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Rachel fister's blister
MacDonald, Amy
Rachel gets a blister and her mother calls all kinds of people to cure it. None of the remedies work so the queen tells them just to kiss it and it works.

The tub people
Conrad, Pam
The Tub People are wooden toys who love to play in the tub. Until one day the child of the Tub People gets sucked down the drain. Eventually, a plumber is called and he rescues the child. The next day the Tub People find themselves in a new room with no drains.

Uncle bill's ice cream shop
Krockover, Gerald//Krochover, Sharon
A girl talks about her Uncle Bill's Ice Cream Shop. She describes the different kinds of ice cream and tells of her favorites.

How does a czar eat potatoes?
Rose, Anne
The life of a peasant farmer and the czar are compared and contrasted by the peasant's child.

Friday night is papa night
Sonneborn, Ruth A.
A family waits for their Papa to return home. Their Papa must work two jobs to provide for the family so he only comes home on Friday nights. They wait extra long that night, but finally Papa does come home and everything is all right once more.

Waving: A counting book
Sis, Peter
Mary and her mom walk down the street and wave for a taxi. Two bicyclists think Mary and her mom wave to them, so they wave back. Next three boys wave at the bikers and so on.

Balet, Jan
Joanjo is sick of life in his fishing village. He dreams of a life far away from the village. He awakens to realize that perhaps a fisherman's life is a good life after all.

Anthony's father
Elmer, Irene
Anthony's father is a magician. Anthony tells his teacher and class that he wants to be a magician too. The class does not believe in magic, so Anthony is determined to prove to them that he can do it. He makes dragons grow right in front of their eyes, but they are unable to see the dragons because they do not believe.

Sea-fari deep
Woodman, Nancy
The JASON Project is studies underwater life in Mexico. When Dusty finds out about this, she writes the scientists to ask if she can go along. During her adventures, Dusty learns all about deep sea plants and animals. It is the adventure of her life!

Dr. duck
Ehrlich, H.M.
Different animals are under the care of an old-fashioned country doctor named Dr. Duck. A crow has a broken toe, a baby mouse has a fever, and a beaver has a cough. Everyone comes to help Dr. Duck when he gets sick.

Just the two of us
Smith, Will
A father talks of ongoing love for his son from the moment he is born. As his child grows, the father tries to teach him how to be a man and also tells him how he will always be there for him. Having this child is the father's proof that his dreams have come true.

The hokey-pokey man
Kroll, Steven
Ben and Sarah, two children in New York City in the early 20th century, are friends with Joe, the ice cream man. With the help of his cousin, Joe surprises the city with a new concept of ice cream cones. The children almost ruin his surprise.

Tilly's house
Jacques, Faith
Tilly lived in a dollhouse as a maid. She was tired of the work so she ran away to look for her own house. Along the way, she meet a bear named Edward who helps her with her endeavors. Together they find Tilly a house and become good friends.

The train
McPhail, David
Matthew loves trains. One night, he lets his brother run the train and he crashes it. Matthew cannot sleep so he gets up to fix it. All of a sudden, it was a real train. Matthew fixes it, loads up the baggage, and helps the engineer.

Angelina ballerina
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina wants to be a ballerina. She never does her chores and dances all the time, annoying her parents and friends. Finally, her parents decide to enroll her in dance lessons. Angelina practices very hard for many years and eventually becomes a famous ballerina.

The woman who lived in holland
Howells, Mildred
A woman cleans everything in her town to the annoyance of other citizens. She later wishes that she could wash off the stars. When a storm blows her up into the sky, she gets her chance.

Amazing mr. pelgrew
Schlein, Miriam
Steven tries to discover what Mr. Pelgrew does for a living. He has a fascination with guessing his neighbor's occupation. Mr. Pelgrew is a police officer.

Mozart tonight
Downing, Julie
Mozart look back on the events of his great operatic truimph, Don Giovanni. Events of his life are told and what led to this moment in his life.

The christmas witch
Kellogg, Steven
Gloria is in training to be a witch. She decides to quit to become a good witch. Then she decides to help the Pepperwills and Valdoons find peace. With the help of elves, her dream comes true.

The bobbin girl
McCally, Emily Arnold
Ten-year old Rebecca works all day in a hot and noisy cotton mill. She's grateful to be able to help her struggling family, but not all the girls at the boarding house feel the same way. Some girls are starting to get sick. Judith, an older girl that is Rebecca's idol, wants to protest the mill's recent paycut but the troublemakers are fired. Does Rebecca have the courage to join?

Seven brave women
Hearne, Betsy
A young girl tells the story of her family's history. She explains how each of her female ancestors played a very important role in the shaping of this family's history.

Home lovely
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Tiffany and her mom, Janelle, have just moved to a new trailer that is pretty far away from everything else. Since Janelle has to work, Tiffany spends a lot of time playing alone. When she discovers plants growing by her driveway, the mailman helps her take care of them as they grow.

The fortune tellers
Alexander, Lloyd
A carpenter who is unhappy with his life, goes to a fortune teller. The fortune teller tells him that he will be rich and famous. The carpenter does become rich and famous by becoming a fortune teller himself.

Finding a job for daddy
Maslac, Evelyn Hughes
Things are harder and different since Laura's dad lost his job. Laura wants to help so she pretends to put a want ad in the newspaper, then interviews him for a job. Laura knows that her dad still has to find a real job, but she wants her dad to be a dad forever.

