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  • Tags: self esteem
Super dooper jezebel
Ross, Tony
Jezebel is a little girl who is perfect in every way. She never does anything wrong or anything she is not supposed to do. Jezebel is in for a surprise when her perfectness brings her face-to-face with a hungry alligator.

Georgie's halloween
Bright, Robert
Herman the cat and Miss Oliver the owl try to convince Georgie to enter the Halloween costume contest, but he is just too shy. His mice friends give him a ribbon for winning their own costume contest.

Welcome comfort
Polacco, Patricia
Welcome Comfort is the new kid in school and his peers tease him. Quintin Hamp, the school custodian, befriends him and teaches him to believe in himself and Christmas. Welcome is visited by Santa and starts to believe. After graduating from high school, Welcome joins Quintin as the school custodian and their Christmas experiences continue on a whole new level of love.

The christmas day kitten
Herriot, James
A kitten is left on Christmas Day for Mrs. Pickering by a stray cat who dies. Buster, the kitten, changes the lifestyle of Mrs. Pickering.

The great encounter: A special meeting before columbus
Piercy, Patricia A
An African American tells the story of the discovery of America from a different point of view. He brings new knowledge to an excited and interested elementary classroom while telling the historical story.

I have heard of a land
Thomas, Joyce Carol
Moving across country must have been very hard. Pioneers often picked up their belongings and moved on toward a common goal: starting a new life!

I am the mummy, heb-nefert
Bunting, Eve
Hef-Nefert, an Egyptian mummy, tells her story as the wife of pharaoh's brother. She and her husband are very much in love and enjoy a wonderful life together. Eventually both die and become mummies that are viewed by disbelieving people in museums.

Happy birthday
Gibbons, Gail
This book explains the significance of birthdays. It depicts the past history of birthday events and why that day is so special.

Baseball saved us
Mochizuki, Ken
Shorty and his family are sent to an American camp after an attack on Pearl Harbor because they are Japanese-American. To help keep their spirits up, the people at the camp make a baseball field and play games. Shorty learns how to believe in himself, even when others do not treat him nicely.

Donna jeans disaster
Williams, Barbara
Some of Donna Jean's family members are so sure she will fail in reciting a poem at a school program that they almost convince her that she cannot do it. Luckily, her uncle believes in her and helps her.

Uncle james
Harshman, Marc
Jimmy's family needs all the help they can get and Uncle James is promising them that help. When Uncle James arrives and brings nothing with him, Jimmy is very disappointed. He realizes that Uncle James needs help in becoming a hero.

Lester's dog
Hesse, Karen
Two boys are afraid to go by the house where the fierce dog, Lester, hides under the porch. On their adventure they cross busy streets then find a baby kitten. They try to save the kitten and find an excellent home for it.

Ethan's favorite teacher
Colman, Hila
A boy hates school because it is boring and the teachers never answer his questions. He would prefer to spend his time ate the zoo playing tic tac toe with an ape. Doing this, he works hard to learn how to beat the ape because he's having fun. He overcomes the doubts of his peers and teacher.

Tsugele's broom
Carey, Valerie Scho
A young girl is pressured by her parents to get married but she wants to find a man who is as reliable as her broom. Her broom turns into the man of her dreams and she marries him.

Henkes, Kevin
Owen just loves his yellow blanket named Fuzzy, which he takes everywhere. Owen's parents decide Owen is getting too old to carry around a blanket. Owen is terribly upset and isn't happy again until Fuzzy is cut up into small pieces for Owen to carry around.

The saint and the circus
Piumini, Roberto
A circus acrobat loses his balance on the tightrope, and a saint in Heaven comes to his aid in ways that are more harmful than helpful.

Moonbear's pet
Asch, Frank
Bear and Little Bird are thrilled with their new friend Splash, who is really a tadpole. When Splash begins to change, Bear and Little Bird get into an argument about which kind of animal Splash is. They come to realize that every kind of animal is valuable and special.

The growing-up feet
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy and Janet want their feet to grow so they can get new shoes. Their mom buys them new red boots that stretch with their feet. They play all day in their new boots.

Helga's dowry: A troll love story
dePaola, Tomie
Helga, a beautiful troll, sets out to earn her dowry to marry Lars. Her plan doesn't work out like she had hoped. Be ready for a funny ending.

Petunia takes a trip
Duvoisin, Roger
Petunia realizes she is too heavy to fly so she starts doing calisthenics to get into shape. When she does fly, she gets blown into the city and she sees how small she is in proportion to other things. She misses her home and takes a train back there.

Glasses - who needs 'em?
Smith, Lane
A little boy is reluctant to get a pair of glasses because he is afraid of how he will look. The doctor points out all the neat images that the boy can see with his glasses on. He is amazed at what he can see with glasses.

The magician
Shulevitz, Uri
A magician, who is actually the prophet Elijah, comes to town. He gives an old, poor couple dinner and a soft place to sit during the Passover celebration. The reason the couple is chosen is because they are unselfish and they do not think that they are that bad off, since they have each other.

