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  • Tags: garden
In my backyard
Giogas, Valarie
Baby dogs are puppies and they belong to a litter. Counting from one to ten, familiar backyard animals are introduced by baby and family group name. Each stanza also tells a bit more about each animal by providing clues as to what they eat, how they sound, or where they live.

Names for snow
Beach, Judi K.
A rabbit asks his mother what is snow? and she responds with several different descriptions of snow and the many names there are for it.

A day's work
Bunting, Eve
Fransico takes his grandfather out to look for work. His grandfather does not speak English, so Fransico must translate. Fransico accepts a gardening job for his grandfather by telling the man he is a great gardener. When the man comes at the end of the day, he finds the job done incorrectly. Fransico's lie teaches him an invaluable lesson.

Xaba-Mashiri, Zadwa
A man digs out a talking yam from his garden. The man is confused and asks his dog if he is talking, but the dog says it is the yam talking. The man runs to the village to tell people about the talking yam and dog. People do not believe the man until things starts talking to them.

Why rabbit doesn't lie
Mashiri, Pascal
While every animal of the forest is planning for next year's harvest, Rabbit decides to grow money. He lies to the chief and keeps the money for himself. Eventually the chief grows angry with Rabbit and demands the money Rabbit was supposed to grow. Rabbit deceives everyone in order to get out of his lie and he vows to never lie again.

Eddie's garden and how to make things grow
Garland, Sarah
Eddie and his mother and sister decide to start a garden. While doing this, they have lots of fun and learn everything there is to know about seeds, plants and gardening. Their garden yields just enough yummy food for a family picnic!

The whole green world
Johnston, Tony
Put on your shoes and prepare to walk the world! Learn all that goes into planting and growing seeds then watch as the world turns green. Animated text and vibrant illustrations detail this rhyming story so you can dance the whole green world.

One little seed
Greenstein, Elaine
Day after day, a small seed establishes its' roots. In order for the seed to sprout and blossom, it needs water, sun, and care to grow into a beautiful sunflower.

Whose garden is it?
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Whose garden is it? A garden belongs to everyone because many contribbuted to its growth.

A seed grows
Hickman, Pamela
Sam plants a seed that grows into a tasty treat - a watermelon! Flaps open on this book to reveal factual information about the progression of the seed's growth. This interactive adventure engages children to explore the world around them.

Let's find it!
Arnold, Katya
An assortment of environmental themes, such as a park, a street scene, a garden, a pond, a beach and a forest are used as background to identify plants and animals. Words are used to label and identify different plants and aniamls in our environment.

May'naise sandwiches & sunshine tea
Belton, Sandra
Big Mama shares family memories of her childhood with her grandchild about a special friendship she had with Bettie Jean. Little Miss and Big Mama share the pages of a scrapbook which tells the favorite story of May'naise sandwiches and sunshine tea.

How groundhog's garden grew
Cherry, Lynne
Little Groundhog is hungry. His friend Squirrel reminds him that it would not be nice to eat from someone else's garden, so he offers to teach Groundhog how to grow food in his own garden. Groundhog learns that cooperation with the birds and insects around him will help meet their needs and help his garden to grow. After planting, tending, and harvesting his garden, Groundhog has a feast with his friends.

Baker, Jeannie
From the day of her birth until the times of her adulthood, Tracy moves outside and inside her house experiencing important milestones. Through the same window scene, her neighborhood develops and matures with plants and animals. (A wordless book).

April foolishness
Bateman, Teresa
The grandkids are excited to visit grandma and grandpa's farm. Today is April Fool's and they want to trick grandpa. The grandkids can't understand why grandpa remains so calm when they tell him all the animals have escaped. Grandma lends a hand to help trick grandpa.

The flower alphabet book
Pallotta, Jerry
Meet Amaryllis to Zinnia and every flower in between. Learn the sequence of the alphabet from A to Z and new flowers too.

The story of frog  belly rat bone
Ering, Timothy Basil
A boy discovers an unexpected treasure at the junk yard. After some of the treasure is stolen, he makes a creature to stand guard. As they patiently wait, their treasure blooms into a gorgeous garden for them to enjoy.

