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Nosey gilbert
Pizer, Abigail
Gilbert, the dog, is intrigued by a loud buzzing noise and decides to investigate. A bee stings him on the nose, so he must visit the vet.

The saint and the circus
Piumini, Roberto
A circus acrobat loses his balance on the tightrope, and a saint in Heaven comes to his aid in ways that are more harmful than helpful.

Ice cream Larry
Pinkwater, Daniel
Larry loves to eat ice cream. It keeps him cool and he doesn't get hungry. After eating a ton of ice cream, Larry is asked to be the spokesbear for Iceberg Ice Cream's new product. Larry is so excited! His picture is shown on posters, billboards, and fliers which advertise the new Larry Bars. Thanks to his new job, Larry has his own walk-in freezer to sleep in and 50 ice cream bars a day.

Guys from space
Pinkwater, Daniel
A little boy meets the guys from space. He goes with them in their spaceship to explore new planets. The space guys are so nice that they bring him home in time for dinner. His mother does not believe him about his trip.

The red comb
Pico, Fernando
Vitita discovers a runaway slave under her porch. Vitita is determined to save the slave woman from the slave catcher. Vitita and sina Rosa furnish the woman with supplies through a mango tree. Vitita and sina Rosa come up with a plan to get the slave catcher out of town. After the slave catcher leaves, Vitita and sina Rosa introduce their new friend to the neighbors.

Hopper's treetop adventure
Pfister, Marcus
Hopper the rabbit meets a young squirrel searching for his buried nuts. Hopper agrees to help the squirrel find his nuts if he agrees to what they find. The rabbit and squirrel find more then just hazel nuts; they find friendship. Each had to give and take in order to grow their friendship.

Pfister, Marcus
A mother rabbit wakes up her baby rabbit to get ready for their day. The rabbits are surrounded by the brilliance of white snow. They encounter a few mishaps throughout the day during their quest for food.

Milo and the magical stones
Pfister, Marcus
Milo lives in a cave on a small island. One cold winter day, he discovers a glowing rock to keep his cave warm. When he tells the other mice about it, do they become greedy and take all of the rocks, or do they take only what they need?You choose the ending and decide what the mice will do.

Milo y las piedras magicas
Pfister, Marcus
Milo lives in a cave on a small island. One cold winter day, he discovers a glowing rock that keeps his cave warm. When he tells the other mice about it, do they become greedy and take all the rocks, or do they take only what they need?You get to chose the ending and decide what the mice will do.

Rainbow fish to the rescue
Pfister, Marcus
Rainbow Fish and his friends are playing flash-tag with their shiny scales. When a striped fish comes to play, they won't let him join their game. Suddenly a shark appears, so Rainbow Fish and his friends risk their lives to save the lonely striped fish.

Tom and tabby
Peterson, Hans
Tom and Tabby are two cats that are best friends.

Good morning, bear
Peters, Lisa Westberg
Katherine's best friend is an old man named Carl. They have many adventures on the river and the river speaks to them.

Home lovely
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Tiffany and her mom, Janelle, have just moved to a new trailer that is pretty far away from everything else. Since Janelle has to work, Tiffany spends a lot of time playing alone. When she discovers plants growing by her driveway, the mailman helps her take care of them as they grow.

No dragons for tea: Fire safety for kids (and dragons)
Pendziwol, Jean//Gourbault, Martine
A little girl meets a friendly dragon at the beach and invites him to tea and lunch. During lunch the dragon sneezes fire and the table and curtains catch on fire. The fire alarm goes off but the little girl knows the important rules of fire safety. She tells the dragon that they must not stay inside and must meet their mother outside by the tree. When the dragon tries to go back in for his teddy bear, the little girl tells him to never to go back insidde a burning building. The little girls mother calls for help and the fire men come and put out the fire. Everyone is safe which is really important. The next time that they want to have tea, the friends will have a picnic on the beach.

