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Little bear's pancake party
Brustlein, Janice
A small bear is searching for pancakes. He goes for a walk and encounters all of his animal friends who try and help. Finally, the bear throws a party for his friends and they make pancakes.

Three little pigs and the big bad wolf
Rounds, Glen
The three little pigs leave home to seek their fortunes. Along the way, the big bad wolf tries to eat them. They rely on each other when their homes are destroyed and they are almost eaten by the wolf.

Squirrel park
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Chuck, the squirrel, and Stuart are best friends. Their favorite place is an ancient tree in town. When Chuck and Stuart's tree is threatened of being cut down, they join together to build a park that will save the ancient tree.

Babar the king
Brunhoff, Jean de
Babar, now king, decides to build a beautiful city. With the help of a teacher, he is able to bring things back from his honeymoon to build the city with. All the elephants make the city and the rest of the animals are confused by all the commotion.

Duck in the truck
Alborough, Jez
As duck drives home in his truck, he hits a rock which leaves him stuck in the muck. Frog first tries to help, then sheep and finally goat. Working together the four animals are able to get the truck out.

One duck stuck
Root, P.
One duck gets stuck in the muck down by the marsh. Creatures by the marsh try to help him get free. Creatures come first two, then three, then adding one every time. No one can free the duck by themselves but as a team, the duck is freed.

The cloud eater
Reeves, Katherine
Henry and his dog, Laura, live and travel with the circus. When a problem occurs with their newest member, a giraffe, Henry has to do some critical thinking to solve the problem. Henry becomes friends with the cloud eater in the process.

Something queer is going on
Levy, Elizabeth
Jill's dog Fletcher is not on the front steps when Jill arrives home from school, so Jill and her friend Gwen search the neighborhood for Fletcher. They believe Mr. Fernbach has Fletcher and convince Jill's mother to follow Mr. Fernbach to his studios. Fletcher is found in the studios where he is being used in a dog food commercial.

When the fly flew in
Peters, Lisa Westberg
When a little boy is told to clean his room, he says he cannot because his pets are sleeping. However, a fly wakes them up and starts a chain of reactions that end with the room being cleaned by the animals.

Where can elephant hide?
McPhail, David
The elephant hates hide and seek because he can never find a place to hide. All of his animal friends try and try to find him a hiding place just in time to dodge the hunters.

The gondolier of venice
Kraus, Robert
Gregory the mouse wants to help save Venice because it is sinking. Gregory rounds up his other gondelier friends and they put floats under the city. Then they tie it down to keep Venice afloat and still.

Bizzy bones and the lost quilt
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Bizzy loses his favorite quilt. He cannot sleep and is very sad. Some other mice find it with a hole in it. They help Bizzy repair it and Bizzy makes new friends.

The brownstone
Scher, Paula
Six animal families live in an apartment building together. They switch apartments several times in order to make each other happy with their neighbors and to make a better living community.

Stevens, Janet//Crummel, Susan Stevens
Inspired by his hunger, Rooster decides to become a cook. Aided by his friends Turtle, Iguana, and Pig, the four chefs follow a recipe. Cooking terms like sifting, measuring, and beating are learned through their silly misunderstandings as they make the best strawberry shortcake ever.

Hall, Malcolm
A printing press, run by animals, has a mystery. Someone is stealing the letters which ends up making very confusing headlines.

Simon's soup
Komoda, Beverly
Simon, the cat, prepares soup for dinner for his monkey friends, but he keeps getting interrupted during his preparations.

Seen any cats?
Modell, Frank
Marvin and Milton want to go to the circus but they do not have enough money. They decide to make a circus of their own and make cats the entertainment. They cannot train cats, but they devise a way to earn money.

The church mice adrift
Oakley, Graham
The church mice lose their home to the rats. Together with the cat, they make a plan to gain their home back.

Chicago and the cat
Koontz, Robin Michal
A pushy cat takes over the home of Chicago the rabbit, and then, the two become friends. The story illustrates the need to cooperate and communicate in order to resolve conflict.

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

Cat and canary
Foreman, Michael
Cat and Canary play every day when their master leaves. When they play on a roof, the Cat gets tangled in a kite and blows away. Canary and his friends fly Cat back to safety.

The supreme souvenir factory
Stevenson, James
Only Chester, the dog, who gets a job at the Supreme Souvenier Factory can save the factory from being taken over by greedy Mr. Sashwayte.

Arthur's prize reader
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur loses the Super Chimp Club contest. But because he helped her learn to read, Arthur's sister wins the first grade reading contest and a prize for both of them.

Prince william
Rand, Gloria
After an oil spill covers Prince William Sound, a little girl rescues a baby seal and helps get him ready to go back to his natural home.

Fire and stone
Le Guin, Ursula K.
A dragon terrorizes a city. Min and Polo discover what the dragon wants and saves their city in the process.

The world's biggest birthday cake
Greene, Carol
A group of kids bake the world's biggest birthday cake for their friend in an old water tower by heating it with a volcano. They decorate it with hedges, a pond, a zoo, a circus, and a brass band.

Moose and friends
Latimer, Jim
Moose and his friends confront many situations and must decide what to do about them. Together, as a group, they solve their problems.

Farmer duck
Waddell, Martin
Farmer Duck cooks, cleans, tends the fields and cares for the other animals because the farmer is too lazy. Farmer Duck grows tired so the animals come up with a plan.

