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  • Tags: family
When Catherine the Great and I were eight!
Best, Cari
Sara, her mother, and Russian grandmother Catherine the Great, pile into Mr. Minsky's car along with a few of their other neighbors. They make their way to the beach to escape the heat of the hot summer day. Although they find it takes longer than planned to reach the beach, everyone has fun along the way.

Easy as pie
Best, Carl
Chef Jacob is known for his happy peach pie. Read the ingredients of his pie recipe and the baking rules that he learns from Chef Monty on television. Lots of sounds comes out of Chef Jacob's kitchen. By the end, Chef Jacob says: "P is for Pie and P is for Peach, and, of course, P is for Parents! Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad". Have fun celebrating this event with the whole family.

We are moving
Biale, Rachel
Make a scrapbook on how do you feel before we move. Draw several pictures of how you feel. What does your house look like now?What will our new house look like?What is special to you before we move?

The truffle pig
Bishop, Clair Huchet//Wiese, Kurt
Pierre and his family are very poor. They work together and save their money to buy a piglet, Marcel. Pierre and Marcel become good friends and when it comes time to kill Marcel, they run away together. Marcel discovers truffles, an expensive food, and becomes The Truffle Pig. No longer is the family poor or hungry.

The five chinese brothers
Bishop, Clair Huchet//Wiese, Kurt
A young boy persuades one of the five identical brothers that has special powers to drink the sea so he could catch fish. The boy exploits his power and ends up drowning. The brother goes to trial and the other brothers come to his rescue. The brother that tried to help the boy was found innocent.

Blackall, Sophie
A farmhouse where twelve children grow up holds evidence of their stories long after they are gone.

Hello lighthouse
Blackall, Sophie
A lighthouse keeper fills the lamp, trims the wick, and keeps a logbook while living in the lighthouse. The tender regularly brings him food and supplies from the mainland, even bringing the keeper's wife to join him. One day, the keeper is asked to leave the newly automated lighthouse because his work is no longer needed, but his family will always cherish their time there.

Mary of mile 18
Blades, Ann
Mary and her family live in Mile 18 It is a cold winter and the family is poor. One day Mary finds a wolf pup, but her father will not allow her to keep it. Until, a coyete comes to get the hens and the pup warns the family. The father decides they can keep the pup and everyone is happy.

The terrible thing that happened at our house
Blaine, Marge
When a mother goes back to work, things in the house get out of control. The kids feel left out and start to get upset. Finally, with a little compromising, things work out for the best.

Blake, Quentin
Clown and his friends are thrown into a garbage can in the city by a woman who no longer wants them around. Clown, however, hops out of the garbage and wanders the city to look for someone to love them. By accident, Clown finds a family and he and his buddies live happily ever after. (A Wordless Book)

Sounds my feet make
Blanchard, Arlene
A girl's feet make different sounds depending on what shoes she wears, how she moves, and where she is.

Make friends, zachary!
Blaustein, Muriel
Selfish Zachary always gets everything HIS way. When his parents begin to notice this, they decide to invite Zachary's cousin, Alfie, along on a camping trip with their family. After a few days of fun and adventure, Zachary discovers that a friend is fun!

Once upon a time and grandma
Blegvad, Lenore
Grandma takes Emma and Luke to visit the house she once lived in when she was a little girl named Norrie. Grandma tells Emma and Luke the kinds of things Norrie used to do. When Emma and Luke have difficulty believing Grandma was Norrie, she proves it to them.

The littlest matryoshka
Bliss, Corinne Denias
Nikolai shipped his last carved matryoshka from Russia to a toy store in America. While on display, one of the six dolls gets bumped from the shelf and begins a great adventure away from her sisters. She survived the snow, the stream, a bird, and a cat before being found by the very girl who had bought her sisters, and they were all together once again.

The enemy: A book about peace
Bloch, Serge//Cali, Davide
There are two soldiers, each in a hole, with an order to kill the other. They both are tired and want the war to end. Finally one gives up and goes off to kill the other, only to find he has done the same. He sees that the other soldier is more like himself than he thought. In a desperate measure to end the war he doesn't understand, he launches a message in a bottle to the other hold.

Fruits: A caribbean counting poem
Bloom, Valerie
Counting fruit can be fun, especially if you get to eat it when you're done! From half a pawpaw to ten bananas, these two sisters count it all. They forget one thing though -- eating too much can make you sick!

