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  • Tags: cat
Here comes the cat
Asch, Frank//Vagin, Vladimir
A cat's arrival causes excitement among the residents of a mouse settlement. The text is written in both English and Russian.

Hi, cat!
Keats, Ezra Jack
Archie says Hi to a cat, and it follows him the rest of the day. Archie and Peter try to put on a show but the cat messes it all up. In the end, Archie realizes that the cat likes him.

Hi, pizza man!
Walter, Virginia
A young girl waits anxiously for the pizza man to arrive. While she waits, her mother asks her how she would greet the delivery boy if he were a woman, cat, dog, duck, cow, snake, or dinosaur.

High-wire henry
Calhoun, Mary
Henry, the cat, is jealous of all the attention his family pays to the new puppy. He learns how to walk a high-wire. In the end, Henry rescues the puppy from disaster. He finally gets the attention he's been craving for so much.

Hip cat
London, Jonathan
Hip Cat is cool and is idolized by others in town. Rhythm and music rock this cat's world.

Clymer, Eleanor
Horatio is a selfish cat who leaves home because his owner, Mrs. Casey, has taken in other animals and doesn't pay attention to him. While he is gone, two kittens adopt him and he must take care of them. When he realizes that he can't do it alone, they all go back to Mrs. Casey.

Hot fudge
Howe, James
Two dogs and one cat are crazy about fudge!On a saturday morning, the Monroes leave the animals alone in the house with the delicious fudge. The animals have to guard the house and overcome their temptations to eat the fudge.

How the witch got alf
Annett, Cora
Alf is a donkey that feels unappreciated, so he hides on the roof and pretends to run away. His two owners miss him very much. Alf learns how appreciated he really is.

How Willy got his wheels
Mohler, Diana & Turner, Deborah
As a homeless and handicapped dog, Willy never finds true happiness until he is rescued from the animal hospital and given a home and family. However, Willy lacks the ability to walk on his own and his owner Deborah tries several attempts to help Willy. Finally, Willy is given a wheel chair which enables him to finally be free and live his life to its fullest.

I am the dog, i am the cat
Hall, Donald
A dog and cat compare and contrast their lives. Each likes and dislikes its own things.

I am the mummy, heb-nefert
Bunting, Eve
Hef-Nefert, an Egyptian mummy, tells her story as the wife of pharaoh's brother. She and her husband are very much in love and enjoy a wonderful life together. Eventually both die and become mummies that are viewed by disbelieving people in museums.

I know a farm
Collier, Ethel
A little girl goes to visit a farm with her father. She gets to see all of the animals in the barn. The owner of the farm, Mr. and Mrs. Green, give her a hen egg, flowers, and apple cake. They tell her that she can come back in a few weeks and take a kitten home.

I know an old lady who swallowed a fly
Rounds, Glen
During this familiar folksong, an old lady swallows all sorts of animals. In each instance, she swallows another animal in hopes of catching the previously swallowed animal.

I know how we fight germs
Rowan, Kate
How do we get sick?Join Sam and his mom as they talk about germs and their bodies. Help them figure out how bodies fight off enemy germs.

I like your buttons!
Lamstein, Sarah
Random acts of kindness are demonstrated by Cassandra as she tells her teacher that she likes her buttons. Cassandra's positive attitude spreads throughout her school and around the neighborhood bringing joy and surprise to all.

I swapped my dog
Ziefert, Harriet
In an effort to find the perfect pet which he believes he should be able to ride, a countryman exchanges his dog for a mare. However he soon finds that the mare is not what he expected which begins a long series of unsuccessful pet exchanges, including a goat, a sheep, a cow, and a rooster among others. In the end, however, the countryman makes a successful exchange, in which he acquires his dog who is always by his side.

I walk at night
Duncan, Lois
A cat enjoys spending time with its owner, but yearns for adventures of the night. The cat waits for night to fall so that all the memories will come back again. When morning dawns, the cat returns to being a familiar pet.

I went walking
Williams, Sue
A young child goes out for a walk. By the end of the story he is being followed by a cat, a horse, a cow, a duck, a pig, and a dog.

