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  • Tags: family
Up home
Grant, Shauntay
A young woman of African decent recalls her childhood in her native homeland of Preston, Canada. She remembers long hot days of summer playing with cousins, singing on Sunday mornings, climbing trees and picking blueberries. Gatherings with her family are special celebrations.

Up north at the cabin
Chall, Marsha Wilson
A little girl spends the summer up north at a cabin with her grandparents and family. Her summer is filled with exploration and activities that she cherishes during the winter months until she can return again.

Uproar on hollercat hill
Marzollo, Jean
The cat family is getting along great, playing games and building things. Suddenly everything goes wrong and everyone is mad at each other. Finally, they work it out and all is well again.

Collier, Bryan
Join this boy's pride as he shares his town's sights and sounds the way he sees and hears them. You'll see Harlem along the river, street, and neighborhood.

Valentine foxes
Watson, Clyde
It's Valentine's Day and four little foxes want to surprise their parents by making Valentines and baking a special Valentine's Day cake. They work together for a special Valentine's Day.

Valerie and the goodnight swing
Lobe, Mira
Little Valerie doesn't like to go to bed. After her bath, she plays in her swing and with each different hat her imagination takes her off to a new place in the world.

Valerie and the silver pear
Darling, Benjamin
Valerie enjoys visiting her grandfather. One day, during her visit, he tells her a story of a pear tree. After hearing the story, they decide to make pear pies.

Vegetable dreams
Jeffers, Dawn
Erin dreams about having a garden. Her parents allow her to share a garden with her neighbor, Mr. Martinez. Erin cares for her garden everyday and enjoys eating and canning the fresh food with her family. She learns that she loves learning and the friendship developed with Mr. Martinez more than the vegetables themselves.

Vegetable garden
Florian, Douglas
A family works together to plant, weed, and harvest their vegetable garden. There are tomatoes, lettuce, melons, cauliflower, peas, and pumpkins to enjoy!

Vera's first day of school
Rosenberry, Vera
It's Vera's first day of school!She is so excited that she is up before the sun. But when she finally gets to the school yard, it is full of older children who scare Vera. When she finally gets to her classroom, with a little help from her mother, it is everything she hoped it would be.

Cannon, Janell
Wild and energetic, Verdi the snake is afraid of turning green and becoming lazy like the older snakes. To keep the green away, Verdi jumps and slithers all around the forest. One day Verdi does turn green, but he realizes it is the snake inside, not the color outside, that makes a great snake!

Duvoisin, Roger
Veronica, a hippopotamus, goes into the city to be different. While she is there, she gets into all sorts of trouble. Everything works out in the end.

Very last first time
Andrews, Jan
Eva, a little girl who lives in an Inuit Village in Canada, makes her first trip under the ice on the Seabed looking for mussels. While under the ice, she makes many discoveries and has an adventure.

Virgie goes to school with us boys
Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
After President Lincoln frees the slaves a man opens up a school for African Americans. All boys attend the school. Five boys that go to this school have a little sister that badly wants to go also. They tell her the hourney is too treacherous. After asking to go all summer, her parents finally allow her to go to school with her brothers.

Voice of freedom Fannie Lou Hamer: Spirit of the civil rights movement
Weatherford, Carole Boston
No woman could be braver and have more courage than Fannie Lou Hamer. For the fearless fight that Fannie demonstrated as the "the country's number one freedom-fighting woman", we learn how her story written in themed prose serves as a chronicle of her life of civil rights. From being the last born of a large Mississippi family to being a speaker at the 1964 Democratic National Convention, Fannie went on to cofound the National Women's Political Caucus. By learning that she had a right to vote, Fannie used her voice to advocate for voting rights for others.

Voices in the park
Browne, Anthony
A typical day's walk through the park is seen through the eyes of a grouchy woman, an unhappy man, a lonely boy, and a happy young girl. An intriguing look at how friendships are made and torn apart.

Wait and see
Munsch, Robert
It's Olivia's birthday and she has one wish. There's no better thing to wish for on a hot summer day than snow. Things get a little out of hand though, and Olivia has to keep wishing to undo her wishes. It proves to be a very exciting day for Olivia - especially when her family ends up with three new babies!

Waiting for baby joe
Collins, Pat Lowery
Missy was waiting for her new brother or sister. The baby came prematurely and had many problems. Missy waited and waited for the baby to get better. Finally, he came home and she was glad that she waited.

Waiting for hannah
Russo, Marisabina
Hannah wants to know how her mother spent her time before she was born. Hannah's mother talks about the hot summer when she got proper exercise, food, and recreation so she could have a good delivery.

Waiting for mom
Tyler, Linda Wagner
At three o'clock, all the students at school went home except for a young hippopotamus. His mother did not come to pick him up so he helped out around school while he waited.

Waiting for mr. goose
Lears, Laurie
When you are a child, waiting can be a very difficult task. Stephen finds a reason to wait in order to rescue a goose from a metal trap. Stephen's persistence with nature brings him a special moment.

Waiting for noah
Oppenheim, Shulamith
A grandmother tells her grandson a story about the night he was born. She tells him about all the things she wanted to do with him when he was older.

Waiting for the evening star
Wells, Rosemary
As Berty grows up, life on the farm is full of simplicity, hardwork, and tradition. Berty's older brother, Luke, has aspirations of traveling to see the world. This makes life a little more complicated for Berty so he wishes upon an evening star.