Stage struck
DePaola, Tomie
Tommy knows the story of Peter Rabbit by heart. When his class decides to put on the production he wants to be cast in the roll of Peter. Tommy is so excited he does not pay attention to his teacher and as a result gets cast as Mopsy. However, Tommy has a plan to keep him in the spotlight.

Sister Anne's hands
Lorbiecki, Mary Beth
Anna begins her second year of school in the early '60's. Her new teacher, Sister Anne, is different from other teachers because she has a different skin color. She inspires students all around her and overcomes challenges. Students learn what respect and tolerance are, and everyone learns from one another.

Alejandro's gift
Albert, Richard
A lonely man plants a garden full of vegetables in the middle of the desert. A wide array of desert wildlife finds their way to his garden and watering hole. He wants to be friends with the animals and help them.

The pumpkin patch
King, Elizabeth
The growth of a pumpkin starts as a seed and the farmer cares for them until they are plump, orange, and ready to be picked. The logistics and details of a pumpkin patch are outlined.

The paradise garden
Thompson, Colin
Peter likes to sit and enjoy the wildlife and gardens around his house. Peter escaped and lived in the wild on his own. He plants seeds and picks fruits and vegetables. Peter feels lonely when the trees dies so he returns home.

Zinnia's flower garden
Wellington, Monica
Zinnia plants nine different types of flowers seeds and waits for them to grow. Zinnia waters and cares for the garden each day and writes in her journal to document the progress. The garden blossoms into flowers. Zinnia sells her flowers before autumn and winter comes.

That's not a daffodil!
Honey, Elizabeth
Mr. Yilmaz helps a young boy Tom to plant daffodils. The two garden together and watch over the pot of daffodils. A dog knocks over the pot and the two work to replant the daffodil. The daffodil finally blooms.

Trottier, Maxine
A young child enjoys a neighbors garden when spending time at his grandparents house. Mr. Hinoshi's garden allows the children to learn until one day Mr. Hinoshi is taken away. The child cares for Mr Hinoshi's garden in his absence until new neighbors move in. The child plants her own garden in honor of Mr. Hiroshi. The flags are symbolically named for Japanese irises.

Sophie's squash
Miller, Pat, Zietlow
Sophie buys a squash at the farmer's market. The squash's name is Bernice, and she is Sophie's best friend. Bernice starts look unhealthy, so Sophie plants her in the ground. The next year, Bernice makes two new squash for Sophie to befriend.

Still-life stew
Pittman, Helena Clare
Rosa picks vegetables from her garden. Rosa's garden has tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, leeks, carrots, and potatoes. Don't forget to notice her spinach, green beans, and garlic too! Rosa outlines descriptive qualities of each vegetable. After Rosa gathers enough ingredients, she paints a picture of the vegetables and makes a stew. Also savor the colors of Rosa's still-life painting of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, leeks, and much more.

Beatrice's goat
McBrier, Page
Beatrice lives in Uganda and helps her mother care for her younger siblings. Money is scarce until Mugisa, a goat arrives. Mugisa provides milk, and the family is nourished by it. Mugisa's milk and babies provide enough money so Beatrice and her family can live a better life. Beatrice can afford her dream of attending school. This story has an afterwords by Hillary Rodhman Clinton.

Big momma makes the world
Root, Phyllis
As each day goes by, Big Momma continues to make the world a better place with a little baby by her side. She is the boss of the world and never will mess around.

Pastry school in Paris: An adventure in capacity
Neuschwander, Cindy
A family and their children travel to Paris and visit a pastry academy. The kids work with others to practice baking. When a situation arises, the kids are called to save the day by making brownies for the competition.

The ugly vegetables
Lin, Grace
A young Chinese girl helps her mom plant Chinese vegetables. She initially compares her mom's "ugly" garden to those of her neighbor's garden. The two use lots of gardening tools to plant the seeds for vegetables. Her mom then cooks the vegetables and invites the other neighbors in to share the nutritious meal.

