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Mark, Jan//Voake, Charlotte
A child's cat builds a nest and has kittens.

Knots on a counting rope
Martin, Bill Jr.//Archambault, John
Sitting around a campfire, Boy-Strength-of-Blue-Horses and his grandfather talk about special events like the night that the boy was born and the special meanings of them.

Mousekin's birth
Miller, Edna
Mousekin grew from conception to birth. Once in the outside world, Mousekin wonders what the world has in store for him.

More tales of amanda pig
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Amanda pig and her family experience five short stories. One describes Amanda playing with her brother and another describes how she organized a birthday party for her dad.

Olive and the magic hat
Christelow, Eileen
While Olive and Otis pretend to do magic with their father's birthday present of a hat, it blows out the window. Mr. Foxley gets the hat and Olive and Otis must work to get it back in time for the birthday party.

Slumber party!
Caseley, Judith
Zoe decides to have a slumber party for her birthday celebration. She invites four of her friends, and they celebrate with pizza and chocolate cake. After a couple of conflicts at bedtime, they all fall asleep with the help of Zoe's mom.

Birthday wishes
Schweninger, Ann
The Rabbit family makes Buttercup's fifth birthday special by throwing her a party and planning lots of fun activities, not to mention giving her many nice gifts.

They were strong and good
Lawson, Robert
The author's grandparents and parents have many ordeals and challenges that they overcome in order to meet each other.

Weekend girl
Hest, Amy
Sophie always spends a weekend with her grandparents when her parents take a trip to honeymoon cottage. Every year her grandparents have a special surprise, so she can hardly wait for this year's surprise.

The way home
Richardson, Judith Benet
Savi, a baby elephant, is left at the beach, because he did not want to return home with his mother. He becomes scared and finally follows a trail of bananas home.

Nessa's fish
Luenn, Nancy
Nessa and her grandmother catch enough fish to feed the whole camp. However, during the night, Nessa's grandmother becomes sick and Nessa must protect her and the fish from wild animals.

The take-along dog
Porte, Barbara Ann
Sam and Abigail take Benton, their dog, everywhere because their mother doesn't like him. However, she learns to like Benton when he scares away another dog to protect her.

Arthur's loose tooth
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur, the chimp, is worried about losing his tooth because he is afraid of the sight of blood. His sister proves that she is brave by conquering her fear of the dark. Arthur pulls out his tooth to prove he is brave, too.

The seal mother
Gerstein, Mordicai
A man finds a seal that sheds her skin and becomes a beautiful woman. He falls in love with her and makes her stay for seven years. They have a son who realizes that his father takes his mother's seal skin. The boy finds the skin and gives it to his mother, who then returns to the sea.

Hush, little baby
Zemach, Margot
Based on the popular lullaby, a baby is promised a strange assortment of things, from a mockingbird to a horse and cart--all for not crying.

The day of ahmed's secret
Heide, Florence Parry//Gilliland, Judith Heide
Ahmed has a secret which he keeps all day long. Tonight he will tell his secret to his family but first he has work to do. Ahmed works in the loud and crowded city. The sights and lovely sounds fill his day while he works. When at last he has done all of his work, he can reveal his secret.

Frida's office day
Lewis, Thomas P.
Frida cat goes in to work with her father and helps out in the office in the morning. She also spends the afternoon with him in the big city and has a great time.

Bark, george
Feiffer, Jules
George's mother wants nothing more than for her puppy to bark but George can only meow, oink, quack, and moo. When his mother takes George to the vet, a cat, a pig, a duck, and a cow are all removed from deep inside of George. Finally, George is able to bark until he learns to speak!

If I were a mother
Mizumura, Kazue
The many positive aspects of mothering by different animals are described. The narrator realizes that she would like to be like her mother.

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

Tortillas and lullabies: Tortillas y cancioncitas
Reiser, Lynn
The relationship between mother and daughter is seen in one girl's family. Each generation of women in the family makes tortillas, picks flowers, washes clothes, and sings lullabies. The little girl does these same things for her doll. This story is told in both English and Spanish.

Grandaddy's stars
Griffith, Helen V.
Janetta is excited about the upcoming visit from her Grandaddy. She makes a list of everything she wants to show him. Grandaddy shows Janetta that they share the same stars. Now when Janetta looks at the stars she realizes that Grandaddy isn't that far away after all.

Grandaddy and Janetta
Giffith, Helen V.
Janetta is going to her grandfather's house for the first time in a year. She is worried that her mother will be lonely and that her grandfather will not recognize her.

Christmas in catland
Goyder, Alice
Two sister cats and their family celebrate the holidays.

Rotten ralph's rotten christmas
Gantos, Jack
Ralph, a really rotten cat, is upstaged on Christmas by a really nice cat that his friend Sarah takes in.

Teacher's pet
Miles, Miska
Lottie is embarrassed as she begins her new school because her clothes are different, and her cat continues to follow her to class. She tries to fit in with the other children but is unsuccessful. Her cat has kittens in the school which helps her win the friendship of Gertrude. Gertrude helps Lottie to realize that uniqueness is special, not bad.

