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Two dog biscuits
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy and Janet each get a dog biscuit from their neighbor. Since they don't have a dog to give the biscuits to, they go on a walk with their mother to find one. After searching for the perfect dog, they decide to give the biscuits to a cat, who eats them quickly.

Everett anderson's friend
Clifton, Lucille
At first Everett is disappointed when a girl moves in next door. Soon enough, he learns what a great friend Maria can be to him.

Everett anderson's nine month long
Clifton, Lucille
Everett Anderson is a young boy whose parents are divorced. His Mama remarries Mr. Perry and now they all live happily together. Then Everett finds his mother is pregnant and is no longer sure of his role within the family. When the baby is born Everett is able to accept the new addition to the family.

Everett anderson's 1-2-3
Clifton, Lucille
Everett Anderson is a young boy living with his mom. One day, his mom decides to start dating a busdriver and Everett doesn't like it. But when Everett talks with Mr. Perry he finds out that he likes Mr Perry.

Don't you remember?
Clifton, Lucille
A four-year old girl asks if she can go to work with her dad, buy a cake from the bakery, see where her mom works, and drink coffee with her brothers. One day on her birthday, she gets everything she's been asking for.

The boy who did not believe in spring
Clifton, Lucille
A young boy, King Shabazz, and his friend Tony Polito go looking for spring because they do not believe that it exists. They live in the city and search all over for signs of spring. They finally find springtime flowers and bird eggs.

Belinda's new spring hat
Clymer, Eleanor
Belinda wants a new spring hat, so she wears different household items like a lampshade and a wastepaper basket as hats on her head.Finally her dad buys her a real hat as a surprise.

The big pile of dirt
Clymer, Eleanor
Several children in the city find that they have nowhere to play. They have to play in a big pile of dirt in an empty lot. Finally, the mayor builds a park for the kids in the empty lot to play in.

Mr. Tanen's tie trouble
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
The principal of Lynnhurst School, Mr. Tanen, is known for his unbelievable collection of 975 ties. He has a tie for every occasion! When the plan for the new playground falls through, everyone is shocked to see Mr. Tannen part with his beloved ties as he auctions them off so that the children at Lynnhurst School can enjoy their new playground.

The balloon race
Coerr, Eleanor
Ariel almost causes her famous mother to lose a balloon race and then helps her to win.

The josefina story quilt
Coerr, Eleanor
A small girl named Faith had a very special friendship with her goose Josefina. Faith is part of a pioneer family moving West. Throughout their journey, Faith makes a patch to represent each event she encounters, including the death of Jusetina. At the end, the quilt tells the story of the friendship between the goose and the little girl.

Molly's pilgrim
Cohen, Barbara
Molly brings a pilgrim doll that's a replica of her mother when she left Russia to school. Only with this doll do the other students learn the true meaning of a pilgrim.

It's george!
Cohen, Miriam
A boy named George feels like an outcast because other students pick on him. He is not able to do some of the things they can so he gets depressed. He rescues someone by calling 911 and is on television and becomes famous at school.

Jim's dog muffins
Cohen, Miriam
Jim's dog, Muffins, gets killed and when he goes to school, he won't talk to anyone. His friend, Paul, makes him laugh and realize that life goes on even after someone you love dies.

Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Cohen, Miriam
A new boy in the first grade boasts and tells lies to impress his classmates. It backfires and the kids will not play with him because he is a liar. He makes friends at the Christmas party by being himself and telling the truth.

The real-skin rubber monster mask
Cohen, Miriam
A little boy wants to be as scary as he can be, so he gets a monster mask. But while out trick or treating, he scares himself and sheds his mask to be him.

See you in second grade
Cohen, Miriam
A first grade class spends their last day of school at the beach. They are afraid of going onto second grade, but the teacher assures them it will be fun. When they go home for the summer, they are excited about what the next school year may bring.

Olson's meat pies
Cohen, P//Landstrom, O.
Olson makes meat pies with the best ingredients. One day his bookkeeper runs off with all of Olson's money. Olson is forced to put strange ingredients in the pies- like watches. Finally, the bookkeeper comes back with most of Olson's money and the meat pies are good again.

