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  • Tags: art
Drawing lessons from a bear
McPhail, David
During his lessons on how to be a bear, a young bear discovers his love for drawing. As he grows he continues to practice, getting encouragement from his mother, his teacher, and most of all from himself.

Moony b. finch, the fastest draw in the west
McPhail, David
Moony B. Finch is an excellent artist and everything he draws comes to life. When Moony draws an old-fashioned passenger train, the train gets held up by Wild Willie. Moony saves the day by drawing a picture of Wild Willie and erasing it. Moony then draws a picture of his house so he can return home.

Little oh
Melmed, Laura
Little Oh is a woman's only child, who is made from origami paper. The paper doll is restless indoors so she ventures outside for the adventure of her life. What happens when she finally finds her way back home to her mother?

I spy shapes in art
Micklethwait, Lucy
Search for shapes in colorful works of art. Learn about famous works and artists, while looking deeper into each painting.

I spy an alphabet in art
Micklethwait, Lucy
Twenty-six paintings from the world's greatest museums contain objects in them that correspond with letters A to Z.

Cows can't fly
Milgrim, David
A little boy's drawing of flying cows becomes a reality. He tries to tell his parents, teacher, and some others but no one believes him. He is the only one that is lucky enough to see the cows and now he wonders what else can fly.

A kiss for little bear
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Little Bear draws grandma a picture and sends it with Hen. Grandma is pleased with the picture and sends Little Bear a kiss in return through Hen, who passes it on to a friend. Eventually, the kiss reaches two skunks who decide to get married.

The talking cloth
Mitchell, Rhonda
Aunt Phoebe has a collection of many wonderful things, each having an interesting story. The little girl's favorite thing is an adinkra cloth from Ghana. It has many colors and symbols to represent feelings, faith, power, and love.

The magic paintbrush
Muller, Robin
Nib is an orphan boy who dreams of being an artist. One day as a reward for a kind deed, Nib is given a magical paint set with a paint brush that brings things to life. Nib encounters a terrible king who uses Nib for his talent.

Get out of bed!
Munsch, Robert
Any stays up too late watching television and does not make it to breakfast with her family. They decide to take Amy to school in her bed because she was going to be late. At school the principal tries to wake her up but she keeps sleeping. Her teacher covers reading, math, and art, and her friends go to the gym, recess, and lunch-- all while Amy sleeps!The next day, Amy's habit is hilariously contagious!

We share everything!
Munsch, Robert
Jeremiah and Amanda are ready for kindergarten, except for the part where they need to share. Amanda wants the book, the blocks, and the paint. Jeremiah wants the book, the blocks, and the paint. In kindergarten, sharing is key. Will Jeremiah and Amanda find the key?They sure have a surprise for everyone!

Purple, green and yellow
Munsch, Robert
Brigid is a young girl who is fascinated with coloring. She gets bored quickly with her markers and asks for new and improved ones...until her coloring goes a little too overboard!

Black cat
Myers, Christopher
Black cat creeps through the city streets looking for a home. He encounters many things on his journey including chain-link fences, children playing and jeeps passing in the streets. Observe the sights and sounds of the city while discovering where black cat calls home.

Story in the sand
Myrus, Donald//Squillace, Albert
Jeff and his mother go to the beach for a day. Jeff runs around collecting things and drawing pictures in the sand. He meets a little girl, Jenny, and spends the day teaching her about art in the sand.

Flowers on the wall
Nerlove, Miriam
During 1938 in Poland, Rachel and her family are struggling to survive along with other Jews in the area. Her father loses his store, Rachel and her brother stop going to school, and they have nothing to eat. Rachel paints flowers on their apartment walls to pass the time.

Setting the turkeys free
Nikola-Lisa, W.
A young artist begins his journey by painting turkeys with his handprints. His imagination makes the turkeys come alive as he protects them from the hungry fox. The hungry fox chases them away until pieces of corn call them back home.

