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To hilda for helping
Zemach, Margot
Hilda's sister gets jealous when her father gives Hilda a medal for helping out around the house. She tells Hilda that she hopes she loses the medal. Hilda says that if she loses it and it gets buried, it will grow into a tree full of medals.

Today i'm going fishing with my dad
Sharp, N.L.
A young boy is preparing to go fishing with his dad. Preparations include cleaning Dad's tackle box, digging for worms, and preparing lunch. However, as they approach the lake, the boy reveals that he really hates to go fishing because of the mosquitoes, the heat, he has to be quiet all the time, and he has to go to the bathroom in the trees. But because he likes to spend time with his dad, he goes fishing with him.

Together in pinecone patch
Yezerski, Thomas
Keara and Stefan are from Ireland and Poland, respectively, and each tell the stories of their families. They meet in the United States in Pinecone Patch, PA. They overcome deep stereotypes and prejudices to be married and bring two families together.



dePaola, Tomie
Tommy and his grandfather share the same name. At the same time they enjoy sharing time together and playing jokes on one another. One day, Tom gives Tommy some chicken legs because he is a butcher. He takes the chicken legs to school and gets in trouble for scaring a girl.

Tom and pippo on the beach
Oxenbury, Helen
Tom goes to the beach with his dad and his stuffed monkey, Pippo. Tom's dad says he must wear a hat so that he will not get sick. Tom thinks Pippo should do the same. Tom lets Pippo wear his sun hat, and Tom wears a newspaper hat.

Tom goes to kindergarten
Wild, Margaret//Tegge, David
Tom is anxious and excited for his first day of kindergarten. When he finally arrives, he does not want his family to leave and insists they stay with him. The next day, Tom feels grown up but now his parents do not want to leave kindergarten.

Tom in the middle
Amoss, Berthe
Tom's little brother, John, follows him everywhere. Sometimes, he becomes a pest. His big brother Mark can do almost anything. Tom gets mad one day and goes away, but gets scared and comes back home.

Tom thumb
Brooke, L. Leslie
Tom Thumb was a tiny boy given to a ploughman and his wife. Tom has many misfortunes including getting put in a pudding, being swallowed by a cow, and almost drowning. However, he ends his journey at the King's Court.

Tomas and the library lady
Mora, Pat
Tomas and his family are migrant workers who travel between Iowa and Texas to find work. Tomas loves to listen to his grandfather's stories but he knows all of them and decides to go to the library to learn some new stories. The librarian welcomes Tomas in and offers him cold water to drink and stories to read. Tomas visits the library lady whenever he can and even teaches her some of his native language, Spanish. When Tomas' family must leave the library lady gives Tomas a book to take with him.

Tommy at the grocery store
Grossman, Bill
Little Tommy is left at the grocery store and mistaken for items in the store. Finally his mom comes back to get him.

Tomorrow on rocky pond
Reiser, Lynn
A child can't wait to go fishing on Rocky Pond so she can see animals and have picnics. It's a day full of adventure and fun.

Toni and the tomato soup
Haddon, Mark
Toni only likes to eat tomato soup. One day a genie grants her wish for more tomato soup, and she finds out that she can have too much tomato soup.

Too big!
Masurel, Claire
When Charlie and his dad are at the carnival, he wins the biggest prize of all, a dinosaur. His new toy is so big, he can't take it anywhere!Charlie's dinosaur must stay at home while he takes his other toys on outings, until he has to go to the doctor. All of the other toys hide so they don't have to go to the doctor's, but the dinosaur is too big- he can't!After their trip to the doctor, Charlie and his dinosaur are inseperable.

Too hot for ice cream
Van Leeuwen, Jean
On their way to the park, Elizabeth and her sister, Sarah, stop to buy ice cream. However, it is such a hot day that the ice cream melts all over them. Before they make it to the park, it begins to rain so they decide to turn around and go back home.

Too many kittens
Schenley, Ruth Stewart
When a mother says there are too many kittens, the four children in the family must find homes for them. As the children journey, they each find a good home for their kitten by trading it in for another animal. Now there are too many pets for the mother to take care of.

