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  • Tags: friendship
A turkey for thanksgiving
Bunting, Eve
Mr. Moose goes looking for a turkey for Mrs. Moose's Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey that Mr. Moose catches is very frightened about being eaten for dinner. When Mr. Moose returns home with the turkey, they both find out that Mrs. Moose wanted a turkey to join her for dinner.

Summer wheels
Bunting, Eve
A kid without a father learns from the bicycle man about trust. From other kids he learns honesty and friendship.

Clancy's coat
Bunting, Eve
Some old friends have a conflict, but they come back together when one of them needs help.

Going home
Bunting, Eve
Carlos and his family go home to Mexico for Christmas. He and his siblings think of California as their home, but they discover their roots in Mexico.

Burningham, John
A young boy and his imaginary friend, Aldo, grow up together. The imaginary friend helps the boy cope and get through the rough times.

The greedy triangle
Burns, Marilyn
A triangle gets bored doing the same old thing every day. He decides to take up a different shape, so he visits the shapeshifter to add on a few more angles. After a life of being a quadrilateral, pentagon and hexagon, the shape returns to its old self of being a triangle.

My brown bear barney
Butler, Dorothy
Brown bear Barney goes with his owner, a little girl, everywhere. The little girl's mother told her that bears do not go to school. The little girl does not listen and takes the bear to school.

The lost and found house
Cadnum, Michael
A moving truck and moving men load items from a boy's house until the house is empty. The boy and his parents feel differently as they leave and travel to their new house. The boy meets two children and hopes someday they will be his friends!

Double-dip feelings
Cain, Barbara S.
When you first started school, were you excited? Were you scared?Did you feel both excited and scared? Feelings can be hard to understand, especially when you have two feelings at the same time. Everyone has feelings at different times for different reasons.

Rockin' reptiles
Calmenson, Stephanie//Cole, Joanna
Allie the Alligator is a typical young girl. She and her two girlfriends have lots of fun together playing games and dressing up. The three of them will do anything to be able to go to the Rockin Reptiles concert, their favorite band. There's a catch though -- only two can go.

Keeping up with cheetah
Camp, Lindsay
Hippopotomus and Cheetahare best friends and Hippo always laughed at Cheetah's jokes. Cheetah decides to find new friends who can run and keep up with him because Hippo cannot. In the end, however, Cheetah realizes what a good friend he has in Hippo.

Sometimes my mommy gets angry
Campbell, Bebe Moore
When Annie wakes up in the morning, she is relieved to find her euphoric mother in the kitchen. They share a healthy breakfast, then her mother helps her get ready for school. After a fun day at school, Annie comes home to an angry and yelling mother. Annie copes by calling her grandmother to talk about her feelings. She takes care of herself and maintains a positive attitude with happy thoughts. She uses effective strategies to accept her motherメs bipolar disorder.

Stellaluna: A pop-up book and mobile
Cannon, Janell
After being separated from Mother Bat, Stellaluna falls into a nest of baby birds. The family of birds adopt Stellaluna as one of their own, while Stellaluna does her best to eat bugs without making faces, sleep during the night, and stop hanging upside down. In the end, Stellaluna rejoins her mother.

Cannon, Janell
Crickwing is different from all the other cockroaches. He likes to create sculptures and has a twisted wing. Crickwing is tired of being bullied by the bigger animals in the forest and mistakenly takes his anger out on the leaf-cutter ants, learning a valuable lesson in return.

Little elephant and big mouse
Cantieni, Benita
Little Elephant explains to Big Mouse how things are different in size and how things are seen differently because of their size.

Rooster's off to see the world
Carle, Eric
Rooster wants to take a trip around the world. Two cats, three frogs, four turtles and five fish join him along the way. It gets dark, and everyone begins to worry about where they will sleep and what they will eat. Rooster decides he did not plan his trip very well. Everyone decides to go home. Rooster goes home also. He falls asleep and dreams about his trip around the world.

Do you want to be my friend?
Carle, Eric
A mouse asks the question will you be my friend? at the beginning of the book and the page shows how he meets many animals and eventually finds another mouse friend.

