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  • Tags: family
Lucy's summer
Hall, Donald
Lucy spends her New Hampshire summer of 1910 doing a variety of things. She helps her mother can fruits and vegetables and make beautiful hats to sell. She attends a Fourth of July celebration where she meets an organ grinder with a monkey and a gypsy couple trying to sell picture frames. The highlight of Lucy's summer was taking the train into Boston with her mother. That was one day that Lucy will never forget.

To hilda for helping
Zemach, Margot
Hilda's sister gets jealous when her father gives Hilda a medal for helping out around the house. She tells Hilda that she hopes she loses the medal. Hilda says that if she loses it and it gets buried, it will grow into a tree full of medals.

The boy who would be a hero
Lewis, Marjorie
A boy grows up in a small village and trains to be a hero. After growing up he leaves the village to become a hero, but instead of rescuing a princess he is caught by a witch. He outwits the witch and returns to the village to be a farmer.

The saturday kid
Sorel, Edward
Leo goes to the theatre with his friends every weekend. On Saturday, Marty, a bully, is disruptive in the theatre. The usher thinks it is Leo so he is thrown out. The next Saturday, Leo looks forward to going to the theatre, but his violin teacher wants to teach him a new piece. Leo is upset that he will miss the movie, but he goes to practice anyway. In the end, Leo's hard work pays off when his picture with his violin appears on the movie screen later that night when his mother takes him to see the later show.

The character in the book
Zemach, Kaethe
Although the character in this book enjoys his life immensely, he is ecstatic to receive an invitation to visit his Auntie in another book. There's just one problem: he can't figure out how to get out of his book! After many attempts, he is finally able to hop, skip, whirl, twirl, skate, scoot, and crawl his way through his book and into some new adventures in his Auntie's book.

Great-grandma tells of threshing day
Cross, Verda
Great Grandma tells her grandchildren of threshing day. It is a day in late June when the wheat is harvested. The men harvest the wheat while the women cook a hearty meal. This was always an exciting day for grandma and her brother. Threshing day was a day she will never forget.

Marvin's best christmas present ever
Paterson, Katherine
It's almost Christmas and Marvin doesn't know what gift to give his parents. After he asks his older sister for some help, he ends up making a wreath. Marvin's parents love their gift and it hangs on their trailer almost all year. When they finally decide to take it down, they discover a family of birds who have been enjoying it too.

The house I'll build for the wrens
Neitzel, Shirley
A young boy plans to build a house for the wrens in the yard. He starts with a diagram showing what the house will look like. He gets out a toolbox which holds wooden boards, a ruler, hammer, sandpaper, nails, a level, paintbrush, paint, and a scredriver. While he is constructing the birdhouse, his mother comes home. The boy and his mother hang the birdhouse from a tree in the backyard and admire his accomplishment.

The tale of Willie Monroe
Schroeder, Alan
Willie isn't a smart man, but he sure is strong. He decides to enter a contest to prove it. However, Delilah and her granny have to get him in shape first. Now Willie's reputation and Delilah's love depend on his winning the contest. Do you think he can do it?

The little scarecrow boy
Brown, Margaret Wise
The little scarecrow boy anxiously awaits the day when he can go into the fields and frighten crows like his father does every day. As he grows and grows, he becomes even more determined to become an actual scarecrow. The day finally comes when he has to put his courage to the test.

Lexau, Joan M.
Benjie's granny loses her earring on the way home from church, so bashful Benjie sets out to look for it while his granny is takng a nap. He finds the earring, but in the process he loses his bashfulness.



Graham, Bob
Max is the son of the legendary superheroes Captain Lightning and Madam Thunderbolt. His family has high expectations for him to follow in their footsteps and become a superhero too. Now he just needs to learn how to fly. After many persistent tries, Max still can't keep himself off the ground. His family is supportive and determined to get him to fly. Will this confidence be enough to help him fly like the birds?

Raising sweetness
Stanley, Diane
The town sheriff adopts eight orphans to save them from the mean Ms. Stump, but there are a few problems. Pa is not too good at cooking and his cleaning is quite shabby. The orphans one wish is for him to get married. One of the orphans, Sweetness, believes a letter that arrived in the mail is the answer.

