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Her majesty, aunt essie
Schwartz, Amy
When Ruth's Aunt Essie comes for a visit, she knows for sure that she is a queen. The only problem is that Ruth has to convince her friend Maisie.

Here comes our bride
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Ekinadose wants his Uncle Osaere to get married - then he can go to a wedding. One day, he sees people welcomed into his grandfather's house. They come to collect their bride - and Edinadose will be going, not just to one wedding ceremony, but two!

Here comes the strikeout
Kessler, Leonard
Bobby is very good at throwing and catching a baseball, but he can't seem to hit the ball. His friend, Willie, helps him learn that with hard work, Bobby can do anything, especially hit a baseball.

Barton, Byron
Hester was going to have a halloween party. Before the party, she decided to go trick-or-treating. She ended up flying around on a broom with an old lady. Hester ends up giving her broom to the old lady.

Hetty and harriet
Oakley, Graham
Two young hens become dissatisfied with their boring lives and decide to find a new home. Their curiosity leads them on exciting and dangerous adventures, which eventually lead them back home.

Hi tom
Ward, Nanda
Tom lives far away from school and wishes he had a friend with whom to walk from school. He feels he has friends calling out to him when he echoes his names from on top of Hermit Mountain. Little did he know that a Hermit lived on the mountain and was disturbed by his echoes. Tom's echoes eventually lead to a friendship between the two.

Hi, cat!
Keats, Ezra Jack
Archie says Hi to a cat, and it follows him the rest of the day. Archie and Peter try to put on a show but the cat messes it all up. In the end, Archie realizes that the cat likes him.

Mayer, Mercer
A girl and boy hippo are riding in a boat. The girl hippo gets the hiccups and her companion does everything to get her to stop. She finally stops but in her place, the boy hippo gets the hiccups and roles are reversed.

Brown, Palmer
There is a family of mice that live in an old grandfather's clock. One of the mice named Hickory decides that he wants to move out into the field. Hickory lives out there and makes friends with a grasshopper named Hop.

Hidden child
Millman, Isaac
Over fifty years have passed, and Isaac finally tells his story. He is one of the few survivors of the Holocaust. Isaac experiences many tragedies during the war including losing both parents, friends, and being left to strangers, but finally, was adopted into a home. Although he changes his name, he is adopted in a home where people grow to love him.

Hip & Hop, don't stop!
Czekaj, Jef
Hip, a turtle from Slowjamz Swamp, and Hop, a rabbit from Breakbeat Meadow, both love to rap. Hip raps very slowly, and Hop raps very slowly. Animals of Slowjamz Swamp and Breakbeat Meadow don't socialize until one day Hip and Hop meet each other when they see a sign for a rapping contest. In this twist of the fable Tortoise and the Hare, Hip and Hop bring the animals of the swamp and meadow together through their performance.

Hip, hug, hooray!
Tangvald, Christine
Do you know how many types of hugs there are? Look and learn how hugs are imporatant everywhere and everyday.

Home in the sky
Baker, Jeannie
A pigeon, Light, decides to change his usual routine. He then explores many new places.

Home lovely
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Tiffany and her mom, Janelle, have just moved to a new trailer that is pretty far away from everything else. Since Janelle has to work, Tiffany spends a lot of time playing alone. When she discovers plants growing by her driveway, the mailman helps her take care of them as they grow.

Home now
Beake, Lesley
How can Sieta feel happy with so many sad pictures inside her head? She remembers her real home far away over the mountains, her parents getting sick, and Aunty taking her to live in a new place she calls Home Now. There Sieta meets another orphan with memories like her own.

Hometown hero
Aiello, Barbara//Shulman, Jeffrey
Scott Whittaker recounts the events between Thanksgiving and Christmas in his diary. He starts a karate club at school and meets Bill Walters, a homeless man who was the quarterback of the local high school football team in 1967 The book ends with questions and answers about asthma.

Hooray for fish!
Cousins, Lucy
Come travel along with Little Fish to meet his many friends. As we count, identify colors, and look for opposites among the many examples, we learn it is okay to have friends different from you.

Hooray for pig!
Stevens, Carla
With the help of his friends, Pig overcomes his fear of water and learns to swim.

