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  • Tags: seasons
Shoes, shoes, shoes
Morris, Ann
A rhyme about shoes from all over the world ranges from new shoes to work shoes, game shoes to fun shoes.

Very last first time
Andrews, Jan
Eva, a little girl who lives in an Inuit Village in Canada, makes her first trip under the ice on the Seabed looking for mussels. While under the ice, she makes many discoveries and has an adventure.

The garden of happiness
Tamar, Erika
A multicultural community works together to clear out an empty lot and turn it into a garden. Marisol plants a sunflower seed in the garden, and watches how it grows and changes through the seasons, contributing to The Garden of Happiness.

In my garden
Eldridge, M.E.
A garden goes through many changes during the different months of the year. The garden has a wide variety of plants and wildlife native to England.

Moonstick: The seasons of the sioux
Bunting, Eve
A young Sioux is taught the way of life by his father. The young boy is too young to do many things, but one day he will be able to do what he is taught. When the seasons change, he makes another notch in his moonstick.

Shaker boy
Ray, Mary Lyn
At age six, Celeb comes to live with the Shakers and he spends the rest of his life in their unique culture. He learns their ways, their songs, and is inspired by angels.

The music in derrick's heart
Battle-Lavert, Gwoddolyn
Derrick, a young African American boy, learns to make music on the harmonica. Uncle Booker T., a talented musician, spends each day, one hot summer, teaching Derrick the art of playing the harmonica. Finally, after much practice and determination, Derrick discovers the secret of Uncle Booker T.'s music: it comes from the heart.

Look up, look low
Hoban, Tana
Illustrations show scenes in nature from way up high and way down low.

Possum's harvest moon
Hunter, Anne
Possum awakes one evening and decides to throw a party in celebration of the beautiful harvest moon. He convinces his meadow friends to take time from preparing for the winter to celebrate with him.

The boy who did not believe in spring
Clifton, Lucille
A young boy, King Shabazz, and his friend Tony Polito go looking for spring because they do not believe that it exists. They live in the city and search all over for signs of spring. They finally find springtime flowers and bird eggs.

Pink paper swans
Kroll, Virginia
An eight-year-old girl learns how to make things out of paper by using the ancient Japanese art of origami. She eventually helps her elderly neighbor with this project during the summers.

Springtime in a noisy village
Lindgren, Astrid
Some children live in a little, simple village. They all play together and resolve any little conflicts. They watch out for one another.

What comes in 2's, 3's, and 4's?
Aker, Suzanne
What comes in two's?Some of the things are two pieces of bread for a sandwich, two body parts, and two wings on a bird. What comes in three's?Three wheels on a tricycle, three meals each day, and three primary colors. Can you come up with thing that comes in four's?

One watermelon seed
Lottridge, Celia
Max and Josephine plant a garden, counting the seeds as they go. When the plants grow, they count the food of their harvest.

Rhymes for annie rose
Hughes, Shirley
More than twenty rhymes tell about the daily life and activities of a young girl named Annie Rose. The playful poems cover several topics including animals, people, seasons, routines and adventures that children love.

It's pumpkin time!
Hall, Zoe
Halloween is on its way, and it is time to plant the pumpkin seeds. A little girl and her brother plant the seeds and watch them grow. The shoots pop up, grow into vines, flowers bloom, and at last the pumpkins are ready to be picked!

Warm as wool
Sanders, Scott Russell
Imagine sleeping in a cabin without clothing during the bitter, cold winter. Betsy Ward's three children do not have warm clothing. So Betsy buys sheep in order to give her children some warm clothing.

Mom and dad break up
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young boy expresses his feelings about his parents' divorce. He feels angry, sad, and lonely at the same time, and often takes it out on his friends. But eventually, he learns to adjust to the change, and learns that he is not at fault for the break up of his parents.

Dakota dugout
Turner, Ann
A woman tells her grandchild about the hard times she and her husband had on the Dakota prairie. The first year was hard, but then the corn grew and they were able to build a house and buy dresses.

Gibbons, Gail
Farms are filled with exciting things!There are animals being born, crops being planted then harvested, and cleaning being done. During each season, there are different chores to do on the farm.

It's summertime
Good, Elaine W.
It is summertime and the leaves are green. The berries are almost ripe- just a few more days. It's fun to walk barefoot in the grass and go swimming when it is warm outside!

Planting a rainbow
Ehlert, Lois
A mother and her child plant a variety of flowers in their garden. When the flowers bloom in the summer, a rainbow of colors is produced.

Fall is here!I love it!
Good, Elaine W.
Fall is here!Leaves are falling off the trees, corn is being harvested, and the garden is being readied for the winter. Brilliant colors illustrate this wonderful story.

The mystery of the flying pumpkin
Kellogg, Steven
A group of children plant a pumpkin for Halloween in a neighbor's garden. All summer they care for the pumpkin, but certain events happen which prevents them from making it into a jack-o-lantern. How will the children solve the pumpkin problem?

Henry and mudge and the long weekend
Rylant, Cynthia
Henry and his dog Mudge are having a boring weekend until his mother comes up with an idea. They build a castle in their basement, which turns a boring weekend into something great.