Paul, Jan S.
Hortense Hen finds her nest empty, so she gets the barnyard animals to help her look for the missing eggs.

Ernest and celestine's patchwork quilt
Vincent, Gabrielle
This is a picture book about two friends, a bear and a mouse. Together they make a quilt out of fabric samples found in the garbage. When they realize only one of them can use the quilt, they make another one.

Big bear to the rescue
Margolis, Richard J.
A bear sees his friend, Mr. Mole, at the bottom of a well. The bear rounds up his friends to rescue Mr. Mole.

Snowy and woody
Duvoisin, Roger
Snowy, the white bear, and Woody, the brown bear, work together to solve their problems and keep each other safe.

Albert's ballgame
Tryon, Leslie
Pleasantville is the place where the games take place on Old Field. Every spring two teams meet to play baseball. The ball is thrown, caught, hit, and pitched. In the end, one team wins and the other team loses.

Flicka, ricka, dicka: The big red hen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offer to care for their Aunt's hens while she is away. One of the hens disappear and the girls find her and a great surprise!

A symphony of whales
Schuch, Steve
A young girl named Glashka has the gift of hearing whale songs in her dreams. Upon discovering thousands of trapped blue whales in a freezing channel, it is up to Glashka and her small community to save them.

Angelina and alice
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina and Alice were very good friends and they did everything together. One day when Angelina tried to do a handstand on the playground and fell, everyone laughed including Alice. Angelina was very mad at Alice for laughing. But when Angelina needed a partner in gymnastics class, Alice volunteered and they had a great performance.

Grandpa's hammer
Kidd, Ronald
Grandpa always say that it take two things to make dreams come true: faith and a hammer. After Grandma passes away, Grandpa sets aside his hammer and nearly loses his faith. His granddaughter tries everything she can think of to bring back his faith but nothing seems to work. One day, Grandpa visits a Habitat for Humanity worksite with a neighbor and realizes that he can made dreams come true for others.

Alligator smiling in the sawgrass
Ironmonger, Ira
An alligator in a swamp has a smile that makes other animals feel like his world is the best. A bad dry season hits and the alligator digs down to a water hole. The other animals outwit him and get drinks from the water hole and decide that their world is good too.

The bremen-town musicians
Plume, Ilse
Four animals were growing old and useless to their owners so they decide to run away and become musicians. Along their journey, they chase away robbers and find their place to stay forever.

What's wrong with julio
Ormsby, Virginia
Julio has just moved to the United States and does not speak English. At school he always causes trouble. When the school realizes his parents did not come to the United States with him, they have a fundraiser so that he can call home.

The drums of Noto Hanto
James, J. Alison
This true story tells the tale of a Japanese village defeating their enemy samurai. The villagers use their minds instead of weapons to scare the samurai. Wearing wild masks, setting fires on the beach, and playing the drums of Noto Hanto, kept the village safe.

Heine, Helme
Three friends go off on many adventures together. They stick together and look out for each other, especially when disaster strikes.

Tough cookie
Wisniewski, David
After discovering that his long time partner, Chips, has been eaten by Fingers, Tough Cookie travels to the Top of the Jar to find Fingers and put him away for good. Pecan Sandy shows how she can be a smart cookie in the end.

The best place
Meddaugh, Susan
After talking with a bird on his lovely screen porch, an old wolf realizes that he may be missing out on some wonderful places because he's spent so much time admiring his porch with the beautiful view. Determined to see the world, the old wolf sells his house to a young rabbit family and sets out on his travels. However, after a trip down a river, an afternoon in the hot desert, and a tour of London drowned in rain, the wolf realizes that his front porch really is the best place in the world. However, the rabbits have settled and will not give the wolf his house back. Saddened he runs far into the forest and retreats to the top of a tall tree for the night. When he awakens, he realizes that this could be his new best place so he and his old neighbors work together to build his new home.

Dark night
Monfreid, Dorothee de
Felix is walking home in the dark woods when he hears a fox howling, so he climbs into a nearby tree and hides. A tiger comes along and scares the fox, but then an alligator comes along and scares the tiger, which frightens Felix even more. Felix doesn't know how to get home, but then he finds a door which leads to a rabbit's house. The rabbit offers to help him get home and they make it home safely, and end up scaring the fox, tiger and alligator themselves!

Is it hard? Is it easy?
Green, Mary McBurney
Four friends demonstrate how activities might be easy or hard depending on the person who performs them. Through physical activities, like jumping or skipping, these children promote emotional health by letting kids know it's okay if you are not good at everything.

Home run: The story of babe ruth
Burleigh, Robert
It was clear at a young age that Babe Ruth was talented at baseball. This talent became even more amazing as he got older, when he wowed the stadium fans with his memorable home runs. These historic moments will be remembered in baseball forever.

The mother's day sandwich
Wynot, Jillian
Ivy and Hackett decide to surprise their mom for Mother's Day by making her breakfast in bed. They make a real mess. When they wake up their mom, the food spills. She tells them she wants a hug (a Mother's Day Sandwich).

The christmas tree ship
Winter, Jeanette
Captain Herman and his crew cut trees in Michigan to deliver to the city of Chicago for Christmas. When a blizzard forms over Lake Michigan, the Captain and his crew disappear. From then on, the Captain's wife and daughters carry out the Christmas Tree Ship tradition for many years.