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  • Tags: friendship
May I bring a friend?
de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
A boy is invited to go to the King and Queen's house. Everyday he brings a friend along. They invite him to come once again, but he says that he wants them to visit his friends in the zoo.

The duchess of whimsy: An absolutely delicious fairytale
de Seve, Randall
The Duchess of Whimsy is very well known to be extravagant, through her celebrations, clothing, and conversation. The Earl of Norm is quite the opposite; in fact the Duchess thinks he is rather ordinary. However her father tells her, their two kingdoms have to be friends. The Earl of Norm loves the Duchess of Whimsy and goes to extraordinary lengths to try to impress her, but none of them impress her. One night at supper the cook becomes sick, so all the Duchess' guests try to impress her with their cooking. However the one food that impresses her is the one ordinary food. Cooked by whom?

Be quiet, Marina!
DeBear, Kristen
Marina and Moira are very much alike, and yet very different. They like to play with one another, but often have conflicts. They learn to work through their differences and become the best of friends.

Three friends find spring
Delton, Judy
Duck hates winter because he thinks that it is too cold and long. Rabbit and Squirrel try to cheer him up and show him that winter can be fun, but nothing works. After a while, Rabbit and Squirrel begin not to like winter. Then all of a sudden, Duck likes winter.

Lee henry's best friend
Delton, Judy
Lee Henry and Blair Andrew are best friends. Blair has to move away. Lee Henry decides he does not want any other friend other than Blair. A new kid moves into Lee Henry's neighborhood and they start to become friends. Lee Henry reminds the new boy that no matter what, he already has a best friend.

Two good friends
Delton, Judy
A duck stays at home and cleans his house all day. His friend, Bear, comes to visit and tries to find something to eat. Bear cannot find anything and they go to Bear's house to cook some food.

My grandma's in a nursing home
Delton, Judy//Tucker, Dorothy
Jason doesn't like and can't get used to his grandma being in a nursing home. After visiting her a couple of times he realizes that it is not too bad and he even makes some new friends.

My uncle nikos
Delton, Julie
Helena and her uncle have a very special relationship. Journey with Helena to her uncle's house up in the mountains of Greece.

Bill and pete to the rescue
dePaola, Tomie
Bill and Pete are best friends who leave the Nile in search for Pete's cousin, Little Jane Allison Crocodile. Little Jane has been stolen and taken to the United States. Bill and Pete get separated when Pete helps a rich lady retrieve her purse. Bill joins forces with alligators from the swamp to save cousin Jane- just as Pete escapes the rich lady!

Bill and pete
dePaola, Tomie
Bill, a crocodile, and Pete, his bird friend, have numerous adventures on the Nile River. Some of these include Bill's first day of school, an encounter with a bad guy, and various situations at home.

Nana upstairs and nana downstairs
dePaola, Tomie
Tommy loves both Nana Downstairs because she is always in the kitchen and a great-grandma, Nana Upstairs, because she is always in bed. Both of them eventually die, and Tommy grows up and learns how to deal with death.

Sing, pierrot, sing
dePaola, Tomie
The local mime has fallen in love with the princess. When he goes to serenade her, he realizes she is already taken. Everyone laughs at him, but in the end, he realizes who his real friends are. (A Wordless Book)

Stage struck
DePaola, Tomie
Tommy knows the story of Peter Rabbit by heart. When his class decides to put on the production he wants to be cast in the roll of Peter. Tommy is so excited he does not pay attention to his teacher and as a result gets cast as Mopsy. However, Tommy has a plan to keep him in the spotlight.

The crayon box that talked
DeRolf, Shane
While walking through a toy store, a little girl overhears a box of crayons arguing. Yellow and green don't like red and no one likes orange, but for no apparent reason. After buying the box of crayons, she takes them home and begins to draw a picture. Using every color in the box, the little girl created a picture. As she completed her drawing and began to walk away, she heard the crayons resolve their hatred and realize the beauty they make when they all work together.

Gabrielle and selena
Desbarats, Peter
Gabrielle and Selena are tired of the same routine everyday. They switch places for the evening, and their parents play a trick on them. Be ready for a funny ending.

