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  • Tags: self esteem
Crow boy
Yashima, Taro
This is the story of a boy who does not communicate with anyone and spends much of his time alone. He finally meets a friendly teacher who realizes how special he is. By performing crow sounds, he shows everyone that he is from far away, and they sympathize with him.

The little old lady who was not afraid of anything
Williams, L.
A little old lady, who isn't afraid of anything, takes a walk in the woods at night. A pumpkin head, a tall black hat, a pair of pants, a shirt, two gloves and two shoes try to scare her.

Springtime in a noisy village
Lindgren, Astrid
Some children live in a little, simple village. They all play together and resolve any little conflicts. They watch out for one another.

The quiet mother and the the noisy boy
Zolotow, C.
Sandy is a boy who talks loud all of the time. One day, he meets a boy Roger who talks even louder. This bothers Sandy so he has a talk with his mom about when noise is okay.

Mr. brown can moo!Can you?
Seuss, Dr.
Mr. Brown does many things and always asks if you can do it too. He makes many noises like animals. Can you?Mr. Brown can do everything.

Moon bear
Asch, Frank
A bear becomes upset because the moon grows smaller and he thinks it might disappear. He tries to feed the moon honey to make it bigger. A bird finally tells him that the birds eat the honey and the moon gets bigger and smaller on it's own.

Natural history
Goffstein, M.B.
The Earth and how humans are all interconnected is depicted through nature.

The practical princess
Williams, Joy
A young princess is given three gifts. One of her gifts is common sense. In the beginning, Princess Bedelia saw this as insignificant, because all she needed was charm. After realizing that charm won't fight off a dragon and save her life, Bedelia values her common sense.

Yolen, Jane
The Reynard's are going to have a party. When the lights go out and jewelry is stolen, Piggins solves the mystery.

The grumpalump
Hayes, Sarah
Every animal has an action that they do to try to figure out what the grumpalump is. No one can figure it out until the gnu comes. He blows it up to create a hot air balloon.

Shaker boy
Ray, Mary Lyn
At age six, Celeb comes to live with the Shakers and he spends the rest of his life in their unique culture. He learns their ways, their songs, and is inspired by angels.

Aekyung's dream
Paek, Min
A little girl named Aekyung has trouble adjusting to America, because it is so different from Korea. She doesn't like to go to school because her classmates make fun of her. Eventually she begins to feel more comfortable and accepted.

Moonstick: The seasons of the sioux
Bunting, Eve
A young Sioux is taught the way of life by his father. The young boy is too young to do many things, but one day he will be able to do what he is taught. When the seasons change, he makes another notch in his moonstick.

Three fools and a horse
Baker, Betty
Three Fools (a fictional tribe invented by the Apache Indians) go looking for buffalo and see horses for the first time. Three of the Indians want a horse to help them become big, important men. Instead of becoming bigger men, they make bigger fools of themselves.

The cucumber princess
Wahl, Jan
The cucumber princess comes of age in this mysterious story with Aztec-style illustrations.

Pink and say
Polacco, Patricia
A wounded solider in the Civil War is nurtured back to health by an African American soldier and his mother. Together they return to the battlefield, but are destined to live different lives.

Steptoe, John
Hector is a new student in Charles' class from Puerto Rico. Hector has trouble adjusting to his new school at first, but Charles recognizes his differences as being creative, and helps him feel welcome.

Happy to be nappy
Hooks, Bell
A whimsical rhythm of sweet jive jumps from watercolored illustrations on different pages to portray portraits of little girls who celebrate their African American culture. Hooray for the frizzy, fuzzy, nappy, twisty hair!Hooray for the sizzling semblance and fantastic flare that shines in every hair on every head. Beauty lies everywhere.

Rocks in my pockets
Harshman, M.//Collins, B.
The Woods family is a poor, farming family who lives on top of a windy mountain. They have little food, clothes, or money, but they work hard on the farm. They all carry rocks in their pockets while farming to keep their skinny bodies from blowing away. They also use rocks to heat and keep them warm in the winter. The rocks become shiny and smooth and are sold for money.

The biggest house in the world
Lionni, Leo
A snail tells his father that he wants to have the biggest house in the world. His father tells him a story about a snail who said the same thing and his house got so big he could not move. The little snail realizes he is happy the way he is.

Herman the helper
Kraus, Robert
Herman is a very helpful little octopus. He is always willing to assist anyone in need, whether they are a friend or enemy.

No, david!
Shannon, David
The author recalls a book he wrote as a child consisting of the words no and David, and several pictures of things he was not supposed to do. David remakes the idea of a mother telling her son no, but ends with a happier picture and more caring words, including the word yes.

New shoes for silvia
Hurwitz, Johanna
One day Silvia's family receives a package of gifts from Tia Rosita. Silvia's gift is beautiful -- new red shoes!Unfortunately they are too big. Silvia uses her new shoes for many other purposes until one day they fit.

The story of edward
Dumas, Philippe
Once in the real world, a donkey tried to pretend he is not a donkey. When he is discovered, he dances the waltz to capture his bride.

The magic fan
Baker, Keith
One night a boy who liked to build things found a magic fan. The fan showed him what he should build to help enhance the village. The fan helped him until he no longer needed it. The fan helped the boy see that the magic was a part of himself.

