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  • Tags: verbal communication
The two reds
Lipkind, William//Mordvinoff, Nicolas
There are two reds, a boy and a cat. They are not friends until they help each other get out of trouble.

Miss Flora Mcflimsey's valentine
Miss Flora McFlimsey sends anonymous valentines to all her friends. Her cat, Pookoo, is supposed to deliver them but does not. Even though Pookoo made a mistake, things work out in the end.

My cat ginger
Wahl, Jan
A young boy and his cat, Ginger, do things together. Ginger starts running away and disappearing for whole days and nights. The boy imagines where Ginger could be, and then finds out that Ginger has seven kittens.

The cat who loved to sing
Hogrogian, Nonny
A cat goes through a series of trades with many people. Each trade makes the person happy and in the end, the cat gets what it wanted.

Farmer brown goes round and round
Sloat, Teri
Farmer Brown lives on a farm and he and his animals are very content. One day, a tornado whips through the farm picking up Farmer Brown and his animals. When they land back on the ground everyone is mixed up and making the wrong sounds. When the tornado returns and picks up the farmer and the animals again, things return back to normal.

Grandaddy's stars
Griffith, Helen V.
Janetta is excited about the upcoming visit from her Grandaddy. She makes a list of everything she wants to show him. Grandaddy shows Janetta that they share the same stars. Now when Janetta looks at the stars she realizes that Grandaddy isn't that far away after all.

Grandaddy and Janetta
Giffith, Helen V.
Janetta is going to her grandfather's house for the first time in a year. She is worried that her mother will be lonely and that her grandfather will not recognize her.

Teacher's pet
Miles, Miska
Lottie is embarrassed as she begins her new school because her clothes are different, and her cat continues to follow her to class. She tries to fit in with the other children but is unsuccessful. Her cat has kittens in the school which helps her win the friendship of Gertrude. Gertrude helps Lottie to realize that uniqueness is special, not bad.

Chicago and the cat
Koontz, Robin Michal
A pushy cat takes over the home of Chicago the rabbit, and then, the two become friends. The story illustrates the need to cooperate and communicate in order to resolve conflict.

Dog in, cat out
Rubinstein, Gillian
With limited words and large illustrations, this story describes of a family with both a cat and a dog. When the cat is in the house, the dog is out and vice versa.

Uproar on hollercat hill
Marzollo, Jean
The cat family is getting along great, playing games and building things. Suddenly everything goes wrong and everyone is mad at each other. Finally, they work it out and all is well again.

The wee little woman
Barton, Byron
A wee little woman milks her wee little cow and leaves the wee little bowl of milk on her wee little table. Later, her wee little cat sneaks in and drinks all the milk. The wee little woman is sad when the cat runs away after she yells at it.

The church mice adrift
Oakley, Graham
The church mice lose their home to the rats. Together with the cat, they make a plan to gain their home back.

Seen any cats?
Modell, Frank
Marvin and Milton want to go to the circus but they do not have enough money. They decide to make a circus of their own and make cats the entertainment. They cannot train cats, but they devise a way to earn money.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

The rain came down
Shannon, David
The rain creates unexpected chaos one Saturday morning. The endless arguments in houses and on the street turn into disaster, until the rain finally stops.

Pet show
Keats, Ezra Jack
The neighborhood is having a pet show but Archie can't find his cat. He searches diligently for the cat but can't find it. When the judges are passing out awards, an old woman arrives with the cat while Archie arrives with another pet and also gets a prize.

Henry and mudge and the happy cat
Rylant, Cynthia
A lost cat finds a home with Henry and Mudge. After Henry and Mudge help the cat find his owner, everyone is sad when the cat finally leaves.

Joey and the birthday present
Kumin, Maxine W.//Sexton, Anne
Joey is a mouse who lives on a farm. He meets a city mouse who is a boy's pet, and they become good friends. They play and do things together until the city mouse has to leave.

Bub or the very best thing
Babbitt, Natalie
The king and queen, wanting only the best for Bub, start asking everyone what they think is the best thing for Bub. Finally, the cook's daughter suggests that the king and queen ask Bub what is best.

Hi, cat!
Keats, Ezra Jack
Archie says Hi to a cat, and it follows him the rest of the day. Archie and Peter try to put on a show but the cat messes it all up. In the end, Archie realizes that the cat likes him.

Mr. t.w. anthony woo
Ets, Marie Hall
Mr. T.W. Anthony Woo is a friendly mouse that keeps the cobbler of Shooshko company. The cobbler's sister wants the dog and cat to catch the mouse and be rid of him. Instead, the cat, dog, and mouse cooperate to get rid of the cobbler's sister and live in peace.

Chato's kitchen
Soto, Gary
Chato, the coolest low-riding cat in East L.A., feels very fortunate when he learns a family of mice accepts his invitation to dinner. Chato and his best friend, Novio Boy, prepare an extravagant meal excluding the main dish. When the two cats open the door and see a surprise guest, they realize that their plan is ruined.

Mean murgatroyd and the ten cats
Zimelman, Nathan
Arabella takes her ten cats for a walk every day, but Mean Murgatroyd, the dog next door, scares them away. Arabella comes up with a great idea for dealing with Murgatroyd.

Loop the loop
Dugan, Barbara
Mrs. Simpson and a girl, Anne, become friends. Mrs. Simpson shows Anne how to do a loop the loop with a yo-yo before she is placed in a nursing home and cannot remember anything.

