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Bright april
De Angeli, Marguerite
April Bright's family encounters all sorts of racism as African Americans. April ends up making a new friend when prejudices are overcome.

Brian's bird
Davis, Patricia
Brian receives a bird for his birthday. The two quickly become friends after Brian overcomes his fear. When Brian's brother Kevin carelessly lets the bird escape, Brian becomes upset. Will he ever see Scratchy again?

Ella takes the cake
D'Amico, Carmela & D'Amico, Steven
There's nothing more that Ella wants than to be a good helper. Ella can't help but feel inadequate when her mother won't let her help with a lot of the bakery chores because they're dangerous. When Mr. Banjo forgets an important delivery ,though, Ella proves herself by saving the day...and the cake.

Bartleby Speaks!
Cruise, Robin
Bartleby is a very quiet baby. He learns to crawl, walk and explore, but he still doesn't talk. His family and even the dog try to get him to talk by singing, dancing, playing instruments, but Bartleby still won't speak. On his birthday he speaks his first word: listen, and for the first time his family stops and listens.

Will it ever be my birthday?
Corey, Dorothy
Rabbit must first go to all his friends' birthday parties before it is time for his birthday again. Rabbit is impatient waiting but then happy when his own party day comes.

So much
Cooke, Trish
A baby shares the love and attention that he gets from his family. From the moment the doorbell rings to bring in baby's Auntie, Uncle, Nannie, Gran-Gran, and cousins, lots of hugs and kisses, ooohing and aaahing, keep baby happy and loved. Wait until you see the eating, singing, and dancing until baby goes to sleep!

Make a wish, molly
Cohen, Barbara
A young Russian Jewish girl has difficulties assimilating with the American culture. Making friends is difficult for Molly when other children cannot understand her background. A special birthday celebration finally brings the girls together.

Don't you remember?
Clifton, Lucille
A four-year old girl asks if she can go to work with her dad, buy a cake from the bakery, see where her mom works, and drink coffee with her brothers. One day on her birthday, she gets everything she's been asking for.

The wish-tree
Ciardi, John
A boy dreams on the eve of his sixth birthday about finding his wish tree. He must keep going up and up to higher levels until he discovers the message, You must take care of your wish. Then on his birthday, he gets the dog he'd been hoping for.

Olive and the magic hat
Christelow, Eileen
While Olive and Otis pretend to do magic with their father's birthday present of a hat, it blows out the window. Mr. Foxley gets the hat and Olive and Otis must work to get it back in time for the birthday party.

Don't wake up mama another five little monkeys story
Christelow, Eileen
Five little monkeys wake early to make mama a birthday cake. But the five little monkeys must be careful not to wake mama or their surprise will be ruined -- can they do it?

Charlip, Remy
Ned was invited to a party in Florida, but he lived in New York. His friend lends him an airplane but the engine explodes. It was an exchange of good fortune and bad luck from there on - until he ends up at his surprise birthday party - fortunately.

December 24th
Cazet, Denys
Emily and Louie vist Grandpa and give him a surprise gift. Grandpa tries to guess what the holiday gift could be. Eventually, he sees that it is his birthday gift.

Slumber party!
Caseley, Judith
Zoe decides to have a slumber party for her birthday celebration. She invites four of her friends, and they celebrate with pizza and chocolate cake. After a couple of conflicts at bedtime, they all fall asleep with the help of Zoe's mom.

Pulling my leg
Carson, Jo
Uncle Tom is willing to help pull the loose tooth. He says he will need a hammer, screwdriver, and pliers. As she is being tickled by her father and Uncle Tom, her loose tooth falls out. She is now able to eat porkchops at her grandmother's birthday. Uncle Tom decides that all of his tools were not necessary to remove her tooth.

Secret birthday message
Carle, Eric
The night before Tim's birthday, he finds a message on his pillow. The message gives directions for Tim to go look for his birthday gift. On Tim's birthday, he follows the directions and finds his gift. The gift is a puppy.

