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The cat's purr
Bryan, Ashley
A cat and a rat are friends. However, the rat tricks the cat and plays the special cat drum which only cats play. The cat seeks revenge on the rat and ends up swallowing the drum, and that's how the cat first started to purr.

A home in the barn
Brown, Margaret Wise
In the winter, it is too cold for the animals to be outside but the barn is warm. All the horses, cattle, mice, birds, and cats stay there together to keep away from the cold. Even though there are a lot of animals in the barn, they all get along and help to keep each other warm.

Buenas noches luna
Brown, Margaret Wise
A small rabbit is getting ready to go to bed. He says goodnight to everything he can see. Each page grows darker and darker until the rabbit falls asleep. (Written in Spanish)

The noon balloon
Brown, Margaret Wise
A little kitten jumps in a hot air balloon to avoid being chased by mice. While up in the balloon, she explains all the sites she sees and sounds she hears until she is ready to land.

When the wind blew
Brown, Margaret Wise
An old lady lives with seventeen cats and a kitten. On a windy day she brings the cats in the house. She gets a toothache and her kitten soothes it.

A pussycat's christmas
Brown, Margaret Wise
A pussycat knows that Christmas is coming. The cat plays in the snow and admires a Christmas tree. She is very content laying by the fire, listening to different sounds of the holiday. This is how the pussycat spends her Christmas Eve.

The little island
Brown, Margaret Wise
A kitten comes to an island and learns that the island is part of the world, just like he is. The island enjoys being both part of the world and on its own as the seasons change.

All butterflies
Brown, Marcia
Let's use every letter of the alphabet to tell a story about different animals, Valentine's Day, Christmas, and the zoo.

Brown, Marcia
Felice is a small striped cat living in Venice with no home or food. A boy starts to feed the cat and adopts him. He decides to name the cat, Felice.

Georgie's halloween
Bright, Robert
Herman the cat and Miss Oliver the owl try to convince Georgie to enter the Halloween costume contest, but he is just too shy. His mice friends give him a ribbon for winning their own costume contest.

George to the rescue
Bright, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker decide to take a visit to the city. George, the ghost, Herman, the cat, and Miss Oliver, the owl, decide to go along. They have many great adventures in the city, but are happy when it is time to return home.

Bright, Robert
Georgie, the ghost, makes spooky sounds to let the Whittaker's know when it's time to go to bed. Herman, the cat, knows when it is time to prowl and Miss Oliver, the owl, knows when it is time to WHOO! When the Whittaker's fix the creaking sound, Georgie does not know what to do. Eventually everything gets back to normal.

Miss pattie
Bright, Robert
An amazing cat named Miss Pattie is a barn cat, but suddenly moves in with Miss Williams. Miss Pattie begins doing chores for Miss Williams, begins reading, knitting, and doing other amazing things. Finally she has her own family of kittens and moves back to the barn.

The Umbrella
Brett, Jan
Carlos embarks on an adventure to the cloud forest where he leaves his umbrella at the base of a fig tree so he can climb it in search of rainforest animals. While he is up in the tree, through all of the animals he is searching for climb into the umbrella until it sinks in the water and they all run away...just before Carlos returns.

Berlioz the bear
Brett, Jan
Berlioz the bear is going to be late for the ball if the donkey doesn't move!The donkey doesn't move until a bee stings him -- then they get to the ball in no time!

Fat chance
Borton, Lady
Marty Louise has to stay home the rest of the school year because she has rheumatic fever. Feeling alone, she finds a friend in a dying stray cat that she nurses back to health. Her mother hates cats. Will she let Marty keep him?

The steel pan of Harlem
Bootman, Colin
The city of Harlem has rats everywhere in houses, subways, restaurants, stores and business, and the citizens are fed up! One day, a steel pan man comes to the subway station and when he plays his music everyone is entranced, even the rats. He tells the mayor that he will fix the rat problem if the mayor pays him a million dollars. The mayor reluctantly agrees and the man keeps his promise. However, the mayor, does not keep his end of the bargain, so he is given what he deserves!

My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

The case of the cat's meow
Bonsall, Crosby
A group of friends lose of their cat, Mildred. To find her, they form a private eye detective club. Little do they know that when they find Mildred, they will find new kittens, also!

Selina, the mouse and the giant cat
Bohdal, Susi
A little girl named Selina has a fantastic dream about a mouse that becomes her friend and a cat that comes to eat him. Selina runs away from the cat in fear, but eventually must face the cat and protect the mouse.

Cat and mouse in the snow
Bogacki, Tomacz
When two friends, Cat and Mouse, go outside one day to play in the green meadow, they are very surprised to find snow instead of grass. Together, they discover the fun of playing in the cold, white snow.

Oh, crumps! Ay, caramba!
Bock, Lee
One night, a sleepy farmer has a lot of chores to do and also has a hard time keeping his chore list straight. One mishap after another keeps him from getting sleep. As a result, he mixes up his tasks so that he plans to mow the cow, climb the fence, repair the hay, and milk the silo. Hopefully no one will disturb the farmer's sleep again before morning!

Lady monster has a plan
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy have too many pets. They try to build a house for all of them, but they need help. Lady monster and the little girl come to help and they all cooperate to build the animal house.

In jail, Ms. wiz?
Blacker, Terence
Ms. Wiz changes Lizzie Thompson into a cat to foil a gang of catnappers and now she can't turn her back again. Lizzie's mother is panicking, and the evil Mrs. D'Arcy is closing in. But how can Ms. Wiz straighten things out when she's in jail?

A drop of honey
Bider, Djemma
Anayida falls asleep and dreams of baking baklava. When she buys the honey, she drops some of it on the sidewalk. A bee lands on the honey and a cat chases the bee. A dog chases the cat and they all run through the town. The whole town is turned upside down because of one drop of honey.