Matt's grandfather
Lundgren, Max
Matt and his family go to visit Matt's grandfather in a retirement home for his eighty-fifth birthday. Matt's grandfather is old and he forgets a lot. At first, Matt is afraid of his grandfather, but when they go for a walk in the park, he learns that older people are not so scary.

A long way to go
Oneal, Zibby
During World War I in Europe, a girl named Lisa struggles because she feels that girls also deserve the right to vote. She is determined to prove this to others.

Chess-dream in a garden
Sutcliff, Rosemary
After some laws and ways were disobeyed, the White-King along with his Queen, Knights, bishops, and pawns challenge the Red-Horde to a chess-like battle.

A special trade
Wittman, Sally
When Nelly was a baby, Bartholomew would push her in her stroller and tell her stories. Now that he is in a wheelchair and she is older, she pushes him around.

A friend is someone who likes you
Anglund, Joan Walsh
This book describes all the different kinds of friends a person could have.

Born in the gravy
Cazet, Denys
Margouita starts her first day of kindergarten. She tells papa all about her big day over an ice cream cone. She has one question that papa knows just how to answer.

Burningham, John
A young boy and his imaginary friend, Aldo, grow up together. The imaginary friend helps the boy cope and get through the rough times.

Hughes, Shirley
Carlos is jealous of his friend Billy's new bicycle. He desperately wants a new one for his upcoming birthday. He realizes that friends are important and gets an unexpected better gift for his birthday.

Fiona's bee
Keller, Beverly
A girl befriends a bee and learns how to live with it. They meet many people with whom they resolve conflicts.

Browne, Anthony
Neglected by a busy father, a young girl receives a gorilla stuffed animal from her father. Gorillas are her favorite animal and soon she and her gorilla are off on a magical trip.

Nate the great
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Nate the Great is a detective and he has an assignment to find Annie's missing picture. After looking at all the clues, he tracks down the culprit - Annie's little brother.

The tram to bondi beach
Hathorn, Elizabeth
Kieran loves to watch the tram. He wants to be a paper boy at the tram stop like Saxon. So his dad gets him a job there, and after learning the job the hard way, he is successful.

Barton, Byron
Hester was going to have a halloween party. Before the party, she decided to go trick-or-treating. She ended up flying around on a broom with an old lady. Hester ends up giving her broom to the old lady.

My uncle nikos
Delton, Julie
Helena and her uncle have a very special relationship. Journey with Helena to her uncle's house up in the mountains of Greece.

Lyle at the office
Waber, Bernard
Lyle, the crocodile, possesses incredible people skills. Sometime this gift can cause problems.

Frog and toad together
Lobel, Arnold
Frog and Toad are two friends that have many adventures together, including after baking cookies, trying not to eat the whole batch.

The hating book
Zolotow, C.
A little girl stops speaking to her friend without telling her why. Her mother tells her to go to her friend's house and ask her what the problem is. She does and finds out that it was just a misunderstanding.

Lunch bunnies
Lasky, Kathryn
A little bunny named Clyde is nervous about lunch time on his first day at school. Clyde worries about whether he will be able to balance his tray or if anyone will sit with him.

The velveteen rabbit
Bianco, Margery Williams
A stuffed rabbit searches for his life, yearning to be free and real. He reaches his destiny with the help of a few friends.

Return of the shadows
Baruffi, Andrea
Free-spirited shadows leave their maker to roam the world. They eventually grow lonely and return to where they belong.

The pig's picnic
Kasza, Keiko
Mr. Pig goes to Miss Pig's to invite her for a picnic and on the way gets advice on how he should look from others. He finds he is better off just being himself.

Ormerod, Jan
A little girl wakes up very early then wakes her father so they can make breakfast. Afterwards, her dad gets back into bed and reads the paper while the mother sleeps. The little girl then begins to get herself ready for school.

So hungry!
Ziefert, Harriet//Nicklaus, C.
A boy and his sister are hungry and look for a snack. They each build a sandwich and race to eat them. They are no longer hungry!

Pizza man
Pillar, Marjorie
The Pizza Man explains his daily duties and the procedure of making a pizza, from making the dough to assembling the pie to cleaning up at the end of the day.

The butter battle book
Seuss, Dr.
A grandfather tells his grandson about the bad habit of the Zook people. The Zooks eat their bread with the butter side down. The Zooks and Vooks are separated by a wall, and they always argue about the way things should be done.

Gregory, the noisiest and strangest boy in grangers grove
Bright, Robert
Gregory is the noisiest and strangest boy in Grangers Grove, and he knows it. One day he goes to his grandma's house for griddle cakes. All she needs is a few eggs, but Gregory is too busy showing off to listen.

Flim and flam and the big cheese
Garrison, Christian
Two brothers, one fat and one thin, live together. Flam eats all the food and leaves nothing for Flim. So Flim decides to trick Flam into drinking the pond by placing a piece of cheese in the middle of it. Flam drinks the whole pond not realizing the cheese was the reflection of the moon. When Flam cannot move, Flim eats a very satisfying meal.

Wangerin, Walter Jr.
There is trouble when a family of potato farmers gets attacked by a fierce potato. Thistle proves that intangible skills are just as important as tangible ones.