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How a book is made
Turn the pages of this book to learn how an author's manuscript and the artist's pictures become a book. Publishing a book is a long hard process with many workers from editors and publishers to proofreaders and printers. Who made this book? Read about the many people and the step-by-step process for publishing a book for all to read.

Hooway for wodney wat
Lester, Helen
Rodney Rat is constantly made fun of by his classmates because he cannot pronounce his r's. Rodney saves the day and earns respect from his classmates when he saves them from the class bully.

Hooray for fish!
Cousins, Lucy
Come travel along with Little Fish to meet his many friends. As we count, identify colors, and look for opposites among the many examples, we learn it is okay to have friends different from you.

Home for Navidad
Cohen, Santiago
Rosa has not seen her mother in three years. Rosa's mother works to save money in America until she is finally able to come home for Navidad. The whole family can now celebrate the Christmas holiday in the small town in Mexico.

Here we are: Notes for living on planet earth
Jeffers, Oliver
The Earth is a large planet made of land, water and the sky. Given its size, Earth is home to humans and animals alike. However, there is only one Earth and we all maintain a responsibility to care for the planet and each other.

Henry hikes to fitchburg
Johnson, D.B.
Henry decides to take a trip to Fitchburg on foot and his friend decides to go by train. Henry partakes in numerous adventures on his journey into town, while his friend works odd jobs to earn the fare. Who will arrive in Fitchburg first?The journey to Fitchburg will prove to be an exploration of time and interests.

Henrietta and the golden eggs
Johansen, Hanna
Once upon a time, 3,333 chickens lived in a small, crowded chikcen yard and everyday Henrietta, the baby chicken, finds a way out and everyone follows. Soon the manager builds a large, open chicken house and Henrietta lays her first egg.

Hello baby!
Rockwell, Lizzy
It is such a special time when there's a new baby on the way. This little boy has been involved in his new sister's life since the beginning. He went to the doctor with his mommy and helped unpack baby clothes. When his baby sister is born, he is the happiest boy in the world!

Hands down counting by fives
Dahl, Michael
Learn to count by fives through artistic handprints made by children. Students use handprints to create leaves, butterflies, and turkeys, as well as other objects. Count along with the fingers from five to fifty. Dominoes at the bottom of each page show another way to count.

Going fishing
McMillan, Bruce
A young boy from Iceland enjoys time with both of his grandfathers while fishing for two kinds of fish: Atlantic cod and Lumpfish. Photographs of the boats and fishing process bring the true joy of catching fish alive. The stamps and coins showing the two kinds of fish are emblematic of the Icelandic culture.

Get up and go!
Murphy, Stuart J.
Time to wake up! Sammie the dog helps his friend get ready for school. How many minutes will it take to get ready for school? Help Sammie count the minutes it takes to get things done: eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, give hugs, and go off to school.

Get to work trucks!
Carter, Don
In the morning trucks, such as dump trucks, bulldozers, cement mixers, tow trucks, cranes, and rollers, go to work. Learn about types of machines, sizes, colors, and numbers. At night, the trucks are finished working for the day.

Genghis Khan
The author's interpretation of Genghis Khan's life is based upon both historical resources and Mongolian folklore.

Gathering a northwoods counting book
Bowen, Betsy
Starting in May, the winter countdown begins. Preparation activities are described using the numbers one through thirteen. For example, winter countdown includes five blueberries and six bags of rice.

Fraction action
Leedy, Loreen
Miss Prime's class is learning about fractions. After class they all go home and practice using their new knowledge by dividing fruit and selling lemonade. The next day the class has a test, but even Miss Prime doesn't always have the right answer.

Footprints in the snow
Dahl, Michael
Count by twos and see where your tracks take you. Can you follow the footprints in the snow?

Food for thought:  The complete book of concepts for growing minds
Freymann, Saxton
Fruits and vegetables are strategically carved to emulate people and animals in order to teach shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and opposites. Readers can learn these skills while being entertained by the creative use of healthy foods.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
Christelow, Eileen
Five little monkey experience the consequences of jumping on the bed because their mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

First pooch: The Obamas pick a pet
Boston Weatherford, Carole
Throughout their father's twenty-two month campaign for president, Malia and Sasha Obama beg their parents for a dog. Finally, when their father becomes the forty-fourth president of the United States, he rewards their patience and good behavior in his victory speech: Malia and Sasha will get their new puppy. What type of dog will they choose? Finally, on April 14th, 2009, a new puppy moves into the White House. It is a Portuguese water dog, and the girls name him Bo.

