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  • Tags: friendship
I wish I had freckles like Abby/ Quisiera tener pecas como Abby
Heling, K. & Hembrook, D.
Rosa goes to elaborate and comical lengths to have freckles like Abby. She realizes she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for freckles. Rosa gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.

I wish I had glasses like Rosa/ Quisiera tener lentes como Rosa
Heling, Kathryn & Hembrook, Deborah
Abby goes to elaborate and comical lengths to get glasses like Rosa. She realizes that she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for glasses. Abby gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.

How the moon regained her shape
Heller, Janet Ruth
Influenced by Native American folktales, this fascinating story deals with bullying, self-confidence, and understanding the phases of the moon. After the sun insults and bullies her, the moon gets very upset and disappears - much to the chagrin of rabbits who miss their moonlight romps. With the help of her friends, the moon gains more self-confidence each day until she is back to her full size.

Wemberly worried
Henkes, Kevin
A young mouse named Wemberky worries about everything. Now she faces her biggest worry, the first day of school. Find out what Wemberly will do with so many worries to worry about!

Henkes, Kevin
Ruthie did not have a pet but she had an imaginary friend, Jessica. Ruthie's parents tried to tell her that there was no Jessica. When Ruthie went to kindergarten, she met a real friend named Jessica.

The missing tarts
Hennessy, B.G
The Knave of Hearts stole tarts from the Queen of Hearts. With the help of other nursery rhyme friends, she finds that the Knave of hearts has given them all away.

The monster behind the wall
Herbert, Barbara N.
Danny moves to a new house and discovers a monster on the other side of their garden wall. The monster throws Dannyメs soccer ball back to him, talks, plays, and eats candy with Danny. At school the next day, Danny plays soccer and gets tripped. Both boys yell nasty names at each other. Then, Danny goes home to talk to the monster, Fred, but he wasnメt there. Later, a huge thunderstorm tears down the wall, and Danny sees that モFredヤ is the child that tripped him during soccer. They become fast friends, tear the wall down, and play soccer together

Beyond turkey
Herman, Debbie // Koffsky, Ann D.
Almost 400 years ago, pilgrims traveled to North America. They met and befriended the Indians of the area. The different cultures came together to prepare a harvest and a celebration. This celebration became known as Thanksgiving.

A very important day
Herold, Maggie Rugg
A snowstorm adds to the wonder and excitement of this very important day during which 219 people become U.S. citizens.

Bronco busters
Herzig, Alison
Slim, Jim, and Grisley are the baddest bronco busters in all of the west. They think they can tame any horse, but they meet their match when they come across a small cowboy and his black pony. The bronco busters try everything, but the pony beats them every time. The small cowboy finds a way to turn this fierce bronco into a friend.

Come on, rain!
Hesse, Karen
A heat wave hits Tess's town and she's sizzling like a hot potato. Mamma's plants are all dying and all Tess wishes for is a little bit of rain. As she feels the rain coming, she runs to get her friends and they all change into bathing suits. The rain comes down in big drops and the girls dance, laugh, and play in the cool raindrops.

Off to school, baby duck!
Hest, Amy
It's baby ducks first day of school and she's a little bit nervous. Mr. and Mrs. Duck tell her to be brave because she's going to have so much fun. They hurry off to school and meet Grandpa duck on the way who gives baby duck the confidence she needs for the first day. Baby duck happily goes off to school with her new friend Dary Duck.

When jessie came across the sea
Hest, Amy
Jessie and her Grandmother are very close family to each other because there are no other relatives. Grandmother teachers Jessie to sew and Jessie teaches Grandmother to read. One day, Jessie is requested to travel to America by the rabbi. Her journey by ship is hard, but she meets a young man, Low, who she finds again in America and marries. Grandmother travels to America on the money that Jessie earned sewing lace for three years.

The best-ever good-bye party
Hest, Amy
Jessica's best friend Jason is moving away and she is sad. She gives him a party, but they have a fight about him moving, finding new friends, and having better parties. The two make up and admit that they will miss each other.

