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  • Tags: family
A chocolate moose for dinner
Gwynne, Fred
A girl imagines the things her parents talk about from watching television. What are such things as gorilla warfare, car pools, and fishing tackle?It is a fun play-on-words.

A child's treasury of nursery rhymes
Denton, Kady MacDonald
A collection of nursery rhymes provides children with rhyming skills and patterns. Over 100 nursery rhymes are remembered through illustrations, songs, and verse.

A child's day in a Ghanaian city
Provencal, Francis & McNamara, Catherine
Nii Kwei gets up with the sun, and at half past five, he's already hard at work chasing the chickens and sweeping the compound clean with his straw broom. As the city begins to wake up, he washes, changes into his school uniform, and sits down to chocolate milk and sandwiches for breakfast. Photographs capture the lively rhythms of West African daily life, and this delightful dawn-to-dusk journal will encourage young readers, wherever they live, to compare and contrast Nii Kwei's day with their own.

A child story in a south african city
Wulfsohn, Gisele
Presents a day in the life of a child living in Johannesburg, discussing the social life, customs, religion, history, and language of South Africa.

A chair for my mother
Williams, Vera B.
There is a jar that a mother saves all her change in from work. When the jar is finally full, she buys a chair that is very comfortable. This is important because all of her furniture was destroyed in a fire.

A castle on Viola street
Disalvo, Dyanne
Andy's family lives in a small, cramped apartment, and his parents work long hours to support the family. He never thought that they would ever live in an actual house, but one day they find a flyer saying You too can own a home. The organization buys empty houses and allows families to fix-up houses and then other people will help fix up a house for them. Andy's family is so excited as they help clean, paint, put down hard wood flooring, and pass out lemonade. At the end of the year, they find out that the next house to be built will be theirs!

A carp for kimiko
Kroll, Virginia
Kimiko is a young Japanese girl who desperately wants a carp kite to fly on Children's Day. But only boys are allowed to have these kites, and Kimiko questions this rule.

A cane in her hand
Litchfield, Ada B.
Valerie, a young girl, has poor eyesight. She needs to use a cane to walk around. She eventually learns to use the cane and not feel bad about it.

A candle for christmas
Speare, Jean
Thomas's parents need to help his uncle, so they leave Thomas with a friend one week before Christmas. Thomas is afraid that his parents won't make it home. They show up late Christmas Eve and Thomas is happy.

A button in her ear
Litchfield, Ada B.
Angela Perkins sturggles to hear others, so her parents take her to the doctor for an examination. She must wear a hearing aid. Her friends think she is special and she enjoys wearing the hearing aid.

A boy named giotto
Guarnieri, Paolo
Dreams really do come true for Giotto, a young shepard boy, who is mindless of his chores and duties because of his strong passion and talent for painting. Although he loses a sheep, Giotto's curiosity and persistence lead him to find someone who can unlock the door to his artistic future.

A birthday for frances
Hoban, Russell
Frances buys a candy bar for Gloria's birthday then thinks about how she can keep it or eat part of it. However, her heart softens and she decides Gloria should have it all.

A birthday for blue
Lydon, Kerry Raines
It was little Blue's seventh birthday. He must celebrate while traveling west with his family on a conastoga wagon. Blue's father was unable to give him a present, so he planted seven trees along the wagon trail that would be Blue's forever.

A birthday basket for tia
Mora, Pat
A little Mexican girl and her family throw a surprise party for her tia (aunt). She makes her a special present of sentimental value. Tia opens her present and loves it.

A bedtime story
Fox, Mem
Polly has a room filled with books but does not know how to read. With her stuffed animal, Bed Rabbit, Polly interrupts her parents' reading time for a bedtime story.

A beautiful pearl
Whitelaw, Nancy
The feelings of three generations are shared through the loving story of a girl and her grandmother who has Alzheimer's Disease.

A bear for christmas
Keller, Holly
Joey gets a big package for Christmas from Grandma. Joey's mom hides the package but Joey finds it and ends up tearing the teddy bear. He is depressed, but in the end, his mom fixes the bear.

A beach day
Florian, Douglas
A family takes a trip to the beach on the Fourth of July. The family flies kites, collects shells, builds castles, and watches fireworks.

A band of angels: A story inspired by the jubilee singers
Hopkinson, Deborah
A young girl listens to a story told by her aunt. Her story is about the young girl's great great grandmother and how she used her voice and dedication to fight for her education after the slaves were freed. The story was also tells how a group of singers toured and sang slave songs. They were trying to save their school, but ended up creating a university.

A balloon for grandad
Gray, Nigel
Sam lost his balloon out the back door. At first he was sad, but his father reminded him of his grandfather Abdulla who lived very far away. Sam thought about how his balloon might travel to his grandfather and make him very happy.

A baby sister for frances
Hoban, Russell
Frances has a new sister, Gloria. She believes that she is not loved because of her new sibling and runs away to the dining room. Her parents cleverly talk her into returning.

100th day worries
Cuyler, Margery
When her teacher tells the class that everyone must bring in collections of 100 for the 100th day of school, Jessica begins to worry. What will she bring in?Her family finally helps her come up with a special collection.

10 minutes till bedtime
Rathmann, Peggy
When dad yells 10 minutes till bedtime, the hamster parade shows up to take you on a tour to get ready for bed. From the kitchen to the bath and the bedroom the hamsters help along each step of the way to make getting ready for bed fun.

1,2,3 thanksgiving
Nikola-Lisa, W.
It is Thanksgiving, so this book gives a step-by-step sequence of what to prepare to eat and how to set the table. It focuses on the numbers 1-8