If you take a mouse to the movies
Numeroff, Laura
A little mouse sure can be demanding when you spend the day together!Everything the mouse does with the little boy reminds him of something else he needs or wants to do!For example, once you get the mouse some paper and glue, he'll ask you for glitter!

Parnall, Peter
Your imagination stretches when you view and think about the creative spaces in this book.

The graphic alphabet
Pelletier, David
Come take a trip from A to Z. Each letter is drawn to represent a whole word. These wonderful pictures bring out each letter in its own way!

The museum of everything
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Through the eyes and thoughts of a child, an imagination opens up to wonderment and original dreams. Many things can be happening all at once and that can be overwhelming. Places for hiding and spaces for shadows makes this geographical experience an artistic escape depicting a museum of everything.

The alphabet room
Pinto, Sara
Look at this illustrated sequence of hidden doors. As you look behind each door, different pictures accumulate from A to Z. You'll find 26 surprises in the alphabet room (A Board Book).

Still-life stew
Pittman, Helena Clare
Rosa picks vegetables from her garden. Rosa's garden has tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, leeks, carrots, and potatoes. Don't forget to notice her spinach, green beans, and garlic too! Rosa outlines descriptive qualities of each vegetable. After Rosa gathers enough ingredients, she paints a picture of the vegetables and makes a stew. Also savor the colors of Rosa's still-life painting of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, leeks, and much more.

One potato: A counting book of potato prints
Pomeroy, Diane
A counting book that counts from one to ten and then counts by tens to one hundred. Potato prints are used to paint the pictures of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and flowers which are incorporated as counting tools.

Porte, Barbara Ann
A man on a chicken farm only draws chickens in his paintings. He moves to the city, and comically draws chickens with briefcases in elevators.

Cecily parsley's nursery rhymes
Potter, Beatrix
Beatrix Potter puts beautiful illustrations to classic nursery rhymes such as Three Blind Mice.

Someone special died
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl deals with the death of someone close to her. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She finds a way to feel better, though, when she makes a scrapbook to remember everything about this special person. She learns that everything dies.

Sometimes i feel awful
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl has a day full of different moods. Although she starts out happy, she begins to feel different throughout the day. She does not want to share with her friend and gets upset when he plays with her toys. She learns what she should have said to make her family and friends understand.

Mom and dad break up
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young boy expresses his feelings about his parents' divorce. He feels angry, sad, and lonely at the same time, and often takes it out on his friends. But eventually, he learns to adjust to the change, and learns that he is not at fault for the break up of his parents.

It's hard to share my teacher
Prestine, Joan Singleton
Josh is having a hard time learning to share in school. He is especially frustrated when his teacher is busy helping other students. He wants to share his artwork with his teacher and his classmates. He ends up learning why sharing is so important.

Pyle, Howard
Bearskin, an infant son of a miller, is sent down the river by the king only to be found by a she-bear who raises him. As Bearskin gets older he goes out into the world to be with other people. He learns about a three-headed dragon who takes the princess. If anyone can kill the dragon, then they get to marry the princess. Will Bearskin be able to kill the dragon and win her heart?

A string of beads
Reid, Margarette
A young girl and her grandma spend time together making necklaces from beads. Beads can come in all different shapes, sizes, textures, and materials. They were used by many cultures throughout time. When she puts her necklaces together she learns about each bead.

The dot
Reynolds, Peter H.
A little girl talks herself into believing she can't draw. She won't even try. Her teacher slowly coaxes her to at least try. Soon her effort snowballs into success. She passes on her confidence to another doubting student.

Dinner at aunt connie's house
Ringgold, Faith
While Melody and her aunt's adopted son, Lonnie, are playing hide-and-seek, they stumble upon something magical. They discover that her aunt's paintings can speak. Each of the paintings is a portrait of a famous African-American woman, who tells Melody and Lonnie of their accomplishments.

Tar beach
Ringgold, Faith
A young, 8 year old, African American girl dreams of flying above her Harlem home and having the many things she sees. She speaks of her wish to have money and liberation for her family and herself.