The bee-man of orn
Stockton, Frank R.
A magician tells the Bee-man how he was transformed into the Bee-man, then sets out to find out what he was before.

Treed by a pride of irate lions
Zimelman, Nathan
An animal likes his Mother but not his Father -- so off he goes to Africa where he hopes to find some loving animals. In the end, the Dad returns home, telling his family that no animal will ever be like him. Dad is happy that his family still loves him.

More more more
Williams, Vera B.
Three different families give their babies love. First a father, then a grandmother, then a mother shower their baby with attention and affection.

Where's waldo?
Handford, Martin
The reader follows Waldo as he hikes around the world. The reader must try to find him in the illustrations as Waldo is lost in the crowded places he visits.

Finding the green stone
Walker, Alice
Johnny loses his green stone because of his mean behavior. The entire community helps him look for it, but he finally realizes that he, alone, can find it.

Batter up!
Johnson, Neil
A young boy named Nick joins a baseball team and learns everything about the game. He has to deal with losing a big game. The loss helps him to refine his weaknesses.

The lonely doll
Wright, Dare
A little doll, Edith, is lonely when two bears come to visit her. Mr. Bear watches Edith and Little Bear for awhile, but Mr. Bear has to leave for an errand. Edith and her new friend disobey, get into trouble and are punished. Edith is afraid that Mr. Bear and Little Bear will leave which will bring back feelings of loneliness again. However, they stayed.

Sea swan
Lasky, Katheryn
Elzibah Swan decides to take up swimming at the age of seventy-five. She shares her new hobby with her grandchildren.

Harry in trouble
Porte, Barbara Ann
Harry tells his own story about how he misplaces his library cards. He feels ashamed about not being responsible, but then learns that he is not the only one.

The triumphs of fuzzy fogtop
Rose, Anne
Fuzzy Fogtop has a short memory. He cannot remember anything from the night before. Fuzzy decides to visit the next town, but he falls asleep on the train and does not know where he is when he wakes up.

The princess in the kitchen garden (Prinses van de moestuin)
Heymans, Annemie//Heymans, Margriet
Because her mother died, Hannah takes care of her father and brother. Hannah decides to run away because she feels unappreciated. She goes to Mama's old kitchen garden. Her family reunites in an amazing way!

Aunt elaine does the dance from spain
Komaiko, Leah
Katy's family is of Yiddish decent, born in Mexico. However; Katy's Aunt Elaine enjoys spanich dancing and speaking spanish phrases. Katy attends one of Aunt Elaine's dance shows and realizes why her aunt grealty enjoys spanish dancing.

Norma jean, jumping bean
Cole, Joanna
Norma Jean is a kangaroo who always jumps. She did so even at inappropriate times. Her friends got mad at her, so she decided to no longer jump. Then her friends noticed her change and missed the old Norma Jean. Finally, Norma Jean learns there is a time and place for jumping.

Wells, Rosemary
Annie receives Peabody for her birthday, and they become the best of friends. However when Rita arrives at Annie's next birthday, Peabody is forgotten. When Rita breaks, Annie goes back to playing with Peabody.

The beetle bush
Keller, Beverly
Arabelle thinks she is a failure at everything she tries. In a last effort to succeed at something, she plants a garden with many seeds, but it is taken over by bugs. When the landlord comes, she decides she is a success at making a beetle bus and a snail trail. The landlord finds it wonderful.

Raskin, Ellen
Iris Fogel's poor eyesight causes her to see normal objects and people in an unusual way. After she receives her glasses, she realizes that glasses aren't so bad.

Little miss spider
Kirk, David
Families are different. Miss Spider knows best -- when finding her mother, love is the truest test.

Shy charles (Charles le timide)
Wells, Rosemary
Charles is a very shy mouse who does not like to talk to anyone. He likes to play alone, and he hates talking on the phone. One day, his babysitter gets hurt and Charles becomes her hero.

Island baby
Keller, Holly
Simon works for Pops at the bird hospital. Simon finds a flamingo with a broken leg and helps nurse it back to health. In the end, he has to let it go.

The very tall little girl
Krasilovsky, Phyllis
A very tall young girl was unhappy about being six inches taller than her friends. Then she realizes that being tall enables her to do many more things then most girls her age. Most of all, she learns that it is fun to be special.

The ingredients of a q.t. pie
Sanders, Stephanie
What does it take to make a Q.T. Pie? Meet Quintessence T. Pie, or Q.T. Pie for short. Discover with Q.T. what ingredients make up her charming personality. Grace, twinkling eyes and self-respect are just a few of the things that make her so sweet. Every girl is a Q.T. Pie, no matter what her name is. What makes you a Q.T. Pie?

Feel better, ernest
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest is sick so Celestine takes care of him because the doctor says he must stay in bed. When Ernest recovers, he and Celestine celebrate.

The foolish tortoise
Buckley, Richard//Carle, Eric
A tortoise leaves his shell because he is tired of being slow. Without his shell, he is less protected from other animals and the environment. The tortoise decides that his shell is part of who he is.

Tiger watch
Wahl, Jan
When a tiger in the village causes trouble, Azad and his father are sent out to search for it. When Azad comes face to face with the tiger, it changes his outlook on hunting.