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  • Tags: self esteem
Curious George rides a bike (Georges fait du velo)
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, a monkey from Africa, receives a new bicycle from a man who wears a yellow hat. He has many interesting adventures on his new bike, including riding into a rock when he watches boats travel down the river.

Daddy is a monster...sometimes
Steptoe, John
Bweela and her brother, Javaka, think their dad turns into a monster when they do something wrong. But at other times he is not so bad.

Daddy's roommate
Willhoite, M.
A young boy learns that a family divorce can be a tragic event. When his father moves in with another man, the boy learns that the two grown men are gay. Finally the boy learns to love each of them even though he feels uncomfortable at times.

Daisy comes home
Brett, Jan
Daisy is one of six hens and is the outcast. After being pushed out of the henhouse, she takes a ride along the river. She meets various animals and instinctively uses her coping skills to survive. She returns home and uses those newly found skills and is no longer bullied by the rest of the hens.

Daisy-head mayzie
Seuss, Dr.
One day during class, a daisy grows from the top of Mayzie McGrew's head. With a daisy on her head, Mayzie experiences many things. Mayzie becomes the talk of the school and town and gains fame and fortune. She also experiences loneliness. Mayzie did learn one very important thing from the daisy on her head--her parents love her no matter what!

Daisy's taxi
Young, Ruth
Daisy ferries to and from the island all day in her water taxi. Throughout the day, Daisy takes passengers and their valuables to the island and back to shore no matter what kind of weather. After a long day, Daisy wants to go for a row with her husband.

Dancin' in the kitchen
Gelsanliter, Wendy//Christian, Frank
Dinner at Grandma's house begins with dancing in the kitchen. Each family member has their own job and makes dinner preparation a celebration. Clean up starts as they dance their empty plates to the kitchen.

Dancing in the wings
Allen, Debbie
Sassy uses her unique characteristics and height to become a great ballet dancer. Sassy does not allow bullying from the other students to prevent her from trying out for a summer dance festival. Sassy learns the benefits of perseverence and self-esteem.

Freeman, Don
A lion tries to impress his friends through fashion and materialistic things. He is very lonely. It is when he is forced to be himself that he finds the acceptance of his friends.

Bunting, Eve
Zoe and her family leave civilization to build a life on the prairie. The mother is homesick and depressed. The closest neighbors are three hours away. Zoe and her sister attempt to cheer their mother up by planting dandelions on the sod roof of their house.

Dangerous crossing
Krensky, Stephen
Showing no signs of fear, young Johnny Adams boards a ship with his father, the future second President of the United States, for a voyage from Massachusetts to Paris to gain support for the colonies. Their journey is depicted with vivid pictures and an exciting storyline portraying the battles, harsh weather and seasickness endured along the way by two key Presidents in U.S. history.

Daniel's duck
Bulla, Clyde Robert
Daniel wants to learn to carve wood. So he carves a duck and takes it to the fair. People at the fair laugh at his duck, but the town woodcarver finds a lot of potential in his work.

Danny and the kings
Cooper, Susan
Danny realizes the giving, magical nature of Christmas. Danny's family is poor and cannot afford a Christmas tree this year. Danny's only wish is for a tree. With help from a friendly stranger and a school play, Danny gets his wish.

David goes to school
Shannon, David
David is quite the mischievous student, full of energy and always keeping his teacher on her toes. His entertaining antics make it impossible not to enjoy him.

Davy's day
Lenski, Lois
On Davy's day, he goes through his daily routine. Davy makes choices about the things he will do during the day. Also, he takes care of himself by taking a bath on his own, dressing himself, and getting out of bed.

Days with daddy
Watson, Pauline
Daddy has decided to go back to school, so mommy is going to go tho work. Vickie, the youngest child in the family, shares her view of her dad as the head of the household.

Days with frog and toad
Lobel, Arnold
Frog and his friend, Toad, go through many adventures. On these adventures, Toad learns many valuable lessons from Frog.

Dear annie
Caseley, Judith
Annie receives many letters from her grandfather. She shares her letters with her class at school and spurs the rest of the class to get pen pals from all over the world.

Bang, Molly
Delphine receives a present from her grandmother, but she must go to the post office (far away) to get it. Delphine encounters many exciting adventures on her way to pick up the present.

Devil in the drain
Pinkwater, Daniel
All of his life, a boy has been afraid of the devil in his drain. When he confronts the devil, he tells him that he is not afraid of him and that he is mean. Not believing him, the boy takes revenge by turning on the water.

Did i ever tell you how lucky you are?
Seuss, Dr.
Duckie believes he has the worst luck in the world until and old man tells him how lucky he really is. The old man on the cactus gives many examples of kids with bad luck. After he gives all of the examples, the old man wants Duckie to realize how lucky he really is.

Dinner at aunt connie's house
Ringgold, Faith
While Melody and her aunt's adopted son, Lonnie, are playing hide-and-seek, they stumble upon something magical. They discover that her aunt's paintings can speak. Each of the paintings is a portrait of a famous African-American woman, who tells Melody and Lonnie of their accomplishments.

Do baby bears sit in chairs?
Kessler, Ethel//Kessler, Leonard
This rhyming book explores the similarities and differences between baby animals and human babies. The greatest thing in common between all is parental love.

Do like Kyla
Johnson, Angela
A little girl looks up to her older sister Kyla. Anything Kyla does, her little sister mimics. Her adoration for her sister is evident from waking up to bedtime.

Do you know what i'll do?
Zolotow, Charlotte
A sister tells her younger brother all the different things that she will do for him. She will bring him things that will apply to his five senses. Most of all, she brings her brother her love and attention.