A house for hermit crab
Carle, Eric
Hermit crab outgrew his shell in January so he must find a new home. Month by month he collects friends to make his home better. As he outgrows his shell, Herman is sad because he will have to leave his friends. A smaller homeless crab comes along and promises to take care of Herman's friends and home.

The very quiet cricket
Carle, Eric
As the little cricket makes his way across the land, he encounters many friends. The little cricket's only problem is that he cannot answer. He tries rubbing his wings together, but they do not make a sound. It is only when the very quiet cricket meets a female cricket that he makes a beautiful sound.

The very lonely firefly
Carle, Eric
A firefly born on a dark night goes in search of other fireflies. The firefly encounters all kinds of lights including a candle, flashlight, and lantern. In the end, the firefly finds friends whose lights really flash.

The grouchy ladybug
Carle, Eric
A grouch ladybug and a friendly ladybug fly to a leaf with aphids. The grouchy ladybug tells the friendly ladybug to go away. They decide to fight, but the grouchy ladybug goes on to look for even bigger food. Every animal the grouchy ladybug encounters is not big enough until the whale slaps her across the ocean. At six o'clock, the grouchy ladybug returns to the leaf. The friendly ladybug saves the grouchy ladybug some aphids, and the two ladybugs become friends.

How about a hug?
Carlson, Nancy
The pig family shows that no matter what the situation, whether its getting up for school on a Monday, feeling sad, lonely, or hurt, a hug will make you feel better.

How to lose all your friends
Carlson, Nancy
There are six ways to lose all your friends. Don't smile, never share, be a bully, be a poor sport, tattle, and whine. Can you be a better friend by the end of this story?

My best friend moved away
Carlson, Nancy
Two best friends do everything together from the time they are babies. When one friend moves away, the other person is sad and lonely, wondering if she will ever be happy again. All is well when a new family moves in next door.

Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully
Carlson, Nancy
George's first day of school is ruined by Big Mike, who bullies George and steals his lunch. All week, George does everything he can to keep Big Mike happy. However, George can't live in fear forever! George and his friend Harriet spend the weekend devising a plan to stop Big Mike and his evil ways.

Blow me a kiss, miss lilly
Carlstrom, Nancy White
A young girl, Sara, has an elderly woman as her best friend. They spend much time together. One day the old woman dies and Sara is very sad. She remembers the good things about her best friend and still feels her love.

Banana beer
Carrick, Carol
Charlie the orangutan loves spending time with his father. But unfortunately, his father is an alcoholic and is always yelling and stumbling around after drinking alot of banana beer. Charlie has a hard time dealing with it and wishes it would stop. See how Charlie deals with the problem.

Today is shrew's day
Carrick, Malcolm
Shrew and Bullfrog are friends. Shrew is lively and Bullfrog is lazy. The book has many different stories about their lives and adventures together.

Dustin's big school day
Carter, Alden R.
Dustin is very excited for the guests that are visiting his school one day. Along with the rest of his students, Dustin goes through his daily school routine awaiting the arrival of Dave and Skippy. When the time finally comes, the reader learns who Dave and Skippy actually are.

Slumber party!
Caseley, Judith
Zoe decides to have a slumber party for her birthday celebration. She invites four of her friends, and they celebrate with pizza and chocolate cake. After a couple of conflicts at bedtime, they all fall asleep with the help of Zoe's mom.

Clap your hands
Cauley, Lorinda Bryan
Children and animals dance and play together as they clap their hands, stomp their feet, shake their arms, then take a seat.

One child, one seed: A south african counting book
Cave, Kathryn
Play a simple counting game. Watch a pumpkin grow. Follow young Nothando and discover the rhythms of her daily life in her South African village.

Never spit on your shoes
Cazet, Denys
Arnie comes home from his first day of school in the first grade. His mother makes him a snack and sits down to talk about his day. Arnie tells his mother about all the activities that took place at school. Arnie has a field trip the next Friday, and he begins to get ready for it. Arnie really enjoys school.

