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  • Tags: self esteem
Ethan's favorite teacher
Colman, Hila
A boy hates school because it is boring and the teachers never answer his questions. He would prefer to spend his time ate the zoo playing tic tac toe with an ape. Doing this, he works hard to learn how to beat the ape because he's having fun. He overcomes the doubts of his peers and teacher.

Come back, salmon
Cone, Molly
Mr. King's fifth grade students work on a project to restore Pigeon Creek to its original beauty. They cannot believe the water was once clear and had fish. They learn about the life cycle of salmon, grow their own salmon, and release them into their now clear Pigeon Creek. The next fall they look for their salmon to return.

Impossible possum
Conford, Ellen
Randolph was a possum who could not hang upside down like everyone else. He cheats by using sticky sap on his tail, but the sap dries up in the winter. His pesky sister lends a hand and he finally can hang like the rest of the possums.

Eugene the brave
Conford, Ellen
Eugene, the possum, is afraid of the dark. This is a real problem since possums sleep in the day and look for food at night. When he has to rescue his sister one dark night, he discovers he is brave.

Just the thing for geraldine
Conford, Ellen
Geraldine is an oppossum who likes to hang by her tail and juggle acorns. Her parents tell her that she should do something more worthwhile, so she takes dancing, weaving, and sculpture lessons. She discovers that she is not very good at these things, so she opens her own juggling school.

The little fish that got away
Cook, Bernadine
A little boy goes fishing and catches a great, great big fish, a great big fish and a big fish. A little fish was too smart for the boy and gets away.

Miss rumphius
Cooney, Barbara
Miss Rumphius was once a little girl who wanted to travel, see far away places, and eventually return home to live by the sea. She fulfills her life's goals of traveling and living by the sea. As an older woman, she seeks a way to complete her legacy.

Hattie and the wild waves
Cooney, Barbara
Hattie is a child of German immigrants. She has the courage to pursue her goal of becoming an artist.

Danny and the kings
Cooper, Susan
Danny realizes the giving, magical nature of Christmas. Danny's family is poor and cannot afford a Christmas tree this year. Danny's only wish is for a tree. With help from a friendly stranger and a school play, Danny gets his wish.

A shot for baby bear
Corey, Dorothy
A baby bear is aftaid of getting a shot. His brother serves as a model so that baby bear is no longer afraid.

Me and you
Cote, Genevieve
A rabbit and a pig both want to be like their friend. They try changing color, including their ears and tail in order to be like the other. After seeing each other, they realize that they like themselves just like they are.

Sarah's unicorn
Coville, Bruce//Coville, Katherine
A little girl named Sarah lives with her mean Aunt Meg who is a witch. One day when Sarah was sent to the forest to find toads, Sarah meets a friendly unicorn named Oakhorn. The unicorn with his magic horn broke the spell over Aunt Meg which made her nice again.

The foolish giant
Coville, Bruce//Coville, Katherine
Harry the giant may not be very bright, but he is definitely very kind. When a wizard threatens to take over the town, Harry risks getting turned into a stone toad. Instead, the wizard's plan backfires and he turns himself into a stone toad.

Duck for president
Cronin, Doreen
Duck gets tired of doing chores on the farm, so he holds an election to change the way things are run. Duck wins the election, but gets bored and runs for Governor. He wins again and does not like the stress, so he runs for President and wins. Being President is even harder work than being on the farm so he returns to the farm to write his autobiography.

Jack & Jim
Crowther, Kitty
An adventurous blackbird wants to venture out, beyond his home in the forest, to explore the beach. He meets a white seagull and the two quickly become friends. However, their outward appearances quickly cause some adverse reactions from others in town. These friends stand fast to their friendship and overcome adversity. Eventually, the village of seagulls accepts Jack for his gift of stories.

Big mama
Crunk, Tony
Billy Boyd's grandmother is the best according to the neighborhood kids. She allows them to use their imaginations when she works and plays with them. Their journey to the ice cream shop is full of neighborhood excitement, but the trip back home is the most important part.

