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  • Tags: verbal communication
D.W. all wet
Brown, Marc
D.W. goes to the beach with her parents and brother, but will not go near the water. When she goes for a piggy-back ride on her brother's back, he throws her in the water. First she screams in fear, but then she likes playing in the water.

Dad and me in the morning
Lakin, Patricia
A young boy talks about going to watch the sunrise with his dad. He shares all the ways they can communicate with one another.

Daddy has a pair of striped shorts
Otey, Mimi
Daddy likes to wear bright mismatched clothes all over town. His daughter feels embarrassed sometimes. Her daddy is also a preacher that everyone loves including his daughter despite his original way of dressing.

Daddy is a monster...sometimes
Steptoe, John
Bweela and her brother, Javaka, think their dad turns into a monster when they do something wrong. But at other times he is not so bad.

Daddy's roommate
Willhoite, M.
A young boy learns that a family divorce can be a tragic event. When his father moves in with another man, the boy learns that the two grown men are gay. Finally the boy learns to love each of them even though he feels uncomfortable at times.

Powell, E. Sandy
Daisy is a nine year old girl who grows up in an abusive environment. She lives with her father who drinks, did not want to work, and both physically and mentally abuses her. Daisy's tutor saw the bruises and Daisy is able to confide in her what was happening. She is placed in a foster home.

Daisy and the egg
Simmons, Jane
As Aunt Buttercup sits atop her eggs, Daisy awaits the arrival of new cousins and a brother or sister. Soon the eggs begin to hatch, all but the one Daisy has been watching. When Mama gives up hope, Daisy helps hatch the late egg!

Daisy-head mayzie
Seuss, Dr.
One day during class, a daisy grows from the top of Mayzie McGrew's head. With a daisy on her head, Mayzie experiences many things. Mayzie becomes the talk of the school and town and gains fame and fortune. She also experiences loneliness. Mayzie did learn one very important thing from the daisy on her head--her parents love her no matter what!

Daisy's taxi
Young, Ruth
Daisy ferries to and from the island all day in her water taxi. Throughout the day, Daisy takes passengers and their valuables to the island and back to shore no matter what kind of weather. After a long day, Daisy wants to go for a row with her husband.

Shumaker, Ward
Join pigs, cats, dogs, ducks, and many other animals as they dance the night away. The animals demonstrate many different dances from flopping and dropping to swirling and twirling to the music.

Dancin' in the kitchen
Gelsanliter, Wendy//Christian, Frank
Dinner at Grandma's house begins with dancing in the kitchen. Each family member has their own job and makes dinner preparation a celebration. Clean up starts as they dance their empty plates to the kitchen.

Dancing with the indians
Medearis, Angela Shelf
An African American family watches a Seminole Indian celebration. After watching and learning of this culture and its customs, the family joins in the dancing.

Dangerous crossing
Krensky, Stephen
Showing no signs of fear, young Johnny Adams boards a ship with his father, the future second President of the United States, for a voyage from Massachusetts to Paris to gain support for the colonies. Their journey is depicted with vivid pictures and an exciting storyline portraying the battles, harsh weather and seasickness endured along the way by two key Presidents in U.S. history.

Daniel's duck
Bulla, Clyde Robert
Daniel wants to learn to carve wood. So he carves a duck and takes it to the fair. People at the fair laugh at his duck, but the town woodcarver finds a lot of potential in his work.

Dark day, light night
Carr, Jan
Manda curls up on her bed, mad because Bobby took the basketball right out of her hands. Aunt Ruby sits down and talks with Amanda, trying to cheer her up. With Manda in the crook of her arm, Aunt Ruby shares her list of favorite things causing Manda's frown to turn into a smile.

David goes to school
Shannon, David
David is quite the mischievous student, full of energy and always keeping his teacher on her toes. His entertaining antics make it impossible not to enjoy him.

David's father
Munsch, Robert
Julie has new neighbors. David seems like a regular boy, but Julie wonders what the rest of his family is like, because she saw a spoon the size of a shovel, a knife as big as a flagpole, and a fork the size of a pitchfork all being moved into David's house.