Born in the gravy
Cazet, Denys
Margouita starts her first day of kindergarten. She tells papa all about her big day over an ice cream cone. She has one question that papa knows just how to answer.

Never poke a squid
Cazet, Denys
Arnie and Raymond come home from a Halloween celebration at school. Arnie's mother asks them all about the adventures of the day. They tell her about decorating the classroom, playing games, and marching in a parade. After their story, they go off to trick-or-treat.

Minnie and moo go to paris
Cazet, Denys
Minnie and Moo go to see Africa, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and a monsoon in China all in time to be milked in America by five. Moo's delighted to see new places and new faces during her journey.

Cork and fuzz: Short and tall
Chaconas, Dori
Cork and Fuzz are best friends, but there's one problem, and it's not that one is an opossum and the other is a muskrat. The problem is that Cork is older than Fuzz, but shorter than him. Bothered by this difference, the pair try to make Fuzz shrink and Cork grow. Fortunately, they realize that friendship is more important than a difference in height.

Chall, Marsha Wilson
Jean Claude is going to boarding school, but no dogs are allowed at La School d'Excellence. Poor Bonaparte must find a way to be with Jean Claude!

A christmas story
Chalmers, Mary
A little girl and her animal friends get ready for Christmas by putting up a tree. They have to go looking for a star for the top of the tree because they do not have one.

Snow on snow on snow
Chapman, Cheryl
Playing in the winter snow leads to a search for a missing companion.

Dress up and let's have a party
Charlip, Remy
John dressed up in his mother's pots and pans while she baked a cake. He called his friends to come and dress up with him. Each friend came in a different creative costume. They ate the cake when it was done and went home.

Harlequin and the gift of many colors
Charlip, Remy//Supree, B.
Harlequin doesn't have a new costume for the carnival, so each of his friends give him a piece of cloth left over from theirs. His mom sews the cloth pieces onto his old suit and he's a hit at the party.

How groundhog's garden grew
Cherry, Lynne
Little Groundhog is hungry. His friend Squirrel reminds him that it would not be nice to eat from someone else's garden, so he offers to teach Groundhog how to grow food in his own garden. Groundhog learns that cooperation with the birds and insects around him will help meet their needs and help his garden to grow. After planting, tending, and harvesting his garden, Groundhog has a feast with his friends.

Ella Sarah gets dressed
Chodos-Irvine, Margaret
A young girl named Ella knows what she wants to wear and no one in her family can convince her otherwise. She refuses each person's suggestions for alternative clothing choices. Ella shows confidence and determination as she chooses her own style and presentation.

Ups and downs with oink and pearl
Chorao, Kay
This book includes three short stories. It describes details of an important friendship between Oink and Pearl. They grow closer with every adventure they encounter together.

Ida and betty and the secret eggs
Chorao, Kay
Ida and Betty are summer friends. When playing, the girls find a bird's nest with eggs in it. A new girl moves into the neighborhood, and Betty makes friends with her. Ida becomes jealous of their friendship. The nest and eggs restore the original friendship when Betty's new friend shows her real personality.

Henry and the red stripes
Christelow, Eileen
Henry the Rabbit decides to paint himself with red stripes. Because of the stripes, a fox sees Henry and kidnaps him. Eventually, Henry is reunited with his parents and learns a lesson.

Just another ordinary day
Clement, Rod
Amanda does not have ordinary days!She straps on wings to fly downstairs to breakfast and is driven to school by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Once at school, she eats a gourmet lunch served by a butler. After school, Amanda's mom picks her up on an elephant and takes her home to her pet lion. In the end, Amanda needs a lot of sleep because it has been just another ordinary day.

Big al and shrimpy
Clements, Andrew
Shrimpy learns that he is special in his own way, despite being different. He gets involved in a social activity then contributes his idea to solve a problem to help a friend in need.

Everett anderson's friend
Clifton, Lucille
At first Everett is disappointed when a girl moves in next door. Soon enough, he learns what a great friend Maria can be to him.