mary is on an elevator going up to her mother's birthday party. The elevator stops at each floor and someone gets on. By the time they reach the twelvth floor, all of Mary's new friends have gathered for the celebration.

If I owned a candy factory
Stevenson, James
A boy imagines owning a candy factory. On each of his friends' birthdays, he gives them a carload of their favorite candy. He then invites all the kids in the world to come to the party.

Arthur's birthday
Brown, Marc
Arthur is having a birthday party and invites all his friends. He discovers that Muffy is having a party the exact same day. All their friends do not know which party to go to. Arthur writes new invitations and creates a surprise party for Muffy at his house.

Alfie gives a hand
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie goes to a birthday party. He helps a friend calm down by holding her hand, but he has to put down his precious blanket first.

Wilbur waits
Sherrow, Victoria
Wilbur is waiting for his birthday. When it finally arrives, he gets exciting presents like a kite, a sail boat and a sled. Unfortunately, the weather is not suitable for playing with any of his new toys. Instead of using his new toys, Wilbur finds other things to occupy his time until the weather improves.

Miss flora mcflimsey's birthday
It is Miss Flora McFlimsey's birthday, but it appears that all of her friends forgot. So Miss McFlimsey went away. She then discovers that she misses home and goes back. Waiting for her are her friends, presents, and a birthday cake for her.

A letter to amy
Keats, Ezra Jack
Peter writes an invitation to Amy to attend his birthday party. It is an adventure trying to mail the invitation in the wind and rain. Peter thinks Amy may never come to his party.

Spring story
Barklem, Jill
It is Wilfred's birthday. He is so excited, he wakes up early and opens all of his presents. He is sad because everyone in town seems to have forgotten his birthday. Everyone meets at the Palace and have a picnic to surprise Wilfred.

Jenny's birthday book
Averill, Esther
A cat, Jenny has a birthday. Her family and friends gather in the park for a birthday party.

Over the deep blue sea
Ikeda, Daisaku
Akiko and Hiroshi are anxious to explore their new home. They meet a boy named Pablo who helps them explore the sea by swimming and by boat. Pablo becomes their good friend once he is able to accept the fact that Akiko and Hiroshi are not natives of the land.

My grandpa and the sea
Orr, Katherine
A little girl and her grandpa go fishing on a boat. Grandpa starts a sea moss farm when he loses his job as a fisherman.

My little island
Lessac, Frane
A young boy and his friend, Lucca, travel to the Caribbean to visit the boy's island home.

Tom and pippo on the beach
Oxenbury, Helen
Tom goes to the beach with his dad and his stuffed monkey, Pippo. Tom's dad says he must wear a hat so that he will not get sick. Tom thinks Pippo should do the same. Tom lets Pippo wear his sun hat, and Tom wears a newspaper hat.

An ocean world
Sis, Peter
A whale sails new seas and after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a friend.

Belinda's bouquet
Newman, Leslea
A chubby little girl has difficulty understanding why all people have different shapes and sizes. Her friend's mom tells a story that helps Belinda understand how people are different. Belinda ends up feeling good about herself.

Nate the great and the crunchy christmas
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman//Sharmat, Craig
When Annie's dog, Fang, is unhappy, everyone is unhappy, especially Nate the Great. When Fang's Christmas mail turns up missing, Nate agrees to help solve the mystery of the missing card. Join Nate the Great in solving this holiday case in time for Fang to have a crunchy Christmas.

At the library
Loomis, Christine
An exciting trip to the library takes you through many activities -- from looking for books, to checking the computer, to playing with blocks, to listening to fun stories. You will find so much at the library.

Mama talks too much
Russo, Marisabina
It's Saturday morning, which means Celeste and her Mama make a trip to the market!As they walk through their urban neighborhood, Celeste and her Mama stop every few minutes. Mama always stops to talk, talk, talk with her friends. Will they ever make it to the market?

Gabrielle and selena
Desbarats, Peter
Gabrielle and Selena are tired of the same routine everyday. They switch places for the evening, and their parents play a trick on them. Be ready for a funny ending.

Selina, the mouse and the giant cat
Bohdal, Susi
A little girl named Selina has a fantastic dream about a mouse that becomes her friend and a cat that comes to eat him. Selina runs away from the cat in fear, but eventually must face the cat and protect the mouse.

The busy world of Richard Scarry: A big operation
Scarry, Richard
After contracting his third sore throat of the year, Huckle is told that his tonsils need to be taken out. Afraid of the hospital and the word operation, Huckle tries to sneak out. His friend, Lowly, takes Huckle around the hopital to show how others are brave. Huckle decides that he too is brave and will go through with the operation.

The maggie b.
Haas, Irene
A little girl wishes she could sail all day on a boat. Her wish comes true when she gets to sail on a boat named for her best friend, maggie b.

Arthur's camp-out
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur is bored one spring day so he decides to go on a field trip to collect specimens. He finds himself in some difficult situations and quickly discovers how quickly his bravery can wear off. Even though things don't go as planned, he still manages to have some fun, thanks to his friends.

The kidnapping of the coffee pot
Saari, Kaye
The coffee pot is kidnapped so the shoes, lawnmower and kerosene lamp go to the junk man to get her back.

Georgie and the robbers
Bright, Robert
A small ghost named Georgie lives in the Whittkaker house. When the house is threatened by robbers, the friendly ghost and his animal friends work together to scare the robbers away.

