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  • Tags: decision making
Time of wonder
McCloskey, Robert
A family goes to a summer island house. The daughter makes friends and learns a different way of life. They all experience a hurricane.

Tim's friend towser
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim and Ginger are cabin boys who find a dog on the S.S. Royal. The captain does not like dogs, so they try to find it a home every time they go to shore. When the captain finds the dog in hiding, he scolds the boys. In the end, the boys get to keep the dog.

Tim to the lighthouse
Ardizzone, Edward
One night, Tim noticed the light from the lighthouse was not flashing past his window. So Tim, the captain, and their friends braved the storm only to find robbers who wanted the ship to crash so they could get their goods. The children help save the lighthouse.

Tim in danger
Ardizzone, Edward
Ginger, a little boy, runs away to live on a ship, and Tim and Charlotte go after him. They both join the crew on another ship and work. Their ship collides with Ginger's ship. Ginger comes aboard. They all work and go back home to their parents.

Tim and ginger
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim and Ginger are best friends. One day Ginger goes off on his own. Tim realizes that something is wrong. He searches to find Ginger. After Tim saves him, Ginger saves Tim. Both boys are heroes.

Tim all alone
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim, a little boy, comes home after being at sea to find his parents have moved. He goes out looking for them. He travels on different boats and stays with different people. Then, one day by luck, he finds his parents.

Tillie and the wall
Lionni, Leo
Unlike the other mice, Tillie has always been curious about the wall they live next to. She imagines what could be on the other side of the wall and is determined to find out .

Cowcher, Helen
A tigress and her cubs kill animals for food. The sanctuary ranger and herdsmen must find a way to save the animals and the tigress so they develop a plan.

Tico and the golden wings
Lionni, Leo
Tico, a bird, is born without wings. When he receives a golden pair of wings after wishing for them, he is not accepted by the other birds. After he gives his golden feathers away, he is accepted by his fellow birds.

Through grandpa's eyes
MacLachlan, Patricia
John's grandfather is blind. John spends the day with him and tries to look at things in the same way his grandfather does.

Three-star billy
Hutchins, Pat
Billy is a little monster who does not want to go to school. At school, he receives stars. At the end of the day, he does not want to go home.

Three young pilgrims
Harness, Cheryl
The pilgrims journey to America aboard the Mayflower. When they land, they meet Native Americans.

Three little pigs and the big bad wolf
Rounds, Glen
The three little pigs leave home to seek their fortunes. Along the way, the big bad wolf tries to eat them. They rely on each other when their homes are destroyed and they are almost eaten by the wolf.

Three friends find spring
Delton, Judy
Duck hates winter because he thinks that it is too cold and long. Rabbit and Squirrel try to cheer him up and show him that winter can be fun, but nothing works. After a while, Rabbit and Squirrel begin not to like winter. Then all of a sudden, Duck likes winter.

Three foolish tales
Tompert, Ann
Skunk and raccoon wanted Fox's purple umbrella. They tried to take it from her by theft and trickery, but in the end it was fox who out-tricked the both of them.

Three cheers for catherine the great!
Best, Cari
A family moves from Russia to America. The grandma of the family has a birthday and she does not want presents. Her grand-daughter spends hours trying to figure out the perfect no present for her grandma.

This is the bear and the scary night
Hayes, Sarah//Craig, Helen
A boy leaves his bear behind in the park. The bear begins an exciting nighttime adventure. After the boy realizes he forgot his bear, he goes back to the park to retrieve him.

They were strong and good
Lawson, Robert
The author's grandparents and parents have many ordeals and challenges that they overcome in order to meet each other.

There's nothing to do
Stevenson, James
Mary Ann and Louie are really bored, but a story about their Grandpa and his brother when they were young and bored, keeps them busy for awhile.

There's an alligator under my bed
Mayer, Mercer
A little boy has to get rid of an alligator under his bed. So he develops a plan to trap the alligator in the garage and keep it out of his bedroom.

There's a monster under my bed
Howe, James
Alex is convinced that there are monsters under his bed that want to get him. He eventually decides to confront the monster, and discovers that his frightened brother is under his bed. The boys sleep together, comforted by each other's company.

There's a little bit of me in jamey
Amadeo, Diana M.
Jamey has leukemia and becomes very sick. His brother feels like his family cares more about Jamey than they do him. His mother assures him that he is loved just as much as Jamey. When Jamey needs a bone marrow transplant he agrees to be the donor.

There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight
Quackenbush, Robert
New verses are added to an old song describing the Chicago Fire of 1871 The story blames a cow for starting the fire.

The zabajaba jungle
Steig, William
A fiesty little boy named Leonard encounters many fascinating and exciting adventures in the Zabajaba jungle.