Fire truck
Sis, Peter
Matt has a love for fire trucks, enough to want to be one. He dreams of becoming a fire truck, and does everything a fire truck does before he gets back to the reality of being a little boy.

Feast for 10
Falwell, Cathryn
A family goes grocery shopping. As they find the groceries, they count each item as it is put in the cart. When they get home, they unload the groceries and count the items as they take them out.

Emeka's gift: An african counting story
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
As Emeka sets off to visit his grandmother in the next village, he wonders what he can take her for a present. He passes through the market and sees lots of things Granny would like - there were four brooms, five big hats to keep the sun off, six necklaces, eight water pots. But with no money, Emeka can not buy anything. Will Granny understand?

Eating fractions
McMillan, Bruce
Using foods like muffins and pizza, two children divide up and share food in three quantities (one-half, one-third and one-fourth).

Easy as pie
Best, Carl
Chef Jacob is known for his happy peach pie. Read the ingredients of his pie recipe and the baking rules that he learns from Chef Monty on television. Lots of sounds comes out of Chef Jacob's kitchen. By the end, Chef Jacob says: "P is for Pie and P is for Peach, and, of course, P is for Parents! Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad". Have fun celebrating this event with the whole family.

Dustin's big school day
Carter, Alden R.
Dustin is very excited for the guests that are visiting his school one day. Along with the rest of his students, Dustin goes through his daily school routine awaiting the arrival of Dave and Skippy. When the time finally comes, the reader learns who Dave and Skippy actually are.

Disney's elegant abc book
Jefferds, Vincent
All of the Disney characters in this book explain the ABCs through rhythm and fun.

Disasters in nature: Hurricanes
Chambers, Catherine
This informational text takes you inside a hurricane with questions of what? where? why? and when? to explain hurricane zones around the earth. Explains rain, wind, and air pressure of hurricanes. Global warming, storm tracking, and prediction problems are discussed for hurricanes and tornadoes. Learn how technology and the natural world alert us about upcoming storms.

Demi's count the animals 1-2-3
Can you count from number one to one hundred while viewing animals and learning a number rhyme?

Deep in the desert
Donald, Rhonda
Variations on traditional children's songs and poems will have children chiming in about cactuses, camels, and more as they learn about the desert habitat and its flora and fauna. A tarkawara (kangaroo rat) hops on the desert sand instead of a kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree. And teapots aren't the only things that are short and stout-just look at the javelina's hooves and snout. Travel the world's deserts to dig with meerkats, fly with bats, and hiss with Gila monsters! Whether sung or read aloud, "Deep in the Desert" makes learning about deserts anything but dry.

Dark night
Monfreid, Dorothee de
Felix is walking home in the dark woods when he hears a fox howling, so he climbs into a nearby tree and hides. A tiger comes along and scares the fox, but then an alligator comes along and scares the tiger, which frightens Felix even more. Felix doesn't know how to get home, but then he finds a door which leads to a rabbit's house. The rabbit offers to help him get home and they make it home safely, and end up scaring the fox, tiger and alligator themselves!

Fleming, Denise
Colorful animals teach counting from one to ten and then by tens to fifty. Suggested activities are mentioned along with the numbers.

Count your way through Ireland
Haskins, Jim & Benson, Kathleen
Count your way through Ireland as you learn to count in their original language, Gaelic. Enjoy many sports, foods, and musical instruments of Ireland and handcrafted goods from lace to waterford crystal.

Count on your fingers African style
Zaslavsky, Claudia
This beautifully illustrated four color picture book takes children through the markets, showing traditional finger counting of various African people - the Maasai, the Kamba, and the Taita in Kenya, the Zulu of South Africa, and the Mende of Sierra Leone. This book examines the role that numbers play in creating a common language across cultural boundaries.

Count and see
Hoban, Tana
Sequential photographs show the numbers, 1 through 100

Stevens, Janet//Crummel, Susan Stevens
Inspired by his hunger, Rooster decides to become a cook. Aided by his friends Turtle, Iguana, and Pig, the four chefs follow a recipe. Cooking terms like sifting, measuring, and beating are learned through their silly misunderstandings as they make the best strawberry shortcake ever.

