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  • Tags: family
Valentine foxes
Watson, Clyde
It's Valentine's Day and four little foxes want to surprise their parents by making Valentines and baking a special Valentine's Day cake. They work together for a special Valentine's Day.

Days with daddy
Watson, Pauline
Daddy has decided to go back to school, so mommy is going to go tho work. Vickie, the youngest child in the family, shares her view of her dad as the head of the household.

The heart of the lion
Watson, Pete
An American boy comes to understand and admire the rich culture and traditions of West Africa.

Hurray for the fourth of july
Watson, Wendy
A family shows how they enjoy celebrating the Fourth of July through a series of events like a parade, picnic, and watching fireworks.

Watson, Wendy
Mom and dad move to a new house, but Muffin does not want to move. She eventually decides to try out her new house and finds that it is okay -- even though she and her parents will miss their old house.

Has winter come?
Watson, Wendy
The Bear family gets ready for winter. The children can't feel it coming, so their parents let them help prepare. The children fall asleep and dream of winter.

While the horses galloped to london
Watts, Mabel
Sherman is given a special pot for his grandmother in London. Everyone on the carriage to London thinks the pot is a nuisance. Only when Sherman saves the day was everyone proud to hold the pot.

Voice of freedom Fannie Lou Hamer: Spirit of the civil rights movement
Weatherford, Carole Boston
No woman could be braver and have more courage than Fannie Lou Hamer. For the fearless fight that Fannie demonstrated as the "the country's number one freedom-fighting woman", we learn how her story written in themed prose serves as a chronicle of her life of civil rights. From being the last born of a large Mississippi family to being a speaker at the 1964 Democratic National Convention, Fannie went on to cofound the National Women's Political Caucus. By learning that she had a right to vote, Fannie used her voice to advocate for voting rights for others.

Hunter bunny learns to ski
Weaver, Alexis Rae
Hunter Bunny is eagerly awaiting for winter to arrive and is determined to take part in all the activities that come along with it. He visits his fellow animal friends who teach him to ski, skate and snowboard, but with Hunter Bunny's shorter leg, he is unable to be successful. With the help of his best friend Clark, the two find a way for Hunter to be able to ski in the animal ski race. Determined to win, Hunter Bunny practices day and night for the big competition and it pays off in the end when he brings home the first place ribbon.

Hunter bunny saves Easter
Weaver, Alexis Rae
Hunter Bunny, made fun of because of his limp leg, meets Clark, the duck who has trouble seeing and the two become best friends. The night before Easter, the two find the Easter bunny lying on the ground and it is now up to them to deliver the baskets around town. After successfully saving Easter, the return to the forest to find all the animals praising and cheering for them.

Surprise box
Weiss, Nicki
A girl explores her indoor and outdoor surroundings. She finds ants, dandelions, and a surprise present. She puts all of these things in a box to give to her Grandma as a present.

Matthew wheelock's wall
Weller, F.W.
Matthew Wheelock built a stone wall around his field with great care. The stone wall was his pride and joy and eventually a home and playground for the animals and his grandchildren.

All my little ducklings
Wellington, M.
Seven little ducklings wake to begin their busy day under their mother's watchful eye. They explore swimming, waddling through the barnyard, and beyond.

Noisy Nora (Julieta, estate quieta)
Wells, Rosemary
Nora is always waiting as her parents take care of her siblings, Jack and Kate. To get some attention she decides to knock over and even bring things in the house. Finally, after they tell her to hush, she decides to leave. Will the family notice her absence?

Stanley and rhoda
Wells, Rosemary
Stanley and Rhoda are brother and sister. They have fun in three short stories as they clean Rhoda's room, deal with Rhoda's bee sting, and play with the babysitter.

Max's dragon shirt
Wells, Rosemary
Max does not want to get rid of his old blue pants!Instead he wants a dragon shirt, but his mom did not give his sister enough money to buy one. Max loses his sister at the story and gets into a little mischief.

Waiting for the evening star
Wells, Rosemary
As Berty grows up, life on the farm is full of simplicity, hardwork, and tradition. Berty's older brother, Luke, has aspirations of traveling to see the world. This makes life a little more complicated for Berty so he wishes upon an evening star.

Bunny cakes
Wells, Rosemary
Young Max and his older sister Ruby are making cakes for their grandmother's birthday. Max adds ingredients for his cake to the shopping list, but the grocer doesn't know what it says until Max thinks to draw a picture of what he wants.

The language of doves
Wells, Rosemary
On her sixth birthday Julietta is given a dove by her grandfather, and he shares a story about his doves being used for communication during World War I. Julietta is comforted by the dove after her grandfather's death.

McDuff comes home
Wells, Rosemary
McDuff the dog chases a rabbit and ends up far from home. With the help of Mrs. Higgins, and McDuff's good sense of smell, he is able to find his way back.

Bunny money
Wells, Rosemary
Max and Ruby go shopping to get a birthday present for Grandma. They spend their money on other things however, and don't have enough for what they want to get. Grandma is happy with her present at the end anyway.

Shy charles (Charles le timide)
Wells, Rosemary
Charles is a very shy mouse who does not like to talk to anyone. He likes to play alone, and he hates talking on the phone. One day, his babysitter gets hurt and Charles becomes her hero.

Hazel's amazing mother
Wells, Rosemary
A little girl and doll go through town and buy goodies for a picnic with their mother. The girl gets lost and bullies tear up her doll. Her mom comes and saves her.

Morris's disappearing bag: A christmas story
Wells, Rosemary
On Christmas morning, Morris and his two sisters and brother all get their gifts. Morris's sisters and brother will not share their gifts with him. When they see the gift Morris receives, they want to use it. While they are playing with his gift, Morris finally gets to play with all of their toys.