Mr. George Baker
Hest, Amy
Harry enjoys spending time with his older next door neighbor, Mr. Baker. Harry likes to wait for the bus with Mr. George Baker. Harry learns about Mr. Baker's life as a musician and learns that a person is never too old to learn to read.

Mr. George Baker
Hest, Amy
Mr. George Baker is a 100 year old musician who lives next door to Harry, a young schoolboy. They wait for the school bus together each morning to take them to school. They are both learning to read, and helping each other along the way.

Hewett, Joan
Cindy's best friend is her dog, Rosalie. Although Rosalie is old and unhealthy, Cindy still loves to play with her.

Robert lives with his grandparents
Hickman, Martha Whitmore
After his parents divorce, Robert goes to live with his grandparents. Robert's father moves away and his mother goes into drug rehabilitation. Even though Robert loves his grandparents, he is embarrassed to bring them to Parent's Day at school.

Jitterbug jam
Hicks, Barbara Jean
Jitterbug Jam is about a young monster who is afraid to deal with the scary boy under his bed! After a helpful story and piece of advice from his grandpa, or Boo-Dad, the little monster is brave enough to go under his bed, and later decides to make a friend.

The dragon that lived under manhattan
Hildick, E. W.
Jimmy and the prince explore under Manhattan in search of a dragon. They become friends with the dragon.

Hiller, Catherine
A boy gets a cat that is magical. The boy tells a friend about his cat and his friend promises not to tell. His friend tells and all the kids laugh and make fun of him. The cat proves to everyone that he is magical and then makes everyone forget, but the friend remembers and never tells.

Lights out!
Himmelman, John
The Badger Scouts are ready for bed, but when their counselor turns out the light strange things begin to happen. The boys think that they hear and see all sorts of monsters. After getting flashlights, glasses of water, and a last trip to the bathroom, the boys are really ready for bed.

Tudley didn't know
Himmelman, John
A painted turtle, Dudley, adopts other animalsメ behaviors ヨsimply because he doesnメt know he canメt! Tudley flies like a bird, sings like a katydid, hops like a frog, and glows like a firefly. He uses all his special behaviors to help other animals. Will Tudley's friends help him when he needs help?

Old bear
Hissey, Jane
Old Bear was put in the attic. His friends began to miss him so they tried to think of a way to get him down. Eventually, they flew a plane up to the attic and rescued him.

Little bear's trousers
Hissey, Jane
Little Bear loses his trousers and goes all around the house asking his friends if they have them. Eventually he finds them and they all have a party.

Arthur's birthday party
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.

Arthur's great big valentine
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur, the chimp, and his best friend, Norman, get in a fight. After awhile, they start feeling bad about fighting. They each make a Valentine for the other, becoming best friends once again.

Arthur's camp-out
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur is bored one spring day so he decides to go on a field trip to collect specimens. He finds himself in some difficult situations and quickly discovers how quickly his bravery can wear off. Even though things don't go as planned, he still manages to have some fun, thanks to his friends.

Arthur's funny money
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to earn enough money to buy a t-shirt and matching cap so he decides, with the help of his sister, to have a bike wash. He must use his math skills to figure out when he has reached his goal. However, he must first decide how to overcome a few obstacles.

Arthur's christmas cookies
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur decides to bake some cookies for his parents for their Christmas presents. Even though they turn out badly, Arthur finds another way to make wonderful presents out of his cookies.

Arthur's back to school day
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur and his friends are very excited about going back to school. They even have new lunch boxes!School goes great that first day as the friends learn about school bus safety and eat their yummy chocolate chip cookies for snack.

Silly tilly's thanksgiving dinner
Hoban, Lillian
Silly Tilly Mole is very forgetful and almost ruins her Thanksgiving dinner. She forgets to mail invitations and make the food. In the end, her friends come to the rescue with food and they all enjoy dinner.

