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  • Tags: cat
Little bit & big byte: A day at the beach
Feigh, C
Big Byte, Joy, and Little Bit go to the beach to be with their friends Webster and Kay Board. They all see a couple of nefarious bugs named Vi and Russ who are going surfing. Big Byte and Kay Board want to go with them but Joy and Little Bit warn them that it is too dangerous. When Big Byte and Kay Board find themselves in danger, what will happen? Will Little Bit, Joy, and Webster be able to do anything to help them in this computer age adventure?

Lonely lula cat
Slate, Joseph
Lula cat moves to a new place and misses her old friends. While trying to get back to her friends, she discovers she has made new friends.

Look look look
Hoban, Tana
Animals, flowers, food, and instruments have different textures. A small part of each object is seen first then the whole picture comes into view when you turn the page. (A Wordless Book)

Looking for Luna
Myers, Tim
When Luna is lost, it is up to a little girl and her father to search for their feline friend. Quiet illustrations rendered digitally by Mike Reed follow the narrative as father and daughter meet many cats along the way.

Loop the loop
Dugan, Barbara
Mrs. Simpson and a girl, Anne, become friends. Mrs. Simpson shows Anne how to do a loop the loop with a yo-yo before she is placed in a nursing home and cannot remember anything.

Wilbur, Richard
Poor Loudmouse has trouble being quiet. Everyone does not like his noise until he saves the house from a robbery.

Lyle at christmas
Waber, Bernard
Lyle the Crocodile is ready for Christmas, but his neighbor Mr. Grumps is having the blahs - enough blahs to make his cat Loretta run away. Lyle and the rest of his neighbors set out on a searching adventure where much excitement follows.

Mama cat has three kittens
Fleming, Denise
Mama cat's daily routine includes washing her paws, chasing leaves, sharpening her claws, and taking naps. Two of her kittens, Fluffy and Skinny, follow this same routine with her. Meanwhile, Boris is napping. When Mama cat and the other two kittens nap, Boris washes his paws, sharpens his claws, chases leaves, pounces on Mama cat while Fluffy and Skinny fall back to sleep.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
A cat is used to being the center of attention. He must learn to share his home with a rabbit. The two learn they have a lot in common and become great friends.

Mattie and the chicken thief
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie's cat, Prowler, and dog, Howler, accidentally scare off her four hens. They must get the hens back without getting caught in any of Mattie's thief-traps.

Mattie's little possum pet
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie takes in a possum for a new pet. She thinks that the possum is a sweet, innocent little pet, but her cat and dog know otherwise.

Mean murgatroyd and the ten cats
Zimelman, Nathan
Arabella takes her ten cats for a walk every day, but Mean Murgatroyd, the dog next door, scares them away. Arabella comes up with a great idea for dealing with Murgatroyd.

Mice squeak, we speak
dePaola, Arnold L.
Everyone knows that people communicate through talking. What about animals? How do animals communicate? Looking at different animals we can see that each kind of animal communicates in its own unique way using different sounds.

Mice twice
Low, Joseph
A cat gets hungry and askes a mouse over to eat for dinner. Mouse brings a dog with her. The mouse and the cat try to outsmart each other but the mouse wins in the end.

Mice, morels & monkey business: Likely lessons from Aesop's Fables
Wormell, Christopher
Character building lessons are presented in a condensed version of Aesop's Fables. Bright illustrations and simple explanations of these famed lessons present self development messages that range from Be prepared to Be careful what you wish for.

Millions of cats
Gag, Wanda
An old man and woman live in a very nice, clean house, but they are very lonely until the day the old man brings hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats home.

Miranda and the cat
Smith, Linell
A young girl named Miranda discovers an alley cat while playing ball in her neighborhood. She tries to win the cat's heart by bringing him food every night and making sure he's okay. One night, she finds him injured. She takes him into her home, nurses him back to health, and lets him go, despite knowing she will never see him again.

Miss flora mcflimsey's halloween
Miss Flora McFlimsey is a doll who decides to take an adventure on a witch's broom on All Hallows' Eve. The adventure is ruined when she must return home to rid her house of five goblins.

Miss flora mcflimsey's may day
Miss Flora McFlimsey feels like she is ugly and has no friends. At the end of the May Day, she feels differently.

Miss Flora Mcflimsey's valentine
Miss Flora McFlimsey sends anonymous valentines to all her friends. Her cat, Pookoo, is supposed to deliver them but does not. Even though Pookoo made a mistake, things work out in the end.

Miss pattie
Bright, Robert
An amazing cat named Miss Pattie is a barn cat, but suddenly moves in with Miss Williams. Miss Pattie begins doing chores for Miss Williams, begins reading, knitting, and doing other amazing things. Finally she has her own family of kittens and moves back to the barn.

Moo who?
Palatini, Margie
Hilda Mae Heifer, the cow, was singing, running, and having a good old time. Suddenly from out of nowhere a hard flying cow pie whacks her in the head. It causes her to lose her moo. She forgets what sound she makes. She meets a goose, chickens, a pig, and a cat and copies their sounds until she becomes familiar with her own sound again.

Mouse paint
Walsh, Ellen Stoll
Three mice discover the fun of painting and mixing colors. While playing with the paint, they leave a space to hide from a cat who was chasing them.

Rosen, Michael
The family pet, a cat, is greatly disturbed when the family moves. The old familiar corners and hiding spots are gone and the new house is bare. After finding a hiding place, the cat stays in hiding to punish his family. Eventually, he is drawn to the smell of food. Soon, the new house feels like home.

