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  • Tags: cat
Like butter on pancakes
London, Jonathan
A boy awakes to a sunny room and a delicious breakfast. This keeps him dancing and playing all day long on the farm. Supper time brings more good food and then comes bedtime with sweet dreams of the next day.

Jenny's birthday book
Averill, Esther
A cat, Jenny has a birthday. Her family and friends gather in the park for a birthday party.

My life with the wave
Cowan, Catherine
When a little boy brings an ocean wave home with him, he finds himself in trouble. He soon realizes that he has to take the wave back to the ocean where it belongs.

Coral island
Mordivnoff, Nicolas
Terii dreams of growing bigger so he can become a pearl-shell diver like his Uncle Teopu. Uncle Teopu always tells Terii that he will grow bigger when Teopu's hat is all worn out. Whe Terii saves the hat from Kaveka, Uncle Teopu let Terii paddle the canoe. After he saves Teopu from a shark, Terii is ready to become a diver.

I know how we fight germs
Rowan, Kate
How do we get sick?Join Sam and his mom as they talk about germs and their bodies. Help them figure out how bodies fight off enemy germs.

Selina, the mouse and the giant cat
Bohdal, Susi
A little girl named Selina has a fantastic dream about a mouse that becomes her friend and a cat that comes to eat him. Selina runs away from the cat in fear, but eventually must face the cat and protect the mouse.

The busy world of Richard Scarry: A big operation
Scarry, Richard
After contracting his third sore throat of the year, Huckle is told that his tonsils need to be taken out. Afraid of the hospital and the word operation, Huckle tries to sneak out. His friend, Lowly, takes Huckle around the hopital to show how others are brave. Huckle decides that he too is brave and will go through with the operation.

All i see
Rylant, Cynthia
A boy, Charlie, watches a man named Gregory paint pictures of a whale by the lake each day. Eventually, the two meet and paint together by the lake what each sees. An artistic friendship develops.

The maid and the mouse and the odd-shaped house
Zelinsky, P.
A maid and her mouse make changes to their odd-shaped house. The shape eventually looks like a cat.

The tale of ginger and pickles
Potter, Beatrix
Ginger and Pickles have to close their store when they run out of money, but Henny Penny opens it back up for business.

Old macdonald had a farm
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
Old MacDonald has a pretty typical day of feeding his animals and doing his chores.

When mindy saved hanukkah
Kimmel, Eric A.
Mindy, a mouse-sized girl, bravely faces a cat in the synagogue to retrieve a candle for her tiny family's Hanukkah menorah. Her mission allows her family to celebrate their special holiday together.

The carp in the bathtub
Cohen, Barbara
Leah and Henry want to save the carp that their mom will want to cook for dinner. They try to hide the carp in the tub and also in a bucket. Their dad explains that fish are for eating so he gives them a cat as a pet.

When the wind blew
Brown, Margaret Wise
An old lady lives with seventeen cats and a kitten. On a windy day she brings the cats in the house. She gets a toothache and her kitten soothes it.

Cinderella's rat
Meddaugh, Susan
Cinderella's fairy godmother turns a rat into a coachboy. The coachboy loves that he has more food to eat and less enemies (cats). But what will he do when someone wants to harm his sister (a rat)?

The third-story cat
Baker, Leslie
A house cat, Alice, longs to visit the park across the street. One day, Alice escapes her comfortable apartment. She meets a streetwise cat and has a hair-raising day. After Alice's adventures, she gladly goes home - until tomorrow.

Rotten ralph
Gantos, John B.
Ralph is a really rotten cat, so bad that he is abandoned at a circus by his family. He learns the errors of his ways.

Brown, Marcia
Felice is a small striped cat living in Venice with no home or food. A boy starts to feed the cat and adopts him. He decides to name the cat, Felice.

There was an old lady who swalled fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Buzz take Fly Guy with him to visit Grandma. During Grandma's excited hug, she accidentally swalllows Fly Guy! She proceeds to swallow animal after animal in an attempt to catch Fly Guy and all the animals she swallows until Fly Guy finally escapes, followed by the rest.

Inkpen, Mick
A little stuffed animal is left behind when a family moves to a bigger house. During the toy's journey to finding his owner, he encounters the family cat who takes him to his new home.

The ornery morning
Demuth, Patricia Brennan
Farmer Bill wakes up one morning and soon discovers that every animal on the farm refuses to do any work.

Another helping of chips
Hughes, Shirley
Four short stories tell about the adventures of chips and Jessie. Together they encounter adventures concerning spring cleaning, a visiting uncle, a stray kitten, and Christmas.

Uncle's new suit
Passen, Lisa
Uncle Carmen gets a new job, and the entire family goes to the store to help him pick out a new suit.

Old mother hubbard and her dog
Ness, Evaline
An old lady owns a dog and buys it fish, shoes, and even a hat. The dog does many interesting things like dance and read the news.

The blue-eyed pussy
Mathieson, Egon
A blue-eyed cat goes looking for the Land of Many Mice and gets laughed at and criticized along the way because of the color of his eyes.

Autumn: An alphabet acrostic
Schnur, Steven
The autumn season is described using the alphabet. From apple cider to weather, each letter of the alphabet describes what happens from September to December.

