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  • Tags: cat
Grandpa's soup
Kadono, Eiko
Grandpa is lonely after Grandma dies. He wants to make meatball soup just like his wife use to make. Each day after Grandpa makes the soup, friends come and eat it with him. Grandpa finds that eating the soup with friends helps to ease his loneliness.

Whose cat is that?
Kahl, Virginia
A white cat curiously roams one house after another and every house names the cat who visits. When a committee comes to town to make sure every household has a cat, the children change the cats to look different in order to fool the committee.

Pegas the horse
Kaufman, Angelika
A horse that is really a dog imagines he can fly. He falls asleep in the clouds and dreams of words in different languages.

Pet show
Keats, Ezra Jack
The neighborhood is having a pet show but Archie can't find his cat. He searches diligently for the cat but can't find it. When the judges are passing out awards, an old woman arrives with the cat while Archie arrives with another pet and also gets a prize.

Hi, cat!
Keats, Ezra Jack
Archie says Hi to a cat, and it follows him the rest of the day. Archie and Peter try to put on a show but the cat messes it all up. In the end, Archie realizes that the cat likes him.

Keats, Ezra Jack
Roberto and his paper mouse saves a cat from a dog. The dog traps the cat but when the paper mouse falls, it makes a big shadow and scares away the dog.

Goodbye, max
Keller, Holly
Ben's dog dies, and he's mad at his parents for not letting him stay home with Max. His parents get a new a puppy but Max rejects it until the end.

There was an old woman
Kellogg, Steven
Retelling of the tale of the old woman who swallows a fly, a spider, a bird, a cat, a dog, a cow, and a horse. This version tries to explain her crazy appetite.

A rose for Pinkerton
Kellogg, Steven
Pinkerton's family decides he needs a friend and gets a cat named Rose. The only problem is that Rose thinks she's a Great Dane like Pinkerton, and Pinkerton now thinks he's a kitten.

The mouse god
Kennedy, Richard
A barnyard cat is very vain and musses his hair when he chases the barnyard mice. He comes up with a plan to get rid of all the mice at once so he doesn't have to catch them.

The snow cat
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
Elsie, who lives alone in a snow-covered house on the edge of the woods, makes a friend when a huge snow cat comes to play with her.

Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
Julian, a high-spirited farm dog, makes life very uncomfortable for the house cat, Victoria, until he helps save her lost kitten.

When mindy saved hanukkah
Kimmel, Eric A.
Mindy, a mouse-sized girl, bravely faces a cat in the synagogue to retrieve a candle for her tiny family's Hanukkah menorah. Her mission allows her family to celebrate their special holiday together.

Peter's long walk
Kingman, Lee
Peter lives in a house far away from the village. He desperately wants to find a friend to play with so he goes on a long search for one. When he can't find a friend, he goes home and finds that he has all kinds of friends.

Nora's ark
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
As the rain keeps coming, the flood gros larger. Everyone in town goes to Grandma's house because it sits high on a hill. Along with many animals, everyone, except Grandpa, is there. Grandma and Wren are worried about Grandpa so they head out to try and save him from the flood.

Nova's ark
Kirk, David
A young robot turns a field trip to space into a quest for his father when his stolen ship crashes. He makes new friends and finds his father as well as an alternative source of energy.

What's inside? The alphabet book
Kitamura, Satoshi
Playful pictures prompt each letter's picture and word. The guessing game aspect of this format sets it apart from typical alphabet book (A wordless book).

Pig in a barrow
Kitchen, Bert
Each rhyme tells of a different thing each animal or insect does on a farm.

Kline, Suzy
A little girl has many accidents throughout a day. But other people have accidents too!

Too many cooks...
Kneen, Maggie
Twenty well known proverbs are given meaning through clever illustrations featuring animals in a variety of situations. Some of the proverbs illustrated include, Too many cooks spoil the broth, Half a loaf is better than none, and Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

The owl and the pussy-cat
Knight, Hilary
Two children are magically transformed into an owl and a cat. They return back when their parents call them.

Simon's soup
Komoda, Beverly
Simon, the cat, prepares soup for dinner for his monkey friends, but he keeps getting interrupted during his preparations.

Chicago and the cat
Koontz, Robin Michal
A pushy cat takes over the home of Chicago the rabbit, and then, the two become friends. The story illustrates the need to cooperate and communicate in order to resolve conflict.

Branigan's cat and the halloween ghost
Kroll, Steven
Llewellyn, the cat, earns the villager's respect when he challenges the ghost of Martin Grimes on Halloween night.

Joey and the birthday present
Kumin, Maxine W.//Sexton, Anne
Joey is a mouse who lives on a farm. He meets a city mouse who is a boy's pet, and they become good friends. They play and do things together until the city mouse has to leave.

River friendly river wild
Kurtz, Jane
A little girl remembers how her family survived a flood. The once friendly river that she loved turned wild and drove the community to evacuation. The little girl thought she would only be gone a couple of days. Days turned into weeks. When she returns, her family starts over, but where is the cat, Kiwi, that she left behind?