Secret of the peaceful warrior
Millman, Dan
An old man named Socrates teaches Danny that the best way to deal with a bully is to be a peaceful warrior. He also teaches Danny to have courage to face his fears, strength to build confidence, and wisdom to deal with situations peacefully.

How to lose all your friends
Carlson, Nancy
There are six ways to lose all your friends. Don't smile, never share, be a bully, be a poor sport, tattle, and whine. Can you be a better friend by the end of this story?

Potter, Katherine
A young boy, who is often picked on, makes friends with an imaginary stick figure. His new found friend drastically changes his life.

Mud for sale
Nelson, Brenda
Max sees that all of his friends are selling something. He wants to sell something too, so he comes up with the idea of selling mud. It is a big success.

Butterfly house
Bunting, Eve
A young girl and her grandfather save a caterpillar and keep it while it goes through its changes. They build it a beautiful house and care for it until it turns into a butterfly. Although it was hard for her to let it go, she has mysterious visitors surprise her every spring, even when she grows up to be a grandmother herself.

Lights out!
Himmelman, John
The Badger Scouts are ready for bed, but when their counselor turns out the light strange things begin to happen. The boys think that they hear and see all sorts of monsters. After getting flashlights, glasses of water, and a last trip to the bathroom, the boys are really ready for bed.

The jolly postman or other people's letters
Ahlberg, Janet//Ahlberg, Allan
This postman delivers mail to all of your favorite fairy tale characters. From the Three Bears to Cinderella, the jolly postman keeps them all in touch with their friends through letters.

All i see
Rylant, Cynthia
A boy, Charlie, watches a man named Gregory paint pictures of a whale by the lake each day. Eventually, the two meet and paint together by the lake what each sees. An artistic friendship develops.

My father's luncheonette
Greenberg, Melanie Hope
A little girl enjoys going to her father's luncheonette to eat, dance, waitress, clean-up, and close.

Summer business
Martin, Charles E.
A bunch of children on an island decide to work for the summer. They sell painted rocks, have a flea market, lemonade stand, dog-sit, and take people across the river. They earn enough money to go to the fair and have a wonderful time together.

Girls can be anything
Klein, Norma
Marina, a little girl, loves to play pretend with her best friend Adam. They pretent what they will be when they grow up. Adam tells Maria that she cannot have a career like a doctor because girls can only he nurses. Adam is always telling her that girls cannot do certain things but Marina always proves she can.

A troll in passing
Krensky, Stephen
Imagine growing up and being just a little different than everyone else. Morgan was never interested in troll things, even the games they played. He wanted more than troll life could give him. When he gets the job of forager, he begins a whole new life.

The rich man and the shoemaker
La Fontaine
A poor, old, but happy shoemaker sings all day long to keep his rich neighbor from sleeping. A rich man gives the shoemaker a bag of gold to keep quiet. The gold causes him to worry constantly and the shoemaker loses all his friends. The shoemaker realizes he is unhappy, returns the gold, and decides to go back to making shoes and friends.

Gertie and gus
Weil, Lisl
Gertie and Gus are used to simple life, until Gertie brings home a fishing net for Gus. From then on Gertie finds new ways to increase their fishing business and make more money, but Gus is not happy with their new life. Eventually they realize what real happiness is.

The low-down laundry line blues
Millen, C.M.
A young girl finds herself down in the dumps, lonely, depressed, and hanging around just like the laundry line outside her window. She doesn't want to do anything and looks so pitiful sitting beside her window all alone: she's got the low-down laundry line blues. Her sister decides that something must be done to cheer her up!She uses jivey rhymes to lift her sister's mood, but to no avail, they just don't seem to work. As a last resort, she drags her lonely blues-stricken sister outside and turns the low-down laundry line into a lively jump rope to play with!Suddenly the low-down laundry line and the girl with the low-down laundry line blues become lively and upbeat.

Friends from the other side
Anzaldua, Gloria
Prietita is a young girl who befriends a young immigrant from Mexico. He lives with his mother in a shed. When the police come, Prietita hides them so they won't be taken away. This story is in English and Spanish.

The block book
Couture, Susan Arkin
Betsy and Ben are blocks who save all their junk. Then one day, it comes in handy when their neighbor's house burns down. They build a new one for their friend out of junk.

Harlequin and the gift of many colors
Charlip, Remy//Supree, B.
Harlequin doesn't have a new costume for the carnival, so each of his friends give him a piece of cloth left over from theirs. His mom sews the cloth pieces onto his old suit and he's a hit at the party.

Hooray, a pinata!
Kleven, Elisa
It's Clara's birthday, and she wants a pinata for her party. Clara, her mom, and her friend Samson go to the pinata store and Clara chooses a cute dog. Clara grows to love the dog and will not break him open. Samson saves the day by bringing another pinata to the party!

Mary ann
James, Betsy
A moving of a best friend is sad for a young girl. She befriends a praying mantis and names it after her best friend. She must cope with the death of the mantis and the surprise at the end.

Nick joins in
Lasker, Joe
Nick, confined to a wheelchair, is going to school for the first time. He is anxious and scared. Nick overcomes his feelings and makes friends at school.

Theodor and mr. balbini
Mathers, Petra
Mr. Balbini no longer wants his talking dog, Theodor, so he gives him to Madame Paulet in exchange for her dog.