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Do not open
Turkle, Brinton
Miss Moody lives by the sea with her cat, Captain Kidd. She loves to collect objects left on the beach after a storm. One day she finds a bottle that says do not open. She opens it up and finds a terrible monster. She defeats the monster through quick thinking.

Hot fudge
Howe, James
Two dogs and one cat are crazy about fudge!On a saturday morning, the Monroes leave the animals alone in the house with the delicious fudge. The animals have to guard the house and overcome their temptations to eat the fudge.

An angel for solomon singer
Rylant, Cynthia
Solomon Singer, alone and lonely, wanders the streets of New York City dreaming of things he will never have. He dreams of a fireplace, porch swing, a purple wall, a cat, and his boyhood home in Indiana. One night he wanders into a small restaurant where he reads on the menu that this is the place where all dreams come true.

Up a tree
Lubell, Winifred//Lubell, Cecil
A cat named Kira, who is very set in her ways is chased up a tree by the neighbor's dog. Kira's family tries to get her to come down but she won't until she's ready -see what the reason is.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
James receives Barkis, a dog, for his birthday. His sister wants to share her cat and his dog, but James is not interested. It is not until Nell Jean, his sister, saves Barkis' life that James will share his dog.

Angus and the cat
Flack, Marjorie
Angus, the dog, explored many things. One day he finds a cat in the house. He does not like the cat, until it is gone - then he misses it.

When the fly flew in
Peters, Lisa Westberg
When a little boy is told to clean his room, he says he cannot because his pets are sleeping. However, a fly wakes them up and starts a chain of reactions that end with the room being cleaned by the animals.

One crow: A counting rhyme
Aylesworth, Jim
A farm is the setting for this counting rhyme. The rhyme takes us through summer then through winter.

Mice twice
Low, Joseph
A cat gets hungry and askes a mouse over to eat for dinner. Mouse brings a dog with her. The mouse and the cat try to outsmart each other but the mouse wins in the end.

Mattie's little possum pet
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie takes in a possum for a new pet. She thinks that the possum is a sweet, innocent little pet, but her cat and dog know otherwise.

Spot's first walk
Hill, Eric
Curious Spot goes on a journey and meets some interesting animals that live above and below the earth. In the end, he finds his golden treat and ventures on back home. Along the way, you can lift a flap to find his friends.

Scared silly
Howe, James
Harold, Chester, and Howie are a little spooked on Halloween. They became quite scared when Bunnicula, the family rabbit, wakes up in the middle of the night and their master comes home dressed as a witch.

I swapped my dog
Ziefert, Harriet
In an effort to find the perfect pet which he believes he should be able to ride, a countryman exchanges his dog for a mare. However he soon finds that the mare is not what he expected which begins a long series of unsuccessful pet exchanges, including a goat, a sheep, a cow, and a rooster among others. In the end, however, the countryman makes a successful exchange, in which he acquires his dog who is always by his side.

Keats, Ezra Jack
Roberto and his paper mouse saves a cat from a dog. The dog traps the cat but when the paper mouse falls, it makes a big shadow and scares away the dog.

Silent night
Turner, Sandy
It is Christmas Eve and Santa is delivering presents. When he arrives at a house, he finds a very noisy, active dog. Santa is still able to drop off the presents without waking the children and they all enjoy their presents the next morning. They also have a red surprise to touch -- thanks to the dog!

Mr. floop's lunch
Novak, Matt
Mr. Floop shares his lunch with animals in the park, but then Mr. Floop is hungry. A woman stops by and shares her lunch with Mr. Floop.

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
Taback, Simms
There once was a lady who ate so much that it got her into trouble. She eats everything from a fly to a horse. In the end her body cannot take the horse and she dies. The moral of the story is stop at the cow and don't eat the horse.

It's so nice to have a wolf around
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
An old man and his three old pets needed someone to look after them. The wolf came and helped them get their spirits up. The man and his cats did not know that the wolf was wanted for bank robbery. The wolf was set free because he was so nice to the old man and they all lived happily ever after.

Hiller, Catherine
A boy gets a cat that is magical. The boy tells a friend about his cat and his friend promises not to tell. His friend tells and all the kids laugh and make fun of him. The cat proves to everyone that he is magical and then makes everyone forget, but the friend remembers and never tells.

Four brave sailors
Ginsburg, Mirra
Four mice imagine the adventures they would encounter as sailors on a ship. They fear none of the threatening animals they encounter, except for the house cat that is outside their front door.

Slither, swoop, swing
Ayliffe, Alex
Join animals of many shapes and sizes doing the activities they do best. Watch snakes slither, bats swoop, monkeys swing, penguins waddle, and other animals on the move.

Mouse paint
Walsh, Ellen Stoll
Three mice discover the fun of painting and mixing colors. While playing with the paint, they leave a space to hide from a cat who was chasing them.

Emberley, Michael
Ruby, a mouse, has to take cheese pies to her grandmother across town. Her mother has given Ruby strict orders not to talk to strangers, especially cats. When Ruby runs into a cat, she has to find a way to get through a sticky situation.

In november
Rylant, Cynthia
In November the air is chilly. The earth and all of it's animals and people begin to prepare for winter. Animals begin to sleep more and make warm homes for themselves. Friends and family gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving. Enyoy the sites, sounds, and activities of November.

