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  • Tags: neighbors
A country tale
Stanley, Diane
Cleo and Lucy are great friends who live in the country. Mrs. Snickers, who came from the city, moves into the mansion next door and Cleo is enchanted by her elegance.

Addie runs away
Robins, Joan
Addie's parents want to send her to camp. She thinks that they do not want her anymore, so she runs away. Her friend, Max, tells her camp is fun and they decide to go to camp together.

I never knew your name
Garland, Sherry
A young boy is fascinated with his neighbor. He watches the neighbor's actions and understands his feelings. Unfortunately, no one notices the boy.

A very special friend
Levi, Dorothy Hoffman
Frannie is lonely without friends her age in her neighborhood. When Laura moves in down the street, Frannie is excited but then sad because Laura is hearing impaired and cannot talk. The girls soon learn to communicate through sign language and become close friends.

The christmas ghost
Buck, Pearl S.
A small boy shares the spirit of Christmas with his family and neighborhood. One of the older neighbors tells him about a ghost who walks each Christmas Eve. In turn, the boy learns about friendship, believing, and remembering.

Pink paper swans
Kroll, Virginia
An eight-year-old girl learns how to make things out of paper by using the ancient Japanese art of origami. She eventually helps her elderly neighbor with this project during the summers.

The paper dragon
Davol, Margueritte W.
Sui-Jen, the dragon, is awakened and begins to destroy everything. Mi Fei is the only person brave and wise enough to put the dragon back to sleep. Mi Fei needs courage, heroism, and wisdom to save his village from the dragon.

Johnny crow's new garden
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny Crow has a new garden of the local animals. They sang, dance, and have a party thanking Johnny Crow.

Harry and the lady next door
Zion, Gene
Harry doesn't like the lady next door because she sings very high and loud and it makes his ears hurt. Harry tries to have the lady sing lower and quieter.

Rhymes for annie rose
Hughes, Shirley
More than twenty rhymes tell about the daily life and activities of a young girl named Annie Rose. The playful poems cover several topics including animals, people, seasons, routines and adventures that children love.

Whitcher, Susan
Sylvie is a little girl who believes that the moon is magic. Even after her parents try to explain how big and far away the moon is, Sylvie still believes that the moon fell behind the neighbor's lilac bush. Sylvie believes that she saves the moon.

Popcorn at the palace
McCully, Emily Arnold
Based on real events, Maisie Ferris, a girl from the mid-1800s, and her family don't really fit in with their neighbors in the small town of Galesburg, Illinois with their new ideas. They take one of their American creations, popcorn, to England and impress everyone with their corn that turns to snow.

Kindle me a riddle: A pioneer story
Karm, Roberta
Jack, Constance, Mama, and Papa play a riddling game which helps them understand life on the frontier. Their riddles are about their log cabin, food, icehouse, candles, and baskets.

The mystery of the flying pumpkin
Kellogg, Steven
A group of children plant a pumpkin for Halloween in a neighbor's garden. All summer they care for the pumpkin, but certain events happen which prevents them from making it into a jack-o-lantern. How will the children solve the pumpkin problem?

Grandmother bryant's pocket
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Sarah's best friend is her dog Patches. Patches dies in a barn fire and every night after the fire, Sarah has nightmares and wakes up calling for Patches. Sarah goes to her Grandparent's house hoping to cure her from her nightmares. To comfort Sarah, Grandmother gives Sarah her old pocket filled with herbs, scissors, and gold buttons and embroidered with the words no fear, to wear under her skirt. In the meantime Sarah befriends a stray one-eyed cat. Sarah is not cured alone by the pocket full of herbs and the cat's friendship. It is only after a mean neighbor's accident that Sarah becomes more brave and confident and the nightmares stop.

Folks call me appleseed john
Glass, Andrew
Johnny Appleseed is one of America's favorite heroes. As he travels across the wilderness of a peaceful land, he meets people and leaves behind appleseeds.

Leah's pony
Friedrich, Elizabeth
One summer, Leah's father gives her a pony which she grows to love dearly. When told the devastating news that her family is running out of money, Leah has to decide what she will sacrifice to help.

Arthur's birthday party
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.

Christmas on an island
Gibbons, Gail
Christmas is coming so everyone is busy making preparations on the island. On Christmas Eve, everyone gathers at church for a festive celebration.

Rickety rackety rooster
Wahl, Jan
Farmer Puckle owns a rooster who crows constantly. They try everything to get him to stop and finally discover a treasure to solve the problem.