I have an olive tree
Bunting, Eve
On Sophia's seventh birthday, her grandfather gave her an olive tree. Sophia is a little disappointed by the gift and doesn't understand why her grandfather would give her an olive tree that she can't even see. After all, it is Greece and she lives in California! It isn't until her grandfather passes away that Sophia truly understands the importance and meaning of the gift when she and her mother visit the olive tree in Greece.

Flower garden
Bunting, Eve
A young girl and her father buy flowers at the grocery and prepare a flower box for her mother's birthday.

The wednesday surprise
Bunting, Eve
Wednesday nights are special for Anna, because she gets to see her grandmother. Together they read book after book and plan a surprise for Anna's father on his birthday.

A picnic in october
Bunting, Eve
Tony and his extended family celebrate the birthday of the Statue of Liberty every October. They travel out to Libery Island to have a picnic and show their appreciation to the meaning the statue brings. Tony is embarrassed by his family's dedication, but in the end realizes the meaning of the statue.

The little boy and the birthdays
Buckley, Helen E.
A little boy is afraid nobody will remember his birthday so he makes a special effort to remember everyone elses. Eventually he gets so wrapped up in everyone else's birthday he forgets his own, but the others remember and he is surprised.

Arthur's birthday
Brown, Marc
Arthur is having a birthday party and invites all his friends. He discovers that Muffy is having a party the exact same day. All their friends do not know which party to go to. Arthur writes new invitations and creates a surprise party for Muffy at his house.

Sleds on boston common: A story from the american revolution
Borden, Louise
It's 1774 and British troops are occupying Boston. King George closes Boston Harbor to punish people who speak out against his laws. Henry, a young boy from Boston, hopes to try out his new sled on his birthday. But when he and his brothers and sister get to the hill they find that the troops have set up camp there. After building up enough courage, Henry asks General Gage to move his troops because Boston Common is for everyone. Being a kind man of his word, General Gage agrees and the children can once again sled.

A. lincoln and me
Borden, Louise
A young boy discovers that he shares a birthday on the same day as Abraham Lincoln's. Learn how many other common characteristics a boy shares with a past president.

Here's pippa again
Boegehold, Betty
Come along on the adventures of Pippa Mouse!Pippa and her friends have loads of fun as they teach Pippa to swim, play games, find a pet for Pippa, play in the snow, and even help her celebrate her birthday. Don't miss the fun!

Martin's hats
Blos, Joan W.
Join Martin and his many different hats as he explores caves, joins a birthday party, engineers a train, puts out a fire, and even welds a girder.

Monster has a party
Blance, Ellen & Cook, Ann
Monster and his friend plan and prepare for Monster's birthday party. Monster becomes sad when no one shows up because of the parents' fears of Monster. His sadness disappears after Monster saves people from a burning buildin, the parents' fears fade and the children come to his party.

Lady monster helps out
Blance, Ellen & Cook, Ann
Monster gets a bike for his birthday. Monster doesn't know how to ride a bike. He is discouraged. The little boy and his friends try to help him, but he is too big. Lady monster comes to help and encourages him. Monster learns how to ride his bike just like all the others in the park.

Three cheers for catherine the great!
Best, Cari
A family moves from Russia to America. The grandma of the family has a birthday and she does not want presents. Her grand-daughter spends hours trying to figure out the perfect no present for her grandma.

Not norman:  A goldfish story
Bennett, Kelly
When a boy gets Norman, a goldfish, for his birthday he is disappointed. He wants an energetic pet with which to run and play. He makes a plan to take Norman back to the pet store and get another pet. After show and tell at school, he decides to keep him. Norman likes his music and makes him laugh; besides any other pet just wouldnï¾’t be the same, they would not be Norman.

The magic school bus gets baked in a cake
Beech, Linda
It is Ms. Frizzle's birthday so the kids plan a party, but something is missing -- a cake!For a field trip, they go to the bakery and bake a cake and accidentally get baked inside the magic school bus.

The eleventh hour: A curious mystery
Base, Graeme
Detectives at an eleventh birthday party try to solve a mystery. Clues and answers are given in the end.

