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  • Tags: family
Grandma essie's covered wagon
Williams, David
A father wants to give his family the best life in the best places. Through all their moving and adventures, they realize there's nothing as wonderful as a family and a home.

Timid timothy: The kitten who learned to be brave
Williams, G.
Timothy is a cat who is afraid of everyting. His mom teaches him how to be mighty. Eventually, Timothy scares a dog which builds his self-esteem.

Williams, Jay
Getting what you want isn't always easy. This is the lesson that Petronella, once known as Peter, learns. Petronella battles off animals and people to get the man she loves. In doing so, she also realizes that the richest people aren't always the best people.

When Africa was home
Williams, Karen Lynn
A home is a place of security and happiness. Peter finds Africa to be more of a home than America. In Africa, Peter is treated with respect, politeness, and care. After learning more about the world, Peter gets to go home again.

Williams, Karen Lynn
After spending a long day selling oranges at the market, a Haitian mother and daughter earn enough money to ride the tap-tap home. The tap-tap is a vehicle that takes passengers where they need to go. It stops when a passenger taps on the side twice.

My name is sangoel
Williams, Karen Lynn//Mohammed, Khadra
Sangoel feels homesick after leaving his Sudanese homeland where his father died in the war. With his mother and sister, Sangoel arrives to the United States to start a new life where they learn so many things about technology, escalators, cooking stoves, and televisions. With a clever use of writing in his new school classroom, Sangoel helps his teacher and classmates learn how to pronounce his name. He will always be a Sangoel just like "his father and grandfather and his father" before him in Africa.

Working cotton
Williams, Sherley Ann
Shelan tells of working the cotton fields as a little girl. She tells the different accomplishments of each person in her family in the field. Shelan wishes she could pick cotton as fast as her parents and sisters.

Lucky song
Williams, Vera B
Evie receives everything she wants from her family, including something new to wear and a kite to fly. One of the best things Evie receives is a song from her father.

Three days on a river in a red canoe
Williams, Vera B
A boy and his brother Sam take a canoe trip with their mother and aunt and engage in a variety of adventurous activities along the way.

Stringbean's trip to the shining sea
Williams, Vera B.
Stringbean sends postcards to his Ma, Pa, and Grandpa. His postcards describe his trip to the Pacific Ocean.

A chair for my mother
Williams, Vera B.
There is a jar that a mother saves all her change in from work. When the jar is finally full, she buys a chair that is very comfortable. This is important because all of her furniture was destroyed in a fire.

More more more
Williams, Vera B.
Three different families give their babies love. First a father, then a grandmother, then a mother shower their baby with attention and affection.

Something special for me
Williams, Vera B.
On her birthday, Rosa gets to buy whatever she wants from the money jar. Rosa and Mom shop all day. Rosa finally decides to buy an accordian.

Music, music for everyone
Williams, Vera B.
While her grandmother is sick, Rosa helps her mother with expenses by playing her accordion with her friends in a band.

The great watermelon birthday
Williams, Vera B.
Birthday parties are always fun for children. A group of children all born on the same day have a great celebration with watermelons.

Wilson, Christopher
Two brothers, Hob and Nob, live next door to each other and share everything. One day they have a disagreement over material things and they stop speaking. They finally realize it is not materials that are important, so their brotherly friendship is restored.

Wilson, Jacqueline
Mr. Cool gives a fresh perspective on friendship and accepting people for who they are. There is a focus on emotional and social health which is brought to light in a positive manner. Kids will gain a better view of acceptance of their peers and helping with self esteem. Mr. Cool's band develops health skills, friendship, and confidence as they perform.

The christmas tree ship
Winter, Jeanette
Captain Herman and his crew cut trees in Michigan to deliver to the city of Chicago for Christmas. When a blizzard forms over Lake Michigan, the Captain and his crew disappear. From then on, the Captain's wife and daughters carry out the Christmas Tree Ship tradition for many years.

Winter, Jeanette
Josefina spends her whole life shaping soft clay into a story. She looks out at the world and makes what she sees until her story is complete.

The bear and the fly
Winter, P.
The bear family is eating dinner when a fly interrupts them. The Papa tries to catch the fly but is unsuccessful until the fly flies out he window. (Wordless book).

Dumpy la rue
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Dumpy La Rue is a pig with a passion for dancing. All of the other animals, including his family, keep telling Dumpy that pigs can't dance. But Dumpy doesn't listen and soon all of the animals are dancing with him.

I think he likes me
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Eliza's mother brings home her new baby brother. Eliza learns how to play with Andrew.

Maggie and the monster
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Every night a monster comes into Maggie's room and messes it up. Maggie asks the monster what she wants and the monster tells Maggie that she is looking for her mother. Maggie helps the monster find her mother in the hall closet.

Little frightened tiger
Wisegard, Leonard//Mac Donald, Golden
A little tiger tries to deal with other animals in his habitat. His parents try to assure him that there is nothing to be afraid of. Eventually, he becomes a brave little tiger.

The wave of the sea-wolf
Wisniewski, David
A young princess takes you on many adventures and helps you understand the value of presents.

The warrior and the wiseman
Wisniewski, David
Two sons of the emperor are in competition for the throne. One is a warrior who only thinks of himself, and the other is the wiseman who helps others. The wiseman ends up saving the kingdom and taking the throne.