Who's a pest?
Bonsall, Crosby
Homer starts to believe he is a pest because others say he is. When the others fall in a hole, Homer thinks of a way to get them out. After they are rescued, they never call Homer a pest again.

The widow's broom
Van Allsburg, Chris
Minna Shaw rescues a fallen witch and in return is given the witch's old broom. Neighbors think the broom is evil, but it helps the widow with her chores. The neightbors try to destroy the broom, which later comes back to haunt them.

Marge's diner
Gibbons, Gail
Everyone goes to Marge's Diner because it is open 24 hours a day. Marge feeds all kinds of people: truck drivers, families, travelers, school kids, businessmen, and telephone company workers. Everyone is friendly at the diner, and it is a big meeting place for friends.

The christmas eve mystery
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Susan and Mike accompany their neighbors on Christmas Eve to find out if horses really talk at midnight. While in the barn, Susan and Mike hear a robbery take place and help to find the robbers and the money stash.

Next door to Laura Linda
Udry, Janice May
Laura Linda was not happy with anything she had. She wished she had a perfect little girl to play with in her tree house and yellow house next door. Finally, a little boy moved in next door and invited her to play in his treehouse if he could swing on her tree.

Ottie slockett
Luttrell, Ida
Ottie said mean things to his neighbors all day. One day he builds a glass house which allows his neighbors to meddle in his life. He then decides to be nice to them.

Going west
Waddell, Martin
A little girl experiences one of the most dramatic changes in her life. While going west to build a new home, she learns to cope with many different things. She regains hopes and dreams for her new home.

Two dog biscuits
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy and Janet each get a dog biscuit from their neighbor. Since they don't have a dog to give the biscuits to, they go on a walk with their mother to find one. After searching for the perfect dog, they decide to give the biscuits to a cat, who eats them quickly.

Rose meets mr. wintergarten
Graham, Bob
Rose's nice cheerful family moves next door to Mr. Wintergarten, a man who has not seen daylight in years. When Rose's ball goes over the fence, despite many warnings, she retrieves it. She brings cookies to Mr. Wintergarten and becomes his friend. Mr. Wintergarten is less lonely.

One lucky girl
Lyon, George Ella
It is just a normal Sunday for a young boy and his family. The boy's family and neighbors relax in the shade away from the hot sun while his baby sister takes a nap in her crib inside their trailer. Suddenly the sky turns black and the air becomes very still. A tornado!The storm quickly sweeps through the neighborhood. A huge mess is left when the tornado is gone. Everyone is okay, but the boy's baby sister is missing. Will the boy and his family ever find her?

Rockin' reptiles
Calmenson, Stephanie//Cole, Joanna
Allie the Alligator is a typical young girl. She and her two girlfriends have lots of fun together playing games and dressing up. The three of them will do anything to be able to go to the Rockin Reptiles concert, their favorite band. There's a catch though -- only two can go.

Winter rescue
Valgardson, W.D.
Thor wants to stay inside and watch cartoons on T.V. One day his grandfather needs help ice fishing and Thor is volunterred to help. Thor goes with grandfather, and the two ice fish for the entire day in the bitter cold. Thor ends up saving a man who falls through the ice.

Roy makes a car: Based on a story collected by Zora Neale Hurston
Lyons, Mary
Roy Tyle is known around town as the best mechanic in Florida. Roy makes it his mission to create a car that will be accident proof. No one in the town believes him, but Roy proves them wrong time and time again. Roy's creativity and perseverance leads to the making of the best cars in the area.

Molasses man
May, Kathy L.
A young boy and his family make molasses every summer. This summer the sourghum turns into a recipe that the boy's Grandfather has perfected. The boy spends his summer days helping his family make molasses and playing outside during the cooking process. While some molasses is cooling, Mama and her sisters pour it into glass jars and set up a stand near the road for passers-by.

A castle on Viola street
Disalvo, Dyanne
Andy's family lives in a small, cramped apartment, and his parents work long hours to support the family. He never thought that they would ever live in an actual house, but one day they find a flyer saying You too can own a home. The organization buys empty houses and allows families to fix-up houses and then other people will help fix up a house for them. Andy's family is so excited as they help clean, paint, put down hard wood flooring, and pass out lemonade. At the end of the year, they find out that the next house to be built will be theirs!

Little bit & big byte: A day at the beach
Feigh, C
Big Byte, Joy, and Little Bit go to the beach to be with their friends Webster and Kay Board. They all see a couple of nefarious bugs named Vi and Russ who are going surfing. Big Byte and Kay Board want to go with them but Joy and Little Bit warn them that it is too dangerous. When Big Byte and Kay Board find themselves in danger, what will happen? Will Little Bit, Joy, and Webster be able to do anything to help them in this computer age adventure?