I like your buttons!
Lamstein, Sarah
Random acts of kindness are demonstrated by Cassandra as she tells her teacher that she likes her buttons. Cassandra's positive attitude spreads throughout her school and around the neighborhood bringing joy and surprise to all.

Baby loves
Lawrence, Michael
Baby loves so many things, including Mommy and Daddy, slippers, food, rain, and bathtime. Each thing is loved more than the last. But Mommy and Daddy love baby more than anything in the world.

Audrey and barbara
Lawson, Janet
Audrey has big ideas for herself and her cat, Barbara. She wants to cross the ocean in her bathtub sailboat to visit the Taj-Mahal and ride on an elephant. But will her imagination take her all the way to India?

Fire and stone
Le Guin, Ursula K.
A dragon terrorizes a city. Min and Polo discover what the dragon wants and saves their city in the process.

The owl and the pussy cat
Lear, Edward
An owl and a pussy cat fall in love and sail to an island to get married.

Fraction action
Leedy, Loreen
Miss Prime's class is learning about fractions. After class they all go home and practice using their new knowledge by dividing fruit and selling lemonade. The next day the class has a test, but even Miss Prime doesn't always have the right answer.

Alice and aldo
Lester, Alison
During their day, Alice and Aldo work their way through the alphabet. They do all kinds of fun things like quacking with the ducks, making milkshakes, and swinging over the flowers. By the end of the day Alice and Aldo are ready for bed.

A is for salad
Lester, Mike
A is for salad?N is for lunch?R is for bowling?Look at the alphabet in a whole different light with colorful and humorous animals. A isn't for salad, but for the alligator that munches on a big bowl of greens. Find out for yourself if K is for doctor or if M is for cowboy boots.

All the cats in the world
Levitin, Sonia
Mikila, a poor old woman, goes down to the seaside cliffs each day to feed scraps to many hungry cats. She encounters harassment from the old man who controls the lighthouse. The man taunts her, claiming she will never feed all the cats in the world. But Mikila's faithfulness and determination teach the man a lesson.

Frida's office day
Lewis, Thomas P.
Frida cat goes in to work with her father and helps out in the office in the morning. She also spends the afternoon with him in the big city and has a great time.

Mr. mcmouse
Lionni, Leo
Mr. Timothy McMouse, a city mouse, runs away to the country. He meets a group of field mice who live in a castle and tries to fit in. Timothy cannot pass the test of the country mice. When Timothy saves himself and another mouse from the cat, he is given an honorary Field Mouse License.

The two reds
Lipkind, William//Mordvinoff, Nicolas
There are two reds, a boy and a cat. They are not friends until they help each other get out of trouble.

One, two, three jump!
Lively, Penelope
Frog wants to find a new home where he can jump. While exploring the garden the frog encounters some dangers. Thanks to the dragonfly, the frog makes it to the pond- the perfect place for any frog to live!

The cat, the crow, and the banyan tree
Lively, Penelope
A cat and cow both live under the banyan tree and tell each other stories all day. As each tells a different story, they are taken away to magical places.

Find the cat
Livermore, Elaine
A dog is looking for his bone and suddenly smells the scent of a cat. The reader and the dog must find the cat.

Toni's topsy-turvy telephone day
Ljungkvist, Laura
Toni wants to have a potluck dinner. She calls all of her guests and tells each of them what to bring. It's the day of the party and her guests have arrived. Something has happened! Her friends misunderstood what Toni told them to bring. Now Toni has no food to feed her guests. What will Toni do?

The rose in my garden
Lobel, Arnold
Many different types of flowers are shown. Within the flowers is a sleeping bee, a scared fieldmouse, and a cat chasing the mouse.

Hip cat
London, Jonathan
Hip Cat is cool and is idolized by others in town. Rhythm and music rock this cat's world.

Like butter on pancakes
London, Jonathan
A boy awakes to a sunny room and a delicious breakfast. This keeps him dancing and playing all day long on the farm. Supper time brings more good food and then comes bedtime with sweet dreams of the next day.

Who bop?
London, Jonathon
Join this celebration of dance and jazz music!A cat named Jazz-Bo leads a band that plays at the sock hop. All the animals gather together for a fun time of dance and rhyme.

Mice twice
Low, Joseph
A cat gets hungry and askes a mouse over to eat for dinner. Mouse brings a dog with her. The mouse and the cat try to outsmart each other but the mouse wins in the end.

Up a tree
Lubell, Winifred//Lubell, Cecil
A cat named Kira, who is very set in her ways is chased up a tree by the neighbor's dog. Kira's family tries to get her to come down but she won't until she's ready -see what the reason is.

Mattie and the chicken thief
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie's cat, Prowler, and dog, Howler, accidentally scare off her four hens. They must get the hens back without getting caught in any of Mattie's thief-traps.

Mattie's little possum pet
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie takes in a possum for a new pet. She thinks that the possum is a sweet, innocent little pet, but her cat and dog know otherwise.