Hooray, a pinata!
Kleven, Elisa
It's Clara's birthday, and she wants a pinata for her party. Clara, her mom, and her friend Samson go to the pinata store and Clara chooses a cute dog. Clara grows to love the dog and will not break him open. Samson saves the day by bringing another pinata to the party!

Pfister, Marcus
A mother rabbit wakes up her baby rabbit to get ready for their day. The rabbits are surrounded by the brilliance of white snow. They encounter a few mishaps throughout the day during their quest for food.

Hopper's treetop adventure
Pfister, Marcus
Hopper the rabbit meets a young squirrel searching for his buried nuts. Hopper agrees to help the squirrel find his nuts if he agrees to what they find. The rabbit and squirrel find more then just hazel nuts; they find friendship. Each had to give and take in order to grow their friendship.

How about a hug?
Carlson, Nancy
The pig family shows that no matter what the situation, whether its getting up for school on a Monday, feeling sad, lonely, or hurt, a hug will make you feel better.

How droofus the dragon lost his head
Peet, Bill
Droofus the dragon is from a fierce family, but he is a good dragon. When he becomes separated from his family, he tries to find a new home. Meanwhile, the king wants his head for his castle wall. A small boy rescues Droofus and helps him find his family.

How groundhog's garden grew
Cherry, Lynne
Little Groundhog is hungry. His friend Squirrel reminds him that it would not be nice to eat from someone else's garden, so he offers to teach Groundhog how to grow food in his own garden. Groundhog learns that cooperation with the birds and insects around him will help meet their needs and help his garden to grow. After planting, tending, and harvesting his garden, Groundhog has a feast with his friends.

How I captured a dinosaur
Schwartz, Henry
Liz captures an Albertosaurus dinosaur while in Baja, California with her family. Albert soon becomes a friend and moves back to Los Angeles with them where he enjoys running through the sprinkler.

How pizza came to queens
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
There is no pizza in May's town until Mrs. Pelligrino comes to visit and teaches them how to make delicious food.

How the amazon queen fought the prince of Egypt
Bower, Tamara
The land of Khor was a peaceful place free of men, in which woman could live side by side in harmony. One day, Pedikhous, of Egpyt decides to test the strength of the women through various attacks. To his surprise the women are stronger and more determined than he ever imagined. Instead of fighting against them, de decides to live in peace and love beside them.

How the moon regained her shape
Heller, Janet Ruth
Influenced by Native American folktales, this fascinating story deals with bullying, self-confidence, and understanding the phases of the moon. After the sun insults and bullies her, the moon gets very upset and disappears - much to the chagrin of rabbits who miss their moonlight romps. With the help of her friends, the moon gains more self-confidence each day until she is back to her full size.

How to lose all your friends
Carlson, Nancy
There are six ways to lose all your friends. Don't smile, never share, be a bully, be a poor sport, tattle, and whine. Can you be a better friend by the end of this story?

How to make an apple pie and see the world
Priceman, Marjorie
A girl decides to make an apple pie. She goes to the store and finds it closed. Now she must travel across the world to gather ingredients for her pie. She goes to Italy, France, Sri Lanka, England, Jamaica, and Vermont. Once her ingredients are gathered, she takes them home and bakes an apple pie.

How Willy got his wheels
Mohler, Diana & Turner, Deborah
As a homeless and handicapped dog, Willy never finds true happiness until he is rescued from the animal hospital and given a home and family. However, Willy lacks the ability to walk on his own and his owner Deborah tries several attempts to help Willy. Finally, Willy is given a wheel chair which enables him to finally be free and live his life to its fullest.

Stevenson, James
Howard the duck misses his annual migration and spends the winter in New York City making friends.

Humphrey's bear
Wahl, Jan
Humphrey sails with his stuffed bear on some very scary adventures. He eventually finds his lost security and gets reassurance from his parents.

Hunter bunny learns to ski
Weaver, Alexis Rae
Hunter Bunny is eagerly awaiting for winter to arrive and is determined to take part in all the activities that come along with it. He visits his fellow animal friends who teach him to ski, skate and snowboard, but with Hunter Bunny's shorter leg, he is unable to be successful. With the help of his best friend Clark, the two find a way for Hunter to be able to ski in the animal ski race. Determined to win, Hunter Bunny practices day and night for the big competition and it pays off in the end when he brings home the first place ribbon.