The duck who loved puddles
Peliowski, Michael J.
Puddles the duck loves to splash in water. When the land becomes dry, he goes on a quest to find water. Puddles gets into trouble for using other people's water. Finally it rains and he is happy again.

How droofus the dragon lost his head
Peet, Bill
Droofus the dragon is from a fierce family, but he is a good dragon. When he becomes separated from his family, he tries to find a new home. Meanwhile, the king wants his head for his castle wall. A small boy rescues Droofus and helps him find his family.

Everybody knows that!
Pearson, Susan
Patty and Herbie are best friends, but when they start school, Herbie decides he wants to play with the boys. Herbie ends up being friends with her again, because they both realize that it is silly not to be friends.

Pearson, Susan
Cary gets a stuffed cat for her birthday and names her Izzie. She takes Izzie everywhere, but when Izzie gets too dirty, Cary stops carrying him around.

Englebert the elephant
Paxton, Tom
An elephant is invited to the Queen's royal ball by mistake. When he first appears at the ball, he is a shock to everyone, but soon everyone grows to love him.

The tiger who lost his stripes
Paul, Anthony
General MacTiger is the most magnificent animal in the forest, until he loses his stripes. His friend, the Python, stole them and now General MacTiger has to find a way to get them back.

Five bad boys, billy que and the dustdobbin
Patron, Susan
Billy Que learns an important lesson from the dustbobbin under his bed. Billy learns to think before he speaks.

Good-bye: 382 shin dang dong
Park, Frances; Park, Ginger
Jangmi is sad because she is moving from her home in Korea to America. She is sad because she is leaving her best friend and all of the things she loves in Korea. Jangmi says goodbye to her Korean home and is skeptical about America. Jangmi meets a new friend, slowly accepting and appreciating her new life in America.

Amelia bedelia helps out
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia and her niece go to help Miss Emma get ready for a lunch party. Miss Emma asks them to weed the garden, give the chickens scraps, stake her bean plants and various other things. Amelia misunderstands her wishes by taking them literally and mixes everything up.

Good driving, amelia bedelia
Parish, Herman
Amelia Bedelia is a maid who is not quite together. She misunderstands everything she is told to do, always with hysterical results. What will happen if Mr. Rogers lets her test drive his car?

Sumi's first day of school ever
Pak, Soyung
On Sumiï¾’s first day of school, she experiences loneliness because she doesnï¾’t know anyone and doesnï¾’t understand the language of the other children. She also thinks school is a scary and mean place because the other children are loud and one boy even sticks his tongue out at her! Eventually, Sumiï¾’s nice teacher makes her feel comfortable in her new environment. After meeting a new friend at recess, Sumi recognizes that school is not as lonely, scary, or mean as she originally thought.

Tom and pippo on the beach
Oxenbury, Helen
Tom goes to the beach with his dad and his stuffed monkey, Pippo. Tom's dad says he must wear a hat so that he will not get sick. Tom thinks Pippo should do the same. Tom lets Pippo wear his sun hat, and Tom wears a newspaper hat.

My dad is really something
Osborn, Lois
Harry and his friend Ron compare their fathers. Harry becomes upset because Ron's father seems to be so much better than his father. As is turns out, Ron is making everything up because his dad had died a few years ago.

My grandpa and the sea
Orr, Katherine
A little girl and her grandpa go fishing on a boat. Grandpa starts a sea moss farm when he loses his job as a fisherman.

What's wrong with julio
Ormsby, Virginia
Julio has just moved to the United States and does not speak English. At school he always causes trouble. When the school realizes his parents did not come to the United States with him, they have a fundraiser so that he can call home.

Ormondroyd, Edward
Broderick, the mouse, is determined to be famous, so he goes against his friends advice and becomes a famous surfer.

Badger's bad mood
Oram, Hiawyn
Badger is in a bad mood and this is very unusual. His forest friends don't know what to do about his terrible demeanor. They need him and try different ways to cheer him up. After several failed attempts at cheering badger up, mole realized all he needed was to feel appreciated.