Jamie's turn
DeWitt, Jamie
Eleven year old Jamie helps his stepfather, Butch, pick corn one autumn day. When the corn picker becomes plugged up, Butch attempts to climb off the tractor but gets caught and is seriously injured. Jamie saves Butch's life by turning the corn picker off and running for help. Jamie keeps the farm running while Butch recovers from the accident.

DiPucchio, Kelly
Mrs. Poodle takes Gaston and his three siblings to the park where they meet Mrs. Bulldog and her family. Suddenly, they realize that Gaston looks more like Mrs. Bulldog’s child and Gaston goes to live with her family. However, Gaston realizes that he likes his old family and returns to live with Mrs. Poodle, making sure to play with Mrs. Bulldog’s children when they are at the park.

Muriel's red sweater
Dokas, Dara
Muriel Magee's party invitations are very late because her birthday is today! She runs around town handing out invitations to her friends. What she doesn't realize is that her sweater unravels with each person she invites. By the time she gets home, she sees that her sweater is all gone, but she is in for a surprise! Her friends are all there to wish her a happy birthday, and they give her a present. When she opens it she realizes it's just what she needed - a new sweater!

Dinosaurs' christmas
Donnelly, Liza
Rex and his dog decide to go sledding. While sledding, they end up in the North Pole and meet up with a dinosaur who takes them to Santa's workshop. Rex tells the elves that they're making the toy dinosaurs wrong, helps them fix their mistake, and ends up saving Christmas.

The alligator's toothache
Dorian, Marguerite
Alli, the alligator has a toothache, but does not want to go to the dentist. His friends and the zoo director decide that his toothache will not go away with their home remedies, so he should see a dentist.

Radio man = don radio: A story in english and spanish
Dorros, Arthur
Diego's family members are migrant farm workers. Wherever they go, Diego brings his radio, which connects him to the states he crosses and unites him with his best friend.

Loop the loop
Dugan, Barbara
Mrs. Simpson and a girl, Anne, become friends. Mrs. Simpson shows Anne how to do a loop the loop with a yo-yo before she is placed in a nursing home and cannot remember anything.

Ten little mice
Dunbar, Joyce
The activities of ten little mice are shown in a clever way to show a simple lesson of subtraction. One by one, the mice go back to their cozy nest.

The secret friend
Dunbar, Joyce
Gander is writing a letter to his secret friend. As Gander adds special touches to the letter, Panda becomes jealous. He does not know this secret friend and he is worried it might be Gander's new best friend. Little does Panda know, he is Gander's only best friend.

Dunbar, Joyce
Sophie, a young girl, takes her toy rabbit into the woods - disobeying her mother. She accidentally leaves him in the woods where he is hurt. Then some other rabbits try to fix him up. When Sophie gets back, she tells him never to go to the woods again.

The bowl of fruit
Dunbar, Joyce
Pand and Gander have a big bowl of fruit to share. They each take their favorite fruit, but Gander's pomegranate takes much longer to eat than Panda's pear. As Panda finishes his piece, he takes another, and another. By the time Gander is done with his pomegranate there are only a few cherries left. Even though sharing is hard, the friends share the last few cherries.

Panda's new toy
Dunbar, Joyce
Panda just got a new toy and he is having a lot of fun playing with it. Gander wants to try it too, but Panda is unwilling to share. When Gander decides to play with another toy, Panda wants that one too. The friends talk about it and decide that sharing and working together are more fun than being selfish.

Dog blue
Dunbar, Polly
A young boy named Bertie loves the color blue. Bertie also loves dogs, but he does not have a blue dog. He pretends that he has a blue dog, until he actually finds a real dog! Although his new dog is black and white, Bertie loves him and decides to name him Blue.

Petunia's treasure
Duvoisin, Roger
Petunia the goose finds a treasure chest. Before she opens it, she tells her friends about it and they all beg her for gifts. She finds that the chest had nothing in it and that money is not always that important.

Petunia, I love you
Duvoisin, Roger
Raccoon hopes to eat Petunia for a goose dinner, but while walking in the forest, they end up as good friends.

The witch's egg
Edmondson, Madeleine
A mean, old witch, Agatha, discovers a great friendship with a bird she hatched. When the bird flew south, Agatha was very sad. Finally the bird comes back because he missed Agatha too. Although the bird would always leave for the winter, he would be back to see Agatha each spring.

