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  • Tags: family
The little boy and the birthdays
Buckley, Helen E.
A little boy is afraid nobody will remember his birthday so he makes a special effort to remember everyone elses. Eventually he gets so wrapped up in everyone else's birthday he forgets his own, but the others remember and he is surprised.

Grandfather and i
Buckley, Helen E.
A little boy takes walks with his grandfather. He enjoys the carefree walks, because everything else seems to be in a hurry.

Grandmother and I
Buckley, Helen E.
This story is about what a little girl and her grandmother can do together now that the little girl is stuck at home with the measles.

Someday with my father
Buckley, Helen E.//Eagle, Eleen
A little girl has many dreams of things she would like to do with her father. She is not able to do them because she has a broken leg. She will have fun when the cast comes off.

Fanny's dream
Buehner, Carolyn
Fanny Agnes is a young farm girl who dreams of marrying a prince. When her fairy godmother does not arrive the day of the ball, Fanny decides to marry Hebert, a local farmer. As Fanny gets older, she realizes that Herbert really is her prince.

Through tsavo: A story of an east African savanna
Bull, Schuyla
Follows a herd of elephants, including a playful young calf, as it slowly makes its way to Tsavo National Park in Kenya to the Mzima River during a long, dry season.

The christmas coat
Bulla, Clyde Robert
Two brothers, Otto and Hans, are always fighting. Their mother wishes they would act like loving brothers. The brothers accidentally rip a jacket while fighting and must work together to repair it. The mother has her wish granted.

She'll be comin' round the mountain
Bullock, Kathleen
In this illustrated version of the familiar folk song, a family welcomes a young girl into their home after she comes round the mountain driving six white horses.

So far from the sea
Bunting, Eve
Laura and her family are moving, so they are coming to visit the Manzanar War Relocation Center one last time. Years ago, this center was used to house anyone living in the United States that were of Japanese descent. These people were forced to leave their homes and come to the center because Japan bombed the United States. The center is bare now except for all of the memories and the cemetary, including her grandfather's grave.

Bunting, Eve
A mother and son huddle together in a cardboard box on Christmas Eve when a mysterious woman knocks on their door. They give her a place to sleep, a small cookie, and a coat for a blanket. On Christmas morning, an angel appears and changes their life forever.

A picnic in october
Bunting, Eve
Tony and his extended family celebrate the birthday of the Statue of Liberty every October. They travel out to Libery Island to have a picnic and show their appreciation to the meaning the statue brings. Tony is embarrassed by his family's dedication, but in the end realizes the meaning of the statue.

Sunshine home
Bunting, Eve
Tim and his parent go to visit his grandmother in the Sunshine Home. Tim's mother and grandmother both act brave and refuse to cry in his presence. Tim catches both of them crying at the end of the visit, and he insists that they share their feelings.

Night tree
Bunting, Eve
Nina and her brother go with the family to Luke's forest to decorate a Christmas tree. They sing songs, drink hot chocolate, and decorate the tree all night long.

The wall
Bunting, Eve
A father and son go to the Vietnam Memorial Wall to see the boy's grandfather's name. The little boy does not understand the wall at first, but this experience tells him a little about how his grandfather died.

Fly away home
Bunting, Eve
A little boy and his father describe their homelessness and how they live in an airport. They find hope for leaving the airport in a bird that they see trapped and eventually finding freedom and a way out.

The mother's day mice
Bunting, Eve
It is Mother's Day and three little mice go out into the meadow to get their mother a present. One little mouse cannot find a present, so he makes up a song and sings it to his mother.

The wednesday surprise
Bunting, Eve
Wednesday nights are special for Anna, because she gets to see her grandmother. Together they read book after book and plan a surprise for Anna's father on his birthday.

Ghost's hour, spook's hour
Bunting, Eve
A young boy wakes up around midnight to no electricity, scary sounds, and the howling wind. He gets really scared, but his parents comfort him.

Bunting, Eve
Zoe and her family leave civilization to build a life on the prairie. The mother is homesick and depressed. The closest neighbors are three hours away. Zoe and her sister attempt to cheer their mother up by planting dandelions on the sod roof of their house.

Goose dinner
Bunting, Eve
Goose is a family pet, but the only person he really likes is mom. He does not like dad because dad threatens him all the time. Goose fights off a raccoon and the dad's attitude changes.

Your move
Bunting, Eve
James and Isaac sneak out at night while their mother is at work, seeking acceptance into a club of boys. When this situation puts himself and his brother in danger, James decides he's better off without the gang.

Summer wheels
Bunting, Eve
A kid without a father learns from the bicycle man about trust. From other kids he learns honesty and friendship.

Flower garden
Bunting, Eve
A young girl and her father buy flowers at the grocery and prepare a flower box for her mother's birthday.

I am the mummy, heb-nefert
Bunting, Eve
Hef-Nefert, an Egyptian mummy, tells her story as the wife of pharaoh's brother. She and her husband are very much in love and enjoy a wonderful life together. Eventually both die and become mummies that are viewed by disbelieving people in museums.

Going home
Bunting, Eve
Carlos and his family go home to Mexico for Christmas. He and his siblings think of California as their home, but they discover their roots in Mexico.

Moonstick: The seasons of the sioux
Bunting, Eve
A young Sioux is taught the way of life by his father. The young boy is too young to do many things, but one day he will be able to do what he is taught. When the seasons change, he makes another notch in his moonstick.

Whales passing
Bunting, Eve
A father and his son go to the beach to whale watch through binoculars. The father teaches his son about the lives of an orca whale and how they communicate. They talk about what they see in vibrant words, colors, and pictures.