Home for Navidad
Cohen, Santiago
Rosa has not seen her mother in three years. Rosa's mother works to save money in America until she is finally able to come home for Navidad. The whole family can now celebrate the Christmas holiday in the small town in Mexico.

Cohn, Diana
Nima Sherpa lives next to Mount Everest, and her father guides people to the top of the mountains once a year. Before he leaves, he tells Nima that he will have a story for her when he returns and asks Nima if she will have a story for him. As Nima walks around the village thinking of what her story could be, she greets everyone with Namaste, just as her mom taught her. She struggles with her story until she realizes that she spreads sweetness everytime she says Namaste.

The trouble with mom
Cole, Babette
Nobody's parents like one child's mom who is a witch. Then one day she puts out a fire and everyone learns to appreciate her.

Texas star
Cole, Barbara Hancock
Cold winter weather is coming, so Mama decides to have a quilting party even though Papa does not think another quilt is needed. When the snow comes and the family cuddles under the quilt, Papa admits maybe another quilt was needed.

The king at the door
Cole, Brock
Little Baggit tells the innkeeper that the king is at the door. When the innkeeper looks out and sees that it is just an old man in a patched shirt, he doesn't believe it is the king. Little Baggit gives the king food, drink, a coat, a hat, and a donkey because the king promises him that he'll come back for him the next day- and he does.

Fair monaco
Cole, Brock
Three sisters go to stay at their grandma's house. They ask to do things, but their grandma won't let them do anything but eat dinner and go to bed. She is too worried about all the horrible things outside. While the girls are dreaming, they end up in their grandma's horrible dream. The only way they can change it is to dream of their own good dreams. When their grandma wakes up, she is happy because of the good dream she had, since it was the same as her grandchildren.

Norma jean, jumping bean
Cole, Joanna
Norma Jean is a kangaroo who always jumps. She did so even at inappropriate times. Her friends got mad at her, so she decided to no longer jump. Then her friends noticed her change and missed the old Norma Jean. Finally, Norma Jean learns there is a time and place for jumping.

The magic school bus at the waterworks
Cole, Joanna
A class takes a field trip to the waterworks. The trip is magical because the children actually become the size of raindrops. They go through the water purification cycles and learn all about water.

Bug in a rug
Cole, Joanna//Calmenson, Stephanie
Come learn the alphabet, match words with pictures, and tell silly stories. Bright, colorful pictures and clever rhymes help capture and hold your attention.

When the tide is low
Cole, Sheila
A child wants to go to the beach, but her mom will not let her because the tide is too high. When the tide is low again, they are able to go to the beach.

To be a drum
Coleman, Evelyn
Daddy Wes whispers to his two young children about the history of Africans forced into slavery and how the pulse of the drum has moved through them over time. Daddy Wes promises his children that as long as they can hear the heartbeat of the earth, they will be free.

The backyard
Collier, John
A flashback through time of the exciting past of a child's backyard. The child's imagination runs wild as he visualizes the various turns of the changing land and the people which were effected.

Waiting for baby joe
Collins, Pat Lowery
Missy was waiting for her new brother or sister. The baby came prematurely and had many problems. Missy waited and waited for the baby to get better. Finally, he came home and she was glad that she waited.

Tumble, tumble, tumbleweed
Collins, Pat Lowery
A young boy named John finds a tumbleweed one summer day. He treats it like a pet and takes it everywhere with him until people start making fun of him. Then he loses it and his parents buy him some fish so he can have real pets.

What if?
Collins, Ross//Thomas, Frances
A bad dream causes Little Monster to imagine several scary events that might occur when he wakes up. To reassure his fears, Little Monster's mother creates a different twist on the fun and exciting events that might occur instead of his bad dream. Mother Monster's comforting suggestions calm Little Monster's fears.

Ethan's favorite teacher
Colman, Hila
A boy hates school because it is boring and the teachers never answer his questions. He would prefer to spend his time ate the zoo playing tic tac toe with an ape. Doing this, he works hard to learn how to beat the ape because he's having fun. He overcomes the doubts of his peers and teacher.

The story of noodles
Compestine, Ying Chang
The Kang family decides to switch up their usual annual cooking contest recipe from dumplings to 'noodles' with the help from their three rambunctious sons.

