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  • Tags: bear
Would they love a lion?
Denton, Kady MacDonald
Trying to get noticed with a new baby in the house, Anna pretends to be different animals. But even a lion, the biggest, loudest animal of all, still needs a nap!

Night tree
Bunting, Eve
Nina and her brother go with the family to Luke's forest to decorate a Christmas tree. They sing songs, drink hot chocolate, and decorate the tree all night long.

Jesse bear, what will you wear?
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear talks about what he wears in the morning, at noon, and at night. Written in verse.

Get set!Go!
Watanabe, S.
A bear starts an obstacle race. He encounters obstacles and problems, but he keeps going. He finishes the race, but no one knows who wins.

Can't you sleep little bear?
Waddell, Martin
When bedtime comes, Little Bear is afraid of the dark until Big Bear brings him light and love.

Ernest and celestine's picnic
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest and Celestine plan to go on a picnic, but it is raining outside. They decide to pretend it is a sunny day and they go on the picnic anyway. While they are on their picnic, they make a new friend who invites them to his house.

Cully cully and the bear
Gage, Wilson
Cully Cully wants a new bearskin, so he goes out to hunt a bear. He shoots an arrow at the bear and misses. The bear chases Cully Cully. They start to run around a tree and forget who is chasing who. They get tired and finally both give up and go home.

Bear's bargain
Asch, Frank
Bear wishes he could fly like Little Bird, and Little Bird wants to be big and strong like Bear. Both of them got their wishes fulfilled in a very creative and imaginative way.

Little mouse's painting
Wolkstein, D.
Little mouse paints a picture and her friends Bear, Squirrel, and Porcupine all see their images in it. Mouse tells them that they are seeing things, but when she takes the painting home she sees it from a new perspective.

Tilly's house
Jacques, Faith
Tilly lived in a dollhouse as a maid. She was tired of the work so she ran away to look for her own house. Along the way, she meet a bear named Edward who helps her with her endeavors. Together they find Tilly a house and become good friends.

A shot for baby bear
Corey, Dorothy
A baby bear is aftaid of getting a shot. His brother serves as a model so that baby bear is no longer afraid.

Holiday for edith and the bears
Wright, D.
A doll, Edith, and Little Bear are told about boats by Big Bear. Little Bear is told not to go on a boat, but he and Edith disobey and get lost in the big ocean. Big Bear saves them and they learn their lesson about going on a boat by themselves.

The tightrope walker
Gervais, Benadette//Pittau, Francisco
Phil dreams of walking on a tightrope. He practices on the edge of his bed and on the clothesline. Phil walks a tightrope that takes him over fields, past Louises's house, past the city, out to the sea, into the mountains, and back home just in time for bed.

Pretend you're a cat
Marzollo, Jean
A series of questions ask children to use their imaginations so they can leap like a cat, beg like a dog, and act like many other animals.

The cat and the cook and other fables of krylov
Heins, Ethel
Twelve fables from Ivan Krylov of Russia are presented. Some of the fables include The Cat and the Cook, The Swan, the Pike, and the Crab, and The Miser. Many of these fables feature animals with a valuable moral built in.

On our vacation
Rockwell, Anne
The bear family takes a vacation to an island. They pack their things and hit the road. They see many water activities from the deck of the boat. After pitching their tent they begin a busy two weeks of swimming, fishing, and many other fun activities.

Good-bye, daddy!
Weninger, Briggitte
Tom gets very upset when he must say goodbye to his father, who no longer lives with him and his mother. He gets so upset that he hides and cries, and then misses out on a hug. But his mother tells him a story of a young bear in the same situation who learns how to resolve the problem.

Christina katerina and the great bear train
Gauch, Patricia Lee//Primavera, Elise
When Christina's family goes to visit her mom and new baby sister, Christina makes a train out of boxes and baskets for her teddy bears. She travels around the block. Just when she thinks she may be lost, her father comes to get her.

Just dessert
Powell, Polly
The apple family finish their dinner and desert, but Pasty wasn't quite full yet. Pasty wants that last piece of cake. Her mom tells her that she can not eat it. That piece of cake is on Pasty's mind all night long. After everyone was asleep, Pasty goes downstairs to get the cake. Pasty's journey to the cake provides her with obstacles of the mind.

When will sarah come?
Howard, Elizabeth F.
Jonathon's big sister Sarah is off to her first day of school. While she's gone, Jonathon tries to keep himself busy until she returns. He builds blocks with his grandma, rides his fire truck, and blows bubbles. He hears many sounds outside, but none of them are Sarah. When will Sarah come?Finally, Jonathon sees a yellow school bus. Sarah is finally home and now they can play together.

First flight
McPhail, David
A little boy takes his first airplane fight until his teddy bear disrupts the trip.

Bertie and the bear
Allen, Pamela
A bear was chasing Bertie. So, the king chased the bear and everyone in the knigdom ran along and made noise. The bear was flattered by all the attention.

Polar bear scare
Newton, Jill
Three polar bears chase a little rabbit. The rabbit does not know why they are chasing him, but he runs away. The bears simply want to play a game of tag.

Tom goes to kindergarten
Wild, Margaret//Tegge, David
Tom is anxious and excited for his first day of kindergarten. When he finally arrives, he does not want his family to leave and insists they stay with him. The next day, Tom feels grown up but now his parents do not want to leave kindergarten.

All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

Tale of a tail
Bodnar, Judit Z.
A fox catches fish for his dinner. WHen his friend, the bear, finds out he wants to know where the fox got all his fish. The bear takes his friend's advice and spends all night trying to catch fish. At dawn, he does not think he has caught any, but then he realizes he has caught a lot of fish on the way home.