Bat boy and his violin
Curtis, Gavin
Reginald loves playing the violin. His father only has time to worry about the Duke's losing streak. Reginald passionately plays the violin to improve the baseball team's losing streak. Find out what else Reginald's love for the violin improves.

Tell me again about the night i was born
Curtis, Jamie Lee
A young girl asks her mom and dad to tell her again about the night she was born and adopted by them. She knows the story well, but asks again about their feelings, their trips to pick her up, and their first night at home as a family.

The cello of mr. o
Cutler, Jane
Join Mr. O and the rest of his worn-torn city as he plays music to improve the city's spirits. Just when things were bad enough, a rocket destroys the truck that helps to save the town. See what the community does to keep healthy during this crisis time of war.

Bullies never win
Cuyler, Margery
Jessica always worries and in first grade her biggest worry is the class bully, Brenda. Brenda picks on Jessica about her homework, her clothes and sports, but it was the worst at lunch. Jessica feels lonely and hurt, and can't seem to stand up for herself. Finally Jessica has had enough and she takes a stand for herself!

Hotel deep
Cyrus, Kurt
A lone sardine attempting to find its school leads an exploration of the sea and its many inhabitants. Use of poetry captures the attention and imagination on the sardine's journey.

Suki the very loud bunny
D'Amico, Carmela
Suki does not act the same way as the other bunnies. He is loud and always excited to play and explore. One day his curiosity takes him out into a new world and he gets lost. In the end it is his loud voice that helps him find his way back home.

Children of the northlights
D'Aulaire, Ingri//D'Aulaire, Edgar
Lise and Lasse, two Lapp children, grow up in a loving family. They encounter many daily problems such as snowstorms and going away from home. However, they still play games and tricks and have a positive attitude about life.

The giraffe and the pelly and me
Dahl, Roald
A boy makes two wonderful friends. Together they have all their wishes granted.

Bravo, zan angelo!
Daly, Niki
Angelo Polo is a young boy who passionately wants to be a clown like his grandfather Zan Polo. His grandfather tells him that the theater is no place for a little boy. Finally, Zan Polo tells Angelo that he can be the little red rooster who crows in the last act. So, Angelo scurries and runs all over the city to prepare for his performance during the carnival. It turns out that Angelo is an excellent rooster and his grandfather agrees that the theater can be a place for a little boy.

Leon and albertina
Davenier, Christine
Leon falls in love with Albertine, but he's not sure how to get her attention. Leon takes the advice of his friends, but no matter how hard he tries, Albertine does not notice him. What will it take for Leon to win the love of Albertine?

Bright april
De Angeli, Marguerite
April Bright's family encounters all sorts of racism as African Americans. April ends up making a new friend when prejudices are overcome.

Lauren's secret ring
De Bruyn, Monica
Lauren was a new girl in town with no friends. She found a ring and pretended that it had magical powers. She was upset when she lost it one day, but she made new friends and realized she did not need the ring.

The tiny visitor
de Mejo, Oscar
Gwen and her sister, Elizabeth, help find a tiny wife for their equally tiny friend, Sir Theodore.

An enchanted hair tale
De Veaux, Alexis
Sudan had unruly hair. Everyone made fun of him for it. He found a place to be himself with people who were like him. He began to appreciate his differences.

Grey mouse
de Vries, Anke
Grey Mouse is feeling lonely, so she decides to change her color in order to feel better about herself. However, all of the other animals laugh at her each time she does this. She finally realizes that she is happiest with her natural grey color when she finds other mice friends that look like her.

April fool! Watch out at school!
DeGroat, Diane
It's April Fool's Day so Gilbert is excited to trick his friends. Throughout the day, his friends keep on tricking him, but he can't seem to trick anyone else. Gilbert doesn't give up though: he has one more trick in mind. The rest of the afternoon, he's extra nice to Lewis. Lewis gets so nervous about what Gilbert's trick is, the other classmates manage to trick him. At the end of the day, Lewis finds out Gilbert didn't have a trick after all. He had been tricked!

Vejeigantes masquerade
Delacre, Lulu
Ramon wanted to be a vejigante masqueradae and dance in the carnival. He didn't have enough money to buy a new costume, so he made one. He worked in a mask store so he could have a new mask too.