The pain and the great one
Blume, Judy
A dual story of a brother and sister and how they feel about each other.

Aunt Claire's yellow beehive hair
Blumenthal, Deborah
Annie, Grandma Marilyn, and Great Aunt Ruth search through family memorabilia as they put together an album to show to their family. While scrapbooking the many memories, Grandma Marilyn and Great Aunt Ruth share stories about makeup, clothing, jewelery, hairdos, and food. Annie learns all about the relatives she never met.

Little bunny's cool tool set
Boelts, Maribeth
Little Bunny saves up all of his money to buy a tool kit, then decides to take it to school for show-and-tell the next day. Although he is usually good at sharing, Little Bunny finds it difficult to share his new tool kit while at school, even with his best friend.

Happy like soccer
Boelts, Maribeth
Nothing makes Sierra happier than soccer does. Sierra eats meals with her aunt after soccer games. Sierra's big game is cancelled one day. Sierra plans a makeup soccer game so that her aunt can see her play. What a great day to play at home in her own neighborhood!

Cat and mouse in the snow
Bogacki, Tomacz
When two friends, Cat and Mouse, go outside one day to play in the green meadow, they are very surprised to find snow instead of grass. Together, they discover the fun of playing in the cold, white snow.

Bogart, Jo Ellen
Whenever Grandma goes on a trip, she brings back a present. Sometimes it's something tangible and other times it's just a memory. No matter what Grandma brings, it's always special and can be shared.

Madoulina: A girl who wanted to go to school: A story from south africa
Bognomo, Joel Eboueme
Madoulina has dreams of becoming a doctor. She doesn't, however, go to school because her mother needs her to sell fritters in the marketplace to earn money. Madoulina meets her brother's new teacher, who convinces her mom to find a way to let her go to school.

Poinsettia and her family
Bond, Felicia
Poinsettia pig gets tired of sharing the crowded family house with her six brothers and sisters. She throws a tantrum when she cannot find a spot to read her book. When the family leaves and she is left alone, she becomes lonely and learns to appreciate her family.

Cherry tree
Bond, R.
A young girl from India plants a cherry seed with her grandfather. They observe the tree as it grows through the seasons and eventually it grows quite large. The tree serves as a constant reminder of the girl's grandfather.

Cherry free
Bond, Ruskin
A girl from India gathers cherries and plants a cherry seed. She takes care of the cherry tree even when experiencing many problems. The girl watches the tree grow up as her grandfather watches her grow up.

The day I had to play with my sister
Bonsall, Crosby
A boy has a hard time dealing with his younger sister while teaching her the rules of hide-and-seek. She just won't listen! Uggh...being a big brother can be tough!

My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

Booth, Barbara
Mandy, a hearing-impaired girl, spends time at her grandmother's house. On a walk in the woods, her grandmother's precious pin is lost. Mandy goes out alone in a storm that night to find the pin.

Good-bye, charles lindbergh
Borden, Louise
Gil is on his way to get the laundry for his mom when he sees it. Up in the sky is the shiny orange biplane trying to land in a neighboring field. After the plane lands, Gil discovers the pilot is Colonel Lindbergh. Gil has so many questions to ask him, but he doesn't get the chance.

Sleds on boston common: A story from the american revolution
Borden, Louise
It's 1774 and British troops are occupying Boston. King George closes Boston Harbor to punish people who speak out against his laws. Henry, a young boy from Boston, hopes to try out his new sled on his birthday. But when he and his brothers and sister get to the hill they find that the troops have set up camp there. After building up enough courage, Henry asks General Gage to move his troops because Boston Common is for everyone. Being a kind man of his word, General Gage agrees and the children can once again sled.

Of course a goat
Bornstein, Ruth
A boy wants a goat so he asks his mother where he can find one. He has to climb a mountain and describes what he will do and see on his journey and how he will bring the goat back home where his mother will be waiting.

Little gorilla
Bornstein, Ruth
A little gorilla's family and friends try to help him overcome his special growing pains.

Junk pile!
Borton, Lady
When Jamie Kay helps her dad in their magical junk yard, Robert Haines and other kids make fun of her. Jamie Kay has to find a way to show the kids that her junkyard is magical. But most of all, Jamie has to find a way to make a friend.