Heat wave at mud flat
Stevenson, James
It hasn't rained for months in Mud Flat, and the animals have never been so hot. They try to help each other stay cool, but it is the rain that brings relief and happiness in the end.

Father bear comes home
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Father bear has been fishing out in the ocean. Little bear misses his dad and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Little bear is hoping his dad will bring him a mermaid.

My five senses
How do you taste your favorite food or see an airplane in the sky?Your five senses let you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. You may use one sense or several at one time. Wherever you go and whatever you do, your senses are always working for you.

Two good friends
Delton, Judy
A duck stays at home and cleans his house all day. His friend, Bear, comes to visit and tries to find something to eat. Bear cannot find anything and they go to Bear's house to cook some food.

The oreo cookie counting book
Albee, Sarah
From 10 to 1, it's Oreo counting fun. Practice counting down from 10 to 1 with the help of Oreo cookies. Oh, some friends have come along to help. Turn the page and find out how many Oreos are left.

Gregory, the noisiest and strangest boy in grangers grove
Bright, Robert
Gregory is the noisiest and strangest boy in Grangers Grove, and he knows it. One day he goes to his grandma's house for griddle cakes. All she needs is a few eggs, but Gregory is too busy showing off to listen.

Too many cooks...
Kneen, Maggie
Twenty well known proverbs are given meaning through clever illustrations featuring animals in a variety of situations. Some of the proverbs illustrated include, Too many cooks spoil the broth, Half a loaf is better than none, and Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Breakfast time, ernest and celestine
Vincent, Gabrielle
When Celestine, a mouse, breaks a cup, her bear friend Ernest offers to help her clean up the mess. But Celestine thinks that is is her responsibility.

Spring comes to the forest
Gunthorp, Karen
Several animals from the forest are excited because spring has arrived. The animals make sure all their friends wake up to begin their work.

Ahoy there, little polar bear
De Beer, Hans
Lars, a little polar bear, gets caught in a fish net and gets thrown on board of a ship. He meets a cat, Nemo, and goes to the city. Nemo and his other friends help Lars find his way back to the North Pole.

Where's the bear?
Barton, Byron
A girl finds a bear and tells her neighbors. Several people trudge through the woods asking, Where's the bear? They look for it in the woods and when they find it, it scares them. They run and the bear chases them. The bear is too scared to cross the bridge, so the people are safe.

Let's go home, little bear
Waddell, Martin
Big bear and little bear walk home through the woods in the snow. When little bear is frightened by noises he hears during the walk, big bear reassures him about how the sounds are made.

A - my name is alice
Bayer, Jane
From Alice the ape to Theresa the turkey, exotic animals unite for a unique alphabet. Look out for Winifred Wolf and Fifi Fox -- or even Zelda the Zebra from Zambia!These words can be part of a hopscotch game.

The morning the sun refused to rise
Rounds, Glen
Although it seems impossible, there once was a day when the sun did not rise. As it turns out, the Earth's axle froze at the North Pole and the world stopped revolving. With the help of Paul Bunyan and a few friends, the earth was set in motion again.

Swamp angel
Issacs, Anne
When Tennessee is plagued by a huge bear, the men sign up to hunt it. Angelica Longnder, also known as Swamp Angel, shows up too. Swamp Angel, the female equivalent of Paul Bunyan, saves Tennessee from the bear to everyone's surprise.

Moonbear's pet
Asch, Frank
Bear and Little Bird are thrilled with their new friend Splash, who is really a tadpole. When Splash begins to change, Bear and Little Bird get into an argument about which kind of animal Splash is. They come to realize that every kind of animal is valuable and special.

Another celebrated dancing bear
Scheffrin-Falk, Gladys
Max is a dancing bear and his best friend, Boris, is sad and envious of him. Max teaches Boris to dance and each of them enjoys the time that they spend together. Boris is happy again.

Castles, caves, and honeycombs
Ashman, Linda
Animals make their homes using many different things. Some are made of twigs, others of sand, and others are in caves. Although they are all different, they also have similarities. Castles, caves, and honeycombs are a place to share, play, rest, and live.

It's about time, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear tells of his adventures of his day from start to finish. He tells his adventures through songs. Jesse Bear gets sick and must stay in bed to get better. Mama Bear comes in to put Jesse Bear to bed for the night and tells him to rest up for adventures tomorrow.

"Stand back" said the elephant. I'm going to sneeze!
Thomas, Patricia
When an elephant announces that he is going to sneeze, all of the animals panic. If he sneezes, chaos will erupt by feathers flying off birds and stripes leaving zebras. Fortunately, the mouse has a plan, and it is up to him to save the animals from the elephant's devastating sneeze.

Feel better, ernest
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest is sick so Celestine takes care of him because the doctor says he must stay in bed. When Ernest recovers, he and Celestine celebrate.

Moss, Elaine
Polar decides to have fun and sled down a big hill. He is careless and breaks his leg. His friends take care of him and find ways to cheer him up.

The bear and the fly
Winter, P.
The bear family is eating dinner when a fly interrupts them. The Papa tries to catch the fly but is unsuccessful until the fly flies out he window. (Wordless book).

A pocket for corduroy (Un bolsillo para corduroy)
Freeman, Don
Corduroy the teddy bear wants a pocket for his outfit. He goes with his owner to a laundromat to search for one and gets into many mishaps. Written in English and Spanish.