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  • Tags: coping
Where am I sleeping tonight?
Ekster, Carol Gordon
Mark and Evan have a hard time keeping up with all the changes in their lives. Their parents are divorced and it's not easy remembering all the things they need to do. Mark's teacher, Mrs. Demott helps Mark, Evan and their parents get organized and also teaches them how to cope with divorce.

Where are you going, little mouse
Kraus, Robert
A mouse runs away from home to find a better family. While searching, he starts to miss his family. When darkness comes, he calls his parents to come pick him up. They really do love him and he loves them too.

Where do i fit in?
Noble, Joan
John's parents get divorced and his mom re-marries. He does not understand where he belongs. When he goes to his new grandparents and has a good time, he realizes they love him and he does have a place where he belongs.

White snow, bright snow
Tresselt, Alvin
This book outlines the activities of various towns people, starting from when they realize it will snow, to the time it snows, to the time it melts.

Who owns the moon?
Levitin, Sonia
Abel, Nagel and Zeke are farming friends who argue about everything, including who owns the moon. The farmers go to a teacher in the city to settle their argument about the moon. The teacher tells the three men that they each own the moon two nights a week and the remaining nights they are to share it.

Wilbur waits
Sherrow, Victoria
Wilbur is waiting for his birthday. When it finally arrives, he gets exciting presents like a kite, a sail boat and a sled. Unfortunately, the weather is not suitable for playing with any of his new toys. Instead of using his new toys, Wilbur finds other things to occupy his time until the weather improves.

Will there be a lap for me?
Corey, Dorothy
We follow Kyle through the experience of his mother's pregnancy and the birth of his new baby brother. Kyle questions and then finds his place in his growing family.

Will you come back for me?
Tompert, Ann
A four year old girl is worried about being left in day care for the first time. Her mother reassures her that when she leaves her, she will always come back for her.

Words in our hands
Litchfield, Ada B.
Gina, Diane, and Michael's parents are all deaf. Communication isn't easy, especially when they move to a new town. Soon the family finds some new friends at a school where people know sign language.

Worse than willie
Stevenson, James
Mary Ann and Louie thought that nothing could be worse than their new baby brother. After talking to their Grandpa, they discovered that their new baby brother is not so bad after all.

Would they love a lion?
Denton, Kady MacDonald
Trying to get noticed with a new baby in the house, Anna pretends to be different animals. But even a lion, the biggest, loudest animal of all, still needs a nap!

Yonie wondernose
De Angeli, Marguerite
Jonathon is such a curious little boy that his father calls him Yonie Wondernose. His parents go away and leave him in charge of the farm. The barn catches on fire and it is up to Yonie to save the animals.

You hold me and i'll hold you
Carson, Jo
This story deals with death through the eyes of a child. It displays different emotions and questions a child may have. It expresses worry and comfort provided by family members.