Waiting to sing
Kaplan, Howard
A young boy loves playing the piano but especially listening to his father play while his mother sings along. The boy's mother also listens to him play. Shortly after the boy, his sister, and his father come back from a vacation at the beach, the mother dies. Playing the piano helps the young boy and his father cope with their loss.

Waiting-for-papa stories
Roberts, Bethany
The rabbit children are frightened because their father went out early and has not yet returned. To calm them down, mama rabbit tells the anxious children waiting-for-papa stories.

Wanted: Perfect parents
Himmelman, John
A boy dreams of perfect parents who would let him do whatever he would like to do. He tells a very wild story about what happens if he was in charge of the house

Warm as wool
Sanders, Scott Russell
Imagine sleeping in a cabin without clothing during the bitter, cold winter. Betsy Ward's three children do not have warm clothing. So Betsy buys sheep in order to give her children some warm clothing.

Wash day
Cole, Barbara H.
Every wash day, Granpa plays his trumpet, keeping the children entertained while Miss. Ett does the wash. This music tradition stays strong until grandpa becomes ill and a tragedy occurs, causing grandpa to pass on his beloved trumpet to begin a new tradition.

Watch out for the chicken feet in your soup
dePaola, Tomie
Joey and Eugene go to visit Joey's grandma. She feeds them a lot of food and they bake together.

Watch the stars come out (Mira como salen las estrellas)
Levinson, Riki
A girl's grandma tells her a bedtime story on Friday night of her mother's journey to the New World. She tells the girl how much she is like her great grandmother.

Waving: A counting book
Sis, Peter
Mary and her mom walk down the street and wave for a taxi. Two bicyclists think Mary and her mom wave to them, so they wave back. Next three boys wave at the bikers and so on.

We are moving
Biale, Rachel
Make a scrapbook on how do you feel before we move. Draw several pictures of how you feel. What does your house look like now?What will our new house look like?What is special to you before we move?

We had a picnic this sunday past
Woodson, Jacqueline
Teeka and her grandmather wait fo the arrival of all their relatives at the family picnic. They both fear that Aunt Martha will show up with her dried-out apple pie. When everyone arrives, they have a wonderful feast.

We hate rain
Stevenson, James
Two children are upset because it rains for two days. Their grandpa tells them a story about when he was young, it rained for weeks and his house flooded. Finally, a man walks in the door and the children see it has stopped raining.

We'll ride elephants through brooklyn
Roth, Susan
A little girl's grandfather is sick. She lists all the positive things they can do when he gets better.

We're growing together
Ransom, Candice F.
Candice's mother marries Howard and they move to a new house. When Candice asks how long they will live there, Howard replies forever and she wonders how long that is. One day Candice realizes how long forever is.

We're making breakfast for mother
Neitzel, Shirley
It's Mother's Day so the kids are making breakfast. They remember everything from the silver tray to the jam for toast. On the way to Mother's room, things begin to fall apart. Mother loves her surprise anyway, and everyone enjoys going out for breakfast.

Wee and the wright brothers
Gaffney, Timothy
An educational story told from Wee the mouse's point of view, of how the Wright brothers succeeded in flight. Wee, an ambitious mouse, tells the story in a humorous yet detailed way of the historical Wright brothers and their flying machine.

Weekend girl
Hest, Amy
Sophie always spends a weekend with her grandparents when her parents take a trip to honeymoon cottage. Every year her grandparents have a special surprise, so she can hardly wait for this year's surprise.

Welcome dede!: An African naming ceremony
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Amarlai has a new baby cousin and he can't wait for her to be given a name. A tradtional African name will tell people where she comes from and which child she is in the family.

Welcome with love
Overend, Jenni
The special day has arrived. A new baby has many siblings who are all very excited for the new addition to the family. Jack, his sisters Janie and Bea, Aunt Meg, Dad, and Anna the midwife are awaiting the home birth of mother's new baby. The family experiences a wonderful miracle as Mum delivers her new baby at home.

Welcome, precious
Grimes, Nikki
A young couple welcomes a new baby to the world, and introduces the baby to the wonders of nature: the rainbow, birds, grass and sunlight. The new baby is also introduced to caring relationships and love- and the pictures illustrate the miracle of it all.

Welcoming babies
Knight, Margy Burns
People celebrate the gift of a new baby in different ways around the world. Babies are welcomed into their families using different customs like singing, kissing, touching, blessing, naming, and other special actions.

Well, i never!
Pearson, Susan
One day things become very strange for a family living in Iowa. Nothing seems to go as planned. They finally figure out that this is because their farm has floated up into the sky. They get their farm back to earth by weighing it down.

Wemberly worried
Henkes, Kevin
A young mouse named Wemberky worries about everything. Now she faces her biggest worry, the first day of school. Find out what Wemberly will do with so many worries to worry about!

Pinkwater, Daniel
Jonathon sees a vanpire mouse. He starts to dress and act like the vampires on television. His parents think he will grow out of it, but he has not yet.

Whales passing
Bunting, Eve
A father and his son go to the beach to whale watch through binoculars. The father teaches his son about the lives of an orca whale and how they communicate. They talk about what they see in vibrant words, colors, and pictures.

What a scare, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
For Jesse, Halloween is an exciting time to carve pumpkins, trick or treat, and scare others. With confidence, Jesse trick or treats but soon gets frightened by all the many costumes. With his own mask he overcomes his fear and scares everyone else. What a scare, Jesse Bear!

What are we going to do about andrew
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Andrew is a child with an unique ability--he can change into a hippopotamus and fly. His parents have a hard time dealing with this so Andrew runs away. Andrew returns a couple of days later, and all problems get worked out.