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  • Tags: self esteem
Bullies never win
Cuyler, Margery
Jessica always worries and in first grade her biggest worry is the class bully, Brenda. Brenda picks on Jessica about her homework, her clothes and sports, but it was the worst at lunch. Jessica feels lonely and hurt, and can't seem to stand up for herself. Finally Jessica has had enough and she takes a stand for herself!

Don't hurt me, mama
Stanek, Muriel
A child is being physically abused by her alcoholic mother at home. A school nurse discovers it and sees that both of them get help.

Elizabeth and larry
Sadler, Marilyn
Elizabeth and Larry are best friends, until Larry is scorned by Elizabeth's neighbors for being an alligator.

An extraordinary egg
Lionni, Leo
Three frogs live together by a pond. One of them finds an egg. When the egg hatches, the three frogs believe that the animal is a chicken.

Alphabears: An ABC book
Hague, Kathleen
A bear introduces each letter of the alphabet by describing the letters in a rhyme from A to Z.

Albert's alphabet
Tryon, Leslie
A duck, Albert the school carpenter, is asked to build an alphabet for the schools walking path. Albert relies on all the supplies in his workshop to build the alphabet.

Humbug potion
Balian, Judy
An ugly witch finds a secret recipe for beauty, but she must figure out the secret code. She cracks the code and discovers all she really needed was a smile!

Grandpa's hammer
Kidd, Ronald
Grandpa always say that it take two things to make dreams come true: faith and a hammer. After Grandma passes away, Grandpa sets aside his hammer and nearly loses his faith. His granddaughter tries everything she can think of to bring back his faith but nothing seems to work. One day, Grandpa visits a Habitat for Humanity worksite with a neighbor and realizes that he can made dreams come true for others.

Oliver button is a sissy (Oliver button es un nena)
dePaola, Tomie
Despite Oliver's teasing classmates, he does not give up doing what he likes -- tap dancing. All of his dedication and hard work pays off in the end.

Blake, Quentin
Snuff lives wiht a knight and wants to become a knight someday. He begins his training, but does not do anything right. Until one day, he comes up with a brilliant strategy to save the bootmaker's boots from the thieves. It works and Snuff is on his way to becoming a knight after all.

A moose is not a mouse
Berson, Harold
A mouse lives in fear of the cat. It is not until he sees a picture of a moose that he thinks that when he grows up he will be bigger than the cat. As it happens, the mouse's mother tells him that a mouse is not a moose.

Marianthe's story one: Painted words. Marianthe's story two: Spoken memories
When a child moves to a new school it can be frightening. Mari not only moved to a new school, but a new culture as well. Mari uses painted pictures to communicate her words and recalls her life through spoken memories.

Just plain fancy
Polacco, Patricia
Naomi is an Amish girl whose elders have told her that it is very important to be plain and simple. Naomi becomes very scared when her egg hatches into a fancy, little bird.

Little frog's song
Schertle, Alice
Little frog loves to sing in the pond where he lives. One night a hard rain washes him far away and he cannot find his home. He meets a lamb and a dog and goes to their homes, but their homes do not make him sing. Finally, he meets a boy who takes him back to his pond, where once again he can sing.

Brown, Ruth
A dirty toad has a slimy, mucky day in the swamp. It turns out that being disgusting pays off when a monster spits out the toad because of its terrible taste. You can't judge a toad by appearance alone.

The caterpillar and the polliwog
Kent, Jack
A caterpillar is excited that when she grows up, she will change into a butterfly. When the polliwog learns that he, too, will transform, he assumes he will become a butterfly as well.

Jump frog jump
Martin, Patricia Miles
Two young children enter their newly found frog into a jumping contest. They train the frog to jump, but the frog decided he did not want to jump that day.

Be good to eddie lee
Fleming, Virginia
As Christy and Jim Bud approach the pond to search for frog eggs, they realize Eddie Lee, a neighbor with Down's Syndrome, has followed them. Christy's mother has always told her to be good to Eddie Lee. Christy is kind, but Jim Bud is not. As the story evolves, Eddie Lee shares the best discovery of all with Christy.

Good griselle
Yolen, Jane
Griselle is a very kind woman. Angels and gargoyles test her goodness by giving her an ugly baby to care for and love.

Banana beer
Carrick, Carol
Charlie the orangutan loves spending time with his father. But unfortunately, his father is an alcoholic and is always yelling and stumbling around after drinking alot of banana beer. Charlie has a hard time dealing with it and wishes it would stop. See how Charlie deals with the problem.

Elbert's bad word
Wood, Audrey
Elbert has to learn to deal with a bad word that he has just learned. The only way for him to do this was by filling his mind with new, appropriate words to use. These words get him in less trouble.

Daddy is a monster...sometimes
Steptoe, John
Bweela and her brother, Javaka, think their dad turns into a monster when they do something wrong. But at other times he is not so bad.

The cello of mr. o
Cutler, Jane
Join Mr. O and the rest of his worn-torn city as he plays music to improve the city's spirits. Just when things were bad enough, a rocket destroys the truck that helps to save the town. See what the community does to keep healthy during this crisis time of war.

Come back, amelia bedelia
Parish, Peggy
Amelia goes to a different employer each day, but she always gets fired. Amelia does not understand because she is just doing what they ask, but she is taking what they say too literally.

