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Ponies of mykillengi
Anderson, Lonzo
Two children and their ponies get caught in a snow storm. There is also an earthquake and a volcano that prevent them from making it home. One pony is about to give birth and the two children help.

Preep: The little pigeon of trafalgar square
Shulman, Milton
An odd little pigeon is taken from Trafalgar Square. All the rest of the pigeons go on strike until he is returned. Life returns to normal when the little pigeon is returned.

Rain player
Wisniewski, David
A young boy must face repentance for disrespecting a god. The fate of the town lies in the young man's hands.

Remember the secret
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her friend's death.

River friendly river wild
Kurtz, Jane
A little girl remembers how her family survived a flood. The once friendly river that she loved turned wild and drove the community to evacuation. The little girl thought she would only be gone a couple of days. Days turned into weeks. When she returns, her family starts over, but where is the cat, Kiwi, that she left behind?

Room for a stepdaddy
Cook, Jean Thor
Joey wishes Daddy still lived at home and has a great deal of trouble accepting Bill, his new stepfather. After many experiences with Bill, like playing ball and swimming, Joey decides there is plenty of room in his life for Daddy and Bill. He loves both of them.

Sachiko means happiness
Sakai, Kimiko
Sachiko dreads evening and the thought of sitting with her grandmother who has Alzheimer's Disease. With patience and kindness, she is able to make her grandmother feel better.

Saying goodbye to daddy
Vigna, Judith
A young girl copes with the death of her father. Her mother and grandfather help her through the painful grieving after the car accident.

Saying goodbye to grandma
Thomas, Jane Resh
Suzie's grandma died so Suzie goes with her family to her grandparents' house for the funeral. The family experiences many emotions in different ways when dealing with her death.

Seven brave women
Hearne, Betsy
A young girl tells the story of her family's history. She explains how each of her female ancestors played a very important role in the shaping of this family's history.

She come bringing me that little baby girl
Greenfield, Eloise
A little boy's mother brings him home a new sister instead of a new baby brother. All of the attention goes to the new baby at first. In the end, the little boy becomes a protective big brother and thinks it is pretty neat to have a little sister.

She's not my real mother
Vigna, Judith
A little boy, Miles, has a hard time when his parents divorce. He does not like his stepmother and is mean to her because she is not his real mother. After they spend the day together, however, they become friends and he realizes that he can be nice to her and his mother will not mind.

Silent days, silent dreams
Say, Allen
Bob shares the life story of his Uncle Jim, a deaf artist with immense talent and determination to find ways to communicate. During his childhood, Uncle Jim’s parents were unsupportive of his passion for art and they sent him to the Idaho School for the Deaf and the Blind with his sister. Bob never learned to speak, read, write, or use sign language. Ultimately, Bob went to art school where he shared his Uncle Jim’s work which was displayed in a gallery and sold to the public.

Simon's soup
Komoda, Beverly
Simon, the cat, prepares soup for dinner for his monkey friends, but he keeps getting interrupted during his preparations.

Snow day
Maestro, Betsy
Today is a snow day!Since the roads are covered with snow, school is cancelled. City workers and people in their homes must clear away the snow.

Someday with my father
Buckley, Helen E.//Eagle, Eleen
A little girl has many dreams of things she would like to do with her father. She is not able to do them because she has a broken leg. She will have fun when the cast comes off.

Someone new
Zolotow, C.
A little boy grows up and begins to find out what is different in his life.

Someone special died
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl deals with the death of someone close to her. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She finds a way to feel better, though, when she makes a scrapbook to remember everything about this special person. She learns that everything dies.

Something to crow about
Van Woerkom, Dorothy
Ralph, a rooster, living alone, finds three eggs on his porch one morning. He decides to keep the chicks and brave being a single parent.

Sometimes my mommy gets angry
Campbell, Bebe Moore
When Annie wakes up in the morning, she is relieved to find her euphoric mother in the kitchen. They share a healthy breakfast, then her mother helps her get ready for school. After a fun day at school, Annie comes home to an angry and yelling mother. Annie copes by calling her grandmother to talk about her feelings. She takes care of herself and maintains a positive attitude with happy thoughts. She uses effective strategies to accept her motherメs bipolar disorder.

Stars for sarah
Turner, Ann
Sarah cannot fall asleep because she is worried about what her life will be like when her family moves to their new house. Sarah's mother comes to her room to comfort and reassure her.

Steptoe, John
A young African American boy feels jealous and angry when his mother accepts a new babysitting job for a younger child. It is only until the boy moves away that he realizes how much fun he had with him.

Stranger in the mirror
Say, Allen
Sam, a young Asian American boy, realizes first hand what it is like to be an old man. He wakes up one morning with a much older look, but is the same young boy on the inside. He has a difficult time convincing his family and friends that he is the same boy they all know.

Sunshine home
Bunting, Eve
Tim and his parent go to visit his grandmother in the Sunshine Home. Tim's mother and grandmother both act brave and refuse to cry in his presence. Tim catches both of them crying at the end of the visit, and he insists that they share their feelings.

Swan sky
Tejima, Keizaburo
During the winter, a young swan becomes ill and is unable to fly to her summer home. Her family stays with her until she dies, then they fly to their summer home and grieve the loss of their daughter.

Sylvester and the magic pebble
Steig, William
Sylvester the donkey finds a magic pebble which grants him whatever he wishes. He runs into a lion and wishes that he is a rock. He turns into a rock and is unable to wish himself back. A year later, his parents find the rock while picnicing and wishes to see Sylvester again, which brings him back.