Days with daddy
Watson, Pauline
Daddy has decided to go back to school, so mommy is going to go tho work. Vickie, the youngest child in the family, shares her view of her dad as the head of the household.

Days with frog and toad
Lobel, Arnold
Frog and his friend, Toad, go through many adventures. On these adventures, Toad learns many valuable lessons from Frog.

Dealing with feelings: I'm furious
Crary, Elizabeth
When Matt sees his Reggie Jackson baseball card floating in the toilet, his jaw drops. He is furious that his little brother did that. One thing that will solve his problem is to hit his little brother, right?Wrong!His mother presents him with six ways to successfully handle his anger. After resolving his problems, Matt makes peace with his brother.

Dear daddy
Schindel, John
Jesse really wants to visit his father who lives far away. Jesse and his dad write letters back and forth to pass the time until Jesse can visit in the summer.

Dear juno
Pak, Soyung
A little boy name Juno receives a letter from his grandmother in Seoul, Korea. He's unable to read the letter since it is written in her native language, but he's able to gain an understanding of it from the photograph and dried flower that accompanies it. Juno decides to send a letter of his own in a very inventive way.

Dear mr. blueberry
James, Simon
Emily writes her teacher letters about a whale that is in her backyard pool. Her teacher tells and educates her that whales can't live in her pool. However, she has a great imagination and keeps trying to tell him.

Dear rebecca, winter is here
George, Jean Craighead
Someone is writing a letter to a friend to remind her that winter is here again. She also reminds her that summer will be back.

Death in a nut
Maddern, Eric
Jackï¾’s mother tells him she is dying. He stops the grim reaper from taking her by fighting him. He realizes death has to occur to survive, because he needs to eat. Grim reaper allows Jackï¾’s mother to live longer.

December 24th
Cazet, Denys
Emily and Louie vist Grandpa and give him a surprise gift. Grandpa tries to guess what the holiday gift could be. Eventually, he sees that it is his birthday gift.

Unknown Author
Children go in and out of this dentist's office for checkups! First, a little boy gets his teeth examined by the dentist, and he finds out that they are a little dirty. Then, the dentist teaches the boy about how teeth develop over time and what he should do to take care of his teeth properly. Next, a little girl visits the dentist, and they find out that she has a hole in her tooth or a cavity. Finally, the little girl gets a filling, and her mouth is good as new!

Dentists help
Ready, Dee
Learn who a dentist is, what their job entails, and how they work to provide care for their patients. Children also learn about different types of dentists and what specialists they should see when and if they have crooked teeth, for instance. Details are shared about the clothing and tools a dentist may use when caring for their patients' teeth. When you know these important details, you can relax and enjoy going to the dentist!

Devil in the drain
Pinkwater, Daniel
All of his life, a boy has been afraid of the devil in his drain. When he confronts the devil, he tells him that he is not afraid of him and that he is mean. Not believing him, the boy takes revenge by turning on the water.

Dikou and the baby star
Dikou finds a baby star in the forest. He takes the star home, but does not know what to feed it. It keeps getting dimmer until his parents help him launch it back into the sky.

Dinah's mad, bad wishes
Joosse, Barbara M.
When Dinah is sent to her room, she and her mother both work out their frustratrions in different ways. Dinah wishes bad things would happen to her mother, but then she changes her mind, and the two of them reconcile.

Dinner at the panda place
Calmenson, Stephanie
Mr. Panda opens his restaurant and the animals come in by one's, two's, all the way to ten's to dine in his restaurant, Panda Palace. After all the patrons are seated and the restaurant is full, one more guest arrives, a tiny mouse. Will Mr. Panda be able to find room for him?

Dinosaurs divorce
Brown, Laurene Krasny//Brown, Marc
Divorce can be a scary thing for children. Questions and concerns about divorce can be answered with help from the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs explain everything from why parents divorce to celebrating holidays with two families to satisfy the inquisitive young mind.