The church mice spread their wings
Oakley, Graham
Humphrey and the other mice decide to go back to nature, and Sampson, the church cat, follows. They experience lots of adventures and also realize how much they love their home.

Shumaker, Ward
Join pigs, cats, dogs, ducks, and many other animals as they dance the night away. The animals demonstrate many different dances from flopping and dropping to swirling and twirling to the music.

Pigwig and the crusty diamonds
Dyke, John
Pigwig, a pig, goes to a party. At the party, diamonds are stolen by Crusty, and Pigwig goes out and finds them.

Grunter: A pig with an attitude
Jolley, Mike
Grunter is a pig with an attitude. He thinks he rules the little green farm. All of the other animals are sick of it! On his birthday, Grunter thinks everyone forgot him but they have decided to get their revenge. Before Grunter knows what's going on, he's blasted into outer space. Where will he end up now?

The tale of benjamin bunny
Potter, Beatrix
Benjamin and Peter Rabbit have an adventure trying to reclaim Peter's clothes from a scarecrow. They are trapped by a cat and punished by Mr. Bunny, but manage to bring some onions home to Mrs. Rabbit.

Peter rabbit's abc
Potter, Beatrix
Illustrations from Beatrix Potter's stories form the basis for this alphabet story of letters.

The porcelain cat
Hearn, Michael Patrick
Sorcerer has a terrible problem with rats. To solve his problem, the Sorcerer changes his porcelain cat into a real cat. In order for this to happen, his apprentice Nickon searches for a bargain is a bargain and uses social interactions to fulfill his sorcerer's request.

Nora's duck
Ichikawa, Satomi
Nora finds a duckling who had fallen out of its nest. Nora took the duckling to Dr. John, so he could help the injured duckling. At Dr. John's, Nora finds herself surrounded by animals.

Here comes the cat
Asch, Frank//Vagin, Vladimir
A cat's arrival causes excitement among the residents of a mouse settlement. The text is written in both English and Russian.

Tom's cat
Voake, Charlotte
Tom's cat is hiding in the house. Tom follows a trail of clues from room to room until his cat finally gives his own clue.

I walk at night
Duncan, Lois
A cat enjoys spending time with its owner, but yearns for adventures of the night. The cat waits for night to fall so that all the memories will come back again. When morning dawns, the cat returns to being a familiar pet.

Wake up farm!
Tresselt, Alvin
Many different farm animals begin to wake each other up and start their days. Finally, the little boy who lives on the farm wakes and begins his day. This farm is full of many sights and sounds.

Only the cat saw
Wolff, Ashley
While everyone else is busy, the cat sees beautiful sights. When the cat falls asleep, Amy sees the beautiful sights, too.

Sweet dream pie
Wood, Audrey//Teague, Mark
Mouths on Willobee Street start to water when the aroma of the Brindle's Sweet Dream Pie fills the air. But does Sweet Dream Pie really create sweet dreams?

Kline, Suzy
A little girl has many accidents throughout a day. But other people have accidents too!

Color farm
Ehlert, Lois
Pages with color and shape cut-outs are added together to make animals on a farm. The shapes and animals are labeled.

Cecily parsley's nursery rhymes
Potter, Beatrix
Beatrix Potter puts beautiful illustrations to classic nursery rhymes such as Three Blind Mice.

Napoli, Donna Jo
Each day Albert reaches out the window to check on the weather for his walk. One day when he reaches his hand out the window, two cardinals build a nest. Now Albert must stand there until the eggs hatch. Days pass and Albert longs to be outside. When the family of birds fly away, Albert walks a lot.

Coste, Marion
The female nene keeps watch over her eggs, while the male nene stays close by watching for danger. When the eggs finally hatch, the birds must keep close watch over the baby goslings so that no cats, rats, or mongooses eat the young. The family must stay in this area for a few months, waiting until the babies get their flying wings. Not all of the goslings survive the wait, but when all the new feathers grow in, the family flies from the land near the ocean to the mountain.

Ehlert, Lois
Children wait for a big snowday to make their snow family. They create a dad, mom, boy, girl, baby, dog, and cat by using objects found around the house. When the sun comes out, the family melts away.

All the colors of the earth
Hamanaka, Sheila
Children across the earth come in all different colors, and they are just like you and me!

Old black fly
Aylesworth, Jim
An old black fly bothers a crazy mixed-up family by flying around and interrupting every aspect of their lives. The fly progresses through the alphabet by landing first on an apple pie, a baby, cookies, then a dog.

Nothing at all!
Cazet, Denys
It's a morning on the farm with the animals waking for the day and the scarecrow quietly watching from the field. It's quiet on the farm until he gets a mouse inside of him.

The owl and the pussy cat
Lear, Edward
An owl and a pussy cat fall in love and sail to an island to get married.

A friend for minerva louise
Stoeke, Janet
Minerva Louise decides to takes a trip into the farmer's house. She finds a lot of new items for the new baby and mistakes the baby for a bunny. Minerva's way of looking at things often seems silly!

Bright, Robert
Georgie, the ghost, makes spooky sounds to let the Whittaker's know when it's time to go to bed. Herman, the cat, knows when it is time to prowl and Miss Oliver, the owl, knows when it is time to WHOO! When the Whittaker's fix the creaking sound, Georgie does not know what to do. Eventually everything gets back to normal.