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  • Tags: bear
Jesse bear, what will you wear?
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear talks about what he wears in the morning, at noon, and at night. Written in verse.

James bear's pie
Latimer, Jim
James Bear is tired of grazing and eating alfalfa. He desires to eat something with more calories, protein and more taste. So Bear goes to his friend, the crow, who provides Bear with an oven and ingredients to make a raisin-soybean pie. This is no ordinary pie!

Degen, Bruce
A boy and his bear friend love berries. They rhyme about berry picking while walking in the forest and decide what they are going to do with their berries.

It's the bear
Alborough, Jez
Eddie and his mother plan to have a picnic in the woods but a big bear comes and eats all the food.

It's about time, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear tells of his adventures of his day from start to finish. He tells his adventures through songs. Jesse Bear gets sick and must stay in bed to get better. Mama Bear comes in to put Jesse Bear to bed for the night and tells him to rest up for adventures tomorrow.

It was a dark and stormy night
Ahlberg, Janet//Ahlberg, Allan
An eight-year-old boy named Antonio is kidnapped by thieves. The chief orders Antonio to tell a story, which he cleverly uses for his escape. His story includes all sorts of adventures.

Ira sleeps over
Waber, Bernard
Ira has to make a tough decision about a bear, and just does not know what to do. The sleep over proves to be stressful, but it finds a way to work itself out.

In arctic waters
Crawford, Laura
An arctic adaptation of モThis is the House that Jack Builtヤ follows polar bears, walruses, seals, narwhals, and beluga whales as they chase each other around モthe ice that floats in the Arctic waters.ヤ Learn how these animals live in the cold, icy arctic region.

I'm terrific
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Everytime Jason Bear does something terrific, he gives himself a star. He soon realizes that his behavior is ruining his friendships. Thus, Jason Bear decides to change.

I'm going on a bear hunt
Sivulich, Sandra Stroner
A young boy goes on an imaginary bear hunt.

I want my hat back
Klassen, Jon
A bear almost gives up his search for his missing hat until he remembers something important.

I lost my bear
P. Feiffer, Jules
Oh no, a little girl lost her teddy bear!Her family doesn't have time to help her, so she becomes a detective. In the process of searching for her bear, she finds many of her other missing toys before finding her bear.

I can take a walk
Watanabe, S.
A bear takes a walk by himself near his home. He imagines that he is climbing over high bridges and tall mountains. He later walks with his father who teaches him the proper way to cross the street.

Humphrey's bear
Wahl, Jan
Humphrey sails with his stuffed bear on some very scary adventures. He eventually finds his lost security and gets reassurance from his parents.

How do you say it today, jesse bear?
Carlstrom, Nancy White
For Jesse Bear, every month has a fun activity or holiday to celebrate. From January to December, Jesse Bear wishes his family and friends many special moments.

Holiday for edith and the bears
Wright, D.
A doll, Edith, and Little Bear are told about boats by Big Bear. Little Bear is told not to go on a boat, but he and Edith disobey and get lost in the big ocean. Big Bear saves them and they learn their lesson about going on a boat by themselves.

Henry hikes to fitchburg
Johnson, D.B.
Henry decides to take a trip to Fitchburg on foot and his friend decides to go by train. Henry partakes in numerous adventures on his journey into town, while his friend works odd jobs to earn the fare. Who will arrive in Fitchburg first?The journey to Fitchburg will prove to be an exploration of time and interests.

Hello muddah, hello faddah! A letter from camp
Davis, Jack E.
On a rainy first day at Camp Granada, a young camper writes home to "Muddah" and "Faddah" to ask them to let him leave the difficult place. The lyrics of this camp song is a letter from camp with all the jokes aside.

Heavy is a hippopotamus
Schlein, Miriam
Try to figure out which objects are heavy or light. What may be light for you, may be heavy for someone else. Let's weigh the objects to find out for sure.

Heat wave at mud flat
Stevenson, James
It hasn't rained for months in Mud Flat, and the animals have never been so hot. They try to help each other stay cool, but it is the rain that brings relief and happiness in the end.

Happy birthday moon
Asch, Frank
Bear liked the moon so much he wanted to give it a present. He goes to talk to the moon to see what it wants. Bear has a birthday party for the moon.

Habitat spy
Kieber-King, Cynthia
Told in rhyming narrative, Habitat Spy invites children to search for and find plants, invertebrates, birds, and mammals and more that live in 13 different habitats: backyard, beach, bog, cave, desert, forest, meadow, mountain, ocean, plains, pond, river, and cypress swamp. Children will spend hours looking for and counting all the different plants and animals while learning about what living things need to survive.

Guess who?
Miller, Margaret
Decide if you have an answer to the main question in this book. Words and photographs become an exciting and educational game for the reader.

Gregory, the noisiest and strangest boy in grangers grove
Bright, Robert
Gregory is the noisiest and strangest boy in Grangers Grove, and he knows it. One day he goes to his grandma's house for griddle cakes. All she needs is a few eggs, but Gregory is too busy showing off to listen.