What we like
Rockwell, Anne
Children really like snowmen, fish, bubble bath, goodnight kisses, lullabies, and many other things that excite the five senses. Each page is filled with the things children like to do, wear, feel, eat, and play.

When vera was sick
Rosenberry, Vera
Vera is sick. She has to sleep in the spare bedroom until she feels better, but it's lonely and scary in there. Her mother tries to make her more comfortable, but she just can't sleep and she's too sick to do anything else. After a few days of rest, Vera is feeling better. She plays games, sings songs, painted pictures, and then finally goes outside to play.

Vera's first day of school
Rosenberry, Vera
It's Vera's first day of school!She is so excited that she is up before the sun. But when she finally gets to the school yard, it is full of older children who scare Vera. When she finally gets to her classroom, with a little help from her mother, it is everything she hoped it would be.

All i see
Rylant, Cynthia
A boy, Charlie, watches a man named Gregory paint pictures of a whale by the lake each day. Eventually, the two meet and paint together by the lake what each sees. An artistic friendship develops.

The dreamer
Rylant, Cynthia
An artist dreams and then creates a world that contains the earth, sky, trees, and living creatures. We are all children of this artist.

The blizzard's robe
Sabuda, Robert
The robe of the Blizzard lays over the land, bringing ice and darkness to everything it touches. But what would happen if one young girl destroyed the robe?Teune felt it was her duty to restore the robe she has destroyed. Will she be rewarded for her help or punished for bringing back the cold?In the end, Teune's efforts helps the People Who Fear the Winter Night to be remembered as the People of the Northern Lights.

The sign painter
Say, Allen
A boy with a love of painting wanders into town looking for a job when he sees a sign painter. Together, they go into the desert, painting a dozen billboards with just what was ordered, a woman's face and a single word, Arrowstar. Not understanding the meaning behind these billboards in the middle of the desert, the boy longs to paint beautiful landscapes instead. Still, the sign painter insists they stick to the order. Near the end of their journey, they learn the dream behind the billboards and the boy remembers a dream of his own.

Emma's rug
Say, Allen
Emma is a talented child artist who always finds her inspiration in an old rug. After her mother ruins the rug by washing it, Emma must discover that she can still draw without it.

Silent days, silent dreams
Say, Allen
Bob shares the life story of his Uncle Jim, a deaf artist with immense talent and determination to find ways to communicate. During his childhood, Uncle Jim’s parents were unsupportive of his passion for art and they sent him to the Idaho School for the Deaf and the Blind with his sister. Bob never learned to speak, read, write, or use sign language. Ultimately, Bob went to art school where he shared his Uncle Jim’s work which was displayed in a gallery and sold to the public.



Schertle, Alice
Describes the emergence of humankind out of Africa, charting the course of human development from seven million years ago to today, highlighting the development of diversity among peoples and our ability to invent and discover.

Dear daddy
Schindel, John
Jesse really wants to visit his father who lives far away. Jesse and his dad write letters back and forth to pass the time until Jesse can visit in the summer.

Can you find it outside?
Schulte, Jessica
Use the riddles to locate items in works of art. Appreciate the different elements and styles of art as you search for hidden objects. At the end, learn about these works by reading each caption next to each painting.

And juan
Shannon, Terry
Juan wishes that his father would forget to say "...and Juan" when he calls on his brothers and him. As he continues to learn his culture and how to become a potter, Juan begins to feel as though he really belongs.

Madlenka's dog
Sis, Peter
A little girl desires a dog more than anything in the world. Her parents won't allow it, so she walks her imagniary dog around the city block. The community embraces her dog with memories of their own magical pets! Look under flaps on certain pages to see people and pets.

Anna's art adventure
Sortland, Bjorn
Anna is at the museum with her uncle and comes into contact with many new friends. Anna befriends all of the painters whose art is inside the museum. All of these encounters take place because Anna needs to find a toilet.

Garibaldi's biscuits
Steadman, Ralph
In nineteenth-century Italy, the wife of General Garibaldi bakes biscuits, as a peace offering for a defeated French army.