Hunter bunny saves Easter
Weaver, Alexis Rae
Hunter Bunny, made fun of because of his limp leg, meets Clark, the duck who has trouble seeing and the two become best friends. The night before Easter, the two find the Easter bunny lying on the ground and it is now up to them to deliver the baskets around town. After successfully saving Easter, the return to the forest to find all the animals praising and cheering for them.

Hush harbor: Praying in secret
Evans, Freddi Williams
Simmy is both excited and nervous for his job as Scout during the community meeting. Simmy is excited because this means the elders trust him, but he is nervous because slaves are not supposed to gather and sing together. Simmy must be very careful and listen for the master during the meeting.

I am not going to get up today!
Seuss, Dr.
A day in the life of a young kid who decides he will sleep all day long. His parents and friends try to wake him up, but the boy refuses.

I am you: A book about ubuntu
Moahloli, Refiloe
Ubuntu is an ancient philosophy from many African cultures. The word promotes the idea that a person is known through other people - a concept of shared humanity, compassion, and oneness. Observe the many ways that we are all connected.

I can't stop! A story about tourette syndrome
Niner, Holly L.
A young boy goes through the tribulations of finding out he has Tourette Syndrome. He has to learn to deal with his tics. As he becomes more accepting of his disorder, he helps others understand why he has the tics and movements. Others become more understanding.

I dream of trains
Johnson, Angela
A young boy from Mississippi listens for the sound of the train whistle while doing his work as a sharecropper. As he picks cotton, he dreams of someday leaving on a train. He refers to the train whistle as a call to his soul.

I hate goodbyes
Szaj, Kathleen
Katie hates goodbyes!She would rather sing at the top of her lungs, yell at her teddy bear or wiggle her loose teeth than tell her loved ones goodbye. Her family helps her cope with goodbyes, then very soon she will be saying hellos.

I have a friend
Narahashi, K.
A young boy tells about his special friend -- his shadow -- whose shape disappears with the dark.

I like red
Bright, Robert
Jenny likes red, which is the color of her hair as well as many things in the world. One day she meets Tony, also a redhead, and they enjoy the world of red together.

I love you like crazy cakes
Lewis, Rose
A woman writes a letter to officials in China to ask for the adoption of a baby girl. The new mother cries and the little girl does too when they are united. This begins a love story between a mother and her baby in a new country before they travel to another new country for the baby.

I met a penguin
Asch, Frank
A lion who lives on an island is told he is a bad fisherman by his friends. He goes out in a rowboat to think and is caught in a storm. When the storm is over, he is shipwrecked on a different island. He meets and falls in love with a penguin, but ends up in another storm and is shipwrecked back on the first island by himself.

I never knew your name
Garland, Sherry
A young boy is fascinated with his neighbor. He watches the neighbor's actions and understands his feelings. Unfortunately, no one notices the boy.

I swapped my dog
Ziefert, Harriet
In an effort to find the perfect pet which he believes he should be able to ride, a countryman exchanges his dog for a mare. However he soon finds that the mare is not what he expected which begins a long series of unsuccessful pet exchanges, including a goat, a sheep, a cow, and a rooster among others. In the end, however, the countryman makes a successful exchange, in which he acquires his dog who is always by his side.

I took the moon for a walk
Curtis, Carolyn
A little boy takes the moon on an adventurous walk. At first the moon is timid but then opens up to the little boy. They do things together such as swing, hold hands, and dance until the boy goes home to go to the sleep.

I was born to be a brother
Michels-Gualtieri, Zaydek G.
A big brother describes the duties he has when teaching his little sister. He has many responsibilities to uphold and for the most part gets along well with his baby sister. There are times, however, when siblings get in the way, but in the end a little sister is the best thing in the world. (With music CD)

I wish I had freckles like Abby/ Quisiera tener pecas como Abby
Heling, K. & Hembrook, D.
Rosa goes to elaborate and comical lengths to have freckles like Abby. She realizes she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for freckles. Rosa gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.