Mr. floop's lunch
Novak, Matt
Mr. Floop shares his lunch with animals in the park, but then Mr. Floop is hungry. A woman stops by and shares her lunch with Mr. Floop.

Mr. hacker
Stevenson, James
Mr. Hacker decides to leave his home in the city for a country house. At first he is lonely, but eventually he becomes friends with a cat he calls Ellis, and a dog he names Jarvis.

Mr. mcmouse
Lionni, Leo
Mr. Timothy McMouse, a city mouse, runs away to the country. He meets a group of field mice who live in a castle and tries to fit in. Timothy cannot pass the test of the country mice. When Timothy saves himself and another mouse from the cat, he is given an honorary Field Mouse License.

Mr. Putter and tabby walk the dog
Rylant, Cynthia
Mr. Putter and Tabby decide to help Mrs. Teaberry when she hurts her foot. Her dog is supposed to be a dream dog, but he turns into a nightmare everyday when Mr. Putter takes him for a walk.

Mr. t.w. anthony woo
Ets, Marie Hall
Mr. T.W. Anthony Woo is a friendly mouse that keeps the cobbler of Shooshko company. The cobbler's sister wants the dog and cat to catch the mouse and be rid of him. Instead, the cat, dog, and mouse cooperate to get rid of the cobbler's sister and live in peace.

Mrs. brice's mice
Hoff, Syd
Mrs. Brice has twenty-five mice. The mice do everything that Mrs. Brice does. There is one very small mouse that will not work. However he saves all the mice from a vicious cat.

Mrs. mcgarrity's peppermint sweater
Holl, Adelaide
The sweater Mrs. McGarrity makes is too big for any animal. So they decide to use her sweater for a circus tent.

Mrs. merriwether's musical cat
Purdy, Carol
Mrs. Merriwether gives piano lessons to neighborhood children. Their ordinary lives are transformed when a cat joins the piano lessons and helps keep the beat of the music. The cat even brings her three kittens to the lessons.

Park, Linda Sue
Animal sounds in different languages such as Turkish, Chinese and Hindu are shared. Open the flap to find out what animal it is.

My cat ginger
Wahl, Jan
A young boy and his cat, Ginger, do things together. Ginger starts running away and disappearing for whole days and nights. The boy imagines where Ginger could be, and then finds out that Ginger has seven kittens.

My five senses
How do you taste your favorite food or see an airplane in the sky?Your five senses let you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. You may use one sense or several at one time. Wherever you go and whatever you do, your senses are always working for you.

My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

My life with the wave
Cowan, Catherine
When a little boy brings an ocean wave home with him, he finds himself in trouble. He soon realizes that he has to take the wave back to the ocean where it belongs.

Names for snow
Beach, Judi K.
A rabbit asks his mother what is snow? and she responds with several different descriptions of snow and the many names there are for it.

Nellie: A cat on her own
Babbitt, Natalie
Nellie is a cat marionette, and she belongs to an old woman. When the old woman dies, she becomes friends with Big Tom, a real cat. Big Tom takes her out of the house and into a new home.

Coste, Marion
The female nene keeps watch over her eggs, while the male nene stays close by watching for danger. When the eggs finally hatch, the birds must keep close watch over the baby goslings so that no cats, rats, or mongooses eat the young. The family must stay in this area for a few months, waiting until the babies get their flying wings. Not all of the goslings survive the wait, but when all the new feathers grow in, the family flies from the land near the ocean to the mountain.

Night in the country
Rylant, Cynthia
Night is a dark experience. In the country, you hear very different sounds when it is this dark.

Nightfall: Country lake
Cunningham, David
Imagine the sights and sounds of summertime by a country lake. During bright mornings, hot afternoons, and clear summer nights, the lake is full of life and beauty. Watch deer drink out of the lake and listen to frogs croak with delight as summer arrives.

No kiss for mother
Ungerer, Tomi
Piper, a young cat, acts out at home and at school because he is sick of being treated like a baby. He and his mother get into a big fight because Piper's mom kisses him too much.

No mirrors in my nana's house
By looking in her nana's eyes, this little girl sees beauty in ways that others may not see. When her grandmother reflects love back to the little girl, she discovers the beauty in herself and doesn't learn hate. The little girl finds beauty in everything.

No one else like you
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.

Nobody's cat
Miles, Miska
An alley cat goes on an adventure to different places. He has a few fights, finds some food and then goes home again.

Nora's ark
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
As the rain keeps coming, the flood gros larger. Everyone in town goes to Grandma's house because it sits high on a hill. Along with many animals, everyone, except Grandpa, is there. Grandma and Wren are worried about Grandpa so they head out to try and save him from the flood.

Nora's duck
Ichikawa, Satomi
Nora finds a duckling who had fallen out of its nest. Nora took the duckling to Dr. John, so he could help the injured duckling. At Dr. John's, Nora finds herself surrounded by animals.

Not norman:  A goldfish story
Bennett, Kelly
When a boy gets Norman, a goldfish, for his birthday he is disappointed. He wants an energetic pet with which to run and play. He makes a plan to take Norman back to the pet store and get another pet. After show and tell at school, he decides to keep him. Norman likes his music and makes him laugh; besides any other pet just wouldnメt be the same, they would not be Norman.

Inkpen, Mick
A little stuffed animal is left behind when a family moves to a bigger house. During the toy's journey to finding his owner, he encounters the family cat who takes him to his new home.