Toothful tales
Courtad, Jeanette
Incisa tells the story of how she and her friends, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo, are attacked by a "sticky sweet" given to them by Grandma. After being covered in sugar, germs begin to attack as they make acid and dissolve holes in Incisa and her tooth friends. Then, Incisa, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo get a pleasant surprise when Grandma brings other things to make the teeth happy; an electric toothbrush and floss! Finally, after a good cleaning, Incisa, and her friends, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo, are once again, all shiny and bright just in time for lunch!

Gonzalez-Jensen, Margarita
As a family prepares their tortillas, they describe the different ways to cook and eat tortillas.

Tortillas and lullabies: Tortillas y cancioncitas
Reiser, Lynn
The relationship between mother and daughter is seen in one girl's family. Each generation of women in the family makes tortillas, picks flowers, washes clothes, and sings lullabies. The little girl does these same things for her doll. This story is told in both English and Spanish.

Treasure nap
Havill, Juanita
On an afternoon when it is too hot to sleep, a young girl asks to hear a story. The story is about her great-grandmother who comes to the U.S. from Mexico, bringing a special treasure.

Tree of cranes
Say, Allen
A young Asian boy learns of Christmas when his mother decorates a tree with cranes for him. She teaches him that it is a day of giving and receiving and he makes a promise to her as a gift. She gives him a kite in return.

Trick-or-treat for diabetes: A halloween story for kids living with diabetes
Gosselin, Kim
Halloween is quickly approaching. Sarah is feeling sad because she knows that she cannot eat as many sweets as her friends. This is because Sarah has diabetes. Sarah and her mother eventually learn that Halloween is not all about candy; it's about having fun.

Trilby's trumpet
Stapler, Sarah
Trilby's brother hides his trumpet because he plays it too loudly. The reader must help Trilby find his trumpet.

Troll country
Marshall, Edward
Elsie Fay Johnson is a little girl who is fascinated with trolls and would like to meet one. After she hears her mother's story, she finds herself in the same situation and must use quick thinking to get free.

Cresswell, Helen
Curious and energetic Emma is constantly being scolded by her mother who forgets what it is like to be a child. Her grandma comes and tells stories about how bad Emma's mom used to be. Emma feels better.

Trouble at the mines
Rappaport, Doreen
With the help of Mother Jones, a famous leader, the miners go on strike to fight for better working conditions and wages. Rosie's family struggles to survive the eight-month strike. The persistant women and miners force the owners to give in, and the strike ends with victory.

Truman's aunt farm
Rattigan, Jama Kim
Truman's Aunt Fran sends him an aunt farm for his birthday. Hundreds of aunts appear at Truman's house. He cares for them until he runs out of room. Truman puts a sign in his yard which says that the aunts are free to good homes. Girls and boys line up at Truman's house and each take an aunt home.

Tshepo rides the bus
Xaba-Mashiri, Zodwa
It is Tshepo's birthday and Auntie Sonto is taking him to the town on the bus. Tshepo loves to ride the bus. However, Auntie Sonto refuses to buy a bus ticket for Tshepo because she says Tshepo is too young.

Tucker flips
McGuirk, Leslie
After Tucker and his brothers are born, they do everything together. The puppies eat, sleep, play, and watch T.V., but Tucker likes adventures. He especially loves the snow, and his ability to flip comes in handy when he goes for a ride on some children's sled.

Tucking mommy in
Loh, Morag
Two girls' mother is too tired from work to tell them a bedtime story, so the two girls tell their own story and tuck their mother in bed.

Tumble, tumble, tumbleweed
Collins, Pat Lowery
A young boy named John finds a tumbleweed one summer day. He treats it like a pet and takes it everywhere with him until people start making fun of him. Then he loses it and his parents buy him some fish so he can have real pets.

Turkey pox
Anderson, Laurie Halse
Charity's favorite holiday finally arrives, Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, she and her family are unable to travel to Nana's for dinner because Charity has come down with the chicken pox. However, Nana solicits the help of four snowplow drivers and she and the turkey arrive just in time for dinner!

Turtle spring
Zagwyn, Deborah Turney
One summer, as young Clee finds herself lost in the shuffle with the arrival of a new baby brother, Uncle Fishtank Hal comes to the rescue when he asks her to care for his special southern-breed turtle. For Clee, caring for the turtle is like therapy to cope with the new changes in her life. That is until the turtle dies due to the harsh cold winter and Clee is forced to bury him out in the yard. Without the turtle, Clee spends time with her new brother and learns to enjoys his company. In spring however, the turtle springs back to like in the compost pile and Clee gains a new outlook on the changes in her life.