I can! Can you?
Adorjan, Carol
A little girl tells what her big sister is able to do which happens to be difficult for her. Then she tells what she can do. She keeps learning how to do more things each day.

Even if I did something awful
Hazen, Barbara Shook
A little girl breaks a vase and asks her mom about all these horrible things she could have done. She wonders if her mom will still love her. Her mom proves to her that she will love her, no matter what.

The mother's day sandwich
Wynot, Jillian
Ivy and Hackett decide to surprise their mom for Mother's Day by making her breakfast in bed. They make a real mess. When they wake up their mom, the food spills. She tells them she wants a hug (a Mother's Day Sandwich).

The lady with the alligator purse
Westcott, N. B.
Tiny Tim ate soap so his mother calls the doctor, the nurse, and a lady with the alligator purse. The lady with the alligator purse cures Tim with pizza.

The christmas tree ship
Winter, Jeanette
Captain Herman and his crew cut trees in Michigan to deliver to the city of Chicago for Christmas. When a blizzard forms over Lake Michigan, the Captain and his crew disappear. From then on, the Captain's wife and daughters carry out the Christmas Tree Ship tradition for many years.

Eric needs stitches
Marino, Barbara Pavis
Eric is a little boy who falls off his bike and needs stiches, but is scared. His father and a nurse explain the procedure. Eric gets his stiches and a treat for being brave.

Jamie's turn
DeWitt, Jamie
Eleven year old Jamie helps his stepfather, Butch, pick corn one autumn day. When the corn picker becomes plugged up, Butch attempts to climb off the tractor but gets caught and is seriously injured. Jamie saves Butch's life by turning the corn picker off and running for help. Jamie keeps the farm running while Butch recovers from the accident.

A to z do you ever feel like me?
Hausman, Bonnie
How are you feeling today?Join the children in this book to find out if they are feeling the same way. Learn the letters of the alphabet while you solve the puzzles of emotions. Have fun!

Alligator baby
Munsch, Robert
Kristen's mom is having a baby but she accidently makes a wrong turn into the zoo. Her parents make repeated attempts to find their baby until finally Kristen takes a journey to the zoo.

The littlest matryoshka
Bliss, Corinne Denias
Nikolai shipped his last carved matryoshka from Russia to a toy store in America. While on display, one of the six dolls gets bumped from the shelf and begins a great adventure away from her sisters. She survived the snow, the stream, a bird, and a cat before being found by the very girl who had bought her sisters, and they were all together once again.

Oh, no, toto!
Tchana, Katrin Hyman//Pami, Louise Tchana
Toto and Big Mami go to market for a day of shopping. Oh, no, Toto! the villagers cry when Toto Gourmond, the lovable, terrible two year old, sees food. Everything he sees he wants to eat!

Nobody asked me if I wanted a little sister
Alexander, Martha
Oliver's new baby sister gets a lot of attention and he feels neglected. He tries to give his sister away, but realizes that she wants to be with him. Oliver discovers that he will have a playmate when she is a little older.

Impossible possum
Conford, Ellen
Randolph was a possum who could not hang upside down like everyone else. He cheats by using sticky sap on his tail, but the sap dries up in the winter. His pesky sister lends a hand and he finally can hang like the rest of the possums.

Mr. bow tie
Barbour, Karen
A family makes friends with a homeless man. They find out his name and invite his parents to see him. Mr. Bow tie goes home with his parents, but leaves behind his memory.

Grandma's wheelchair
Henriod, Lorraine
Thomas, a four year old, spends his mornings helping his grandma who is in a wheelchair.

Be nice to josephine
Horvath, Betty
Charlie devotes every Saturday to playing baseball. This Saturday his cousin Josephine comes to visit and his mother insists that he entertain her.

The whales' song
Sheldon, Dyan
Lilly's grandmother tells her about whales that use to sing when they were given a gift. When Lilly offers the whales a gift of a yellow flower, they sing to her.