The yellow umbrella
Drescher, Henrik
Mother monkey and son are in a zoo. They fly away with a yellow umbrella that is caught in the wind and are then reunited with their father,husband. (A Wordless Book)

The year without a santa claus
McGinley, Phyllis
Santa Claus was going to take a vacation one year because he was so tired. All the little children sent him Christmas presents for a holiday treat. Santa decided to have Christmas after all.

The year of the ranch
McLerran, Alice
A family moves from their house in town to a homestead ranch in 1919 The family feels many uncertainties about the move and has several adjustments to make. Together they make the best of their situation while Papa pursues his farming dreams.

The year of the perfect christmas tree
Houston, Gloria
This Christmas story describes the struggles and sacrifices that a mother and daughter experience while the father is off at war. Hard work and faith are rewarded when the father returns on Christmas Day.

The wretched stone
Van Allsburg, Chris
A sailor keeps a journal about the journeys of his ship and crew mates. They discover an unusual island where they come upon a stone which has a beautiful glow. However, the stone brings danger to the ship until the glow turns gray.

The worst person's christmas
Stevenson, James
The worst person dislikes Christmas, but has a change of heart due to the kindness of his neighbors.

The worst person in the world
Stevenson, James
Thanks to the ugliest thing in the world, Mr. Worst ends up looking at things in a good way instead of complaining about everything.

The woman with the eggs
Wahl, Jan
A woman daydreams of her future as she walks to the market. Her daydream proves to be too much of a distraction for her own good.

The witch's hat
Johnston, Tony
A witch's hat falls into her magic brew. After she retrieves the hat, it causes her many problems when it turns into a bat, then a rat, and then a cat.

The witch's garden
Postma, Lidia
Curious children try to scare a witch out of her house. The witch just laughs, and they realize that she is a harmless lady who makes wonderful pancakes. But who are the mysterious elves who live in her garden?

The witch's egg
Edmondson, Madeleine
A mean, old witch, Agatha, discovers a great friendship with a bird she hatched. When the bird flew south, Agatha was very sad. Finally the bird comes back because he missed Agatha too. Although the bird would always leave for the winter, he would be back to see Agatha each spring.

The wishing chair
Dupre, Rick
Eldon grows up from his childhood into this teenage years. He realizes that his wishes could come true through his actions and what he does for others.

The winter noisy book
Brown, Margaret Wise
Muffin, a dog, explores the sounds of winter. Muffin makes several guesses what the sounds are, and eventually figures them out.

The winter duckling
Polette, Keith
When one duck decides he wants to see what winter is like, he realizes the hard way that it takes a lot of work to be a snow duck. Luckily, he has time and flies south for the winter.

The wind thief
Barrett, Judi
The wind blows big breezes until it gets chilly and wants a hat to keep warm. It blows a big gust of air to get a hat from a boy, but actually blows hats off of everyone's head. The wind stops blowing to give all the hats back.

The wild washer-women
Yeoman, J.
Seven washerwomen get fed up, run wild, and meet seven woodsmen. They all get married.

The wild christmas reindeer
Brett, Jan
Teeka has been asked by Santa to get his reindeer ready to fly on Christmas Eve. Once she works with them, her strong hand does more harm than good. Teeka finds that she may need a gentler touch to get the reindeer ready.

The wild baby goes to sea
Lindgren, Barbro
A ten year old boy uses his imagination one day to take a sailing trip. He gathers all his friends together and takes an adventurous trip.

The wild baby
Lindgren, Barbro
Ben is a naughty baby. He disobeys what his mom tells him to do. One day, he takes along his friends to sail through many adventures. His mom finds him and he ends up safely at home. Even though he is bad, she loves her wild little boy.

The widow's broom
Van Allsburg, Chris
Minna Shaw rescues a fallen witch and in return is given the witch's old broom. Neighbors think the broom is evil, but it helps the widow with her chores. The neightbors try to destroy the broom, which later comes back to haunt them.

The widow and the parrot
Woolf, V.
This Victorian tale is about a parrot named James. A poor widow learns the rewards of having a pet.

The whales' song
Sheldon, Dyan
Lilly's grandmother tells her about whales that use to sing when they were given a gift. When Lilly offers the whales a gift of a yellow flower, they sing to her.

The way home
Richardson, Judith Benet
Savi, a baby elephant, is left at the beach, because he did not want to return home with his mother. He becomes scared and finally follows a trail of bananas home.

The wave of the sea-wolf
Wisniewski, David
A young princess takes you on many adventures and helps you understand the value of presents.

The village in the valley of darkness
Mashiri, Pascal
I want to see my people in the village. It is no fun to search alone. At last, I can see the light.οΎ” During my travel, a dog at my side with brother and I. People in the village are thankful and at peace!