A day's work
Bunting, Eve
Fransico takes his grandfather out to look for work. His grandfather does not speak English, so Fransico must translate. Fransico accepts a gardening job for his grandfather by telling the man he is a great gardener. When the man comes at the end of the day, he finds the job done incorrectly. Fransico's lie teaches him an invaluable lesson.

One candle
Bunting, Eve
A Jewish family spends Hanukkah that same way every year. Traditions are passed from generation to generation. After a family meal, grandma and great-aunt Rose tell their story. One very special candle is lit in honor of their memories.

I have an olive tree
Bunting, Eve
On Sophia's seventh birthday, her grandfather gave her an olive tree. Sophia is a little disappointed by the gift and doesn't understand why her grandfather would give her an olive tree that she can't even see. After all, it is Greece and she lives in California! It isn't until her grandfather passes away that Sophia truly understands the importance and meaning of the gift when she and her mother visit the olive tree in Greece.

Bedtime monster (A dormir, pequeno monstruo!)
Burnell, Heather
A little boy doesn't want to go to bed. He whines. He cries. He throws a tantrum. He begins to grow a tail. What? A tail? It's true! This little boy is not only acting like a monster, he turns into one! He growls a scary growl. He grows long hair and sharp claws. But, his parents know what to do. They calmly cuddle, rock, and sing to him. Here is a monster you might actually want to snuggle with as bedtime draws near.

The little princess
Burnett, Frances Hodge
Young Sara is forced to attend Miss Minchin's select seminary for young girls in London when her father gets shipped off to war. Miss Minchin, the director of the seminary becomes a bit apprehensive about Sara's stay with them because her father said that she is to have the very best of everything. When a note arrives that says Sara's father died, things change for the worse. Poor Sara is forced to live the life of a slave. She eventually meets up with an Indian gentleman who helps her to gain her life back.

Burningham, John
Grandpa and his granddaughter do everything together. Then as Grandpa gets older, he cannot do as much with her. Finally he dies.

Come away from the water, shirley
Burningham, John
Shirley and her father go to the beach. Her father is nagging her the whole time they are there. She uses her imagination to cope with her father.

Spaghetti and meatballs for all: A mathematical story
Burns, Marilyn
When Mr. and Mrs. Comfort decide to have a family reunion, they start making plans for their guests, including where everyone is going to sit. When people start to arrive, things start getting interesting. Eventually everything works out after some mathematical thinking.

The little house
Burton, Virginia Lee
A small house, that was built in the country, dreams about the city. Soon, with new technology and progress, the city builds up around the house. The house is sad and dreams about the country side. Finally, the house is removed from the city and moved back to the country again.

My brother, ant
Byars, Betsy
Anthony is a wild and creative little brother who, in the course of four different stories, tests the patience of his older brother.

The golly sisters ride again
Byars, Betsy
Two sisters, Rose and May-May, travel in a covered wagon to many places dancing and singing and encounter many adventures

Go and hush the baby
Byars, Betsy
Will wants to go out and play, but keeps having to hush his baby brother when he cries. Will tried everything to entertain him, but all the baby really wanted was a bottle.

Ant plays bear
Byars, Betsy
Ant is a young boy with a wild imagination. An imagination that allows him to be a bear and a dog. He also imagines a giant outside his window and experiences the careers of his dreams.

Jamari's drum
Bynum, Eboni//Jackson, Roland
Jamari grows up drawn to the beating of the djembe, the keeper of the peace, the great drum of his Mali village. Jamari grows older and becomes the drummer of the djembe. He eventually gets caught up in other aspects of village life. When the village is once again threatened by the nearby angry mountain, Jamari returns to his post as drummer for village peace.

Cat's colors
Cabrera, Jane
What is cat's favorite color? Cat visits the ten most popular colors to try and decide which color is his favorite. In the end the decision is easy. Cat's favorite color is orange, which is the color of his mom!

Cadena, Beth
Supersister is always thinking of ways she can help her pregnant mother. In the morning on the way to school, she forgets two things: to tie her mother's shoes and to give her mother a kiss. Throughout the day, she does all her chores and thinks of new ways to help her mother. At the end of the day she forgets the same two things, but when she remembers her mother says, Like I always say, you're going to be a super sister.

The lost and found house
Cadnum, Michael
A moving truck and moving men load items from a boy's house until the house is empty. The boy and his parents feel differently as they leave and travel to their new house. The boy meets two children and hopes someday they will be his friends!

I need a lunchbox
Caines, J.
A little boy wants a lunchbox very badly. He feels sad because he can't have one until he starts school like his sister. In the end, his father surprises him with a lunchbox.

Just us women
Caines, Jeanette
A young girl goes on a long trip with her aunt to North Carolina. They prepare their maps, their lunch, and plan all the fun things that they will do together. The trip is unique because they are just women spending time together.

Caines, Jeanette
Abby is a little girl who wants to know all about her first days with her adopted family. After some coaxing, her brother, Kevin, tells her how much he loves her and how glad he is that the family gets to keep her.

Chilly stomache
Caines, Jeanette
Sandy gets a chilly stomach' when her Uncle Jim comes over. He kisses her and touches her in places that make her feel bad. When he stays over night, she goes to her friend's house. She tells her friend and wants to tell her parents but worries that they won't love her anymore.

Calhoun, Mary
As the rain falls day after day, Sarajean and her family prepare for the flood. They place sandbags around the banks of the river and their house, but nothing can keep the water out. Eventually, Sarajean and her family are forced to leave their home, but they are grateful for their safety.

Henry the sailor cat
Calhoun, Mary
Henry the cat stows away on a boat. Henry is discovered by a father and his son. When a storm starts, the father falls overboard. Henry helps the son rescue his father.