Cat's colors
Cabrera, Jane
What is cat's favorite color? Cat visits the ten most popular colors to try and decide which color is his favorite. In the end the decision is easy. Cat's favorite color is orange, which is the color of his mom!

Dog in, cat out
Rubinstein, Gillian
With limited words and large illustrations, this story describes of a family with both a cat and a dog. When the cat is in the house, the dog is out and vice versa.

Uproar on hollercat hill
Marzollo, Jean
The cat family is getting along great, playing games and building things. Suddenly everything goes wrong and everyone is mad at each other. Finally, they work it out and all is well again.

The cat in the hat
Seuss, Dr.
It was too wet to play outside, so Sally and her brother just sat inside. Along came the Cat in the Hat with a bunch of silly tricks that made a huge mess. Right before their mother returns, they clean everything up.

Big mama
Crunk, Tony
Billy Boyd's grandmother is the best according to the neighborhood kids. She allows them to use their imaginations when she works and plays with them. Their journey to the ice cream shop is full of neighborhood excitement, but the trip back home is the most important part.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

Henry and mudge and the happy cat
Rylant, Cynthia
A lost cat finds a home with Henry and Mudge. After Henry and Mudge help the cat find his owner, everyone is sad when the cat finally leaves.

Joey and the birthday present
Kumin, Maxine W.//Sexton, Anne
Joey is a mouse who lives on a farm. He meets a city mouse who is a boy's pet, and they become good friends. They play and do things together until the city mouse has to leave.

Bub or the very best thing
Babbitt, Natalie
The king and queen, wanting only the best for Bub, start asking everyone what they think is the best thing for Bub. Finally, the cook's daughter suggests that the king and queen ask Bub what is best.

Arthur's halloween costume
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to be a ghost for Halloween. When he realizes that he won't be the only ghost, Arthur creates an original costume that stands out from everyone.

Timid timothy: The kitten who learned to be brave
Williams, G.
Timothy is a cat who is afraid of everyting. His mom teaches him how to be mighty. Eventually, Timothy scares a dog which builds his self-esteem.

Mean murgatroyd and the ten cats
Zimelman, Nathan
Arabella takes her ten cats for a walk every day, but Mean Murgatroyd, the dog next door, scares them away. Arabella comes up with a great idea for dealing with Murgatroyd.

Dove isabeau
Yolen, Jane
Dove Isabeau is a young beauty whose stepmother is a jealous witch. One day, the witch turns Isabeau into a dragon. A young man saves her by risking his own life. In the end, Dove Isabeau saves her lover's life and they live happily ever after.

The tale of tom kitten
Potter, Beatrix
Tom Kitten has two siblings. Their mother cleans them all and puts on nice clothes because her friends were coming to tea. The kittens then go out to play and get dirty. Three ducks come by and take their clothes. Their mother is very angry and sends them up to their room.

So many cats!
de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
Counting helps explain how a family ended up with a dozen cats.

The porcupine mouse
Pryor, Bonnie
Louie and Dan are two mice brothers that move out into the world on their own. They learn how important a good breakfast is, how scary cats are, and how best friends are important.

Will you please feed our cat?
Stevenson, James
Maryann and Louie's grandpa had to take car of his neighbors' pets when he was a young boy. He describes the escapades of feeding hundreds of cats, a rabbit, fish and gerbils.

Speak English for us, Marisol!
English, Karen
Marisol is anxious to get home from school to see if she has new kittens or not. Unfortunately she is delayed by relatives and friends that stop Marisol for a favor, to speak or translate English. She happily complies and solves everyone's problems and is rewarded with her mother's love and pride.

Daughtery, Charles M.
Wisher doesn't like being a cat. He always wishes he would be a fish. Wisher finally decides that being a cat is the best thing he could ever be.

Miss pattie
Bright, Robert
An amazing cat named Miss Pattie is a barn cat, but suddenly moves in with Miss Williams. Miss Pattie begins doing chores for Miss Williams, begins reading, knitting, and doing other amazing things. Finally she has her own family of kittens and moves back to the barn.

Cinnamon, mint, & mothballs
Tiller, Ruth
For this young girl, a trip to grandmother's house is an adventure. There are all kinds of things for her to explore--a kitchen, bedrooms, parlors, and a dark cellar. It is the perfect place for a child's imagination to grow.

Cat and mouse in the snow
Bogacki, Tomacz
When two friends, Cat and Mouse, go outside one day to play in the green meadow, they are very surprised to find snow instead of grass. Together, they discover the fun of playing in the cold, white snow.

When i feel angry
Spelman, Cornelia Maude
A little rabbit names situations that makes her angry. Depending on the situation, she chooses different activities to help reduce her anger. She attempts to work through her anger in a positive way.

The tale of samuel whiskers
Potter, Beatrix
Tom is a kitten who climbs up a chimney and gets lost. Samuel Whiskers is a rat who found Tom and wanted to make him into pudding. His family rescues him and expels the rats. Tom is now afraid of rats.