Turtle summer: A journal for my daughter
Monroe, Mary A.
A young mother writes a journal for her daughter. This scrapbook-journal explains the nesting cycle of loggerhead sea turtles and the natural life along the southeastern coast, including local shore birds, shells, and a sea turtle hospital.

Turtles in my sandbox
Curtis, Jennifer Keats
Imagine finding turtle eggs in your sandbox! When a mother diamondback terrapin lays eggs in a young girlメs sandbox, the girl becomes a モturtle-sitterヤ to help the babies safely hatch. She raises the teeny hatchlings until they become big enough to fend for themselves in the wild. Then, with the help of experts, she releases them. Along the way, she learns about these unique animals and that she has made an important contribution to their survival.

Beard, Darleen Bailey
Lucille and her younger brother, Natt, play together and use their imagination. They run around and exercise in their yard. While they are playing, a bad storm hits. Their mother puts them in the cellar as she goes to help an elderly neighbor. The storm is a tornado. When the storm is over, the two children find the two adults, and life is back to the way it was: imaginary.

Two by two: The untold story
Hewitt, Kathryn
Noah builds a boat to sail two of every animal for forty days and forty nights. It starts out as a pleasure trip until the rain becomes a problem. All the animals fight but in the end, they learn a valuable lesson never to be forgotten again.

Two dog biscuits
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy and Janet each get a dog biscuit from their neighbor. Since they don't have a dog to give the biscuits to, they go on a walk with their mother to find one. After searching for the perfect dog, they decide to give the biscuits to a cat, who eats them quickly.

Two homes
Masurel, Claire
Alex has two homes because his parents are divorced. Alex has everything he needs at both houses. Although some things are different with each parent, Alex loves his mommy and daddy. He knows they love him too, no matter where they are, together or apart.



Yorkins, Arthur
Many, many years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, there was a boy named Ugh who was looked down on and treated like a slave by his siblings. Ugh tells them he will be famous one day. After seeing a wheel, he invents the bicycle, and because of this becomes the boy king.

Uncle bill's ice cream shop
Krockover, Gerald//Krochover, Sharon
A girl talks about her Uncle Bill's Ice Cream Shop. She describes the different kinds of ice cream and tells of her favorites.

Uncle elephant
Lobel, Arnold
Uncle Elephant comes to the rescue of his nephew because his parents are lost at sea. When the parents are rescued, Uncle Elephant leaves. The nephew promises to keep in touch with his uncle.

Uncle fonzo's ford
Miles, Miska
A young girl is embarrassed by her uncle's eccentric ways. Through a variety of experiences, she realizes that although he is different, he is dependable, and she loves it.

Uncle james
Harshman, Marc
Jimmy's family needs all the help they can get and Uncle James is promising them that help. When Uncle James arrives and brings nothing with him, Jimmy is very disappointed. He realizes that Uncle James needs help in becoming a hero.

Uncle jed's barber shop
Mitchell, Margaree King
This man has a dream. Through a lot of trouble, his dream comes true.

Uncle vova's tree
Polacco, Patricia
A Russian family gathers together to celebrate Christmas in the Russian tradition.

Uncle willie and the soup kitchen
DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne
A little boy has an Uncle Willie who works at a soup kitchen during the day. The little boy doesn't understand what a soup kitchen is so Uncle Willie takes him to work. They prepare and serve a meal to the poor people of the community.

Uncle wizzmo's new used car
Greenblat, Rodney A.
Uncle Wizzmo goes looking for a new used car and it turns out that the journey to the car dealer is just as much fun as buying the new used car.

Uncle's new suit
Passen, Lisa
Uncle Carmen gets a new job, and the entire family goes to the store to help him pick out a new suit.

Uno, dos, tres: One, two three
Mora, Pat
Two sisters go shopping in a Mexican market for their mother's birthday. They count the number of presents in Spanish and English as they go along, and also create a rhyme about the gifts.

Up a tree
Lubell, Winifred//Lubell, Cecil
A cat named Kira, who is very set in her ways is chased up a tree by the neighbor's dog. Kira's family tries to get her to come down but she won't until she's ready -see what the reason is.