Different: Just like me
Mitchell, Lori
The visit to Grammie's house is a week away, and April can't wait! She comes across different people who look differently, sense differences, and move differently. Regardless of their differences, April can find ways she is like these other people. Finally, it is time to visit Grammie. Grammie's flowers from her garden are all different, and April is not allowed to pick her favorite flower. April realizes this is like all things and people. She learns to appreciate the differences in all things and people.

Anna's corn
Santucci, Barbara
Anna visits Grandpa's cornfield. She can hear the corn making beautiful music as the wind blows. Grandpa gets Anna corn kernels to plant next autumn, and the two agree that Anna will grow corn on her own. That winter, Grandpa dies. Anna wants to hold onto the seeds to remember Grandpa. She decides to plant them instead so she can hear the corn make music again. By next fall, the corn grows, Anna hears the music, and she collects kernels to plant corn for next year.

Vegetable dreams
Jeffers, Dawn
Erin dreams about having a garden. Her parents allow her to share a garden with her neighbor, Mr. Martinez. Erin cares for her garden everyday and enjoys eating and canning the fresh food with her family. She learns that she loves learning and the friendship developed with Mr. Martinez more than the vegetables themselves.

Quiet in the garden
A little boy enjoys going out into his garden. His garden has flowers, produce, and wildlife. The wildlife shows the little boy the importance of the food chain. The little boy enjoys a picnic with the wildlife, because he loves nature.

The coquies still sing: A story of home, hope, and rebuilding
Gonzalez, Karina Nicole
After a terrible hurricane, the family garden is gone and there's no electricity or running water. The mango tree still stands brown and bare, and the native tree frogs stop singing their song. As the family starts the island clean up around their Puerto Rican home, the native coqui's song begins a slow resurgence months after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

My best friend
Fogliano, Julie
Two girls become friends and realize that they are able to make each other smile and laugh. They both enjoy doing the same gardening and creative gardening and creative activities and, despite some of their differences, they value each other's company. They are best friends and their relationship will continue to grow for many years to come.

The old woman & the wave
Jackson, Shelley
Once upon a time, a dog and a woman lived under a wave that never fell. The old woman finally comes to understand and appreciate the huge wave that has hung in the air, sheltering her house all her life.

Where wonder grows
Gonzalez, Xelena
When Grandma goes to her garden, her grandchildren follow so they can gather magic rocks and relics from nature. They use the rocks to learn more about the world and earth. And the rocks are used to send songs and prayers through the air to their ancestors. Down into the water, they dive to see the rocks. Grandma reminds her granddaughters that "water names and breaks even the biggest rocks, very slowly, over time. So when life feels too hard, just remember to go with the flow".

Lily's garden of India
Smith, Jeremy
Lily's adventure through her mother's garden provides her with a discovery of plants and trees from India. Indian festivals and a glossary of plants are shared after her journey.

You can't be too careful
Mello, Roger
The white rose starts a series of continuous storylines with deeper and deeper meanings and more and more people and animals contributing to the creative adventure of white rose escaping from her pen.

Lin's uncommon life
Shackelford, Scott//Castle, Emily
Elinor Ostrom, also known as Lin, worked "little by little, bit by bit, family by family" in order that the world could become a better place. Lin wanted to study the way that people could share resources because she believed that "so much good can be done on so many levels". Lin was discouraged from going to graduate school but she did and studied hard until she earned her PhD degree in political science. She wanted to create a research center where people could work together and ask hard questions. With her husband, they established the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at the University of Indiana. With their groundbreaking research, Elinor taught people how to share common resources around the world. She also earned the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - the first woman to do so.

Papa's magical water-jug clock
Trejo, Jesus
Papa is working today so Jesus tags along to help him with planting, cutting grass, and trimming trees. The family business works on Saturdays too so Jesus is in charge of filling Papa's big water jug. The two work around the neighborhood with all the tools rattling in the work van, stopping to work in 14 yards. Does the water hold out for them even though Jesus splashes some water on his face and gives water to some animals. Even though Jesus panics when the water is gone by 10:30 am, Papa explains that Jesus is still part of the family business. At the end of the day, Papa says "Time and water are precious. We don't want to waste them".