If you take a pencil
Testa, Fulvio
When you take a pencil and begin to draw, your imagination will soar. You may go from drawing cats, to birds, to fish, to sailors, and to treasure chests, where the biggest treasure is the pencil in your hand.

Perry, Sarah
This imaginative book takes you through different If... scenerios that will help you think and learn about new situations.

In enzo's splendid gardens
Polacco, Patricia
A young boy eating at a restaruant notices a bee on a tree and drops his book on the ground which causes the waiter to trip and tip his tray. One event leads to another as the mess gets worse and worse. Drinks are spilled, a man falls onto the dessert tray and a pot full of spaghetti falls onto a cat. All of this chaos occurs because a bee landed on a tree!

In jail, Ms. wiz?
Blacker, Terence
Ms. Wiz changes Lizzie Thompson into a cat to foil a gang of catnappers and now she can't turn her back again. Lizzie's mother is panicking, and the evil Mrs. D'Arcy is closing in. But how can Ms. Wiz straighten things out when she's in jail?

In my momma's kitchen
Nolen, Jerdine
This little girl loves to be in her momma's kitchen. There's always something going on. From college announcements, to family dinners, to late nights of singing, everything happens in the kitchen. It is the most special place in the house.

In my momma's kitchen
Nolen, Jerdine
A young girl's fondest memories happen in her momma's kitchen. Achievements, family, stories, cooking and love are all celebrated in the kitchen. Great-Aunt Caroline, corn-pudding time and nighttime serenades are a few of the special moments in this loving family.

In november
Rylant, Cynthia
In November the air is chilly. The earth and all of it's animals and people begin to prepare for winter. Animals begin to sleep more and make warm homes for themselves. Friends and family gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving. Enyoy the sites, sounds, and activities of November.

Island-style alphabet
Yee, Tammy
Learn the alphabet from a diverse perspective through the Hawaiian, Japanese and Chinese cultures. Learn more about these different cultures through the ethnic words and colorful illustrations.

It's a perfect day
Pizer, Abigail
All of the animals in the farm partake in their perfect day by making their sounds of happiness. For example, a cow goes moo-moo.

It's so nice to have a wolf around
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
An old man and his three old pets needed someone to look after them. The wolf came and helped them get their spirits up. The man and his cats did not know that the wolf was wanted for bank robbery. The wolf was set free because he was so nice to the old man and they all lived happily ever after.

It's spring
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Pit and Pat are very excited because it is spring. These cats use all their energy to jump over various things.

Jack and the missing piece
Schories, Pat
Jack is a dog that loves to play but he cannot help getting into trouble. He is not the only troublemaker in the house. Someone else loves to plack tricks.

Hamilton, Virginia
The rainforest, ruined by humans, is no longer a safe place for Rundi Jaguarundi. Rundi decides to invite some strange and exotic animal friends to come along.

Jenny's birthday book
Averill, Esther
A cat, Jenny has a birthday. Her family and friends gather in the park for a birthday party.

Joey and the birthday present
Kumin, Maxine W.//Sexton, Anne
Joey is a mouse who lives on a farm. He meets a city mouse who is a boy's pet, and they become good friends. They play and do things together until the city mouse has to leave.

Joey's cat
Burch, Robert
Joey's cat has kittens in the garage, but why won't Joey's parents let him go near them?He finally does get near them when Mama Cat's kittens are in danger from a opossum in the garage. Mama Cat then allows Joey to see the kittens.

John pig's halloween
Waldron, Jan L.
John Pig was afraid of Halloween and did not go trick-or-treating with his friends. But then, just when he was feeling scared and alone, a witch and a cat bring Halloween to him. They have a party and make lots of treats. John learns that Halloween is a fun holiday.

John Willy and Freddie Mcgee
Meade, Holly
Two guinea pigs, John Willy and Freddy McGee, are bored of sitting in their cage where nothing ever changes. One day, when their cage door is left open, the guinea pigs decide to go exploring throughout the house. They end up traveling through the tunnel of a pool table and run for their lives when pool balls start rolling through the tunnel. The guinea pigs run for the safety of their cage but when they get there and see how everything is the same, they leave to start a new adventure.

Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
Julian, a high-spirited farm dog, makes life very uncomfortable for the house cat, Victoria, until he helps save her lost kitten.

Just dessert
Powell, Polly
The apple family finish their dinner and desert, but Pasty wasn't quite full yet. Pasty wants that last piece of cake. Her mom tells her that she can not eat it. That piece of cake is on Pasty's mind all night long. After everyone was asleep, Pasty goes downstairs to get the cake. Pasty's journey to the cake provides her with obstacles of the mind.

Katy duck is a caterpillar
Capucilli, Alyssa
Katy Duck loves to dance. She especially loves dancing during springtime. When she arrives as Mr. Tutu's School of Dance, Mr. Tutu announces the dance recital will be a spring celebration. Katy Duck is so excited; however, when Mr. Tutu announces the parts, she is disappointed. Reluctantly, she practices her caterpillar moves. During the spring recital, her big entrance comes up so she slowly inches out. When she realizes new and exciting changes occur during springtime, she transforms into a beautiful butterfly!

Keeping up with cheetah
Camp, Lindsay
Hippopotomus and Cheetahare best friends and Hippo always laughed at Cheetah's jokes. Cheetah decides to find new friends who can run and keep up with him because Hippo cannot. In the end, however, Cheetah realizes what a good friend he has in Hippo.

Kitten day
Ormerod, Jan
A little girl gets a kitten and they begin to get to know one another. They eat, take a bath, play and sleep. She is very happy with her new friend.

Kitten's first full moon
Henkes, Kevin
A little kitten sees a full moon for the first time. He thinks it is a bowl of milk and tries to reach it. Then he sees the full moon reflecting in a pond and thinks it's a bowl of milk. After getting wet and sad, he goes home to find his very own bowl of milk.

Lady monster has a plan
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy have too many pets. They try to build a house for all of them, but they need help. Lady monster and the little girl come to help and they all cooperate to build the animal house.

Latkes and applesauce
Manushkin, Fran
A snowstorm limits the supply of apples and potatoes during Hanukkah. A family gives shelter to a hungry kitten and a puppy, which deepens the meaning of the holiday.

Leo cockroach...toy tester
O'Malley, Kevin
Leo the cockroach is a toy tester for Mildred Splatt's toy company. He tests toys at night and puts the best toys in her office without her realizing it is him doing all the work. Whenever Mildred sees Leo she tries to squash him because she thinks he is only a pest. One day, Leo decides to fly over to the toy company across the street to see if he can help their business and earn more respect. When he is treated poorly, by the president who does not like his ideas, Leo escapes to work for Mildred again. He writes a letter explaining that he is the one that helps her and he is named Employee of the Year.

Lester's dog
Hesse, Karen
Two boys are afraid to go by the house where the fierce dog, Lester, hides under the porch. On their adventure they cross busy streets then find a baby kitten. They try to save the kitten and find an excellent home for it.

Let's find it!
Arnold, Katya
An assortment of environmental themes, such as a park, a street scene, a garden, a pond, a beach and a forest are used as background to identify plants and animals. Words are used to label and identify different plants and aniamls in our environment.

Letters to a soldier
Falvey, David// Mrs. Julie Hutt's fourth-grade class
A collection of letters written by Mrs. Julie Hutt's fourth grade class to 1st Lieutenant David Falvey during his tour in Iraq. Read the students' letter to Lieutenant Falvey and his responses back to each individual student. Pictures of the letters, students, and Lieutenant Falvey's safe arrival back to the states are included!

Like butter on pancakes
London, Jonathan
A boy awakes to a sunny room and a delicious breakfast. This keeps him dancing and playing all day long on the farm. Supper time brings more good food and then comes bedtime with sweet dreams of the next day.

Like likes like
Raschka, Chris
Like is lonely. Like wonders around seeing flowers and seas. Like finds a friend. Like likes Like.