The cat's purr
Bryan, Ashley
A cat and a rat are friends. However, the rat tricks the cat and plays the special cat drum which only cats play. The cat seeks revenge on the rat and ends up swallowing the drum, and that's how the cat first started to purr.

Dancin' in the kitchen
Gelsanliter, Wendy//Christian, Frank
Dinner at Grandma's house begins with dancing in the kitchen. Each family member has their own job and makes dinner preparation a celebration. Clean up starts as they dance their empty plates to the kitchen.

In my momma's kitchen
Nolen, Jerdine
This little girl loves to be in her momma's kitchen. There's always something going on. From college announcements, to family dinners, to late nights of singing, everything happens in the kitchen. It is the most special place in the house.

Rosen, Michael
The family pet, a cat, is greatly disturbed when the family moves. The old familiar corners and hiding spots are gone and the new house is bare. After finding a hiding place, the cat stays in hiding to punish his family. Eventually, he is drawn to the smell of food. Soon, the new house feels like home.

San Souci, Robert D.
A witch makes a scarecrow and decides to play a joke on a judge. The judge does not like witches. The scarecrow, Feathertop, finds it hard to follow through with the witch's wishes.

Seredy, Kate
Gypsy, a mother cat, has kittens. As she lays with her kittens, she remembers her past and thinks about what her kittens will go through.

The very best of friends
Wild, Margaret
James and his cat, William, are the very best of friends. When James dies suddenly, Jessie, a friend, has trouble coping with his death. Jessie treats William poorly at first, but later she befriends him.

What does it look like?
Webber, I.E.
Three mice live on different sides of a barn. They explain what the animals look like from their point of view. Then they all see a cat and discover the concept of perspective.

Winter magic
Hasler, Eveline
Peter's mother tells him a story about winter magic. That night Peter dreams of winter magic and awakes. Peter's cat takes him out into the winter night and shows him the magic of winter.

The tightrope walker
Gervais, Benadette//Pittau, Francisco
Phil dreams of walking on a tightrope. He practices on the edge of his bed and on the clothesline. Phil walks a tightrope that takes him over fields, past Louises's house, past the city, out to the sea, into the mountains, and back home just in time for bed.

Who bop?
London, Jonathon
Join this celebration of dance and jazz music!A cat named Jazz-Bo leads a band that plays at the sock hop. All the animals gather together for a fun time of dance and rhyme.

I went walking
Williams, Sue
A young child goes out for a walk. By the end of the story he is being followed by a cat, a horse, a cow, a duck, a pig, and a dog.

Pretend you're a cat
Marzollo, Jean
A series of questions ask children to use their imaginations so they can leap like a cat, beg like a dog, and act like many other animals.

Once in a wood: Ten tales from aesop
Rice, Eve
Follow the Fox, the Lion, and other animals through the various lessons of life. Aesop's Fables teach many lessons about being clever and playing the fool.

The cat and the cook and other fables of krylov
Heins, Ethel
Twelve fables from Ivan Krylov of Russia are presented. Some of the fables include The Cat and the Cook, The Swan, the Pike, and the Crab, and The Miser. Many of these fables feature animals with a valuable moral built in.

The dark at the top of the stairs
McBratney, Sam
While tucking the three young mice into bed, the old mouse asks the young mice what they would like to do in the morning. The three agree that they want to see the dark at the top of the stairs. Together the four mice venture to the top of the stairs where they run into a monster -- the cat!

Your body from head to toe
Roca, Nuria
Your body can do so many things. When you were born, you were only a baby. Then as you grew, you learned how to walk, eat, hear, taste, smell, see, and touch things. It is important to take care of your body so that it can continue to sense the world around you.

A child's treasury of nursery rhymes
Denton, Kady MacDonald
A collection of nursery rhymes provides children with rhyming skills and patterns. Over 100 nursery rhymes are remembered through illustrations, songs, and verse.

The way mothers are
Schlein, Miriam
A baby kitten tries to figure out if his mother loves him the most. The mother cat says she loves him all the time, because he is her son.

Sad days, glad days: A story about depression
Hamilton, Dewitt
Amanda Martha's mother has a disease called depression. Amanda and her father call them sad days, glad days, mostly in-between days. Amanda wants a cuddly pet and when an alley cat comes along she finally gets a chance.

Just dessert
Powell, Polly
The apple family finish their dinner and desert, but Pasty wasn't quite full yet. Pasty wants that last piece of cake. Her mom tells her that she can not eat it. That piece of cake is on Pasty's mind all night long. After everyone was asleep, Pasty goes downstairs to get the cake. Pasty's journey to the cake provides her with obstacles of the mind.

Baby loves
Lawrence, Michael
Baby loves so many things, including Mommy and Daddy, slippers, food, rain, and bathtime. Each thing is loved more than the last. But Mommy and Daddy love baby more than anything in the world.

When uncle took the fiddle
Gray, Libba Moore
Stretching and yawning with slumberous faces a family seems so sleepy and sluggish... until Uncle puts the rappa-tap-tap back in their step with the cheerful music he plays on his fiddle. Soon every generation of the family is singing, dancing, and frolicking around the house.

Miranda and the cat
Smith, Linell
A young girl named Miranda discovers an alley cat while playing ball in her neighborhood. She tries to win the cat's heart by bringing him food every night and making sure he's okay. One night, she finds him injured. She takes him into her home, nurses him back to health, and lets him go, despite knowing she will never see him again.