Come back, salmon
Cone, Molly
Mr. King's fifth grade students work on a project to restore Pigeon Creek to its original beauty. They cannot believe the water was once clear and had fish. They learn about the life cycle of salmon, grow their own salmon, and release them into their now clear Pigeon Creek. The next fall they look for their salmon to return.

Impossible possum
Conford, Ellen
Randolph was a possum who could not hang upside down like everyone else. He cheats by using sticky sap on his tail, but the sap dries up in the winter. His pesky sister lends a hand and he finally can hang like the rest of the possums.

Eugene the brave
Conford, Ellen
Eugene, the possum, is afraid of the dark. This is a real problem since possums sleep in the day and look for food at night. When he has to rescue his sister one dark night, he discovers he is brave.

Just the thing for geraldine
Conford, Ellen
Geraldine is an oppossum who likes to hang by her tail and juggle acorns. Her parents tell her that she should do something more worthwhile, so she takes dancing, weaving, and sculpture lessons. She discovers that she is not very good at these things, so she opens her own juggling school.

Mother goose and the sly fox
Conover, Chris
Mother Goose leaves her seven goslings with Mr. Mouse while she goes to town. Although the goslings have been warned not to let anyone in, the sly fox tricks them into opening the door and catches all but one. Mother Goose rescues her goslings by playing a trick on the fox.

The tub people
Conrad, Pam
The Tub People are wooden toys who love to play in the tub. Until one day the child of the Tub People gets sucked down the drain. Eventually, a plumber is called and he rescues the child. The next day the Tub People find themselves in a new room with no drains.

The tub grandfather
Conrad, Pam
Tub child finds his grandpa asleep under the radiator. Then, the whole tub family works to wake him up. Then, Grandmother and Grandfather reunite with a dance.

Room for a stepdaddy
Cook, Jean Thor
Joey wishes Daddy still lived at home and has a great deal of trouble accepting Bill, his new stepfather. After many experiences with Bill, like playing ball and swimming, Joey decides there is plenty of room in his life for Daddy and Bill. He loves both of them.

Dorrie and the pin witch
Coombs, Patricia
It's the day of the Witches' Ball and all the witches are grouchy. Little Dorrie figures out that the evil Pin Witch is responsible for the mayhem and saves the day.

Miss rumphius
Cooney, Barbara
Miss Rumphius was once a little girl who wanted to travel, see far away places, and eventually return home to live by the sea. She fulfills her life's goals of traveling and living by the sea. As an older woman, she seeks a way to complete her legacy.

Hattie and the wild waves
Cooney, Barbara
Hattie is a child of German immigrants. She has the courage to pursue her goal of becoming an artist.

Dog biscuit
Cooper, Helen
Bridget ate a biscuit, but it was a dog biscuit. Her babysitter, Mrs. Blair, found out and told her she would turn into a dog. The rest of the day, Bridget could feel things changing and she even starts acting like a dog, but even her mom did not notice. During the night, she goes out and plays with other dogs and is finally happy about eating the dog biscuit until she thinks about her family. She starts howling, until she finds herself back in her bed with her mom by her side. When she confesses, her mom assures her Mrs. Blair was teasing and the next day Mrs. Blair agrees and gives her human treats instead!

The golden rule
Cooper, Ilene
A boy and his grandfather are standing on a city sidewalk when they see a billboard starting Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The boy asks his grandpa what it says and the grandpa reads it and explains the Golden Rule. The boy is intrigued by the rule and starts asking questions. The grandpa explains that each religion has their own version of the Golden Rule. They discuss what the world would be like if everyone followed the Golden Rule. The boy starts to understand the Golden Rule and the grandpa reminds him that the Golden Rule starts with one person: You. It beings with you.

The milkman
Cordsen, Carol Foskett
A milkman delivers eggs, milk and ice cream to various people in a small community. While on his route, he discovers a sign that says lost dog. He begins to look for the dog along the way.

Will it ever be my birthday?
Corey, Dorothy
Rabbit must first go to all his friends' birthday parties before it is time for his birthday again. Rabbit is impatient waiting but then happy when his own party day comes.