No friends
Stevenson, James
Mary and Louie have just moved into a new neighborhood. They are worried because they do not have any friends. Their grandpa tells them about when he moved to a new neighborhood when he was young.

Jenny and the tennis nut
Schulman, Janet
A father wants his daughter to be a tennis player. She would rather do gymnastics in the yard. Finally her father realizes that she should do what she is interested in and allows her to take gymnastics lessons.

Moon jump
Matura, Mustapha
Cayal loves jumping. He jumps everywhere. One day, he jumps to the moon where he meets a moon man and has tea with him. When he is tired, he jumps home.

A button in her ear
Litchfield, Ada B.
Angela Perkins sturggles to hear others, so her parents take her to the doctor for an examination. She must wear a hearing aid. Her friends think she is special and she enjoys wearing the hearing aid.

Dinosaur bob
Joyce, William
While on a safari in Africa, the Lazardo family find a dinosaur. They bring him home with them. The dinosaur ends up playing baseball for the Pimlico Pirates.

Nobody's perfect, not even my mother
Simon, Norma
Everyone is good at some things, but no one is good at everything. No one can do everything perfectly. People can be wonderful just the same.

The tiny visitor
de Mejo, Oscar
Gwen and her sister, Elizabeth, help find a tiny wife for their equally tiny friend, Sir Theodore.

Back home
Pinkney, Gloria Jean
Ernestine travels from the city to visit her birthplace in North Carolina. She stays with her aunt, uncle and cousin Jack. Jack thinks she has become citified. She tries to convince Jack that she is not a city girl and can adjust to life on a farm.

I won't go without a father
Stanek, Muriel
Steve refuses to go to Open House night at school because he thinks his classmates will make fun of him for not having a dad. Steve is pleasantly surprised to find he is not alone.

Jesse's dream skirt
Mack, Bruce
Jesse always likes to wrap himself up and try on his mother's old dresses. He has a dream skirt which his mother helped him make. When he wears it to school, all the children have something to say.

Grandma drives a motor bed
Hamm, Diane Johnston
Josh's grandmother has to stay in a motorized bed because her legs don't work. Josh enjoys visiting her because she is very lively and as active as she can be.

The long way westward
Sandin, Joan
Carl Erik and his family arrive in America off of an immigrant boat from Sweden. They have an adventurous, yet hard, journey westward to Minnesota.

Monster mama
Rosenberg, Liz
Patrick Edward's mother is known as a monster all over town. One day, Patrick's mother sends him out to get strawberries. On his way home, three bullies steal the strawberries. Monster Mama is so upset that she teaches the boys a lesson, and they think of her as Cool.

Steig, William
Shrek, an ugly beast, is sent out in the world by his parents to discover his future. He scares everyone who sees him. He marries an ugly prince and lives happily ever after.

Journey home
McKay, Lawrence
Mai is going along with her mom to Vietnam, where mom hopes to find her mother and father, who were separated during the Vietnam War. There Mia learns about where her mom came from and gains a new sense of identity and feeling of home.

Daddy's wedding
Willhoite, Michael
Daniel's daddy marries a man. A commitment ceremony is viewed through the eyes of a child.

Eagle eyes: A child's view of attention deficit disorder
Gehret, Jeanne
A child struggles through life with Attention Deficit Disorder. He goes to the doctor and learns several things that makes life easier.

One dad, two dads, brown dads, blue dads
Valentine, Johnny
Lou and his friend are discussing their dads. Lou has two dads that are blue. Lou's two blue dads like to cook, play, laugh, and work just like his other dads. Lou and his friend discover that blue dads aren't really different from other dads.

Leo the late bloomer
Kraus, Robert
Leo is a young tiger that is developing slowly. His father watches him over a season and notices that Leo does not grow. One day, Leo blooms and he is the best tiger in the whole kingdom.

Good-bye, house
Ballard, Robin
A little girl copes with moving to a new house with mama and papa. Before they leave for the new house, the girl says good-bye to the old house and all the rooms in it. When they arrive at the new house, she decides the change is not as bad as she thought.