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  • Tags: family
Bored - nothing to do!
Spier, Peter
While the boys are bored one day, they take apart many things around their house in order to build an airplane which really flies.

Hughes, Shirley
A young girl loves to bounce on sofas, beds, big cushions, and on her grandfather's knee.

Boundless grace
Hoffman, Mary
According to the stories Grace read, her family is not normal. Grace's father lives in Africa while she and her mother live in America. Grace visits her father to learn about his new family and the African culture in Gambia. Grace's visit to Africa helps her to understand that her family is normal.

Brave irene
Steig, William
A little girl has to go through the snow to take a dress to her mother who made it for one of her customers.

Brave little monster
Baker, Ken
Little monster is unable to fall asleep, fearing little girls and boys hiding in his room. Overcoming his fears, little monster scares the girls and boys away and eventually goes to sleep peacefully.

Bravo, zan angelo!
Daly, Niki
Angelo Polo is a young boy who passionately wants to be a clown like his grandfather Zan Polo. His grandfather tells him that the theater is no place for a little boy. Finally, Zan Polo tells Angelo that he can be the little red rooster who crows in the last act. So, Angelo scurries and runs all over the city to prepare for his performance during the carnival. It turns out that Angelo is an excellent rooster and his grandfather agrees that the theater can be a place for a little boy.

Bread and jam for frances
Hoban, Russell
Frances, the badger, likes only one kind of food, jam on toast. After two days, she tries a different food after observing her friends' lunches at school.

Breakfast time, ernest and celestine
Vincent, Gabrielle
When Celestine, a mouse, breaks a cup, her bear friend Ernest offers to help her clean up the mess. But Celestine thinks that is is her responsibility.

Breakfast with my father
Roy, Ron
When David's mother and father are separated, David and his dad only see each other during their special Saturday morning breakfasts. All winter, David's dad comes every Saturday except for one. After sulking all morning, David goes downstairs in his house and is pleasantly surprised to see his mom and dad eating breakfast together.

Brian's bird
Davis, Patricia
Brian receives a bird for his birthday. The two quickly become friends after Brian overcomes his fear. When Brian's brother Kevin carelessly lets the bird escape, Brian becomes upset. Will he ever see Scratchy again?

Brian's secret errand
Lonergan, Joy
A little boy named Brian always watches his father get a newspaper every morning. One morning his father is sick and cannot get the paper, so Brian goes into the big city and brings back a newspaper.

Bright april
De Angeli, Marguerite
April Bright's family encounters all sorts of racism as African Americans. April ends up making a new friend when prejudices are overcome.

Bright fawn and me
Leech, Jay//Spencer, Zane
Bright Fawn is a young Indian girl who is left in the care of her older sister. Bright Fawn's sister is upset at this, but learns to appreciate her younger sister. The tribe trades, dances, and plays games.

Bringing the rain to kapiti plain
Aardema, Verna
Ki-pat lives in Kapiti Plain where he watches over his herd of cattle. Ki-pat is worried because Kapiti Plain is having a drought, and his cattle and grass need water. A large cloud produces rain when Ki-pat shoots an arrow into it.

Brothers are all the same
Milgram, Mary
A family has an adopted son named Joshie. Their neighbor tells them that Joshie is not really their brother because he does not look like them. His new sisters explain to him that Joshie is still their brother even though he is adopted.

Brothers of the knight
Allen, Debbie
Twelve brothers magically disappear every night even though their door is locked. Their father hires a housekeeper to figure out the mystery of his boys. She learns to listen, which turns out to be more powerful than simply solving a mystery.

Brown bear, brown bear: What do you see?
Martin, Bill
Through a repeating phrase what do you see?, animals of different colors fulfill the intellectual and social dimensions of health. In the end, a mother looks at a variety of children.

Stevenson, James
Whenever his grandchildren complain about the cold, Grandpa tells about the really cold winters he experienced when he was young.

Bub or the very best thing
Babbitt, Natalie
The king and queen, wanting only the best for Bub, start asking everyone what they think is the best thing for Bub. Finally, the cook's daughter suggests that the king and queen ask Bub what is best.

Buenas noches luna
Brown, Margaret Wise
A small rabbit is getting ready to go to bed. He says goodnight to everything he can see. Each page grows darker and darker until the rabbit falls asleep. (Written in Spanish)

Bug city
Ipcar, Dahlov
A family of bugs go about their everyday life working, shopping, and having fun. They encounter worms, lightening bugs, butterflies, and other insects throughout the day.

Bunny cakes
Wells, Rosemary
Young Max and his older sister Ruby are making cakes for their grandmother's birthday. Max adds ingredients for his cake to the shopping list, but the grocer doesn't know what it says until Max thinks to draw a picture of what he wants.

Bunny money
Wells, Rosemary
Max and Ruby go shopping to get a birthday present for Grandma. They spend their money on other things however, and don't have enough for what they want to get. Grandma is happy with her present at the end anyway.

Bus ride
Jewell, Nancy
Jamie, a young girl is going on a bus ride alone to visit her grandpa. She meets Mrs. Rivers who sits with her and takes care of her. She becomes very fond of Mrs. Rivers and then must get off to meet her grandfather. She tells him all about her new friend.

