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  • Tags: family
Marigold and grandma on the town
Calmenson, Stephanie
Marigold and grandma go into town to buy Marigold a new hat. On the way to feed the ducks, Marigold's hat blows off. Grandmother shows Marigold how to make friends with the wind. At the end of the day, they have wonderful memories with photos.

Rockin' reptiles
Calmenson, Stephanie//Cole, Joanna
Allie the Alligator is a typical young girl. She and her two girlfriends have lots of fun together playing games and dressing up. The three of them will do anything to be able to go to the Rockin Reptiles concert, their favorite band. There's a catch though -- only two can go.

Sometimes my mommy gets angry
Campbell, Bebe Moore
When Annie wakes up in the morning, she is relieved to find her euphoric mother in the kitchen. They share a healthy breakfast, then her mother helps her get ready for school. After a fun day at school, Annie comes home to an angry and yelling mother. Annie copes by calling her grandmother to talk about her feelings. She takes care of herself and maintains a positive attitude with happy thoughts. She uses effective strategies to accept her motherメs bipolar disorder.

Campbell, Nichola I.
Shi-shi-etko is a young Native American who will be leaving for residential school in a few days. Before she leaves, her family takes her on walks and canoe rides to learn about nature. She gathers all the information she can and adds them to her memories before leaving.

Cannon, Janell
Wild and energetic, Verdi the snake is afraid of turning green and becoming lazy like the older snakes. To keep the green away, Verdi jumps and slithers all around the forest. One day Verdi does turn green, but he realizes it is the snake inside, not the color outside, that makes a great snake!

Stellaluna: A pop-up book and mobile
Cannon, Janell
After being separated from Mother Bat, Stellaluna falls into a nest of baby birds. The family of birds adopt Stellaluna as one of their own, while Stellaluna does her best to eat bugs without making faces, sleep during the night, and stop hanging upside down. In the end, Stellaluna rejoins her mother.

Papa, please get the moon for me
Carle, Eric
Monica wants her father to get the moon so she can play with it. So her father finds the tallest items he can and climbs until he reaches the moon. He brings the moon back only to discover that it keeps changing sizes as it passes through the lunar cycle.

Mama & papa have a store
Carling, Amelia Lau
Mama and Papa have a store. Day to day the routine is similar. The same people come in to buy the same things. This little girl likes these routines and she shares them with us. From what Mama is cooking to Papa counting on the abacus we spend the whole day with one little girl.

Sit still
Carlson, Nancy
Pat knows 101 ways to sit in a chair, but he does not know how to sit still. After trying several ways to get Pat to sit still, his mom finally finds something that works. All Pat needs are things to keep him busy.

Look out kindergarten, here I come
Carlson, Nancy
Henry can't wait for his first day of kindergarten to begin!He imagines all the wonderful things that he and his classmates will do. When he arrives at school, Henry becomes frightened that he will get lost and won't enjoy all of his new classmates. When his teacher invites him in and shows him all the neat activities, Henry realizes again how much fun kindergarten will be!

How about a hug?
Carlson, Nancy
The pig family shows that no matter what the situation, whether its getting up for school on a Monday, feeling sad, lonely, or hurt, a hug will make you feel better.

Start saving Henry
Carlson, Nancy
Henry gets $5 every week for his allowance, but he spends it immediately on something that catches his eye. One day he sees Super Robot Dude, but his mother won't buy it for him and tells him he has to save his allowance. Whenever Henry is close to $30, something happens to make him lose his money again. One day, his grandma has a surprise for Henry, and he learns that working hard to save money will pay off in the end!

No nap for benjamin badger
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Benjamin Badger is two years old going on three. He does not believe he needs to take a nap anymore. Mama Badger explains to Benjamin that everyone needs time to slow down and rest. While Mama Badger is explaining to Benjamin about who sleeps, Benjamin falls asleep.

Better not get wet, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear discovers many objects and animals that can get wet while he is trying to stay dry. Jesse Bear's parents buy him a pool so he can get all wet splashing.