A bargain for frances
Hoban, Russell
Frances saves money to buy a real china tea pot. Thelma swindles Frances out of her money and buys the tea pot. Frances then tricks Thelma out of the tea pot and they are friends again.

Best friends for frances
Hoban, Russell
Frances does not want to play with Gloria because she is young and small. Albert does not want to play with Frances because she is a girl. They all decided to play together, and each realizes how bad it feels to be left out.

One of each
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Oliver Tolliver lives alone in his one little house that has just one of everything. He thinks he is happy until he discovers that having more to share with friends is even better!

And to think that we thought we'd never be friends
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Arguments erupt everywhere. For a brother and sister, conflicts end as quickly as they begin. When a fight almost starts with their neighbors next door, music erupts until the whole town marches into the ocean. Even the whales join in the rhythmic fun!

Star of fear, star of hope
Hoelstlandt, Jo
Helen doesn't understand why her best friend, Lydia, has to wear a yellow star. On the eve of Helen's birthday, Nazis begin rounding up Jews. Their friendship is lost forever.

The horse in harry's room
Hoff, Syd
Harry has an imaginary horse in his room. However, when Harry's family take him to see horses that are free to run, Harry thinks he should set his horse free. He tries, but the horse will not go. The horse loves Harry too much to leave.

Danny and the dinosaur
Hoff, Syd
Danny goes to a museum and meets a live dinosaur. They decide to play all around town together for the entire day. At the end of the day, they say goodbye and go to their separate homes.

Danny and the dinosaur
Hoff, Syd
Danny visits a museum one day and comes across a dinosaur who begins to speak with Danny. The two spend the day together playing and having fun. By the end of the day it is time for the dinosaur to go back and Danny, although sad, admits he had a wonderful day.

Henry's baby
Hoffman, Mary
Henry wants to be a part of the in crowd at his school. They want to come over to Henry's house, but he is afraid for them to see he has a baby brother. However, all the guys think the baby is neat.

We play
Hoffman, Phyllis
Children go through activities of a typical day. For example, they cook, eat, wash, play, and run.

Angelina and alice
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina and Alice were very good friends and they did everything together. One day when Angelina tried to do a handstand on the playground and fell, everyone laughed including Alice. Angelina was very mad at Alice for laughing. But when Angelina needed a partner in gymnastics class, Alice volunteered and they had a great performance.

Angelina's christmas
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina sees Mr. Bell all alone the night before Christmas. Angelina and Henry make cookies for Mr. Bell. She and Henry go over to take the cookies to Mr. Bell. He invites them in and they have fun listening to stories. In return, Mr. Bell plays Santa in Angelina's Christmas Pagent.

Angelina ballerina
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina wants to be a ballerina. She never does her chores and dances all the time, annoying her parents and friends. Finally, her parents decide to enroll her in dance lessons. Angelina practices very hard for many years and eventually becomes a famous ballerina.

Angelina on stage
Holabird, Katharine
Angeline and Henry are asked to do a play and both are excited. Angelina gets jealous when Henry gets to speak. During the performance, Henry gets nervous and Angelina saves him and the play.

Grandpa, is everything black bad?
Holman, Sandy Lynne
Montsho struggles with the dark color of his skin. Everything around him that is black is considered bad. Thankfully, Muntsho's grandfather teaches him to appreciate his black skin by telling him stories about his African heritage.

The dragon wore pink
Hope, Christopher
Tarquin is a dinosaur and his fellow dragon disowned him. After settling a quarrel between the dragons and people. Tarquin is criticized again. He and Ellio fly away.

Oh, no! Where are my pants?
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Fourteen poems about everyday life tell about friends moving away, forgetting your pants and the death of a class pet. Other poems include Winter Rabbit, Play Ball, Nightmare, and My Friend Is Gone.

Be nice to josephine
Horvath, Betty
Charlie devotes every Saturday to playing baseball. This Saturday his cousin Josephine comes to visit and his mother insists that he entertain her.