Do you want to play?A book about being friends
Kolar, Bob
Do you want to play?These two children have lots of ideas about what they can do. They can play together or alone or even in a big group. The park is fun, so is a board game, There are so many things to do with a friend, the possibilities are endless!

Don't forget the bacon
Hutchins, Pat
A boy is sent to the store for bacon and other items. As the boy walks to the store, he repeats over and over what he is supposed to get. He becomes thoroughly confused and forgets about the bacon. Once he gets home, he is sent back to the store for the bacon.

Don't hurt me, mama
Stanek, Muriel
A child is being physically abused by her alcoholic mother at home. A school nurse discovers it and sees that both of them get help.

Don't worry, dear
Fassler, Joan
Jenny does a lot of things little girls do; she sucks her thumb, wets the bed, stutters her words, and pretends her stuffed animals are real. Many people laugh at Jenny, but her mother tells her not to worry because things will get better as she grows up.

Donna jeans disaster
Williams, Barbara
Some of Donna Jean's family members are so sure she will fail in reciting a poem at a school program that they almost convince her that she cannot do it. Luckily, her uncle believes in her and helps her.

Down the road
Schertle, Alice
Hetty has the chance to prove she is a big girl when her parents send her to Mr. Birdie's store to buy a dozen eggs. Hetty is very careful not to break the eggs until she reaches the apple tree.

Dragon kite of the autumn moon
Reddix, Valerie
Every year, Tad-Tin and his grandfather make a special kite to fly on Kite's Day. This year Grandfather is sick, so it is up to Tin to sacrifice his special Dragon kite in order to carry all their misfortune away.

Drawing lessons from a bear
McPhail, David
During his lessons on how to be a bear, a young bear discovers his love for drawing. As he grows he continues to practice, getting encouragement from his mother, his teacher, and most of all from himself.

Schotter, Roni
Theo's favorite uncle, Gurney, moves west to try to find work. They correspond through letters, and Theo sends drawings of all his dream machines he has made up. Gurney builds Theo's machines to make an amusement park.

Dress up and let's have a party
Charlip, Remy
John dressed up in his mother's pots and pans while she baked a cake. He called his friends to come and dress up with him. Each friend came in a different creative costume. They ate the cake when it was done and went home.

Duck for president
Cronin, Doreen
Duck gets tired of doing chores on the farm, so he holds an election to change the way things are run. Duck wins the election, but gets bored and runs for Governor. He wins again and does not like the stress, so he runs for President and wins. Being President is even harder work than being on the farm so he returns to the farm to write his autobiography.

Dumpling soup
Rattigan, Jama Kim
Marisa, a young Asian American girl, attempts to help make the dumplings for dumpling soup which her family has been making for generations. She hold a strong sense of pride, honor, and love in her heart for her family.

Eagle eyes: A child's view of attention deficit disorder
Gehret, Jeanne
A child struggles through life with Attention Deficit Disorder. He goes to the doctor and learns several things that makes life easier.

Earl's too cool for me
Komaiko, Leah
Earl is a boy who does all of these really cool things. The young boy admires Earl but eventually realizes that they are both cool and Earl is just a regular guy.

Viorst, Judith
A young girl's mom and dad will not let her get her ears pierced. She is determined about getting them pierced and she gives many persuasive reasons why she should be allowed.

Earth day - hooray!
Murphy, Stuart J.
Ryan, Carly, and Luke set out to clean up Gilroy Park for an Earth Day celebration. They decide to plant flowers to beautify the park while collecting cans to raise money through recycling. The children use math and find school resources to help them with their project.

Eeny meeny miney mole
Yolen, Jane
Eeny, Meeny, and Miney Mole live life underground and they have no idea what life up above is like. One day, Eeny burrows up above ground and discovers day, night, light, darkness, and the four seasons.

Elbert's bad word
Wood, Audrey
Elbert has to learn to deal with a bad word that he has just learned. The only way for him to do this was by filling his mind with new, appropriate words to use. These words get him in less trouble.

Elephant games and other playful poems to perform
Bagert, Brad
An entertaining and exciting array of poems cover many issues that children face. Gleeful elephants help explore child-friendly issues such as bullying, feelings, nutrition, parents, animals, dreams, school, pets, trouble-makers and sports. Entertaining illustrations and catchy poems invite the reader to continue exploring.

Elephants can paint too!
Arnold, Katya
Comparisons are made between human students and elephants who are learning how to paint. Photographs of elephants and their artwork are shared. Children learn that these elephants have many similarities to humans and must take part in the same learning process as them in order to achieve goals.

Elijah's angel
Rosen, Michael
Elijah and Michael have a unique friendship. Elijah is an 80 year old black Christian barber and Michael is a 9 year old Jewish boy. Elijah and Michael exchange Hanukah and Christmas gifts and reach a level of understanding between their different religions.

Eliza's daddy
Thomas, Ianthe
Eliza's mother and father are divorced so she spends every Saturday with her father. She is curious about his new family and wants to visit them more often.

Elizabeth and larry
Sadler, Marilyn
Elizabeth and Larry are best friends, until Larry is scorned by Elizabeth's neighbors for being an alligator.

Ella's big chance:  A jazz-age Cinderella
Hughes, Shirley
This version of the Cinderella story takes place in a dressmakers shop. Mr. Cinders and his daughter Ella run the shop. Ellaメs father remarries a wicked woman, and she and her daughters take over the household. A ball is announced and Ella desperately wants to go. Her fairy godmother sends her in a beautiful gown and the duke falls in love with her. Ella, however, denies the Duke and admits her love for Buttons, who has helped her and her father in the shop.

Shannon, Margaret
Instead of eating princesses, Elvira the dragon would rather dress like them. She is independent and wants to live life in her own unqiue way.