What a scare, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
For Jesse, Halloween is an exciting time to carve pumpkins, trick or treat, and scare others. With confidence, Jesse trick or treats but soon gets frightened by all the many costumes. With his own mask he overcomes his fear and scares everyone else. What a scare, Jesse Bear!

How do you say it today, jesse bear?
Carlstrom, Nancy White
For Jesse Bear, every month has a fun activity or holiday to celebrate. From January to December, Jesse Bear wishes his family and friends many special moments.

Carlstrom, Nancy White
Nate and his Grandfather have a loving relationship. When Nate goes to visit Grandpappy, they spend all their time together experiencing many adventures and creating memories to last a lifetime.

I'm not moving, mama!
Carlstrom, Nancy White
A young boy is apprehensive about moving to another house. The boy is willing to let his mother take all of his things, but he is not willing to go. She reminds him that at his new home he will have many new things and special places, but more importantly, the family will be together.

Carlstrom, Nancy White
As an Indonesian extended family prepares for a trip to the market, the preparation and responsibilities of the family members are explained. We see the family and their goods on a bus during their journey through the hills to the market. The family completes a successful day at the market and returns home.

Goodbye geese
Carlstrom, Nancy White
A father and child bid farewell to a passing Autumn. Together they discover the many mysteries the winter will bring.

It's about time, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear tells of his adventures of his day from start to finish. He tells his adventures through songs. Jesse Bear gets sick and must stay in bed to get better. Mama Bear comes in to put Jesse Bear to bed for the night and tells him to rest up for adventures tomorrow.

Dark day, light night
Carr, Jan
Manda curls up on her bed, mad because Bobby took the basketball right out of her hands. Aunt Ruby sits down and talks with Amanda, trying to cheer her up. With Manda in the crook of her arm, Aunt Ruby shares her list of favorite things causing Manda's frown to turn into a smile.

Banana beer
Carrick, Carol
Charlie the orangutan loves spending time with his father. But unfortunately, his father is an alcoholic and is always yelling and stumbling around after drinking alot of banana beer. Charlie has a hard time dealing with it and wishes it would stop. See how Charlie deals with the problem.

Ben and the porcupine
Carrick, Carol
Christopher's dog, Ben, has an encounter with a porcupine. Ben gets a nose full of quills. Christopher wants to protect Ben by keeping him tied up at night. Christopher's father helps him understand that Ben must learn to fend for himself. Christopher decides to let Ben go so they both would be happy.

In the moonlight, waiting
Carrick, Carol
A young girl, her brother and mother find one of their sheep has lambed. They are overjoyed and are anxiously expecting the next sheep to give birth.

Patrick's dinosaurs
Carrick, Carol
Patrick's older brother, Hank, knows everything about dinosaurs. As Hank tells Patrick about them, Patrick begins to see them everywhere. They are in the streets, at the zoo, outside his window - until Hank explains that they have been gone for sixty million years.

Harald and the giant knight
Carrick, Donald
Harald has always admired the knights of the Baron's castle until they take over his family's farm to use as a practice field. If they cannot find a way to get rid of the knights, his family will be ruined.

Mr. tod's trap
Carrick, Malcolm
Mr. Tod does the hunting for the family. The only problem is that he cannot catch any rabbits. Mr. Tod has many clever ideas for traps. The traps work for Mr. Weasel, but Mr. Tod cannot catch rabbits with them. Mr. Tod and Mrs. Tod decide to switch roles. Mr. Tod is going to take care of the cubs while Mrs. Tod hunt for the rabbits.

Pulling my leg
Carson, Jo
Uncle Tom is willing to help pull the loose tooth. He says he will need a hammer, screwdriver, and pliers. As she is being tickled by her father and Uncle Tom, her loose tooth falls out. She is now able to eat porkchops at her grandmother's birthday. Uncle Tom decides that all of his tools were not necessary to remove her tooth.

You hold me and i'll hold you
Carson, Jo
This story deals with death through the eyes of a child. It displays different emotions and questions a child may have. It expresses worry and comfort provided by family members.

Big brother dustin
Carter, Alden R.
Dustin is so excited!His family is going to have a baby girl!Dustin's mom and dad teach him all about being a big brother. He even learns how to change diapers!When the baby finally arrives, Dustin shows what a great brother he is.