Where the wild things are
Sendak, Maurice
Max gets sent to his room without dinner. There he dreams about a new world of his own where he sails to an island and becomes the king of all the beasts. After all of his fun frolicking with the beasts, he comes home where a hot meal is waiting for him.

Angelina and alice
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina and Alice were very good friends and they did everything together. One day when Angelina tried to do a handstand on the playground and fell, everyone laughed including Alice. Angelina was very mad at Alice for laughing. But when Angelina needed a partner in gymnastics class, Alice volunteered and they had a great performance.

Christina katerina and the time she quit the family
Gauch, Patricia Lee
Christina becomes intolerant of her annoying family and decides to change her name to Agnes. She disowns her family. After days of doing what she wants, she decides her family needs her and rejoins the family.

Baron brady's boots
Hughes, Peter
Baron Brady spends each day angrily collecting taxes from his poor tenants. A lesson from a new shoe maker teaches the Baron that it is fun to be good tempered, rather than always be angry.

We're growing together
Ransom, Candice F.
Candice's mother marries Howard and they move to a new house. When Candice asks how long they will live there, Howard replies forever and she wonders how long that is. One day Candice realizes how long forever is.

As the crow flies: A first book of maps
Hartman, Gail
The eagle has its favorite place to go, just like the rabbit, crow, horse, and seagull. All the animals do different things during their daily routines, but live in harmony under the same sky.

The cow who fell in the canal
Krasilovsky, Phyllis
Hendrika is a cow on a farm in Holland. Bored with her everyday routine, Hendrika longs to see the city. One day, she gets that chance and stirs up a lot of commotion in the city.

Words in our hands
Litchfield, Ada B.
Gina, Diane, and Michael's parents are all deaf. Communication isn't easy, especially when they move to a new town. Soon the family finds some new friends at a school where people know sign language.

Peter's pony
Kingman, Lee
Peter, a young boy, lives far up a mountainside on a farm with his mother and father. They live far from any town and Peter looks forward to starting school in town so he can make and have friends. Before the beginning of the school year Peter receives a pony that takes him to school. Peter discovers that his new pony can perform tricks and was once famous.

Which is willy?
Bright, Robert
Willy the penguin wants to be different. He goes to the city, but he is too different than the people there. So he goes back to the South Pole and discovers he is different because of what he is inside.

Rylant, Cynthia
A scarecrow is more than just borrowed parts to make up a man. This scarecrow gets to see everything from vegetables growing to all the different animals that surround him. He sees how many of the simple things in life are the greatest.

Charlie anderson
Abercrombre, Barbara
A cat has two homes. He sleeps at two little girls' houses, but he goes to his real house during the day. He discovers it is nice to have two places to call home.

The little island
Brown, Margaret Wise
A kitten comes to an island and learns that the island is part of the world, just like he is. The island enjoys being both part of the world and on its own as the seasons change.

Baby duck and the bad eyeglasses
Hest, Amy
Baby duck dislikes her new eyeglasses. She believes they look bad and hinder her ability to play. Her grandpa convinces her that her glasses are not so terrible after all.

Flicka, ricka, dicka: The big red hen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offer to care for their Aunt's hens while she is away. One of the hens disappear and the girls find her and a great surprise!

Porter, Sue
Ambrose, the badger, buys a pair of skates. He loses control and takes a whole group of animals along for a ride. Ultimately everyone ends up at the ocean to swim and play.

Little bear's visit (Los amigos de osito)
Minarik, Else Holmelund
After being told not to tire out his grandparents, Little Bear spends his visit with them playing and listening to their stories. At the end of the day, it is Little Bear who is fast asleep.

Do baby bears sit in chairs?
Kessler, Ethel//Kessler, Leonard
This rhyming book explores the similarities and differences between baby animals and human babies. The greatest thing in common between all is parental love.

Asch, Frank
Bear thinks the rainbow he sees is a fire in the sky. Bear experiences many new things when he tries to put out the fire.

Schoenherr, John
A young bear wakes one morning to find that his mother is gone. He goes through many adventures trying to find her and learns to live on his own.

Drawing lessons from a bear
McPhail, David
During his lessons on how to be a bear, a young bear discovers his love for drawing. As he grows he continues to practice, getting encouragement from his mother, his teacher, and most of all from himself.

Wish again, big bear
Margolis, Richard J.
As big bear catches a fish to eat, the fish says he will grant him three wishes if bear does not eat him. On his third wish, the bear wishes for a friend, then realizes the fish is his friend and he cannot eat him.

Moy moy
Politi, Leo
Moy Moy is the youngest sister who is fascinated by toys and bright celebrations. She sees and is in the Chinese New Year Parade where she is no longer afraid of the lion.

Nosey gilbert
Pizer, Abigail
Gilbert, the dog, is intrigued by a loud buzzing noise and decides to investigate. A bee stings him on the nose, so he must visit the vet.

National worm day
Stevenson, James
Episodes in the lives of a worm, snail, beetle and rhinoceros are depicted in this book.

Iktomi and the ducks
Goble, Paul
An arrogant Indian loses his horse. While he is looking for his horse, he goes duck hunting and fools the ducks long enough to kill them. Because he does not like noises, he tries to stop two trees from creaking. While he does this, he becomes stuck and a wolf eats the Indian's ducks.