Good-bye, daddy!
Weninger, Briggitte
Tom gets very upset when he must say goodbye to his father, who no longer lives with him and his mother. He gets so upset that he hides and cries, and then misses out on a hug. But his mother tells him a story of a young bear in the same situation who learns how to resolve the problem.

The lady with the alligator purse
Westcott, N. B.
Tiny Tim ate soap so his mother calls the doctor, the nurse, and a lady with the alligator purse. The lady with the alligator purse cures Tim with pizza.

Peanut butter and jelly
Westcott, Nadine Bernard
Through a rhyme, two little children show how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Apple juice tea
Weston, Martha
When Gran first comes to visit, Polly wishes she would leave so her life could get back to normal. One night, Gran babysits and they have a tea party. After that, there are many more tea parties and special times.

Whitcher, Susan
Sylvie is a little girl who believes that the moon is magic. Even after her parents try to explain how big and far away the moon is, Sylvie still believes that the moon fell behind the neighbor's lilac bush. Sylvie believes that she saves the moon.

A beautiful pearl
Whitelaw, Nancy
The feelings of three generations are shared through the loving story of a girl and her grandmother who has Alzheimer's Disease.

When I heard the learn'd astronomer
Whitman, Walt
A boy is overwhelmed by all the charts and figures about space, but he gets tired of listening to the lectures. He goes outside to look up at the night sky. He is able to make the connection between what he heard and what he sees.

Sammy and the dinosaurs
Whybrow, Jan
While helping his grandmother clean out the attic, Sammy uncovers a dusty, old box. He opens the lid and finds that the box is filled with dinosaurs!Sammy proceeds to care for the dinosaurs. He fixes the broken ones, washes them in the sink, and gives them all names. In reply to Sammy's care, the dinosaurs whisper back, Thank you. Sammy does not let his new friends out of his sight, until one day he left them on a train. Sammy and his grandma go down to the train station to find his dinosaurs. He calls them all by their names and Sammy's dinosaur friends come running back.

The lemon drop jar
Widman, Christine
A little girl visits her Aunt Emma, and they enjoy lemon drop candies together. Aunt Emma tells the story about how she got a lemon drop jar when she missed the sun while away at school.

Fish in the air
Wiese, Kurt
Little fish owned everything that looked like a fish. One day he makes his dad buy him the biggest fish kite. The kite is caught by a gust of wind and little fish is taken into the air and dropped into a fish net in the nearest pond.

Remember me?
Wild, Margaret
Ellie's grandmother doesn't remember very much anymore. For example, she forgets where her keys are, and she needs to pay the electric bill. She does remember one thing though -- Ellie growing up. Ellie and Grandma celebrate with a picnic in the park.

All the better to see you with!
Wild, Margaret
Kate is small, quiet, and no trouble at all compared to her four big, noisy, feisty brothers and sisters. It takes a while for her parents to notice that Kate is nearsighted and needs glasses.

Our granny
Wild, Margaret
While some grannies have thin legs or fat kneees, and some grannies wear pantsuits or baggy underwear, and some grannies drive trucks or write books, this granny is special.

The slumber party
Wild, Margaret
It is an exciting time for eight good friends as a birthday slumber party turns into an all night adventure. A frog named Cannibal, a mouse named Curly, and a yellow monkey make this night a night to remember.

Tom goes to kindergarten
Wild, Margaret//Tegge, David
Tom is anxious and excited for his first day of kindergarten. When he finally arrives, he does not want his family to leave and insists they stay with him. The next day, Tom feels grown up but now his parents do not want to leave kindergarten.

Winter days in the big woods
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Laura and her family prepare for winter as they harvest the potatoes, carrots, peas, onions, beets, turnips, cabbages, peppers and pumpkins. They store the food inside and they have plenty to eat all winter.

The nest
Wildsmith, Brian
Two birds make a nest to hold their eggs from which the baby birds hatch.

Simple pictures are best
Willard, Nancy
A shoemaker and his wife want to have their picture taken for their wedding anniversary. A photographer comes to their house to take their picture. The entire time, the couple keeps adding objects to their photo setting. The photographer keeps reminding them that simple pictures are best.

The mountains of quilt
Willard, Nancy
A young child believes that a magician lives above his grandmother in the mountains. Two worlds that seem so far apart are brought together into one when the grandmother and the magician help each other out.

Knuffle bunny
Willems, Mo
Trixie, her daddy, and her trusty bunny companion are heading to the laundry mat. While there, Trixie helps her daddy sort the clothes. Unfortunately, Trixieメs bunny becomes part of the dryer pile. Trixieメs dad doesnメt realize that the bunny is in the dryer. In trying to get his attention Trixie says her first word. In the end, she and both parents run to retrieve Knuffle Bunny.

Daddy's wedding
Willhoite, Michael
Daniel's daddy marries a man. A commitment ceremony is viewed through the eyes of a child.

Jeremy isn't hungry
Williams, Barbara
Davey tries to feed his difficult little brother, Jeremy, while his mom tries to get ready. Davey tries many things, and finally Jeremy feeds himself.

Albert's toothache
Williams, Barbara
No one believes that Albert, the turtle, has a toothache, because turtles don't have teeth. His family thinks he wants attention and is being difficult. His grandmother visits and realizes that all Albert needs is for someone to believe him.

Chester chipmunk's thanksgiving
Williams, Barbara
Chester was thankful on Thanksgiving. He was thoughtful to think of his sick cousin, Archie. Chester, Archie, and a friend all have dinner together in the end.

Donna jeans disaster
Williams, Barbara
Some of Donna Jean's family members are so sure she will fail in reciting a poem at a school program that they almost convince her that she cannot do it. Luckily, her uncle believes in her and helps her.

Kevin's grandma
Williams, Barbara
A young boy tells tales about visits with his grandma.