Busy body nora
Hurwitz, Johanna
Nora is a curious child that wants to meet everyone in her apartment building. This makes everyone think that she is a pest. She even invites everyone to a giant birthday party for her dad.

But she's still my grandma!
Rappaport, Doreen
Jessica convinces her hestiant parents to take her to visit her grandma in the nursing home. She is alarmed and hurt by how much her grandma has changed. The visit helps Jessica begin to accept her grandma's loss of memory and failing health.

Cole, Brock
One day, a father loses his buttons. His three daughters set out to save their father from humiliation. While searching for the buttons, the girls ironically find love.

Wong, Janet S.
Follow a boy along as he observes all the buzz that the morning routine brings.

Buzzy bear in the garden
Marino, Dorothy
Buzzy bear helps his father work on their garden. After making so many mistakes, Buzzy finally catches on and turns out to be a good gardener.

By the dawn's early light
Ackerman, Karen
Rachel and Josh's mother works the graveyard shift at the factory. The children play with their Nana and she helps them with their homework then gets them ready for bed. They share a special time with their mom in the morning before school, cherishing their time with her by the dawn's early light.

By the hanukkah light
Oberman, Sheldon
It's Hanukkah so Grandpa and Rachel get ready to light the menorrah. As the family gathers, Grandpa tells the story of how Hanukkah began. When the children ask for another story, Grandpa tells them about Hanukkah when he was a boy during World War II.

Maynard, Joyce
A family decides to go camping. They do many fun and exciting things, including swimming, sleeping in sleeping bags, and cooking over a campfire.

Can I keep him?
Kellogg, Steven
Arnold is continually asking his mother if he can have one sort of pet or another, and his mother is always saying no. Finally, Arnold finds a friend and that suits his mother.

Can you dance, dalila?
Kroll, Virginia
Dalila tries many different forms of dance, but it isn't until she dances in response to her own feelings that she truly becomes a star.

Can you hear the sea?
Cumberbatch, Judy
Sarah's grandpa gives her a special shell and says if she listens carefully she can hear the sea, but all she hears are every day village noises.

Can't sit still
Lotz, Karen E.
A girl describes her busy days through each season, including all of the sights and sounds she sees as the seasons change.

Can't sleep
Raschka, Christopher
A moon stays awake for a restless dog, comforting and watching over him throughout the night. The dog does the same for the moon during the day.

Can't you sleep little bear?
Waddell, Martin
When bedtime comes, Little Bear is afraid of the dark until Big Bear brings him light and love.

Carl's masquerade
Day, Alexandra
Carl, the dog, is left in charge of the baby, while the parents go to a masquerade party. Carl and the baby secretly go to the party also and have fun. They make it back before the parents and are asleep when the parents arrive home.

Carl's snowy afternoon
Day, Alexandra
A little girls' parents leave her with a babysitter and head for a neighborhood pond party. The babysitter doesn't pay attention when the girl escapes with her dog, Carl. The little girl and Carl have a fun day playing in the snow, making snowmen, ice-skating, sledding, and catching snowflakes with their tongues. Carl takes the little girl back home and climb through the window before her parents get home.

Carnival of the animals
Lithgow, John
A young boy sneaks off from a school field trip. He is left in the history museum overnight where he discovers his classmates, family, and acquaintances take on new forms.

Carolina shout!
Schroeder, Alan
Delia who lives in Charleston, South Carolina and hears music wherever she goes. But her sister, Bettina, cannot hear music. So Delia shows her that music is everywhere. You just have to listen, especially along the streets and harbor of this historical city.

Cassie's journey
Harvey, Brett
A young girl deals with hardships and dangers when traveling. Her family moves from Illinois to California by wagon in the 1860's.

Cassie's word quilt
Ringgold, Faith
Cassie, a young African American girl living in New York City, shares a few of her favorite things. She labels many things and gives words to the things she treasures most.

Cat and mouse in the snow
Bogacki, Tomacz
When two friends, Cat and Mouse, go outside one day to play in the green meadow, they are very surprised to find snow instead of grass. Together, they discover the fun of playing in the cold, white snow.

Cat heaven
Rylant, Cynthia
Past the stars, the moon, and the sun is where cat heaven is, and every cat knows the way there. With trees to climb, toys to play with, angel laps to purr in, and food to eat, all cats love going to cat heaven and God loves having them there too!

Cat's colors
Cabrera, Jane
What is cat's favorite color? Cat visits the ten most popular colors to try and decide which color is his favorite. In the end the decision is easy. Cat's favorite color is orange, which is the color of his mom!

Browne, Anthony
A little boy is told by his father that things are going to change. The boy imagines the tea kettle growing a tail and other ridiculous things to explain what his father said. However, when his mother and father arrive home with a new baby he realizes what his father meant about things changing.

Charley's clan
Sellers, Naomi
Charley has permission from his mother to move to Texas with his best friend, if he cannot find another friend after he leaves.

Hughes, Shirley
A young girl likes to talk. She chats with everyone. She even describes her experiences watching other people chatting.