Emeka's gift: An african counting story
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
As Emeka sets off to visit his grandmother in the next village, he wonders what he can take her for a present. He passes through the market and sees lots of things Granny would like - there were four brooms, five big hats to keep the sun off, six necklaces, eight water pots. But with no money, Emeka can not buy anything. Will Granny understand?

Here comes our bride
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Ekinadose wants his Uncle Osaere to get married - then he can go to a wedding. One day, he sees people welcomed into his grandfather's house. They come to collect their bride - and Edinadose will be going, not just to one wedding ceremony, but two!

Ogbo: Sharing life in an african village
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Ogbo are a special part of village life in Nigeria, uniting children of the same age in a lifelong fellowship - a group with whom they celebrate festivals, share day-to-day chores, and face the challenges of growing up. A young girl named Obioma helps us understand what belonging to an ogbo means. Growing, working, and relaxing together, the ogbo weave the fabric of village life.

A is for africa
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
The author, a member of the Igbo tribe in Nigeria, presents text and her own photographs of twenty-six things, from A-Z, representative of all African peoples.

Maude and walter
Oneal, Zibby
Maude and Walter are brother and sister and they fight often. When separated, they miss each other and realize that they are not only related, but are also friends.

Robot dog
Oliver, Mark
A robot dog named Scrap wants to have an owner like all the other robot dogs. He ends up in the junk yard because he has a dent on him. Scrap becomes sad because he doesn't have an owner like his other fiends. Scrap decides to make an owner so he has someone to play with and love him.

It's school time
Oechsli, Kelly
A boy runs to school, participates in the day, and then walks home (A Wordless book).

Hetty and harriet
Oakley, Graham
Two young hens become dissatisfied with their boring lives and decide to find a new home. Their curiosity leads them on exciting and dangerous adventures, which eventually lead them back home.

The church mice adrift
Oakley, Graham
The church mice lose their home to the rats. Together with the cat, they make a plan to gain their home back.

Straight to the pole
O'Malley, Kevin
A little boy is trudging through the snow to the bus stop. He comes up with every excuse why he can't go any further in the snow. Suddenly, he finds out school is closed and he gets up to play.

Sitti's secrets
Nye, Naomi Shihab
Mona's grandmother Sitti lives on the other side of the world. Even though they don't speak the same language, they find a way to communicate and become very good friends.

If you give a pig a pancake
Numeroff, Laura Jofee
What happens when you give a pig a pancake?She'll probably ask for some syrup to go with it. What will she want next?

If you give a mouse a cookie
Numeroff, Laura
This book is about a little boy who meets a mouse and gives him a cookie but that's not enough fo rthe mouse. He wants more and more from the little boy and they become friends.

If you take a mouse to the movies
Numeroff, Laura
A little mouse sure can be demanding when you spend the day together!Everything the mouse does with the little boy reminds him of something else he needs or wants to do!For example, once you get the mouse some paper and glue, he'll ask you for glitter!

Mr. floop's lunch
Novak, Matt
Mr. Floop shares his lunch with animals in the park, but then Mr. Floop is hungry. A woman stops by and shares her lunch with Mr. Floop.

In my momma's kitchen
Nolen, Jerdine
A young girl's fondest memories happen in her momma's kitchen. Achievements, family, stories, cooking and love are all celebrated in the kitchen. Great-Aunt Caroline, corn-pudding time and nighttime serenades are a few of the special moments in this loving family.

In my momma's kitchen
Nolen, Jerdine
This little girl loves to be in her momma's kitchen. There's always something going on. From college announcements, to family dinners, to late nights of singing, everything happens in the kitchen. It is the most special place in the house.

Jimmy's boa bounces back
Noble, Trinka Hakes
Maggie tells Jimmy that his Boa constricter was at her mother's Garden Club meeting. She goes through a huge story about what happened because of this snake.