Cluck's clock
Gray, Kes
Day begins on the farm at 4 o'clock in the morning. The chickens stretch and begin breakfast followed by laying their eggs from 6 to 8 oï¾’clock. At 2 o'clock, they play a game of hide-and-seek, and then visit the horses before dinner. As the sun sets, the chickens return to the coop and await the fox. When the fox arrives, a chicken lures him to a hole in the door then dirt is thrown on him to scare him away. At midnight, the chickens say good night.

Clink Clank Clunk
Aroner, Miriam
Rabbit is taking a trip into town and is kind enough to pick up nine friends along the way. Much to his dismay, Rabbit's car begins to fall apart more and more with each friend that gets in! With a little teamwork and persistence though, the ten make it safely to town where Rabbit buys a new car.

Chicka chicka 123
Martin, Bill Jr. & Sampson, Michael
Numbers 1 through 20 race to the top of the apple tree. Then they joined by 30,40, and so on until 90 reaches the top of the tree. Just as the fun is about to continue, bumblebees return to their tree and tell the letters to get out. The letters quikly scurry from the tree in reverse order leaving 10 at the top of the tree. 0 decides to be brave and leaps to join 10 at the top of the tree to make 100.

Cherry tree
Bond, R.
A young girl from India plants a cherry seed with her grandfather. They observe the tree as it grows through the seasons and eventually it grows quite large. The tree serves as a constant reminder of the girl's grandfather.

Cherry pies and lullabies
Reiser, Lynn
A young girl does four different things with three generations of her family. With her great grandmother, grandmother, and mother, she makes cherry pies, flower wreaths, and quilts. They also sing a lullaby. Each person does the same thing, but each of their products are different.

Caps for sale
Slobodkina, Esphyr
A man who sells hats falls asleep with his hats on. When he wakes up, his hats have all disappeared so he spends the rest of the day trying to find them.

Can you find it?
Cressy, Judith
Go on an adventure around the world to many exciting places. Search through each painting for many objects. Create your own stories and imagine what life was like in each place.

Can you find it, too?
Cressy, Judith
Come enjoy history through a collection of famous paintings. Each has its own personality and story. Search through each painting for objects and colors. Get imaginative and create your own stories or interpretations about the paintings.

Boom bah!
Cummings, Phil
A mouse starts a musical trend by tapping a cup. Other animals join in and the music soon turns into a band. The band meets other animals with louder music and they join together to make a large orchestra of musical animals.

Billy Twitters and his blue whale problem
Barnett, Mac
When Billy Twitters doesn't brush his teeth or finish his peas, his mother says we are going to buy you a whale. This does not worry Billy, because he knows how large blue whales are and he couldn't possibly have one delivered. To his surprise, one morning there is a blue whale sitting outside his house, and it is his responsibility. The whale causes problems at school because Billy's classmates pick him at gym. And it just gets worse: his parents give him the owner's manual for the whale. While feeding him, Billy realizes that when he's inside the whale, nobody's laughing and nobody's telling him what to he decides to make himself at home!

Big surprise in the bug tank
Horowitz, Ruth
Leo and his brother love their two giant pet cockroaches given to them by their mother. After the two cockroaches have babies, the boys try many different solutions to try to get rid of them. They finally find a solution after they receive help from their mom and local library.

Big momma makes the world
Root, Phyllis
As each day goes by, Big Momma continues to make the world a better place with a little baby by her side. She is the boss of the world and never will mess around.

Big dreams, small fish
Cohen, Paula
In this New York neighborhood, a store sells gefilte fish but no one wants to buy it. Shirley's family thinks she is too young to help market the gefilte fish. In a timely moment, Shirley gives a surprise to each customer who buys something from the store. The customers come back eager for gefilte fish - much to her parents' surprise.

Bicycle race
Crews, Donald
There are 12 bikers competing in the bicycle race. Who will win this exciting road race?Practice counting your numbers during this exercise experience!

Bearabics: A hip-hop counting story
Parker, Vic
Where's all that music coming from?It's bear doing his bearobics!Everyone wants to get in on the action, so kangaroos start hopping, penguins start sliding, and ants start marching. Soon everyone is doing that cool bearobics thing.