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  • Tags: friendship
Everett anderson's friend
Clifton, Lucille
At first Everett is disappointed when a girl moves in next door. Soon enough, he learns what a great friend Maria can be to him.

Everybody knows that!
Pearson, Susan
Patty and Herbie are best friends, but when they start school, Herbie decides he wants to play with the boys. Herbie ends up being friends with her again, because they both realize that it is silly not to be friends.

Everyone asked about you
Gross, Theodore Faro
Charlie wants Nora to come out and play, but Nora is so stubborn that she won't come out of her room. Charlie finally convinces Nora when he tells her about all of the people and creatures who have been asking about her.

Farmer's market
Johnson, Paul Brett
Every Saturday, Laura's family goes to the market to sell their vegetables. On one lucky Saturday, Laura and her friend Betsy find a delicious surprise!

Fat chance
Borton, Lady
Marty Louise has to stay home the rest of the school year because she has rheumatic fever. Feeling alone, she finds a friend in a dying stray cat that she nurses back to health. Her mother hates cats. Will she let Marty keep him?

Fat chance, claude
Nixon, Joan Lowery
A girl named Shirley is independent and very active while growing up. She meets Claude on their way out West to pan for gold. The two become quick friends and at the end decide to get married.

Father's rubber shoes
Yeo, Yumi
Yungsu's family moves from Korea to America. When Yungsu goes into his new town and sees children playing, he missed his friends from Korea. Yungsu tells his mother that he wants to go back to Korea, but his father explains that their life will be better in America.

Feel better, ernest
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest is sick so Celestine takes care of him because the doctor says he must stay in bed. When Ernest recovers, he and Celestine celebrate.

Fernando's gift: El regalo de fernando
Keister, Douglas
Fernando and Carmina, friends who live with their families in the Costa Ricaru rain forest, discover their climbing tree is cut down. As a present, Fernando gives her a new tree to plant and replace the destroyed rain forest environment.

Stanley, Diane
This nursery rhyme is about a little girl that gives a dinner party for her animal friends. She serves them dinner in her playhouse.

Fighting words
Merriam, Eve
Dale and Leda are each jealous of what they do not have. They decide to fight and hurl a number of creative words at each other.

Fiona's bee
Keller, Beverly
A girl befriends a bee and learns how to live with it. They meet many people with whom they resolve conflicts.

First come the zebra
Barasch, Lynne
In the Kenyan grassland, Abaani, a Maasai boy takes his cattle out to graze. While he is out he sees a vegetable stand with a young boy from the Kikuyu farms, who are rivals of his tribe because they destroy their land. While arguing, a group of Kamba women and children approach to trade for fruits and vegetables, and one baby wanders toward three warthogs. Abaani sees this and knows he can save the baby himself so he calls to Haki to help. Together they save the boy, which is the beginning of a growing friendship. They learn how to appreciate one another and hope to teach their families to be friends.

Fish for breakfast: A little animal book
Gunthorp, Karen
Tom the cat wants fish for breakfast. When he is unsuccessful in catching a fish, his friends save the day and they have breakfast together.

Fish is fish
Lionni, Leo
A tiny fish and a little tadpole are friends. The tadpole becomes a frog and sees the world. The fish wants to see the world, but learns that life is better as fish.

Fish soup
LeGuin, Ursula K.
The thinking man and the writing woman are good friends. They decide to find a child to run messages between their homes and to catch fish for their fish soup. The child is created by their imaginations and a touch of magic.

Five bad boys, billy que and the dustdobbin
Patron, Susan
Billy Que learns an important lesson from the dustbobbin under his bed. Billy learns to think before he speaks.

Five little monkeys
Kepes, Juliet
Five mischievous monkeys are always playing tricks on the other animals in the jungle. After a trick is played on them, they change their ways and even manage to save their new friends from Terrible the Tiger.

Trottier, Maxine
A young child enjoys a neighbors garden when spending time at his grandparents house. Mr. Hinoshi's garden allows the children to learn until one day Mr. Hinoshi is taken away. The child cares for Mr Hinoshi's garden in his absence until new neighbors move in. The child plants her own garden in honor of Mr. Hiroshi. The flags are symbolically named for Japanese irises.

Food and festivals: West Africa
Brownlie, Alison
Describes the West African culture of food, including the kinds of food grown and eaten, and various feast days like Ramadan, Easter, naming ceremonies, and yam festivals.

For sure! For sure!
Andersen, Hans Christian
Did you know that chickens gossip too? Come read about one chick that plucks out her feathers, supposedly to look good and impress her rooster. After one of her feathers is plucker, an owl sees her actions and spreads the word. The story gets turned around and exaggerated especially when the newspaper prints it.

For you are a Kenyan child
Cunnane, Kelly
Follow a little Kenyan boy through his village on a typical but eventful day in Kenya. He learns an important lesson about listening to his elders as he visits with the neighbors in his village.