Metropolitan cow
Egan, Tim
Bennett Gibbons, the only calf in his neighborhood, often feels very bored and alone. When the Andersons, a family of pigs, move in next-door, Bennett instantly becomes friends with Webster, the youngest Anderson. Come join Bennett and Webster in the joy and pains of friendship.

Dr. duck
Ehrlich, H.M.
Different animals are under the care of an old-fashioned country doctor named Dr. Duck. A crow has a broken toe, a baby mouse has a fever, and a beaver has a cough. Everyone comes to help Dr. Duck when he gets sick.

Lucky and the giant
Elkin, Benjamin
Lucky, the little boy, has to outsmart the giant, Elmo, in order to get his parents back. He does three tasks to get them back as well as the brook that the giant stole. In the end, the family is together again, and Elmo becomes their friend.

Dabble duck
Ellis, Ann Leo
Dabble Duck is Jason's pet. Jason's mom want to get rid of Dabble. But when Dabble helps save a hurt dog, Jason's allowed to keep Dabble.

Josephina hates her name
Engel, Diana
Josephina hates her name because it is unusual. She wants to trade her name with her friends' names. After Josephina's grandmother explains the uniqueness of her name, she is proud of it from that day forward.

Neeny coming, neeny going
English, Karen
Neeny and her mom move to the big city on the mainland. They leave behind the rest of their family including Neeny's best friend, her cousin. Neeny comes back for a visit but she has changed. However, on her last night on the island Neeny once again has fun with her cousin.

One short week
Eriksson, Eva
Rosalie is bored because she has no one to play with. She calls her friend, Victor. Victor invites Rosalie to his birthday party, a whole week away. She turns one week into one day and ends up playing with Victor for a hundred hours.

Zinnia and dot
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Zinnia and Dot are two hens that have never gotton along. When a weasel steals all of their eggs but one, the two hens are forced to cooperate and share the new baby chick.

Walter's tail
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
A dog and its owner enjoy time together. Some town members dislike the dog until he saves the day.

Squirrel park
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Chuck, the squirrel, and Stuart are best friends. Their favorite place is an ancient tree in town. When Chuck and Stuart's tree is threatened of being cut down, they join together to build a park that will save the ancient tree.

Up to ten and down again
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Four boys and five girls come in two cars to the park to play and have a picnic lunch. They bring along six balls, seven boats, and eight baskets.

Gilberto and the wind
Ets, Marie Hall
Gilberto is a friend with the wind. The wind and Gilberto do things for each other.

In the forest
Ets, Marie Hall
A little boy goes for a walk in the forest. All the different animals he meets along the way follow him. His father finally tells the boy it is time he came home and the father promises he will be able to come back again.

Hush harbor: Praying in secret
Evans, Freddi Williams
Simmy is both excited and nervous for his job as Scout during the community meeting. Simmy is excited because this means the elders trust him, but he is nervous because slaves are not supposed to gather and sing together. Simmy must be very careful and listen for the master during the meeting.

The happy lion
Fatio, Louise
A lion in the zoo is happy because everyone comes to visit him. One day he decides to leave his cage and visit some of these friends. Outside of the cage, everyone is not so happy to see him. They are frightened of him, except for one boy who takes the lion back to the zoo.

The happy lion roars
Fatio, Louise
The happy lion is unhappy because all of his friends have mates. His good friend, Francios, takes him to the circus one day and he falls in love with a beautiful lioness. One night, he sneaks out to meet her and takes her back to his cave at the zoo. After many protests, the zoo keeper and the lion trainer decide she can stay. The lion is happy once again.

Contrary Woodrow
Felt, Sue
Woodrow was always a very ill-behaved boy. When he started kindergarten, he realized he had no friends from whom to receive Valentine's cards, so he changed his behavior and everyone liked him.

Pepito's story
Fern, Eugene
Pepito is the only boy in the village who likes to dance, and so he is made fun of because of his dancing. Only his grandmother understands until a girl in the village gets very sick, and only Pepito's singing makes her well.

Burro's tortillas
Fields, Terri
Burro finds it hard to get any help from his friends as he diligently works to turn corn into tortillas. Expect repetition, puns, and an accurate picture of the traditional way that tortillas are made.