Heaven's all star jazz band
Carter, Don
A young boy's grandpa dies and he goes to heaven. In heaven, his Grandpa Jack is in a jazz band with all the great musicians.

Slumber party!
Caseley, Judith
Zoe decides to have a slumber party for her birthday celebration. She invites four of her friends, and they celebrate with pizza and chocolate cake. After a couple of conflicts at bedtime, they all fall asleep with the help of Zoe's mom.

Grandpa's garden
Caseley, Judith
Sarah helps to choose, to plant, and to water plants in her grandpa's garden. After a while, her grandparents invite her for lunch made with ingredients from the garden.

Silly baby
Caseley, Judith
Lindsey does not welcome her new baby sister to the family at first. She finally realizes that they both have something to contribute to the family and she changes her mind.

When grandpa came to stay
Caseley, Judith
Benny's grandpa visits after his grandma dies. They tell stories, play games, and talk. One day grandpa cries and Benny learns that it is okay to cry.

Mama, coming and going
Caseley, Judith
With the birth of a new baby, mother does not know if she is coming or going. With the help of her daughter, they overcome the challenges.

Pierino and the bell
Cassedy, Sylvia
Pierino, the son of a church warden in a small village in Tuscany, claims the bell is what brings all the pigeons. On San Colombino Day, Pierino finds a silver egg. The silver egg hatches into a beautiful silver pigeon. Pierino says the bird is his and does not share it with the village. One day, Pierino sets the bird free. Some time later, the village is full of silver eggs for everyone.

Abuela's weave
Castaneda, Omar S.
Esperanza works hard at weaving cloth to sell, then she and her grandmother travel to the city to sell the cloth.

The painter
Catalanotto, Peter
A young girl loves to spend time with her father but he plays with her only at mealtimes. Between meals, he paints in his studio. She wants to play with her father but he says no. When she asks to paint, she spends time with her daddy and becomes a painter too.

One child, one seed: A south african counting book
Cave, Kathryn
Play a simple counting game. Watch a pumpkin grow. Follow young Nothando and discover the rhythms of her daily life in her South African village.

I'm not sleepy
Cazet, Denys
It is Alex's bedtime, but he is not tired. Alex's father tells Alex a bedtime story about a little boy's adventure to the jungle. By the end of the story, Alex is asleep in his bed.

Never spit on your shoes
Cazet, Denys
Arnie comes home from his first day of school in the first grade. His mother makes him a snack and sits down to talk about his day. Arnie tells his mother about all the activities that took place at school. Arnie has a field trip the next Friday, and he begins to get ready for it. Arnie really enjoys school.

Cazet, Denys
Barney is spending the weekend at his grandparents. His grandfather buys him a rocket model, helps him with his science project and tells him stories.

Minnie and moo go dancing
Cazet, Denys
As Minnie and Moo sit watching the stars, they wish they could dance. When their wish comes true, they dress up as the farmer's twin sisters, Opal and Ruby, and attend a party at the farmer's house. They have a wonderful time at the party, but the fun ends when they are offered hamburgers. Fearing for their lives, the cows return to the barn.

Never poke a squid
Cazet, Denys
Arnie and Raymond come home from a Halloween celebration at school. Arnie's mother asks them all about the adventures of the day. They tell her about decorating the classroom, playing games, and marching in a parade. After their story, they go off to trick-or-treat.

December 24th
Cazet, Denys
Emily and Louie vist Grandpa and give him a surprise gift. Grandpa tries to guess what the holiday gift could be. Eventually, he sees that it is his birthday gift.

My grandmother's journey
Cech, John
Karie's grandmother tells her about her hard life in Russia during World War II. This is a true story.

Up north at the cabin
Chall, Marsha Wilson
A little girl spends the summer up north at a cabin with her grandparents and family. Her summer is filled with exploration and activities that she cherishes during the winter months until she can return again.

Chall, Marsha Wilson
Jean Claude is going to boarding school, but no dogs are allowed at La School d'Excellence. Poor Bonaparte must find a way to be with Jean Claude!