Four brave sailors
Ginsburg, Mirra
Four mice imagine the adventures they would encounter as sailors on a ship. They fear none of the threatening animals they encounter, except for the house cat that is outside their front door.

Fox and his friends
Marshall, Edward
A fox is asked to watch his sister but he does not watch her and she wanders off. At the end, he learns his lesson and realizes that he needs to be more responsible.

Fox at school
Marshall, Edward
Fox learns important lessons from his friends on how to be a friend. For example, he learns how not to be greedy and how not to be too proud.

Franklin has a sleepover
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin and Bear are excited for their first sleepover at Franklin's house. It's fun to play games, have a campfire, and campout in the livingroom with your friend. However, when it's time to go to bed, Bear and Franklin realize how scary sleepovers can be.

Simmonds, Posy
The night that Sophie and Nick bury their beloved cat, they find all of his cat friends outside. They find out their cat was famous and the other cats wanted to have a party to say goodbye.

Friend or frog
Priceman, Marjorie
Kate is a little girl whose best friend is a frog. When the frog causes too much trouble, her mom tells her to get rid of it. As Kate tries to find a decent home for her frog, he escapes.

Heine, Helme
Three friends go off on many adventures together. They stick together and look out for each other, especially when disaster strikes.

Friends from the other side
Anzaldua, Gloria
Prietita is a young girl who befriends a young immigrant from Mexico. He lives with his mother in a shed. When the police come, Prietita hides them so they won't be taken away. This story is in English and Spanish.

Friends go adventuring
Heine, Helen
Three barnyard friends set out for a change of scenery. Through their adventures, they decide that they would all be better off at home.

Frog and toad
Lobel, Arnold
Frog and Toad are friends, and they have many adventures together. They run, play and swim together. They cheer each other up when they are feeling down.

Frog and toad all year
Lobel, Arnold
This book contains five short stories about Frog and Toad who are best friends. Each story depicts a season of the year.

Frog and toad are friends
Lobel, Arnold
The friendship and adventures of frog and toad unfold with many activities that strengthen their relationship.

Frog and toad together
Lobel, Arnold
Frog and Toad are two friends that have many adventures together, including after baking cookies, trying not to eat the whole batch.

Frog on his own
Mayer, Mercer
A frog and his friends do not always like to do the same things. So Frog goes his own way for the day.

Frog, where are you?
Mayer, Mercer
A little boy is looking for his frog. When he finds it, the frog has started a family. He gets to take a new frog home and he is happy (A Wordless Book).

Froggy's first kiss
London, Jonathan
Froggy discovers the truth behind having a crush. His clumsiness and confusion lead him to discover his one true love, his mother.

Fry bread: A Native American family story
Maillard, Kevin Noble
Children help a Native American grandmother make fry bread while learning about the history, social ways, food, art, and politics of America's 573 recognized Indian tribes.

Furlie cat
Freschet, Bernice
Furlie is a cat who is afraid of everything and hides in the house all day. He feels his life is dull, so he practices being brave. He becomes overly confident in himself and becomes a bully. He learns after he meets a bear that everyone should treat one another kindly and equally.

Gabrielle and selena
Desbarats, Peter
Gabrielle and Selena are tired of the same routine everyday. They switch places for the evening, and their parents play a trick on them. Be ready for a funny ending.

DiPucchio, Kelly
Mrs. Poodle takes Gaston and his three siblings to the park where they meet Mrs. Bulldog and her family. Suddenly, they realize that Gaston looks more like Mrs. Bulldog’s child and Gaston goes to live with her family. However, Gaston realizes that he likes his old family and returns to live with Mrs. Poodle, making sure to play with Mrs. Bulldog’s children when they are at the park.

Gathering a northwoods counting book
Bowen, Betsy
Starting in May, the winter countdown begins. Preparation activities are described using the numbers one through thirteen. For example, winter countdown includes five blueberries and six bags of rice.

George and martha
Marshall, James
Friendship reigns supreme between George and Martha. The two of them are learning to be honest and kind with each other. A faithful friendship is treasured by both.

George and martha back in town
Marshall, James
A series of stories about seven hippos who are best friends. The story depicts the trials and tribulations of their friendship.

George and martha rise and shine
Marshall, James
A combination of five short stories about the adventures of two hippos, George and Martha.

George and martha round and round
Marshall, James
George and Martha are two hippos who learn about friendship, not hurting others' feelings, using their imagination, and learning forgiveness in five short stories.

George to the rescue
Bright, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker decide to take a visit to the city. George, the ghost, Herman, the cat, and Miss Oliver, the owl, decide to go along. They have many great adventures in the city, but are happy when it is time to return home.

Georgie and the robbers
Bright, Robert
A small ghost named Georgie lives in the Whittkaker house. When the house is threatened by robbers, the friendly ghost and his animal friends work together to scare the robbers away.

Georgie's halloween
Bright, Robert
Herman the cat and Miss Oliver the owl try to convince Georgie to enter the Halloween costume contest, but he is just too shy. His mice friends give him a ribbon for winning their own costume contest.