Good-bye, daddy!
Weninger, Briggitte
Tom gets very upset when he must say goodbye to his father, who no longer lives with him and his mother. He gets so upset that he hides and cries, and then misses out on a hug. But his mother tells him a story of a young bear in the same situation who learns how to resolve the problem.

Good morning, granny rose
Ludwig, Warren
Granny Rose and her dog, Henry, go for a walk in the woods and get stuck in a blizzard. Henry finds a cave for shelter, where the two run into a bear.

Goldilocks and the three bears
Aylesworth, Jim
A curious little girl sometimes forgets what her mother tells her. Sometimes this gets her into trouble. One such time found her deep into the woods at a cottage belonging to three bears. You probably know the rest of the story.

Gold fever
Kay, Verla
In a rhyming story a farmer joins a group of miners to look for gold. They travel through praries, deserts, and mountains panning for gold but never find much. The farmer, after finding no gold, leaves the miners to go back home to his farm and family.

Going west
Waddell, Martin
A little girl experiences one of the most dramatic changes in her life. While going west to build a new home, she learns to cope with many different things. She regains hopes and dreams for her new home.

Get set!Go!
Watanabe, S.
A bear starts an obstacle race. He encounters obstacles and problems, but he keeps going. He finishes the race, but no one knows who wins.

Gathering a northwoods counting book
Bowen, Betsy
Starting in May, the winter countdown begins. Preparation activities are described using the numbers one through thirteen. For example, winter countdown includes five blueberries and six bags of rice.

Furlie cat
Freschet, Bernice
Furlie is a cat who is afraid of everything and hides in the house all day. He feels his life is dull, so he practices being brave. He becomes overly confident in himself and becomes a bully. He learns after he meets a bear that everyone should treat one another kindly and equally.

Franklin has a sleepover
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin and Bear are excited for their first sleepover at Franklin's house. It's fun to play games, have a campfire, and campout in the livingroom with your friend. However, when it's time to go to bed, Bear and Franklin realize how scary sleepovers can be.

Frank and ernest play ball
Day, Alexandra
Frank and Ernest are a bear and an elephant who need jobs. Mr. Palmer lets them manage his baseball team. They do not know very much about baseball so they are always looking up baseball terms in the baseball dictionary.

Frank and ernest
Day, Alexandra
Frank and Ernest run Mrs. Miller's diner for a few days while she is out of town. Mrs. Miller is nervous at first because there is a lot of responsiblity in running a diner. Frank and Ernest do a great job and have a lot of fun too.

Fox under first base
Latimer, Jim
Fox has a habit of stealing baseballs. With the help of his bear friend, he learns the error of his ways and returns the balls. In turn, he receives a baseball autographed by Shoeless Joe Jackson.

Fox and heggie
Guzzo, Sandra E.
Fox tries to earn enough money to buy a Greek fishing hat by helping out all his friends and neighbors. But, his generosity keeps him from earning the money, so his friends pull through for him in the end.

First flight
McPhail, David
A little boy takes his first airplane fight until his teddy bear disrupts the trip.

First comes spring
Rockwell, Anne
The seasons are described through the activities of the bears, the weather, the changes in the environment, and the attire of Bear child.

Feel better, ernest
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest is sick so Celestine takes care of him because the doctor says he must stay in bed. When Ernest recovers, he and Celestine celebrate.

Father bear comes home
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Father bear has been fishing out in the ocean. Little bear misses his dad and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Little bear is hoping his dad will bring him a mermaid.

Lobel, Arnold
In these twenty different tales, a little line of advice is shared.

Every autumn comes the bear
Arnosky, Jim
A bear wakes up in autumn to get food and eventually hibernate. The big bear scares all the other animals.

Ernest and celestine's picnic
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest and Celestine plan to go on a picnic, but it is raining outside. They decide to pretend it is a sunny day and they go on the picnic anyway. While they are on their picnic, they make a new friend who invites them to his house.

Ernest and celestine's patchwork quilt
Vincent, Gabrielle
This is a picture book about two friends, a bear and a mouse. Together they make a quilt out of fabric samples found in the garbage. When they realize only one of them can use the quilt, they make another one.

Ernest and celestine at the circus
Vincent, Gabrielle
Celestine is bored, so Ernest dresses her up like a clown and takes her to the circus. Ernest used to work at the circus so they end up doing an act together and are loved by the audience.

Each living thing
Ryder, Joanne
Do you ever think about what things you have in common with everyone else on Earth?One thing is that we share our world with every living thing. Can you find the snake in the grass?The crabs on the pier?We share our world and we should take care of it.

Drawing lessons from a bear
McPhail, David
During his lessons on how to be a bear, a young bear discovers his love for drawing. As he grows he continues to practice, getting encouragement from his mother, his teacher, and most of all from himself.

Does a kangaroo have a mother, too?
Carle, Eric
Does a kangaroo have a mother too? Of course a kangaroo does, and so do all animals, humans included! Inquiry about mothers and baby animals lead us to this simple, but very important fact. All living creatures have a mother, just like you.

Do frogs have fur?
Dahl, Michael
Do dogs have feathers? No! Birds do. Through questioning about animal coats, readers have the opportunity to learn about the functions of various animal coverings. The combination of a glossary, an index and factual information and an engaging text makes the book an effective educational tool.