A moose is not a mouse
Berson, Harold
A mouse lives in fear of the cat. It is not until he sees a picture of a moose that he thinks that when he grows up he will be bigger than the cat. As it happens, the mouse's mother tells him that a mouse is not a moose.

Animalogy: Animal analogies
Berkes, Marianne
Compare and contrast different animals through predictable analogies that rhyme. Find the similarities between even the most incompatible animals....bat is to flit as eagle is to soar; dog is to bark as lion is to roar. Comparisons include sounds, physical adaptations, behaviors, and animal classifications.

Not norman:  A goldfish story
Bennett, Kelly
When a boy gets Norman, a goldfish, for his birthday he is disappointed. He wants an energetic pet with which to run and play. He makes a plan to take Norman back to the pet store and get another pet. After show and tell at school, he decides to keep him. Norman likes his music and makes him laugh; besides any other pet just wouldnï¾’t be the same, they would not be Norman.

Names for snow
Beach, Judi K.
A rabbit asks his mother what is snow? and she responds with several different descriptions of snow and the many names there are for it.

The patchwork cat
Bayley, Nicole//Mayne, William
The cat sets out to retrieve her patchwork quilt that has been thrown away.

Bauer, Marion
A boy spends his day outside with his cat exploring different types of clouds and the different things that clouds do. He also explains in a colorful and easy way, what clouds are made of and how we interact with clouds on an everyday basis, using weather terminology.

The wee little woman
Barton, Byron
A wee little woman milks her wee little cow and leaves the wee little bowl of milk on her wee little table. Later, her wee little cat sneaks in and drinks all the milk. The wee little woman is sad when the cat runs away after she yells at it.

The mousehole cat
Barber, Antonia
In the fishing village of Mousehole, lives a cat and Tom the fisherman. They feast on great fish until a major storm comes and none of the fishermen can go out to sea anymore. Finally, the cat tames the sea with his singing and that allows Tom to go fishing before Christmas.

The cat who walked across France
Banks, Kate
After the death of his owner, a cat is moved to another city. He has fond memories of the old woman and wishes to find his home again. The cat begins a journey across the country to find his way back to the stone house. When he arrives, he finds the door open, walks in, and finds a spot to fall asleep. He is awoken by two children who reminds him of the old woman with whom he finds home again.

One fine day
Bang, Molly
From morning until bedtime, a child plays with toys to experience one fine day of activities.

Good-bye, house
Ballard, Robin
A little girl copes with moving to a new house with mama and papa. Before they leave for the new house, the girl says good-bye to the old house and all the rooms in it. When they arrive at the new house, she decides the change is not as bad as she thought.

Amelia's nine lives
Balian, Lorna
A little girl has the misfortune of losing her best friend, a cat named Amelia. Her friends and family try to help the little girl by giving her cats that look like Amelia. In the end, Amelia returns home with four kittens.

The third-story cat
Baker, Leslie
A house cat, Alice, longs to visit the park across the street. One day, Alice escapes her comfortable apartment. She meets a streetwise cat and has a hair-raising day. After Alice's adventures, she gladly goes home - until tomorrow.

Digby and kate and the beautiful day
Baker, Barbara
Digby and Kate spend every day together. They play games, eat, draw pictures, take walks, and just enjoy each other's company. The only problem is that they often disagree, as a dog and cat should. Still they have fun together and continue to be best friends.

Bub or the very best thing
Babbitt, Natalie
The king and queen, wanting only the best for Bub, start asking everyone what they think is the best thing for Bub. Finally, the cook's daughter suggests that the king and queen ask Bub what is best.

Nellie: A cat on her own
Babbitt, Natalie
Nellie is a cat marionette, and she belongs to an old woman. When the old woman dies, she becomes friends with Big Tom, a real cat. Big Tom takes her out of the house and into a new home.

Slither, swoop, swing
Ayliffe, Alex
Join animals of many shapes and sizes doing the activities they do best. Watch snakes slither, bats swoop, monkeys swing, penguins waddle, and other animals on the move.

Aunt pitty's patty's piggy
Aylesworth, Jim
Aunt Pitty Patty and her niece Nelly bring a pig home from the market. But the pig won't enter the gate to Aunt Pitty Patty's yard. Nelly seeks out the help of others to get the pig through the gate but no one is willing. Nelly problem solves to get others to help and they get the pig through the gate before dinner.

Old black fly
Aylesworth, Jim
An old black fly bothers a crazy mixed-up family by flying around and interrupting every aspect of their lives. The fly progresses through the alphabet by landing first on an apple pie, a baby, cookies, then a dog.

One crow: A counting rhyme
Aylesworth, Jim
A farm is the setting for this counting rhyme. The rhyme takes us through summer then through winter.

The full belly bowl
Aylesworth, Jim
After being captured by a fox, a wee man is rescued and nurtured by a very old man for three days. In appreciation of the old man's kindness, a bowl is left on his porch with a note about its special powers. The beautiful full, belly bowl multiplies any item placed in it. This brings both happiness and trouble to the old man.

Jenny's birthday book
Averill, Esther
A cat, Jenny has a birthday. Her family and friends gather in the park for a birthday party.

Here comes the cat
Asch, Frank//Vagin, Vladimir
A cat's arrival causes excitement among the residents of a mouse settlement. The text is written in both English and Russian.

There was an old lady who swalled fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Buzz take Fly Guy with him to visit Grandma. During Grandma's excited hug, she accidentally swalllows Fly Guy! She proceeds to swallow animal after animal in an attempt to catch Fly Guy and all the animals she swallows until Fly Guy finally escapes, followed by the rest.