Dinosaurs' christmas
Donnelly, Liza
Rex and his dog decide to go sledding. While sledding, they end up in the North Pole and meet up with a dinosaur who takes them to Santa's workshop. Rex tells the elves that they're making the toy dinosaurs wrong, helps them fix their mistake, and ends up saving Christmas.

Dirty dave
Hilton, Nette
An outlaw family is well dressed by the father who is a tailor. The community learns to accept the family.

Disney's elegant abc book
Jefferds, Vincent
All of the Disney characters in this book explain the ABCs through rhythm and fun.

Do frogs have fur?
Dahl, Michael
Do dogs have feathers? No! Birds do. Through questioning about animal coats, readers have the opportunity to learn about the functions of various animal coverings. The combination of a glossary, an index and factual information and an engaging text makes the book an effective educational tool.

Do gloves go on feet?
DK Publishing
Do you wear a winter coat to the pool? No, you wear a winter coat in the snow! This book asks and answers silly yet important questions for children.

Do like Kyla
Johnson, Angela
A little girl looks up to her older sister Kyla. Anything Kyla does, her little sister mimics. Her adoration for her sister is evident from waking up to bedtime.

Do not open
Turkle, Brinton
Miss Moody lives by the sea with her cat, Captain Kidd. She loves to collect objects left on the beach after a storm. One day she finds a bottle that says do not open. She opens it up and finds a terrible monster. She defeats the monster through quick thinking.

Do you know what i'll do?
Zolotow, Charlotte
A sister tells her younger brother all the different things that she will do for him. She will bring him things that will apply to his five senses. Most of all, she brings her brother her love and attention.

Do you see a mouse?
Waber, Bernard
There could not possibly be a mouse at the Park Snoot Hotel could there?The hotel staff did not see a mouse as they make their rounds through the hotel. When the mouse catchers extraordinaire, Hyde and Snide, come to the hotel, they do not find a mouse. The clever mouse gets to keep his nice home at the hotel because no one can find him.

Do you want to play?A book about being friends
Kolar, Bob
Do you want to play?These two children have lots of ideas about what they can do. They can play together or alone or even in a big group. The park is fun, so is a board game, There are so many things to do with a friend, the possibilities are endless!

Dog biscuit
Cooper, Helen
Bridget ate a biscuit, but it was a dog biscuit. Her babysitter, Mrs. Blair, found out and told her she would turn into a dog. The rest of the day, Bridget could feel things changing and she even starts acting like a dog, but even her mom did not notice. During the night, she goes out and plays with other dogs and is finally happy about eating the dog biscuit until she thinks about her family. She starts howling, until she finds herself back in her bed with her mom by her side. When she confesses, her mom assures her Mrs. Blair was teasing and the next day Mrs. Blair agrees and gives her human treats instead!

Dog blue
Dunbar, Polly
A young boy named Bertie loves the color blue. Bertie also loves dogs, but he does not have a blue dog. He pretends that he has a blue dog, until he actually finds a real dog! Although his new dog is black and white, Bertie loves him and decides to name him Blue.

Dog in, cat out
Rubinstein, Gillian
With limited words and large illustrations, this story describes of a family with both a cat and a dog. When the cat is in the house, the dog is out and vice versa.

Don't be my valentine
Lexau, Joan M.
Sam makes a mean valentine for his classmate Mary Lou but loses it. It ends up going to the teacher. After arguing about how the teacher got the valentine, they decide to be friends.

Don't hurt me, mama
Stanek, Muriel
A child is being physically abused by her alcoholic mother at home. A school nurse discovers it and sees that both of them get help.

Don't worry, dear
Fassler, Joan
Jenny does a lot of things little girls do; she sucks her thumb, wets the bed, stutters her words, and pretends her stuffed animals are real. Many people laugh at Jenny, but her mother tells her not to worry because things will get better as she grows up.

Don't you remember?
Clifton, Lucille
A four-year old girl asks if she can go to work with her dad, buy a cake from the bakery, see where her mom works, and drink coffee with her brothers. One day on her birthday, she gets everything she's been asking for.