The marvelous mud washing machine
Wolcott, P.
A young boy has fun playing in the mud until his mother calls him for dinner. He finds a machine to clean him up.

Her book
Wolf, Janet
From the time she gets up in the morning until the time she goes to bed, a little girl interacts with her belongings, family and friends.

Christmas with grandfather
Wolf, Winfried
After the death of his father, Thomas is not looking forward to Christmas. Christmas at his grandfather's house in the country changes that when Thomas receives a special gift.

Wong, Janet S.
Follow a boy along as he observes all the buzz that the morning routine brings.

Alphabet mystery
Wood, Aubrey
Charley's alphabet becomes worried when they learn that little x is missing. They set off on an adventure to find little x and experience a problem when they do.

Elbert's bad word
Wood, Audrey
Elbert has to learn to deal with a bad word that he has just learned. The only way for him to do this was by filling his mind with new, appropriate words to use. These words get him in less trouble.

The red racer
Wood, Audrey
Being too embarrassed to ride her old bike, a little girl schemes to get a new bike. But her family works together to fix up her old bike without having to buy the new one.

The bunyans
Wood, Audrey
A storyteller explains how Paul Bunyan and his family are responsible for Niagara Falls, Bryce Canyon, the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado, and other natural wonders.

Heckedy peg
Wood, Audrey
A mother goes to market. While she is gone, a witch persuades her children to let her in the house. The witch turns the children into her supper, but the mother arrives home in time to save her children and chase the witch away.

The napping house
Wood, Audrey
Grandma, child, dog, cat, and flea are all sleeping on top of each other in the Napping House. The flea bites the cat and a chain reaction begins. The whole house is awakened to see a beautiful day.

What dads can't do
Wood, Douglas
Throughout the day, a dad shows his love for his son by showing him things that he can't do alone such as pitching a baseball very fast, reading a book to himself, fishing alone, and winning at cards.

Sea-fari deep
Woodman, Nancy
The JASON Project is studies underwater life in Mexico. When Dusty finds out about this, she writes the scientists to ask if she can go along. During her adventures, Dusty learns all about deep sea plants and animals. It is the adventure of her life!

My wiggly smile
Woodruff, Amira
Olive wakes up one day and finds that she has a loose tooth! She runs downstairs to tell her parents and keeps wiggling it all day, but it won't come out! At school, Olive talks to a girl named Jordan who tells her about the "My Wiggly Smile" which says to keep track of the teeth she's lost. When Olive gets home, her dad surprises her with a "My Wiggly Smile" book of her own, and they leave for the dentist where Olive's tooth is finally pulled by the dentist. That night, while she is fast asleep, the Tooth Fairy comes to visit Olive, and she wakes up with a gift under her pillow!

We had a picnic this sunday past
Woodson, Jacqueline
Teeka and her grandmather wait fo the arrival of all their relatives at the family picnic. They both fear that Aunt Martha will show up with her dried-out apple pie. When everyone arrives, they have a wonderful feast.

The other side
Woodson, Jacqueline
A fence not only divides two properties -- it segregates two families because of their different cultures. Initial fears from the parents cause them to set rules that will forbid the friendship of their young daughters. Little did they know that their daughters would break the barrier as they climbed the fence together to see the world as it should be, not as it is.

Coming on home soon
Woodson, Jacqueline
A girl says goodbye to her mother who is heading to find work in the city. The girl waits everyday for her mother's letter that says she will be coming home. All the while, the girl remembers her mother loves her more than snow or rain.

Our Gracie aunt
Woodson, Jaqueline
A brother and sister are taken into foster care with their Aunt Gracie. Aunt Gracie welcomes the kids with delicious treats and teaches them how to cook. The kids go to visit their mother and then they return to their Aunt Gracie.

Jumping the broom
Wright, Courtni Crump
Despite their troublesome lives, these slaves find reason to celebrate and be happy. Lettie and her family dance, sing, feast, and play games in honor of her sister's marriage.

Jake goes peanuts
Wright, Michael
Jake refuses to eat anything his parents makes, except for things with peanut butter in it. He ate so much peanut butter in it. He ate so much peanut butter that he finally gets sick of it.

A sky full of dragons
Wright, Mildred Whatley
Lee Chow's grandfather shows him the wonderful items in the magic Chest of Dragons. What Lee Chow really wants is marbles and the Chest of Dragons cannot provide them. Fortunately, the Spring Festival creates good times, friends, and the beautiful marbles Lee Chow desires.

A child story in a south african city
Wulfsohn, Gisele
Presents a day in the life of a child living in Johannesburg, discussing the social life, customs, religion, history, and language of South Africa.

Always my dad
Wyeth, Sharon
A girl does not get to see her father often and she misses him very much. One summer at her grandparents' farm, she and her three brothers spend some very nice moments with their father. She realizes that no matter where he is, he will always be her father and loves her.

Something beautiful
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
A little girl looks out her window only to see broken glass and trash in the court yard. She remembers her mother once told her everyone should have something beautiful. She sets out to look for something beautiful in her neighborhood.

The mother's day sandwich
Wynot, Jillian
Ivy and Hackett decide to surprise their mom for Mother's Day by making her breakfast in bed. They make a real mess. When they wake up their mom, the food spills. She tells them she wants a hug (a Mother's Day Sandwich).