My uncle nikos
Delton, Julie
Helena and her uncle have a very special relationship. Journey with Helena to her uncle's house up in the mountains of Greece.

The worry stone
Dengler, Marianna
When growing up, Amanda loved her Grandfather and his stories. But now that Amanda is old, she feels lonely. One day at the park she befriends a lonely boy. She is able to give the boy something very special. Then he gives her something in return.

Flip and the morning
Dennis, Wesley
Flip, a young horse, always wakes the other animals. Willie the goat tells Flip about a wooden duck that lives in a swamp and that anyone who comes into contact with the duck receives wisdom. Willie made oup the story so Flip would leave. Flip does leave to search for the duck and actually finds one. He races back and wakes up Willie to show him the duck.

Oliver button is a sissy (Oliver button es un nena)
dePaola, Tomie
Despite Oliver's teasing classmates, he does not give up doing what he likes -- tap dancing. All of his dedication and hard work pays off in the end.

Sing, pierrot, sing
dePaola, Tomie
The local mime has fallen in love with the princess. When he goes to serenade her, he realizes she is already taken. Everyone laughs at him, but in the end, he realizes who his real friends are. (A Wordless Book)

Big anthony and the magic ring
dePaola, Tomie
Big Anthony steals Strega Nona's magic ring and wishes to be handsome. Be ready for a surprise when he realizes it's more of a hassle than fun.

Helga's dowry: A troll love story
dePaola, Tomie
Helga, a beautiful troll, sets out to earn her dowry to marry Lars. Her plan doesn't work out like she had hoped. Be ready for a funny ending.

Hattie the bad
Devlin, Jane
Hattie had a reputation for being bad. All her school classmates love her because she does exciting bad things, but her parents don't agree. When her friends aren't allowed to play with her anymore, she decides to be good. But just when she is about to get an award for the Best-Behaved Child ever, she does something that shocks everyone.

A castle on Viola street
Disalvo, Dyanne
Andy's family lives in a small, cramped apartment, and his parents work long hours to support the family. He never thought that they would ever live in an actual house, but one day they find a flyer saying You too can own a home. The organization buys empty houses and allows families to fix-up houses and then other people will help fix up a house for them. Andy's family is so excited as they help clean, paint, put down hard wood flooring, and pass out lemonade. At the end of the year, they find out that the next house to be built will be theirs!

A family like yours
Dotlich, Rebecca K.
There are so many families who do different things. Different families eat different foods, enjoy different activities, speak different languages, and live in different dwellings. There is always a family that is just right for you.

I hate my brother harry
Dragonwagon, Crescent
Nobody believes that Harry's little sister hates him, not even their parents. He confuses her sometimes by being nice, but then he is mean. Finally, she finds out that Harry really likes her, so she decides she likes him too.

Pig william
Dubanevich, Arlene
William takes his time doing everything. One day he messes around so long that he misses the bus and also the school picnic. At home, William takes his fish and radio outside for his own picnic. At the school picnic, it starts to rain and the picnic is cancelled. By the time his brothers arrive home, it stopped raining and they join in his picnic.

The story of edward
Dumas, Philippe
Once in the real world, a donkey tried to pretend he is not a donkey. When he is discovered, he dances the waltz to capture his bride.

The secret friend
Dunbar, Joyce
Gander is writing a letter to his secret friend. As Gander adds special touches to the letter, Panda becomes jealous. He does not know this secret friend and he is worried it might be Gander's new best friend. Little does Panda know, he is Gander's only best friend.

Seven sillies
Dunbar, Joyce
Six barnyard animals are tricked by a frog to jump into a pond.

The wishing chair
Dupre, Rick
Eldon grows up from his childhood into this teenage years. He realizes that his wishes could come true through his actions and what he does for others.

Petunia's treasure
Duvoisin, Roger
Petunia the goose finds a treasure chest. Before she opens it, she tells her friends about it and they all beg her for gifts. She finds that the chest had nothing in it and that money is not always that important.