Dove isabeau
Yolen, Jane
Dove Isabeau is a young beauty whose stepmother is a jealous witch. One day, the witch turns Isabeau into a dragon. A young man saves her by risking his own life. In the end, Dove Isabeau saves her lover's life and they live happily ever after.

The tale of tom kitten
Potter, Beatrix
Tom Kitten has two siblings. Their mother cleans them all and puts on nice clothes because her friends were coming to tea. The kittens then go out to play and get dirty. Three ducks come by and take their clothes. Their mother is very angry and sends them up to their room.

The porcupine mouse
Pryor, Bonnie
Louie and Dan are two mice brothers that move out into the world on their own. They learn how important a good breakfast is, how scary cats are, and how best friends are important.

Speak English for us, Marisol!
English, Karen
Marisol is anxious to get home from school to see if she has new kittens or not. Unfortunately she is delayed by relatives and friends that stop Marisol for a favor, to speak or translate English. She happily complies and solves everyone's problems and is rewarded with her mother's love and pride.

Chato and the party animals
Soto, Gary
Chato's friend, Novio Boy, always gets sad at birthday parties because he is from the pound and does not know when his birthday is. Chato decides to throw his friend the biggest party ever, but in the hustle and bustle, forgets to invite the cat of honor!Now that he is found, it's time to celebrate.

Miss pattie
Bright, Robert
An amazing cat named Miss Pattie is a barn cat, but suddenly moves in with Miss Williams. Miss Pattie begins doing chores for Miss Williams, begins reading, knitting, and doing other amazing things. Finally she has her own family of kittens and moves back to the barn.

A summertime song
Haas, Irene
One summer evening a frog jumps into Lucy's room and invites her to a magical birthday party. Lucy goes outside and joins her animal friends in celebrating owl's birthday. While outside in the garden, Lucy discovers an old doll she recognizes as her grandmother's and returns it to the delighted woman.

When i feel angry
Spelman, Cornelia Maude
A little rabbit names situations that makes her angry. Depending on the situation, she chooses different activities to help reduce her anger. She attempts to work through her anger in a positive way.

Hall, Malcolm
A printing press, run by animals, has a mystery. Someone is stealing the letters which ends up making very confusing headlines.

The tale of samuel whiskers
Potter, Beatrix
Tom is a kitten who climbs up a chimney and gets lost. Samuel Whiskers is a rat who found Tom and wanted to make him into pudding. His family rescues him and expels the rats. Tom is now afraid of rats.

Zinnia and dot
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Zinnia and Dot are two hens that have never gotton along. When a weasel steals all of their eggs but one, the two hens are forced to cooperate and share the new baby chick.

A single speckled egg
Levitin, Sonia
Abel, Nagel, and Zeke, three farmers worry about a hen laying a single speckled egg, a cow that kicks over a bucket of milk, and horse that eats mustard seed. Their wives try to comfort them but it does not work so they ask the teacher what to do. The teacher tells them to worry more than their husbands and the strategy worked.

Chicken little (Pollita pequenita)
Kellogg, Steven
Chicken Little thinks that the sky is falling so she tells all her friends. They are all tricked by the fox, and he captures them. In the end, the fox is captured and put in prison.

The chicken sisters
Numeroff, Laura
The three chicken sisters find happiness as they cook, sing, and knit, although they don't do any of these things very well. This bothers their neighbors until a wolf moves in next door. The neighbors are all frightened by the wolf, but the sisters' cooking, singing, and knitting make him move out of town.

Geraldine's blanket
Keller, Holly
Geraldine the pig does not want to give up her blanket. So when she gets a doll for Christmas, she makes a dress out of her blanket so she can take it with her.

A christmas story
Chalmers, Mary
A little girl and her animal friends get ready for Christmas by putting up a tree. They have to go looking for a star for the top of the tree because they do not have one.

Animals should definitely not wear clothing
Barrett, Judi
Can you think of reasons why animals should not wear clothing?

Buster loves buttons
Manushkin, Fran
Buster loves buttons and even goes so far as to take them right off of people's clothing. Finally, a little girl and her dog set Buster straight.

Runaway mittens
Rogers, Jean
Pico, an Eskimo boy, is always losing the red mittens his grandmother makes for him. One day, Pico finds his mittens in a box with his dog who has just delivered puppies. He decides his mittens should stay there, so the puppies can keep warm.

One mitten lewis
Kay, Helen
Lewis always loses one of his mittens. His mother is continually making or buying him new pairs. Finally, Lewis meets a girl who has the same problem so they end up matching all their odd pairs.

Toddlecreek post office
Shulevitz, Uri
The village of Toddlecreek is very small, but it has a post office that is the heart of the village. A postal inspector comes and decides to close the post office. After this, the village is never the same.

Can I keep him?
Kellogg, Steven
Arnold is continually asking his mother if he can have one sort of pet or another, and his mother is always saying no. Finally, Arnold finds a friend and that suits his mother.

The tiger who lost his stripes
Paul, Anthony
General MacTiger is the most magnificent animal in the forest, until he loses his stripes. His friend, the Python, stole them and now General MacTiger has to find a way to get them back.

Hall, Malcolm
Caroline the porcupine must prove that she can handle her new responsibilities as a weather forecaster.

Mrs. pig gets cross and other stories
Rayner, Mary
Life in the busy Pig household is always eventful. Father, Mother, and their ten children have a big party, struggle against bad moods, and all end up in the same bed one night. A collection of seven stories.