Santa from Cincinnati: How a little boy named Santa grew up to become the real thing
Barrett, Judi
Calus was born on Christmas Day at Cincinnati General Hospital, and as he grew up, he developed a love for toys. As a young boy, Calus began building toys with his dad and delivering them to other kids in his neighborhood on Christmas Eve. Soon, everyone wanted toys from Calus, and after going to college and meeting Claus, they moved to the North Pole and began manufacturing toys year-round.

Benjamin's 365 birthdays
Barrett, Judi
Benjamin was having his nineth birthday party. After he had opened his presents he realized how much he enjoyed opening gifts. So he decides to wrap something up every day and open it the next morning. He did that for all 365 days of the year.

Spring story
Barklem, Jill
It is Wilfred's birthday. He is so excited, he wakes up early and opens all of his presents. He is sad because everyone in town seems to have forgotten his birthday. Everyone meets at the Palace and have a picnic to surprise Wilfred.

I love you mary jane
Balian, Lorna
Mary Jane is a dog who is having a birthday party. All the kids from around the block come and bring presents. Mary Jane has a special present for the children -- she has puppies!

Peacebound trains
Balgassi, Haemi
Sumi, a young Korean girl, lives with her grandmother when her mother goes off to the army. Sumi watches the train go by each day, wishing her mother would come home soon. The train reminds her grandmother of the days of war when she had to leave her own husband.

My little round house
Baasansuren, Bolormaa Adapted by: Mixter, Helen
Baby Jilu talks through his first year in the world, from when he is born to when he is a year old. he is born into a round world, with a round bed in a round home in Mongolia. His family comes to meet him, and they travel to their autumn quarters. Once snow begins to fall, Jilu's family moves on to their winter campground and soon celebrate Tsagaan Sar, meaning Spring will come again. In the spring, Jilu can ride on the camel saddle with his mother, and he will not have to wear boots again until after summer.

Old black fly
Aylesworth, Jim
An old black fly bothers a crazy mixed-up family by flying around and interrupting every aspect of their lives. The fly progresses through the alphabet by landing first on an apple pie, a baby, cookies, then a dog.

What will you be, Sara Mee?
Avraham, Kate Aver
Cho, a young boy, wonders what his little sister Sara Mee will be? They celebrate Sara Mee's first birthday with a feast and music from Korea. Cho continues to try to figure out what his sister will be when she grows up.

Jenny's birthday book
Averill, Esther
A cat, Jenny has a birthday. Her family and friends gather in the park for a birthday party.

Happy birthday moon
Asch, Frank
Bear liked the moon so much he wanted to give it a present. He goes to talk to the moon to see what it wants. Bear has a birthday party for the moon.

Tim in danger
Ardizzone, Edward
Ginger, a little boy, runs away to live on a ship, and Tim and Charlotte go after him. They both join the crew on another ship and work. Their ship collides with Ginger's ship. Ginger comes aboard. They all work and go back home to their parents.

The dog who thought he was a boy
Annett, Cora
Peter gets a dog for his birthday. The dog, Ralph, thinks he is a boy. The family works day after day to try to show Ralph he is a dog and not a boy.

Billy and blaze: A boy and his pony
Anderson, C.W.
Billy is a young boy who gets a pony for his birthday. He names the pony Blaze. The two become close friends. They enter a horse show together.

The oreo cookie counting book
Albee, Sarah
From 10 to 1, it's Oreo counting fun. Practice counting down from 10 to 1 with the help of Oreo cookies. Oh, some friends have come along to help. Turn the page and find out how many Oreos are left.

Ahlberg, Allan
The familiar lullaby beginning with Hush, little baby, don't say a word,finds many new twists in this story. Read all about the many adventures that the baby encounters with other members of the family.

Hard to be six
Adoff, Arnold
This is one little boy's story of coming to accept his age. He feels inferior to his big ten year old sister and he longs to be old like her. It is not until he talks to his grandmother and sees his grandfather's grave that he realizes that life at any age is hard.

Dear peter rabbit
Ada, Alma Flor
Through a series of letters between friends, we learn the stories of Goldilocks, The Three Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and Peter Rabbit.