The marshmallow incident
Barrett, Judi
The town of Right and the town of Left do not have anything to do with one another. Someone had even painted a yellow line that nobody ever dared cross. The Order of the Ambidextrous Knights of the Dotted Yellow Line, watch over the line as well as guarding their marshmallows. In June, the town of Right has their picnic, and someone accidentally trips over the yellow line. The knights immediately grab the closest ammunition: their marshmallows, and minutes later both towns are covered with marshmallows, until they realize how silly it was. The towns hold town meetings and no one could think of reasons why they should keep the yellow line. The two towns join together to wash the yellow line and socialize for the first time.

Little flower
Rand, Gloria
Miss Pearl loves her pet pig Little Flower. The pig can play dead and loves the attention this trick gets her. One day Miss Pearl has an accident and can't go get help. Little Flower finds a unique way to communicate Miss Pearl's need for help.

Dona flor
Mora, Pat
A vicious animal is causing panic among the villagers. Done Flor, a giant woman with a heart of gold, helps find the reason behind the mysterious beast.

Spaghetti eddie
SanAngelo, Ryan
Eddie loves spaghetti. He eats it all the time. While running an errand for his mother, Eddie helps several neighbors by using his spaghetti noodles as a shoestring, a fishing net, and guitar strings. Eddie even stops a robber with a meat ball.

Our community garden
Pollak, Barbara
Neighborhood children plant a garden together and each contribute by helping to take care of the garden. They set goals, work hard, and build healthy friendship. After harvesting their crops, everyone from the community comes together for a special meal made from vegetables grown in the garden. What a nutritious, heart-warming treat!

Kantrowitz, Mildred
Maxie wakes up each day and goes through the same routine. One day Maxie feels unloved and lonely, so she decides to stay in bed. Maxie doesn't realize how much others depend on her until her living room is full of worried neighbors. Maxie realizes how many people need and rely on her daily routine.

The steel pan of Harlem
Bootman, Colin
The city of Harlem has rats everywhere in houses, subways, restaurants, stores and business, and the citizens are fed up! One day, a steel pan man comes to the subway station and when he plays his music everyone is entranced, even the rats. He tells the mayor that he will fix the rat problem if the mayor pays him a million dollars. The mayor reluctantly agrees and the man keeps his promise. However, the mayor, does not keep his end of the bargain, so he is given what he deserves!

Sometimes my mommy gets angry
Campbell, Bebe Moore
When Annie wakes up in the morning, she is relieved to find her euphoric mother in the kitchen. They share a healthy breakfast, then her mother helps her get ready for school. After a fun day at school, Annie comes home to an angry and yelling mother. Annie copes by calling her grandmother to talk about her feelings. She takes care of herself and maintains a positive attitude with happy thoughts. She uses effective strategies to accept her motherメs bipolar disorder.

The trial of cardigan jones
Egan, Tim
Cardigan, a moose, is new to town. While walking through the neighborhood, he happens upon Mrs. Brownメs pie in her window. The pie becomes missing and witnesses say that he took it. He then goes on trial and throughout the trial, he keeps knocking things over with his giant antlers. This gives the judge an idea, so he takes the courtroom to Mrs. Brownメs house. They notice the smashed pie in the bushes and pronounced Cardigan モnot guilty.ヤ

Wash day
Cole, Barbara H.
Every wash day, Granpa plays his trumpet, keeping the children entertained while Miss. Ett does the wash. This music tradition stays strong until grandpa becomes ill and a tragedy occurs, causing grandpa to pass on his beloved trumpet to begin a new tradition.

On Meadowview Street
Coles, Henry
Caroline and her family move into a new house on Meadowview street. Much to Caroline's dismay, there is no meadow on Meadowview Street. After Caroline's hard work to create a wild life preserve in her own backyard, there is now a meadow on Meadowview Street, a new home to many.

The rain stomper
Boswell, Addie
When it begins to rain and storm on the day of her big parade, Jazmin stomps, shouts, and does all she can think of to drive the rain away.

A seed was planted/ Sembre una semilla
Palazeti, Toulla
A wonderful cycle of giving begins when a single seed is planted and sprouts are passed along from one person to the next. An entire community is touched.

Freedom school, yes!
Littlesugar, Amy
Jolie shows courage in her community by protecting the school that will educate her and others. Jolie is afraid others will burn down the school. Jolie never gives up hope, and learns about famous African Americans who were brave and made a difference in their community, just like Jolie.