What i did last summer
Prelutsky, Jack
During a summer, a little boy plays baseball and goes to the beach, a museum, and a county fair. By the end of the summer, he is ready to go back to school.

Golden bear
Young, Ruth
A young child has a very special teddy bear. See the adventures they encounter as the seasons go by.

Chicken soup with rice
Sendak, Maurice
A little boy travels through the months of the year and explains how he would enjoy chicken soup with rice each month.

Christmas on an island
Gibbons, Gail
Christmas is coming so everyone is busy making preparations on the island. On Christmas Eve, everyone gathers at church for a festive celebration.

Peter spier's christmas!
Spier, Peter
A family prepares for the Christmas holiday. They go to speciality stores and the grocery. After all the festivities, the family has to rest in order to clean up (A Wordless Book)

Donkey it's snowing
Raphael, Elaine//Bolognes, Don
Carlo walks out one morning to find water frozen in his bucket. Then he goes on to tell the donkey all about winter. The two friends prepare for winter together.

I like winter
Lenski, Lois
A boy tells of all the things he likes about winter, including snow, Christmas, ice skating, sledding, etc.

A summer day
Florian, Douglas
A family gets up at the crack of dawn to take a trip to the countryside. They spend an enjoyable day together swimming and fishing.

Going barefoot
Fisher, Aileen
A poem about a child wanting it to be spring and the beginning of summer.

Stephen's feast
Stephen, a page in King Wenceslas's court, is always being teased by other pages. Stephen is called upon to accompany the king on a journey through the snow and cold. Stephen is surprised to find out how enjoyable the trip is -- especially the feast at the end!

Clifford's christmas
Bridwell, Norman
Emily and Clifford prepare for Christmas. Clifford helps Santa save Christmas after he drops all of the presents in his waterbowl.

Fleischman, Paul
Wesley never really fits in at school. Even his parents think he is odd. One summer though, he creates his own civilization. Everyone develops a new respect for Wesley by the time he returns to school in the fall.

Ella's trip to the museum
Clayton, Elaine
Ella and her class are going to the museum. She is very excited about being there. All of the art work seems to be calling to her. They ask her to fly with the angels, spin with the ballerinas, or dance with the statues. Her teacher wants Ella to enjoy the art, but doesn't understand that it is exactly what Ella is doing!

An autummn tale
Updike, David
On the eve of Halloween, Homer carves a jack-o-lantern from a pumpkin in his yard. That night, when he goes to watch the moon rise, he puts the pumpkin on his head. He is surprised to see the trees moving and talking. Homer goes on a short journey with the trees and returns home the next morning.

First delights
Tudor, Tasha
Sally uses her five senses to observe the changes around the farm. She hears robins, sees flowers, pets kittens, and tastes syrup in the spring. Sally sees, smells, tastes, feels, and hears new sounds during the changing seasons.

See you in second grade
Cohen, Miriam
A first grade class spends their last day of school at the beach. They are afraid of going onto second grade, but the teacher assures them it will be fun. When they go home for the summer, they are excited about what the next school year may bring.

Snow pumpkin
Schaefer, Carole Lexa
Lily and Gram can't believe how much snow has fallen in October. Lily and her friend, Jesse, have a wonderful time rolling around in the snow and building a snowman. When they run out of snow for the snowman's head, Lily and Jesse go to Gram's vegetable patch and find a snow pumpkin with a face. The snowman eventually melts, but the pumpkin remains smiling on Gram and Jesse's window sill.

Peacebound trains
Balgassi, Haemi
Sumi, a young Korean girl, lives with her grandmother when her mother goes off to the army. Sumi watches the train go by each day, wishing her mother would come home soon. The train reminds her grandmother of the days of war when she had to leave her own husband.

Missing mittens
Murphey, Stuart J.
When Farmer Bill begins to get dressed in his warm winter clothes, he finds he only has one mitten. Therefore, he has an odd number and he doesn't have a pair!When he checks on his animals in the barn he finds that they're missing mittens also. They find the footprints that lead to the mitten thief. Who could it be?

My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

Time to sleep
Fleming, Denise
Six animals communicate with each other at the commencement of winter hibernation. Each animal tells one animal, who in turn tells another. The cycle, which begins with the bear, does not stop until he hears the news of the upcoming winter himself.

The watertower
Crew, Gary
Two friends, Bubba and Spike, go for a swim in the Preson Water Tower. Bubba's clothes are blown away so Spike has to go get some more clothes, leaving Bubba alone. The water tower seems to hold some power over the whole town, so what will happen when Bubba is left alone to face the tower?

Where does joe go?
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
Every winter Joe from the neighborhood Snack Bar disappears without a trace. All of the towns people have creative ideas on where he is. But in the end he turns out to be someone the children love...even more than the hotdogs and ice cream he gives them in the summertime!

Sun dance water dance
London, Jonathan
A group of children enjoy a beautiful summer day by swimming, playing in the hot sun, picnicking, and skipping rocks. Their day ends as they look up at the stars and dream of what tomorrow will bring.