First pooch: The Obamas pick a pet
Boston Weatherford, Carole
Throughout their father's twenty-two month campaign for president, Malia and Sasha Obama beg their parents for a dog. Finally, when their father becomes the forty-fourth president of the United States, he rewards their patience and good behavior in his victory speech: Malia and Sasha will get their new puppy. What type of dog will they choose? Finally, on April 14th, 2009, a new puppy moves into the White House. It is a Portuguese water dog, and the girls name him Bo.

The boy who wouldn't talk
Bouchard, Lois Kalb
Carlos, a Puerto Rican boy, lives in America and is frustrated with learning the English language. He decides not to talk at all and just nod and draw pictures. He meets a blind boy who cannot see his pictures or nods, so Carlos must talk. Carlos is so happy to meet this boy that he begins to talk again.

Four-ring three
Bourne, Mariam Anne
A little girl wants to modernize her home by having a telephone. Her only problem is that she has to convince her father that it is not an invention that will soon be gone.

Gathering a northwoods counting book
Bowen, Betsy
Starting in May, the winter countdown begins. Preparation activities are described using the numbers one through thirteen. For example, winter countdown includes five blueberries and six bags of rice.

The good tiger
Bowen, Elizabeth
Sara and Bob want to invite their tiger friend over for tea. When Sara fails to tell her mother that she invited a tiger, chaos occurs. The tiger leaves, but Sara and Bob find him in the forest where they have the best party ever.

The not-so-wicked stepmother
Boyd, Lizi
Hessie is looking forward to her summer vacation with her father, except for one thing, her stepmother. She can only imagine how wicked and ugly her stepmother must be. After getting to know her, Hessie realizes her stepmother is not the witch she thought she would be.

More than anything else
Bradby, Marie
Booker and all the other African Americans have been set free. Money is tight and food is scarce, but the one thing that Booker cares most about is learning to read. His mother gives him an alphabet book, so he seeks the help of a man who knows how to read.

Good knight for dragons
Bradfield, Roger
A nice, good-hearted prince named Cedric is in for a predicament. His father, the King, wants Cedric to sword the Dragon to proved that he can rule the kingdom. However, Cedric hates to fight and hates violence. At the end, Cedric humorously gets out of the situation while still earning respect and the kingdom.

Those summers
Brandenberg, Aliki
Take a trip to the seaside through memories. Travel to the seaside to build sandcastles and splash around in the ocean with family members. Experience the magical, musical spell of the boardwalk at night. Never forget those wonderful memories from the trip to the seaside.

Nice new neighbors
Brandenberg, Franz
The Fieldmouse children struggle to gain friends and acceptance when they move into their new home. Father encourages them to go play with each new family, but they are rejected each time.

What can you make of it?
Brandenburg, Franz
The Fieldmouse family has a lot of junk that they take with them when they move - just in case they could use it someday. Their junk eventually takes over all the space in the house. The aunt and uncle suggest that they make an arts and crafts circus out of all the junk.

Doctor shawn
Breinburg, Petronella
Mom went shopping, so Shawn and his sisters decide to play doctor. Shawn is the doctor and he bandages up patients all day long. Then mother comes home and tells them to close the hospital, because it is time for lunch.

On Noah's ark
Brett, Jan
In preparation of the rains, Noah's granddaughter helps her family read the Ark and animals. Two-by-two the beautiful animals crowd into the Ark and she keeps herself busy making the animals comfortable hoping for the rains to stop.

Ruby's wish
Bridges, Shirin Yim
Ruby is known for wearing red and being an exceptionally bright student. Even during a time in China when ...most girls were never taught to read and write. However, Ruby's grandfather hires a teacher to come to the house, making it possible for any grandchild living in the house to learn. This initiates a desire in Ruby to attend university, a place that women in China were not encouraged to go.\r\n*Based on a true story of the author's grandmother.

Clifford y el dia de accion de gracias
Bridwell, Norman
Emily goes to visit her grandmother for the Thanksgiving holiday. Clifford is staying with neighbors and becomes homesick. He decides to visit his mother as a surprise.

The bear
Briggs, Raymond
One night while Tilly is sleeping a bear comes into her room. The next morning Tilly tells her parents about the bear, but they don't think the bear is real. Tilly takes care of the bear all through the day. While Tilly is sleeping, the bear exits through the window to return back to his home.