Best, Cari
A child's parents are divorced. She spends every Sunday with her father. She enjoys these days because she never knows what to expect.

The araboolies of liberty street
Swope, Sam
A neighborhood is controlled by a mean man and woman who will not let anything fun happen. Soon the Araboolies move in and everything changes.

The bad dream
Aylesworth, Jim
In the middle of the night, a little boy wakes up suddenly because of a bad dream. He falls out of bed and is extremely frightened. His parents rush in to help him. After comforting words from his parents, he goes back to sleep realizing that it was just a bad dream.

The bear and the fly
Winter, P.
The bear family is eating dinner when a fly interrupts them. The Papa tries to catch the fly but is unsuccessful until the fly flies out he window. (Wordless book).

The black dog who went into the woods
Hurd, Edith Thacher
When Black Dog doesn't come home, his family searches the nearby woods and calls their neighbors looking for him. That night, each of the family members dreams about Black Dog. The next morning they realize it was Black Dogs way of saying good-bye to them as he died.

The bobbin girl
McCally, Emily Arnold
Ten-year old Rebecca works all day in a hot and noisy cotton mill. She's grateful to be able to help her struggling family, but not all the girls at the boarding house feel the same way. Some girls are starting to get sick. Judith, an older girl that is Rebecca's idol, wants to protest the mill's recent paycut but the troublemakers are fired. Does Rebecca have the courage to join?

The castle builder
Nolan, Dennis
Christopher goes to the beach and builds a magnificant sand castle. When his castle becomes life size, Christopher becomes its ruler. He faces many conflicts as ruler. In the end, he is saved from danger and returns to the beach.

The cherry tree
McCaughrean, Geraldine
A family tries to recuperate after a war in which they lose their father and their home. The children meet and help an old man take care of a sickly cherry tree. As the tree grows and begins to blossom, so does the village and its people.

The clown's smile
Thaler, Mike
After the smile flies off the clown, he must chase it from the lion tamer to the mayor's wife. After staying away for awhile, the smile comes back to the clown.

The elephant in duck's garden
Delton, Judy
Duck had an elephant in his garden that smashed his chair and lettuce. Duck and Bear tried everything possible to make the elelphant leave. Finally, Rabbit Junior suggested they ask him to leave. The elephant kindly left the garden.

The fortune tellers
Alexander, Lloyd
A carpenter who is unhappy with his life, goes to a fortune teller. The fortune teller tells him that he will be rich and famous. The carpenter does become rich and famous by becoming a fortune teller himself.

The four donkeys
Alexander, Lloyd
The Baker, Shoemaker, and Tailor all wanted to go to the fair to sell their goods, but had trouble making it there. After their donkey collapsed, they had to pull the cart. They were all rude to each other, but when they were all faced with the same problem they figured out a helpful solution.

The goat lady
Bregoli, Jane
Two young children new to Lucy Little Road, help us reveal the simple yet important life of the goat lady; a life that many people in the town despise. Through the children's time spent helping the goat lady, they learn of her vast life experiences. It isn't until after the children's mother takes portraits of the goat lady, that the rest of the town see waht a truly wonderful person the goat lady is.

The good-bye book
Viorst, Judith
A little boy is angry when he finds out that his parents are going to a French restaurant without him. He tries to convince his parents to either stay home or take him along. The little boy finally says good bye to his parents when his favorite babysitter arrives.

The goodbye painting
Berman, Linda
Nick's babysitter, Sara, is the best ever. She paints with him, bakes cookies with him, and even teaches him to paint. But one day, Sara has bad news for Nick -- soon she will be moving to California. Nick must learn to let go of not only a babysitter, but a good friend.

The heartaches of a french cat
McClintock, Barbara
A cat falls in love and escapes her old life. She marries, but soon the marriage falls apart. Her husband falls in love with another cat. She leaves him, writes a book which makes her famous, and is courted by her former husband's lawyer.

The house on east 88th street
Waber, Bernard
The Primms moved into their new house only to find Lyle, the crocodile, in their bathtub. They were afraid at first, but eventually they became good friends with Lyle.

The incredible painting of Felix Clousseau
Agee, Jon
A man's paintings come to life. This causes some people problems, so he is imprisoned. When one of his paintings helps the king, he is released.

The king's equal
Paterson, Katherine
An obnoxious prince is very greedy. His father, the King, is dying and says that the son could not become King unless he found an equal in intelligence, beauty, and wealth. Rosamund was a poor girl who was kind and wise. Surprisingly, she changes the ways of the prince and becomes Queen.

The lady who put salt in her coffee
Schwartz, Amy//Hale, Lucretia
A lady puts salt in her coffee one morning by mistake and did not know what to do. Her family calls a chemist and an herb lady. They both were unsuccessful. At last, a wise lady from Boston suggests making a fresh cup.

The little old man and his dreams
Ross, L
A little old man's wish before his death is to attend his granddaughter's wedding and see her happy with her new husband. His journey is plagued with troubles and his gift of pearls is stolen.

The little weaver of tahi-yen village
Tuyet, Tran Khanh
Hien is a young Vietnamese girl who lives in a bombed village. She must cope with the deaths of her mother and grandmother, and is flown to the United States to have a special operation on her injured throat. She meets two nice Americans who give her a weaving loom and becomes known as the Little Weaver of Thai-Yen village.

The lost and found house
Cadnum, Michael
A moving truck and moving men load items from a boy's house until the house is empty. The boy and his parents feel differently as they leave and travel to their new house. The boy meets two children and hopes someday they will be his friends!

The monster in the third dresser drawer
Smith, Janice Lee
In this collection of stories, Adam is very upset about his family's move to a new town.