Pelle's new suit
Beskow, Elsa
One day Pelle takes his shears and trims some wool from his sheep. Then he goes to various people to ask favors in helping him make a new suit. In return for their help, he also does favors for them. In the end, Pelle has a handsome new blue suit.

The easter egg farm
Auch, Mary Jane
Pauline, the hen, is trying to lay eggs, but the henhouse is too noisy!She concentrates very hard and finally lays a very unusual egg. Pauline keeps laying eggs, each with a different design and pattern. The eggs are so beautiful that people come from all around to view her eggs.

Tillie and mert
Luttrell, Ida
Tillie and Mert are best friends. They do everything together. After going to a garage sale and buying many things, the friends decide to open their own store. Because they both cooperate and do what they are best at, they have the best store in town, even though they do not make much money.

Jam: A true story
Mahy, Margaret
A father stays home with the children. The father finds a plum tree, so the family begins making jam.

Cooper, Elisha
An empty lot is transformed by an architect, surveyors, and workers of all kinds. Big construction equipment moves earth and trucks deliver materials throughout the building process. The building stands between two other buildings not far from downtown. It stands empty now, waiting to be filled with people.

Funny, funny lyle
Waber, Bernard
Lyle the crocodile and his mother live with Mr. and Mrs. Primm and their son, Jushua. One day, Mrs. Primm tells them she is going to have a baby. Lyle's mother gets a job as a nurse. Finally, a beautiful baby girl is born.

Bravo minski
Yorinks, A.
Minski was a great scientist whose best invention was his singing. Through this one invention, he becomes a great man.

The pie wagon
Budd, Lillian
A skinny man sells pies to the people of the town. A little girl buys a pie then his wagon goes to the next town.

Scornful simkin
Lorenz, Lee
A cheap miller steals wheat from people as they bring it to him. So two lads from Cambridge University set out to fool the miller.

The terrible thing that happened at our house
Blaine, Marge
When a mother goes back to work, things in the house get out of control. The kids feel left out and start to get upset. Finally, with a little compromising, things work out for the best.

The boy of the tree-year nap
Snyder, Dianne
The laziest boy in the village naps and daydreams instead of working. One day, a rich man and his daughter move into the town and the lazy boy begins to devise a plan to become rich without working. In the end, the boy is rich, but not the way he wanted.

The market lady and the mango tree
Watson, Pete//Watson, Mary
The children in the village see many things they want to buy. However, they have no money, so they must wait until the mangos fall off the trees. Once mangos have fallen, anyone can eat them. A clever market lady tries to gather all the mangos so she can sell them.

Townsfolk and countryfolk
Sopko, Eugen
Three well educated men go to the country to help the simple folk. The three cannot take care of themselves in the country and decide to go back to town.

Forri the baker
Myers, Edward
An unpopular baker named Forri comes up with a plan to use bread to save the village of Ettai from its invading neighbors and becomes a hero.

Rocks in his head
Hurst, Carol Otis
Carol Hurst's father loves collecting rocks in his spare time. After the Depression forces him to close his gas station, the father gets a job working with rocks at a science museum, realizing his dream.

The ornery morning
Demuth, Patricia Brennan
Farmer Bill wakes up one morning and soon discovers that every animal on the farm refuses to do any work.

Mike mulligan and his steam engine
Burton, Virginia Lee
This story is about Mike and his steam engine, Mary Anne. They were the best digging team around. But soon gas, electric and diesel engines were invented and she was no longer the best. Mike still thought she was a great steam engine and together they dug the site for the new town hall, where today Mary Anne sits proudly.

My ol' man
Polacco, Patricia
Patricia Polacco tells the story of her childhood summers at her dad's house. As a traveling car salesman, her father brought home many stories to share with his children. Together they experience a magic rock that has the power to change their outlook on life.

A stitch in time for the brothers rhyme
Brinckloe, Julie
Two brothers, Alvin and Calvin Rhyme, become bored with their daily routine so they decide to trade professions. When they realize that they prefer their own jobs, the brothers return to their original professions after an exciting day of doing something different.

Gertie and gus
Weil, Lisl
Gertie and Gus are used to simple life, until Gertie brings home a fishing net for Gus. From then on Gertie finds new ways to increase their fishing business and make more money, but Gus is not happy with their new life. Eventually they realize what real happiness is.

The little train
Lenski, Lois
Engineer Small has a little engine and tells how it works and what it does in a working day, including all the people that must work on a train.

Old macdonald had a farm
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
Old MacDonald has a pretty typical day of feeding his animals and doing his chores.

My name is_____: A game of letters and their sounds
Muehl, Lois Baker
For each letter of the alphabet, there is a child whose name starts with the same letter. The children describe what they want to be one day. Each occupation and description uses the same letter as their name.

Titus, Eve
Anatole finds a way to leave something in return for getting food. He becomes the greatest cheese taster by his secret identity, working late at night in the factory.

Bobby shafto's gone to sea
Taylor, Mark
This is a story about a man who had no experience on a ship. When he was forced to sail, he ruined everything. However, in the end, he managed to save the ship with his musical talent.

The storekeeper
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
The storekeeper has many daily activities starting from early in the morning when the shop opens, until the store closes and it is time to go home.